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Despite a lifelong commitment to Soft War in recent years; the meaning and models of practicing this term, are not known for many of us. It is because of different historical material of Soft War in West and East; and especially in Islamic Discourse. So theories and management models of Soft War will not necessarily match with Islamic Revolution. Therefore, a very Careful Examination of the Nature, Capacities and requirement of Soft War is necessary; which need to be as Islamic-Iranic as Possible.Since this article is focused almost exclusively on the nature of Soft War in Holy Quran. The Original Idea is to subject the Islamic-Iranian theory of Soft War. For this; author analysis–in the first step-the different conceptual models of Soft War; and then- in the second step-offers some main principles for managing this kind of war.As results: Religious education, Moral foundations of Political Power and Soft Resources of Iran's Power are three important elements in theory and practice of ''Soft War'' against Islamic Revolution. All of these Ideas is explained and analyzed based on Holy Quran.

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Islamism in Turkey has gone through various ebbs and flows over the past century. Yet and in spite of many hurdles and problems, Islamism has grown day by day in Turkey to the extent that, in a country with a secular political and legal framework, an Islamic political party has acceded to power and maintained it over a relatively long period.The rise and flourishing of Islamism in Turkey has been a result of various influences, a salient one of which being the victory of Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979. This analysis is an attempt to answer the question that, since Ataturk's time, what impact the victory of Islamic Revolution of Iran has had on the growth of Islamism and subsequent Islamic movements in Turkey. Our findings suggest that Iran's Islamic revolution seems to have made an indirect impact on the revival, identity formation, and mobilization of Islamic groups in Turkey and has also given particular momentum to the Islamic movement in that country.

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During former three decades, the Islamic Republic of Iran has faced volatility and changes in the basic directions in its policies which have resulted in a kind of imbalance in the policies. The opposite concept of imbalance and instability may be regarded as stability and balance. This paper is based on structural functionalist model of Parsons, in order to illustrate an ideal condition for stability and balance for the Islamic Republic and show Disfunction and Imbalance in the Islamic Republic. In this regard, the balancing function of state, the balance between sub-systems, the balance between social aspirations, the balance between social forces and balance between the functions of government are the bases of stability and balance, which will be discussed in the paper.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the main and considerable points about America’s approach in Middle East after playing role its role performance in this region, especially after WWII, is to determine a coherent strategy free of contradiction toward “Freedom” or “Stability”, “Democracy” or “Security” in the countries of this region. This topic has such significance for White House that Washington always had been forced to confront with a difficult paradox within the six recent decades: the first side of this paradox is US real commitment to principles of freedom and democracy such as the “right to Self -Determination”, “the right to vote” for citizens of middle east at the expense of coming independent and even anti- American groups and governments to power. The second side of the paradox mentioned is establishment of arbitrary and unaccountable governments under America’s influence disrespectful to the citizen’s principal rights in Middle East. On this basis, this article firstly is going to answer this question: Which side of the two paradoxical sides mentioned above, have been chosen by US practically in its strategy for Middle East? Secondly, how this practical commitment has resulted in Washington common policy toward Iranian Islamic revolution (1979) and recent Islamic awakenings in Middle East? The main hypothesis of this article is that preference of Stability to Democracy in the approach toward Middle East within the past six decades has been resulted in America common foreign strategy toward Iranian Islamic revolution and recent Islamic awakenings in Middle East.

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The Present study tried to investigate to what extend the expectations of Iranian University students of the content of the content of the course “Islamic Revolution of Iran” have been met? The research method used was of survey type.Using stratified random sampling, 380 BA students studying at Bu-Ali Sina University participated in this study. Data were collected through a researcher- made. Using SPSS, the data were analyzed by running indeendent sample t-test. The findings indicated that in general, the extent to which the students’ expectations of the materials taught in “Islamic Revolution” about responding to doubts and questions on Islamic revolution was lower than average. The highest amount of expectations met was related to the content Presented about the issues before revolution and its historical roots. The lowest amount of expectations met a was associated with the content presented about the daily issues of Iran and international system. Also, the female students believed more, in comparison to male students, that the contents of the course. “Islamic Revolution” complied with their expectations.

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They hypothesis given here as the temporary answer to the question mentioned above is that the negative and aggressive perceptions of the leaders of the Arab countries of the region form the Principles and bases of Islamic Revolution of Iran have led to the aggressive and hostile approach of these countries towards Iran.In fact the efforts of these to harness Iran is indicative of the concerns of the Conservative and non- democratic Arabic state of Islamic Revolution being repeated in their countries, a mindset intensified by the new wave of Islamic awakening. Islamic Republic of Iran has not been successful in reducing the aggressive approach of the Arab stats of the region which originates from Revolution despite the fact that Iran has not been successful in reducing the aggressive approach of the Arab stats of the region which originates from their misunderstanding of the principles and bases of Islamic Revolution despite the fact that Iran has made efforts to in to introduce its policies as defensive. This aggressive approach and position is more obviously and widely followed by the new wave of Islamic awakeing being materialized in the region.

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Our question in this paper is: What is the ontological and value features of solidarity and unity that Imam Khomeini considers them as divine obligation a sacred and rational and religious necessity? Our basic hypothesis in this study is that in Imam Khomeini's vision, the concept of unity is the whole unit that is formed of coordinated characteristics and features.In Imam Khomeini's vision, the most important of these characteristics and features are: holding fast to divine rope, belief in public Interests, belief to religious school, collective solidarity as social capital, prosperity, believe in the political system. On this basis, value features of Islamic unity as a social capital, make a discourse, that belief in and practice of it separates The Quranic Ummah from other human communities. In this viewpoint, Islamic unity is based on the two wings: the firm and conscious belief and spirituality and the concept a belief and practical process starts from believe in God and will continue up to establish a political system and the Medina and bring people happiness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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