In the weakness period after Ankara War (1402/804), the political-religious movement dependent on the Madrasas, like as Ottoman state, became anxiety and disturbance. Given the fact that, virtually there was not a consolidated and powerful sovereignty to support from them in the Ottoman society, their influential presence in the society was heavily weakened compared with earlier times. This fact caused the Madrasa Educators and the Madrasa movement concluded that in order to advance their religious and ideological goals in society, they had to support the revival of the unity of the Ottoman monarchy. It was important for the Madrasa educators and 'Ilmiyye circle that the application of the jurisprudential principles and religious norms in the Ottoman society, which due to its mostly primitive texture, often tended to non-jurisprudential circles, required political consistency. Therefore, following the revival of the Ottoman political and territorial unity by Muhammad I (816/1413), a significant range of scholars used their efforts to renew their political influence in the rule of Ā l-i 'Uthmā n. Along trying to stabilize Mohamed I sultanate, they provided the conditions for a military encounter between the Ottoman state and the popular mystical movement, which did not have the slightest desire for the political and territorial unity of Ā l-i 'Uthmā n. The issuance of the fatwa of the murder of Shaykh Badr al-Dī n Samā wī by the Muftis and its execution by the Ottoman Sultan, as well as the massacre of the followers of this Shaykh in Anatolia, which were gathered around Tū rlā ķ Kamā l, the disciple of Shaykh-i Sam§ wn§ , including the outstanding powerful presence of the Madrasa educators during the revival of the unity of the rule of Ā l-i #Uthmā n and reign of Muhammad I.