In Iran, during the Zandieh era, the military organization there was not much difference from the Afsharid and Safavid era, so the methods and tactics used by the military forces were in fact an overview of previous courses. In this period the old warfare method was based on the supremacy of the manpower and the brave and heroic warfare. But the use of proper and appropriate methods of battle also played a major role in the victory or defeat of the troops. During the Zandieh era, various methods were used to win the battle such as: therumors of wounding, capturing or killing the commander of the opposing forces, the plundering of the enemy soldiers by giving money andother gifts, starting the war inthe spring, avoiding thebattle in plains and open spaces, using walls and ditches to protect the cities, building fortifications to break the siege andnight attack. If used the methods correctly and appropriately, would have led to victory inthe battles. Zandieh's troops tried to use all of these methods to win the battles. This ledto their success in many conflicts. In the present research, it will be tried to answer the question with using the descriptive-analytical method and reference tothe first-handresources, which has contributed to the success of the military forces of the Zandia forces, especially during the period of Karim Khan Zand. The research'sachievement is that Zandieh army, with the presence of commanding commanders like Karim Khan, was ableto achieve the greatest success in the battle with the proper and timely use of various methods ofbattle.