The 224 to 226 verses of the Poets Chapter discuss those poets who are described as being followed by astray people, rambling here and there, and talking without doing. These holy verses have caused some people to dubiously think that Quran criticizes the poets and is against poetry. The present study aims to examinatie and answer this dubiousness, and wants to provide the true attitude of Quran toward poets. In order to shed a light on the problem at hand, the present writer has discussed different points, which includes how the last verse of the Poets Chapter is allotted, the dark milieu of the poetry at the time these verses were revealed, poetry as a kind of speech, the respect toward poets in the Holy Prophet and infallible Imams' narrations, and suggestion of the true exegesis of the aforementioned verses. In brief, not only Quran does not criticize the poets in a universal affirmative way, but also it enumerates important divine mission for them, mainly composing poems with themes regarding theism, sermons, and invitation of people to the right path.