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By data mining in works of Jahiz, i.e. the Arabic proficient author and scientist in 3rd Hegira century (10th AD cen.), we may find that on most of occasions, he has referred to Iranian culture and civilization. Efforts made by Jahiz concerning to Iranian culture and civilization are to the extent that make him to leave his Arabic dogm and to acknowledge to Iranian deserving position among civilized nations of the world at that time and to introduced it as one of four noteworthy nations in the world at the given period. By pondering on two books of Al- Mahasen Val-Azdad and At-Taj Fi- Akhlagh Al-Moloukwhich attributed to Jahiz, we find that Iranian feasts like Norouz (NewYear holiday on March), Mehregan (Ahuraic festival on October) and Fassad (Pitcher- Throw away feast on June) with all of their customs and rites were held during Abbasid Caliphate with a lot of mirth and splendor and Abbasid kings welcomed such feasts in order to increase their revenue by receiving gifts granted in these festivals.

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Adaption of metaphor and allusion has been always considered as the most valuable literary representations and seved as an appropriate device for benchmarking versification potential in poets. As one of Shiite poets, Seyed Hemyari who has devoted his verse for defense from Al-Ul-Bayt (PBUT) has benefitted successfully from rhetoric images in this field. Despite of its simplicity and plainness in group of outstanding metaphors in poem of Sayyed Hemyari, this may represent a reasonable artistic portrait for his verse and is considered as a faultless and intact sample of a religious plain and cozy verse. Most of imagination states that have been mainly seen in his verse with various concepts and highly characterization are allusions. Before acting as a portrait maker with nature of landscape, his poetical allusions are expressive and assertive. By purposing metaphors and allusions, the poet never intends to create conflict in speech or making the audience wandering, but ideal of his verse is simply extension of concepts, propuses and images of religious poem so in this regard he has succeeded to employ metaphors and allusions. On the one hand, hois verse and poetic pictures are like a full height mirror against brilliant portrait of Ahl-Ul-Bayt and on the other hand it represents nasty and ugly picture of their enemies so that people to manage to be quenched by origin of virtues, traditions (Ahadith) and news from Faultless Imams (PBUT).

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At present, story literature has achieved an extraordinary credit in terms of purposing the foremost and most orginal issues concerning to human as well as the rate of influence and attraction of reader, and this has led to serious attention and efforts made by critics and experts for conducting criticism and analysis on its constituent components and elements from different points of view. Contemporary story has been written based on scientific criteria nd certain rules and it consists of several lements and characters. Element plot is considered as one of the foremost elements in story. In fact, this element serves as framework and skeleton of the story that includes six sub elements: plot tension, conflict, motivation, crisis, climax and resolution.Criticism of the given element for disclosure of layers of story overall structure may be specialy important. In this survey, element of plot in novel "At- Tariq at-Tawil" (literally long way) written by contemporary leading exgyptian author i.e.Naguib Al Keilani has been criticized and investigated.By adaption of some events among of which there is Cause- and- Effect relationship in the aforesaid novel, writer has designed this element and put them in their place by creation of two difficult situations for each of it six elements and generated special coordination and cohesion in this novel and accordingly it is deduced that novel "At- Tariq at-Tawil" may possess artistic reputation and higher technical value because of its author's proficiency and skill in design of plot.

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Body linguistic in general and Cohesion in particular have been seriously explored by many linguists since the middle of 20th century so that in fact it was considered as the essential basis for discourse analysis at next years. By looking at the subjects that were purposed in this new branch of linguistics and comparing it with linguistic researches among Muslims, we may encounter some evidences and works from classic Arabic linguists (those who dealt with syntax, rhetoric as well as critics) where they have paid attention to overall genre in body and cohesive factors. Muslim linguists, particularly in their Quranic lingual surveys have attached the presence of proportion and coordination and tried to find their elements while many cohesive factors purposed by "Holiday" and "Hassan" have been typically considered by them, though they never referred to them within framework of an overall and systematic system from cohesive factors, but they dealt with each of them separately. Similarly, their point of view was slightly different from text- orientation perspective in current linguistics in some of factors like iteration and collocation etc and at the same time we witness exhaustive precision and interference among syntax and rhetoric in some factors like separation and connection. And we are also faced with some occasions in Quranic sciences from scholar view that have the highest proximity and similarity with text- oriented approaches of comntemporary linguistics.

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Undoubtedly, Maqameh (Maqamat pl.) or Rhythmic Composition is one of techniques that have been stemmed in ancient history of Arabic literature and since the beginning of it emergence, several salient and well- known writers and authors appeared in the field of this technique and represented their power and skill in this regard. Of these writers, one may refer to Hariri (446-516h.) and Soyouti (849-911h.). In this technique, Hariri and Soyouti have purposed fifty and thirty Maqameh as reminiscent works in this field.Despite of this fact that in general the final subject of all Maqamat of Hariri has led to begarry and poverty but he has overtaken other writers of Maqameh (rhythmic composition) by showing his lexical power and skill as well as employing speech and prosodic literary terms at his time. One may not compare position and stand of Hariri in this field with any other writer. These rhythmic compositions (Maqamat) are full of colloquial rhythms and metalepsis and different allusions that are important in terms of literary persepective so that many of these phrases and sentences may be observed through rhetoric books. Soyouti does not possess higher position in writing of composition and maqameh. This point is not probable for someone like Soyouti, who has made all his efforts for writing and teaching so no time might be remained for him for well-writing and prosodic advantageous implications, nevertheless, Soyouti has not be deprived from writing in the literary field and rhythmic compositions as well as benefitting from such endless spring. His rhythmic compositions are not certainly at same level with Hariri's Maqamat since a scientific method has governed on most of his writings and they are full of religious texts and quotations from literati and scientists and they are mostly filled with religious admonishments and speeches than a literary technique.

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The first exposure of Arabic world to the western world may be traced at the final years of 18th century simultaneously with Napoleon's Invasion to Egypt that played an essential role in awakening of western world. Literature is one of the areas that have been extremely influenced by this issue where it has been dramatically affected in terms of content by emergence of some great literary figures like Baroodi and Ahmad Shoghi etc while it did not exceed from this extent. But after 1947, by advent of poets such as Nazek Al-Malaekehand Badr Shakir Al-Siab, poetic structure has broken and Free Verse is designated. One of poets that have played crucial role in this field is Salah Abdul Saboor, who has broken structure of classic Arabic verse under the influence by T.S. Eliot and he make every effort to transform the content as well and to serve literature for the sake of human and humanity. This essay is intended to explore and analyze some of foremost innovative components in his verses by employing his poems and analysis on them that is: Paradigm-Phobia, characterization by existansialistic and realistic perspective toward human's problems in society and traditional heritage.

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Viability of verse is interrelated to its multiple layer nature and legibility. Being affected by western poetry and criticism in the middle of 20th century, this trend entered Arabic contemporary verse into a new stage and made it as a field for activity of national and international myths. Badr Shakir Al- Siab was one of premier innovative Arabic poets that he has highly benefitted from mystery and myth in his verse. "Job's book" is one of his odes in which the poet purposes his view to the audience by creation of a group of signs from his considered message. The present survey deals with discovery of the existing signs in ode "Job's book" and analysis on them based on comments and viewpoints from Allen Greimas and examines application of each of the obtained signs out of narrative texture of poem from the view of semantic principles of Paradigm- Phobia, accordingly, the existing signs in this ode within second semantic layer and also due to employing mystery and myth by the poet, it is placed at the deepest level i.e. semantic third layer.

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View 2014

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In the course of development of sciences extent, thoughtful human's specialist mind has shown more opportunity for further specialization of books subject and scientific documents. Researcher human always tries to acquire reliable reponse within the minimum period of time without losing time and interruption the chain of his/ her studies and thoughts.In facing with historical writing and sources where documentation to such books and their use may be relevant in this regard, there is no alternative except for preparation of appropriate key books for each of the subject listed in them and indexed there in alphabetic order. The expansion of sciences range, preservation of originalities, prevention from types of manipulations and necessity of quick access to the given issues are the foremost reason for tendency toward lexicography and it may be said that today ease of access to the aforesaid subjects is the most important reason for paying attention to this technique. Thus, lexicography is one of the technical and scientific branches of information classification that is widely used in the field of applied communication.I may be implied that dictionaries are of the first key books and systematic writings that have been insctribed in a branch of literature and and they possess long historical root. In this course, codification of guide book for Quranic terms is not also a new task or without prior background. Hadith (Islamic Tradition) glossary has no long history but some appropriate and deserving measures have been made to create this glossary that represents an immense movement in this field and requires adequate attention.

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Of yore, literary works have reflected social relationship and interaction in communities. The extent of this mutual impact depends on type of works and knowledge and information of their authors. Golestan book of Saadi that is considered as an example of Persian speech art in both prose and poetry fields comprises of unique collectanea of cute implications in terms of content that resulted from taste, knowledge and experience of their owner.Given that proficiency of Saadi in Arabic language and literature, it clear that the given work to be influenced by arabic literary works and at the same time Arabic works have been affected by Iranian language and culture. Terse and highly meaningful clauses of Golestan in many cases have been adapted as proverbs, are greatly similar to Arabic Exempla. This issue has been considered by Saadi- researchers for some period of time where they have indicated it in many works especially illustrations of Golestan and Boostan. In the present essay, it has been tried to investigate many existing similarities between Arabic Exempla and contents of Golestan that have not been yet implied. Finding of such similarities and their comprehension from different artistic, lexical and semantic aspects may essentially contribute to reading and comprehension of Golestan of Saadi. In this paper, at least fifty samples of common themes among Golestan and Arabic Exempla have been shown that they were not implied before.

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Hashemiatare title of eight religious, sociopolitical and revolutionary odes that have been verified by Kumait Ibn Zeyd Asadi; in fact these odes are considered as the first and foremost work of him and they have been versified approximately fifteen or twenty years after martyrdom of Imam Hossein (PBUH) within the suffocating and oppressive ruling period of Umayyads and they were propagated promptly through Iraq and Syria and echoed within the cities and mosques and thereby shook foundations of Umayyad rulers' oppression and made their versifier famous publicly.In Hashemiat, poet presents some clear and obvious reasons for legitimacy of Ahl-Ul-Bayt (PBUT) in caliphate and succession of Holy Prophet (PBUH). He represents his arguments based on rational criteria and deduces for their demonstration by several verses of Holy Quran. Themes of these odes include eulogy of Prophet's Ahl-Ul-Bayt (PBUT) and implication of their virtues, portraying Umayyad oppression and tyranny, introducing Imam Ali's just rule and encouragement and emboldening the people for uprising and Jehad. In this survey, authors intended to examine Hashemiat and reveal the aforesaid precious thems and introduce higher content of these odes to readers.

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One of the distinctive manifestations of odes at Age of is Jahelid is depiction and description of ridding animal for the Jahelid Arabic man in general and camel in particular, that is friend, attendant and associate for the poet and apparently by allusive borrowing from limbs of symbolic animals like zebra, ox and ostrich etc he/she has sparsely illustrated it. Unlike the technique adapted by prior critics and some of contemporary orators, this paper is intended to interpret variously seemingly- diffusive descriptions from Jahelid Arabic poet from his/her ridding animal in order to reveal depth of links among concepts and their different themes by analysis based on symbolic deciphering and decoding and such symbolic elements to be embodied within a mythical nature. Accordingly, it does not seem probable that in Jahelid ode, camel to be symbol of an ideal poet or human that was linked to camel and it is symbol of power, agility, wisedome, keenness, prudence, sense of responsibility, rigidness and stability etc.

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Benefitting higher perception and feeling than the public, poet and author usually react against abnormanities of community including political, social, economic and religious defects that might have seemed ambiguous and unfamiliar but unacceptable for many of people at his/her time and it might be also followed by some harsh and severe opposition toward him/her. As it is likely that some group place him/her unknowingly in a position that is not deserved to him/her and/under influencing by emotions toward acceptance, but gradually when the excitations are quenched and they are expired, judging about them may be easier so arbitration will approach to expedience further. Manfalooti (Egyptian author) and Al-E-Ahmad (Iranian author) are of that group of writers, who dealt with social issues at their time and some pros and cons were gathered around them. In this abstract, we intend to criticize thoughts from these two social critics in this regard rather than conducting a review and comparison on conditions and positions of women in Egypt and Iran.

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There is no doubt that fantastic whispers and melodies of love terms, which have found its way into sonnet envelope through the body of Arabic poetry and literature and drew poets' attention ever-increasingly and welcomed by them, were followed by a type of verse that was seriously affected by charming and nice odes recited by well-known literary characters at Age of Jahelid. At the beginning of their verses, by orientation of rising and turbulent waves on the endless shores of emotions and feelings, they lay foundations for sonnet frameworks and prepared platform for change and development in literary attitude of poets at the next periods.Following of sociopolitical and economic developments, the Islamic and Umayyad periods which are considered as turning point in Arabic history, neologism and innovation seemed inevitable in poetic themes including sonnet, so that making effort for creation of modern principles and bases was substituted by adaptation of the pre-accepted principles. Sonnet versifiers in Umayyad era organized their own new principles and introduced sonnet as an independent poetic theme while romantic odes at the beginning of poems were not faded away by inspiration from attribute of power honesty and consolidation against modern branches of poetic frameworks and managed to survive dynamically.

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In a survey on development trend of humanities, particularly in the field of Arabic literature, Holy Quran as well as Muslims' efforts for its comprehension and interpretation played an unequivocal role. Quranic implications and assertions to historical subjects and social sciences etc along with employing prosodic innovative techniques provided and required ground but the necessity for attention and research on these subjects. Codification of Arabic difficult lexicons and explanation of their meanings based on Arabs' mutual understandings and interactions are one of the outcomes resultant from such efforts and reasearches. One of the precious achievements of such efforts is book of Kholasat-Al-Loghat (an abridge of languages) of Jonabazi that was written by Mola Mohammad Jonabazi, a great Arabic scientist and leading literary figure. In this essay, after an exploration into development trend of Arabic- to- Persian lexicography, the characteristics of Kholasat-Al-Loghat and its comparison with other thesauruses have been expressed.

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This study aims to show the changes of the image of Arabic/Persian other in the novels of Iranian author, Ahmad Mahmud and Arabic author, Abd Al-Rahman Munif.In this comparative study, we follow the both of American and Russian schools in comparative literature that focus on common and uncommon points between literary works.The study has divided in two sections: "The image of other and its relation with the sympathy and projection" and "The positive and negative images".We can say that two authors draw in a humanistic, pluralistic and far from chauvinism way, the image of the other in which they are sympathize with him in his problems such as the underdevelopment, autocracy and finally the colonialism, as well as they are project his achievements and problems upon the other. This process results from similar live conditions in Persian and Arabic societies. On the other hand, Mahmud and Muif draw a positive and negative image of the other that we can say: It is far from the defamation. Than we can be optimistic toward Persian and Arabic relation's future.

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