Natural resources in our contemporary world are counted as capital, so that protecting them should be the main goal of human activities. Most natural resources scientists believed that the existence and functions of natural ecosystems, not only make the life of mankind get better, but also help sustainable development be achievable. By this concept, In this research the sixteen districts of Shafarood Watershed in Gilan province were studied in 2006 and 2007. By surveying 32 contemplate of districts and determination of annual increments of forest and by using regression analysis, the growth function was presented. In addition; the utilizing function was also estimated and then by crossing these two functions, the optimal points in two cases-open access and private ownership – was discussed.The results of this survey show that the quantity 9.9 m3 /h was determined for maximum growth of Shafarood Forest in addition to this, it was proved that the monopolistic regime is more efficient than a competitive one for managing and making decision for the forest.