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The purpose of this paper is to examine how gender identity showing in "Talkie bar Bad" TV series. For this purpose, Fiske semiotic analysis in three levels of reality codes, technical codes and ideology was used. Two major approaches to gender identity essentialist approach and Constructivist approach and Representation theory of Stuart Halls are used as a theoretical framework for examining this issue. The results show that attention to the role of mother and wife, covered veil, belonging to the family values, the status of the father in making decision, is highlighted as signs of being patriarchal and essentialist approach in our society. The values of education, employment and participation in the outdoors, physical independence, selectivity, Manitou covering, different ties of family tradition as signs of identity constructed, marginalized.

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Speed is the number-one priority in today's world, especially when it comes to communications and transfer of data. Therefore there is a serious need for a deep understanding and recognition of application of technologies for maximizing speech of data transfer.For long, data teleportation was never given the attention it deserved mainly because scientists mistrusted the principal mechanisms involved in that field. However, technologies have advanced beyond one's imagination and what was once a dream has now become a reality; so it now seems more reasonable than ever to redefine data transfer technologies in a manner that is more compatible with state-of-the-art developments.Likewise, the present study, carried out based on a communicational-sociological approach towards the future of society and technology, casts a look at teleportation (data transfer) as a subcategory of quantum physics with such targets as 1. Recognition of technological features of data transfer in scientific fields; 2. Understanding the impact of data teleportation in media; and 3. Understanding the impact of data teleportation in the social context. The study also seeks to offer ways to accept, recognize and use such technologies in the society.This study examines data teleportation in quantum physics through deep interview and document assessment methods and by examining the views of social communication scientists and sociologists based on the Toronto school of thought.The research findings indicated that the views of the experts were contradictory in certain areas; but they were generally optimistic about this technology. Furthermore, a review of the tables shows that the experts were primarily concerned about security issues when it comes to using this technology and view is negatively.

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Radio as a media in Iran, has a longer background in comparison with Television; it contains protracted and long-time experiences and deep memories of Iran's history. Because over the years, radio has been along with the people's daily life as well as in those hard times, difficulties, war, conflicts, tension, peace and... at the contemporary history periods. And the duty of producing programs fell upon its old producers which they can see the farthest horizons’ in the field of media for their 75-year old experience of media experience heritage. This research is a qualitative study based on the ethnography, in order to study the meaning of radio from the view point of radio producers. The method of collecting data in this study, observation, participant observation and interviews. The research was conducted in the years 1394-1393. The population of this research, radio employees in all professions. During the study, five people were chosen from each job and sampling continued until Full saturation. The existing 16-year experience of researcher who has worked at different radio sections for different professions (such as producer, editor, writer, and production manager) has been used for data analyzing in this research. Data is analyzed by using the method of codification and categorization. Research question was: What is the meaning of Radio for its employees? In this study it was found that there are three major groups in radio: The first group is that radio is their love. The second group would have liked radio, But radio is not their love & if there is a better position for them they leave Radio. The third group, Radio is just their job for subsistence living.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Media provide a suitable context for public collaboration and participation by news coverage and informing the security and criminal events in desirable manners and offering appropriate education programs about social security necessity in the society and even learning how to protect property, life and honor. In other words, media are deemed as a new public field for dialogue between people through which they can contact and communicate together. As a result of this close relationship and understanding is caused by humans. According to these communication and closeness between people, mutual understanding is created. And Foes confrontation and violence are eliminated. Therefore, we have investigated role of media in creating urban security from communication sciences and sociology Experts viewpoint in this research. To do this, we have used the Q methodology. And 26 items were made to do the research. It is assumed that the items represent aspects of intellectual security/ cultural Security/ social security/ political security/ values enhancement security. The concepts raised in these items are the independent variables and the respondents agreement or disagreement rates with the content of each item are dependent variables of the study. By using a computer program, Quanel, Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated among 25 Communication Sciences experts and 25 Sociology experts. The Pearson correlation coefficient matrix indicates the correlation level between individual respondents with each other. The Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.038 between the two groups according to the responses average of any group to 26 items in the research which indicates low correlation between their viewpoints with respect to the items of research. Following the correlation coefficients calculation, the factor analysis was performed. Factor analysis is a method through which we can put persons, items and generally the variables that have more similarity to each other on related types. By calculating factor load values of the groups, it became clear that 26 persons were in the first group consisting of 13 communication sciences experts and 13 sociology experts and 24 persons were in the second group consisting of 12 communication sciences experts and 12 sociology experts. The load factor values of each group and the weight values for both groups were determined.Comparing the viewpoints of these groups based on standard scores shows that although they disagree with the content of some items, but on the other 12 items, there are fewer disagreements.

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The research is about water management of drinkable water crisis which is reflected in mass media (Iran and Jame Jam). Also the important goal is to raise public awareness through mass media.Analyzing is the method which is used in this research according to its nature and subject. The above mentioned subject, water. crisis is the issue that statically pointed out in Iran and Jame Jam newspapers during 3 months period in summer 2015. The software SPSS, resulting T tests and comparing were used for taking samples randomly in order to analyze them.Theories of the research refers to the essence of this crisis, also the difference functions of the two papers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between type (genre) and the Satellite Turkish language series and lifestyle. The method of this study is survey of analytical type. The society of this study consisted of female students of Islamic Azad University of Uremia in the first semester of 94-95 educational year which volume of the sample is determined by Cochran formula as 362 and way of sampling was simple random sampling and data collection tool was questionnaire that according to the theoretical framework has been designed by the researcher.Data were analyzed by SPSS software. The theoretical framework of research is based on the views of "the influence of media" such as "cultivation" theory, "media dependency" theory, "social expectations" theory and theory of lifestyle by Giddens and Bourdieu. The results showed that, in general, the majority of female respondents (56.4 %) claim that the effect of the Satellite Turkish language series on their lifestyle is low.

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With the advent of electronic media, print media and subsequent (radio, television and Internet) and different forms of news in the past it has increased the sensitivity and importance. Although the news media and need more sensible to do many things, but compared to the rest of the importance of news it has doubled. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of media coverage on the audience perspective is the Voice of America. The study population included all students of Islamic Azad University in 1393, studying their usual form. In order to estimate the sample size was the use of formula, 119 persons were selected randomly as the sample size was determined and was run over them. Descriptive survey method was used in this study and the research instrument, a self-made questionnaire comprised 25 questions. Cronbach's alpha reliability for all materials on the basis of the questionnaire (25 questions) was equal to 0. 885. The amount represents the internal consistency of the questionnaire is desirable. The validity of using confirmatory factor analysis was used to estimate and 6% of the total variance 66.906 factor to explain the questionnaire., employing experts to form an audience perspective there is a significant relationship.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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