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The aim of the present study was to investigate if the serial Kimiya was successful in representing the protagonist (Kimiya) in her three functions as: as wife, mother and citizen. The second purpose was the prioritization of these functions from the audience viewpoint by descriptive survey method. In this regard participants were randomly chosen from master degree students of human sciences and technical engineering College in Dezfoulazad University. Among them 205 were purposeful random sampling chosen based on stratified sampling Morgan table. We collocated date by library and field study method. We, first determined the three functions of woman; wife, mother and citizen based on Islamic resources. Thus a questionnaire was made as a tool for data collecting with the three functions of woman as its main components. The scale reliability was consented by religion scholars and family thinkers. Scale validity was estimated at 87% by Cronbach alpha coefficient. After carrying out the poll, the data was analyzed by Spss and T test and Friedman Test. Despite the religion scholars who prioritize the function of woman as wife, first, mother, second and citizen, third, participants in this study believe that the function of woman as wife and citizen was more than average and as mother, below average. So, according to the audience the main function of woman in this serial is citizen, a function which is considered a minor one by Islamic scholars.

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The main objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between media literacy and awareness of the social network damages of Regional Information Center of Science and Technology (RICeST) and Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC). Due to the nature of the study descriptive- correlation survey method has been used. For data collection two researcher made questionnaire has been used. The populations of the study indicate all staffs of RICeST and ISC including 160 persons that based on simple random sampling and with use of Krejcie and Morgan table, 113 persons were selected as the sample population. Results showed that the media literacy skills of respondents has been higher than average. There is a positive and significant relationship between media literacy skills and their use of social networks. Also there is a positive and significant relationship between staff’s media literacy and their awareness of the social network damages (cultural, social, family and mental-individual).In today's digital and informational world, the ability of people to have access to new skills and new literacies, such as media literacy, is of particular importance. They need to learn these skills so that they can use the appropriate criteria to evaluate social networks and the news and information contained therein, and use accurate and effective information for their decisions.

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The title of the present research is "the comparative study of correspondence between the film products for children and the requirements of this age group". we have used the context analyzing method with its implicative form through categorical- assessment methods, and we studied on the children films which are broadcast from the channel 2 of IRIB in the 70s and80s as the population, and among the published children movies, Among the films released by the child, twelve available films are selected as samples. The scenes of each film are selected as the analyzing unit, and have been coded and analyzed.After the research, we realized that there is very low correspondence between children film products and their age requirement, The lack of attention to the character allegory in children films plays a key role in the attractiveness and Lack of attention to the rhythm of the scene, which plays an important role in influencing the message and increasing the attractiveness of the movie, is one of the most significant cases. The relevance of the components, such as: the subject, color and music of films published by the child's age and the response to the needs of children, are the ones that are considered in the making of a child's movie.

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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between addiction and stress smartphone with the mediating role of social support were undergraduate students of Islamic Azad University The study population comprised all students to number 1650 According to Morgan table (1972), 315 patients were selected by simple random sampling. Mobile dependency information to assess the scale of the mountain (2009), the Student-Stress Questionnaire (SLSI) (Gadzella, 1991) and social support scale was used Sherborne and Stewart in 1991. Using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of reliability of the questionnaire were assessed by questionnaire addiction to mobile phones, stress and social support to the amounts 0.812, 0.761 and 0.863, respectively Which indicates the validity of the questionnaire were chosen for the analysis of the data, the structural model with LISREL software is used According to the results of the structural model and stress the positive relationship between addiction to mobile phones (coefficient of track0.69) and significant (P =, 6.45) is established The relationship between addiction to mobile phones and social support and a significant path coefficient respectively 0.46- and 8.25, respectively For the relationship between stress and social support as well as a significant path coefficient values are 0.54- and 7.46, respectively The telling of this claim Addiction to mobile phones increased stress levels among students And stress caused by addiction to mobile phone also reduces the amount of social support among students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Language, on the one hand, is the means of communication between people of the community, the central and advanced point of the human communication system, and on the other hand, it is the means of expressing our thoughts and feelings. Persian language with ancient history, culture and civilization has a long and inextricable link. One of the tasks and special uses of computers and smartphones is the creation of spaces and facilities such as SMS services, launching and creating communities and interactive groups through cyber and virtual spaces that link people and groups It allows different linguistic and cultural communities. Sometimes the Persian language used in these spaces has some basic disadvantages. In this research, two newsgroups (115 and 98 members) were selected from the telegram communication network and their sentences were examined based on the standard patterns in three areas: technical, linguistic and rhetorical. The number of examined sentences was 753, which according to the conducted studies; the most non-standard applications were in the field of linguistic, technical and rhetorical, respectively. The first step in correcting communication errors in cyberspace is to inform the users of the type of errors, and later, these language abnormalities should be replaced if possible and benchmarking models.

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In this Article the way of female audiences’ perception and analysis of watching “Omer Gol Laleh” series is studied. There are three main questions that the study answered to: “what are the female audience’s reasons and motivations of watching the "Omer Gol Laleh" series?”, “What is the female audience’s  perception of the text of this series?” to Answer these questions the theories of “Perception”, “Active audiences”, “Media consumption and daily life”, “Community concept” and “Ritualization of society” is  used.To study the audiences’ sociological behaviors and watching patterns, the “qualitative research” method and “depth interview” technique is used. The statistic sample of this research consists of 20 persons from the 20to 50 years-old- female audiences.The results show that the audiences chose this serial with different reasons such as becoming calm, escaping from difficulties, entertaining, and getting familiar with other cultures. According to their daily habits, Female audiences have different perception from this series. Constant watching of this series has made some opportunities to them to talk to each other about the series. Female audiences, with the help of the stories’ characteristics, released from their routine life and entered to an ideal one. Cooperating with the ideal life of the story is enjoyable for the female audiences. The imagination that exists in this series entered to their lives and finally became their ritual habit.

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This research analyzes the views of marketing managers regarding their strategies in using social networks. The purpose of this study was to develop a conceptual model of marketing in social networks from Taylor and O kazaki (2013), Based on the characteristics of Internet businesses in the country and determining the benefits and barriers to marketing strategies for businesses in this space. To this end, researchers have used the theme analysis method. Data gathering is based on in-depth interviews with 13 marketing managers of companies using social media for advertising.This research, using Taylor & O kazaki (2013), developed a conceptual framework for marketing in social networks, to demonstrate the proper understanding of the role of social networks in marketing in the three main themes of network capability, image transfer and personal development, and 18 sub themes. Sub themes were Creating and maintaining customer engagement, creating new resources, increasing social capital, low advertising costs, increasing the speed of the operation of ideas, unlimited marketing capacity, widespread social networking, social networks for brand reputation, negative image transmission, Failure to create and promote a brand on social networks, increase advertising prompts, increase brand loyalty, social networking, culture, increase the return on investment in social networks, easy access to the audience, the use of effective messengers and audience attachment to social networks.

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According to the UNESCO’s report, medial literacy and information literacy should be considered as the two main rights of human. UNESCO also pointed out that media literacy and information literacy play have the great importance in the twentieth century. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to Comparison and study of media literacy and information literacy among male and female students of Ardebil’s medical Science University. Survey-analytical method was used as the research method. Research tool included Ashrafirizi & Questionnaire (2013). Validity was confirmed by experts in information science and knowledge science by 79/0 percent. Reliability of the questionnaire was achieved by Cronbach's alpha with 89/0 percent. The study population consisted of students of Ardebil’s medical Science University. In this study, stratified random sampling method was used and the sample size was 322 people, according to Cochran formula. Collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics of Tukey test and ANOVA. Result showed that the mean of media and information literacy among students of Ardebil’s Medical Sciences University was 3.45±0.54 which is above average and relatively high. The results also showed that there was no significant relationship between degree usage of media literacy and information literacy with gender.

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