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Today, in the children and adolescents' literature and especially in field of writing the story attention should be paid to creating stories for children and adolescents which include educational, social and ethical issues in addition to being entertaining  and motivating children aesthetic sense. So, children are guided on the way of their individual identity discovery and life purpose. Also, they learn needing some experiences for developing their personality. The aim of this article is to survey Houshang Moradi Kermani's "Majid' stories" in social and educational aspects. The author relates social issues and the dominant problems in society by using the beautiful and artistic satire. Information on the social conditions has an educational role in efflorescence of adolescents' intellectual and cultural development.

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"Love" is the mystery of existence and the away of knowing its creator. In the literature of all the worlds nations, love is an endless story that becomes more interesting and newer when it is repeated. A comparison of "Love" in the poems of John Donne, the English poet, and Molana Jala-l-din Mohammad Balkhi, the Persian poet, is an opportunity to be familiar with their opinions, thoughts and attitudes about "Love". Comparative literature is a new way for understanding the human's feeling and emotions. Today, human being needs real love and affection more than before. And it is better to convey the phenomenon of "Love" through such thinkers and poets like John Donne and Molawi to the young.

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One of the most outstanding issues that has drawn the attention of all Gnostics and philosophers is "Love". They believe "love" to be the basis of the world and that due to which all living beings are in movement, and all move towards God, who is the source of love. In the works of Molana-Jalaloddin-e-Balkhi and Molla- Sadra, "love" has the central role and the similarity of their viewpoints can be observed in Masnavi and Asfar. "Value of love", "flowing of love in the world", "attention to trope love", "chastity in love" etc. are issues that Molana and Molla- Sadra agreeon, and the only difference between their views is whether trope love belongs to body or soul.In the present work, after an introduction to love, attempt has been made to display the difference, and the Similarities of the viewpoints of Molana and Molla-Sadra.

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Teachings and moral advices make up a category that is not confined to a special time, a certain place or a particular religion. They have been expressed in various ways. At different times and in different religions, The present work is an attempt to study some parts of pursisniha, one of the important scripts of Middle Persian languages (Pahlavi) to identify the important moral points contained in the book. Most of the writings remained from Middle Persian, specially Andarznameh, religious encyclopedia, philosophyical and rhetorical texts, and religious and legal rules, emphasize the value of moral behavior. They advise man to seek goodness, to be generous and to abandon sins, all of which have been reiterated in all religions and in all eras of history.

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Philosophical questions were seen in Persian poems long ago, from Roodaki and Ferdosi times to the contemporary period .However, they manifest most in Khayyam Neyshabury's quatrain, the philosopher and the poet. These questions, which always have always been raised by humans ,are about philosophy of creation, life and death. The questions are: where did the human come, What did the human come for and Where Will he/she go to?Among the contemporary poets, Khayyam contemplations, including  Philosophical questions ,have special place in Akhavan Sales poertry in such a way that this feature can be considered as a stylistic characteristic in Akhavan's poetry .In this paper, analysis of philosophical questions has been studied in Akhavan poetry in terms of content and form. concerning form ,the correlation between questioning and language, and also the way of narration and termination has been studied in poetry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present article deals with Ein-ol-ghozat's borrowings from Ahmad Ghazali concerning the expansion and utterance of meaning, the mysteries and truths of love as well as the commonalities of these scholars regarding love. First, the authors have referred to their commonalities in the theme (Love) and its manners in Tamhidat and Savaneh-al-oshagh-totally about love-quoted the effect of Ahmad Ghazali’s mystic thoughts on Ein-ol-ghozat that have been crystallized in Tamhidat. Then we have referred to Ein-ol-ghozat's type of borrowing from Ghazali that include shared works, meaning, and concepts. Needless to say, mystic thoughts of Halaj have been conveyed to Ahmad Ghazali and from him to Ein-ol-ghozat Hamedani. The three people have always been the advocators of the realm of Iranian Islamic Gnosticism.

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The most important studies in every science, is study of its historical evolution. By means of this study, the formation and various stages of that science, is characterized and ups and downs of it will appear.Sufism is an important part of Persian language and literature and without this analysis, understanding and study of language and literature especially in the field of mysticism would be incomplete.The study of evolution of Sufism is a subject that is less paid or has not been studied in this way. Therefore, addressesing this need, this paper, has revealed the important characteristic of Persian language and literature via studying Sufism, especially.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The divine natured precursors and the speakers, who seek for the reality and truth, consider the blessing "there is no god excep Allah/God" as one of the means and bases necessary for excursion and achieving the world of certainty. They believe its neglecting is a hindrance preventing union. The conscious remembrance of the beloved causes the one who paves the way of truth to renew his servitude treaty with his creator and beloved and to refresh the sweetness and joy of union time in his being.The righteous, truthful people are always resolved to pray the best blessings with all their heart and sole and that involves the negation of all except the God. Its indicator is [no(no god)] and the affirmation of God, s oneness represented by (except Allah/God) because as far as the belief in anything rather than God and duality has not been removed from the heart by the [except (except Allah)] broom, we are not allowed to enter the[except (except Allah)]  limit, illuminate our heart and, make it a place for the light of Allah.The author is going to shortly review the blessing from the point of view of some poets and Gnostics and then to briefly investigate the terms no and (no god) and their association with [except (except Allah)] in some of the Gnostic texts in the introduction section. Then the author will refer to their application and the beautiful, excellent images of them that Molana depicts for the insightful people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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