Let G = (V,E) be a connected simple graph. A labeling f: ® Z2 induces two edge labelings f+, f*: E® Z2 defined by f+(xy) = f(x)+f(y) and f*(xy) = f(x)f(y) for each xyÎE. For iÎZ2, let vf (i)= |f-1(i)|, e f+ (i)= |(f+)-1(i)| and e f* (i) = |(f*)-1(i)|. A labeling f is called friendly if |vf (1)-vf (0)| £1. For a friendly labeling f of a graph G, the friendly index of G under f is defined by if+ (G) = e f+(1) – e f+(0). The set {if+ (G) | f is a friendly labeling of G} is called the full friendly index set of G. Also, the product-cordial index of G under f is defined by if*(G) = ef* (1) – ef* (0). The set {if* (G) | f is a friendly labeling of G} is called the full product-cordial index set of G. In this paper, we find a relation between the friendly index and the product-cordial index of a regular graph. As applications, we will determine the full product-cordial index sets of torus graphs which was asked by Kwong, Lee and Ng in 2010, and those of cycles.