A graph is called circulant if it is a Cayley graph on a cyclic group, i.e. its adjacency matrix is circulant. Let D be a set of positive, proper divisors of the integer n > 1. The integral circulant graph ICGn (D) has the vertex set Z n and the edge set E (ICGn (D)) = {{a, b}; gcd (a – b, n) Î D}. Let n = p1p2….pkm, where p1, p2, …., pk are distinct prime numbers and gcd (p1p2…pk, m) = 1. The open problem posed in paper [A. Ilic, The energy of unitary Cayley graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 431 (2009) 1881-1889] about calculating the energy of an arbitrary integral circulant ICGn (D) is completely solved in this paper, where D = {p1, p2, …., pk}.