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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to develop a model of psychological well-being based on Nahj al-Balagha's approaches. The methodology of this study was qualitative content analysis based on hermeneutics and used tools, wisdom and preaching of Nahj al-Balagha's book which was studied based on the hermeneutics method of Nahj al-Balaghah wisdom. The researchers initially studied the foundations of psychological well-being based on the viewpoint of Imam Ali (PBUH).After the author's intention (Imam Ali (pbuh)) was confirmed and finalized through the hermeneutic method, the author's findings were determined. Data were encoded using MAXQDA software in two stages. In the first stage, the same coding was opened, 139 categories were extracted and then in the second stage or the central coding of the constructed categories close to each other were merged and the final coding was selectively extracted BecameThe findings of the final codification were obtained in 10 components including: Thanksgiving, valority, knowledge of the Creator, certainty, happiness, courage, hope, satisfaction, confidence and freedom The results of this study show that the teachings and wisdom of Nahj al-Balaghah are consistent with reason and reason and in many of the teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah, special attention has been paid to promoting mental health. Also, the extracted components of Nahjolbalagheh have a direct and significant relationship with mental health, in addition to the extracted concepts, are consistent with theories of psychological well-being such as Dyinger, Reef, Seligman and some other studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The original objective of this research is to inspect and determine the role of responsibility in social education of adolescent people according to Tafsire Al-Mizan. The method used in this research is analyzing the content of Tafsire Al-Mizan. The intended research community is the Quran and its interpretation, and the research sample is the Tafsir Al-Mizan; The sampling method is also a census of Quran verses. Research findings: responsibility means being questioned for what we have done about duties which has been given to us to accomplish. man, for himself, society and his God are obligated to do several duties. Amongst necessities of social responsibility, we can mention to authority, knowledge, individual and collective will, possessing power and ability, opposite trends, pre-operative selection. Amongst functions of responsibility we can express the relationship between individual and society, social understanding; One of the most important foundations for growth is responsibility, because if the social character is not properly trained; Leading to disturbances such as depression, pessimism, Stress and aggression in teenage social relationships will be with others. To grow the component of responsibility in social education adolescent Use methods such as: having independence, modeling, social monitoring over performance, carrying out duty with order, creating space for making decisions and facing the result of the action It seems to be functional. The purpose of responsible upbringing of teenagers is that adolescents by recognizing trusteeships and obligations to it accept providence of god in life and will be responsible for it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present research has been conducted with the aim of recognizing the behavioral patterns making progressive the problems of marriage in Iranian community. The method of the research is qualitative and is a practical one in terms of the objective. The statistical population of the research is couples referring to one of the clinics of district 3 of Tehran. Sampling was conducted intentionally and randomly and 25 couples aged 30-60 were studied. In order for gathering data, semi- structured interview and for data analysis the continuous comparison method in Strauss and Corbin theory within the three levels of selective, axial and open coding was used. The results indicate that the behavioral patterns making progressive the problems of the couples are divided into the three classes of triangular, complementary and symmetrical patterns. This research has led to a deeper and more accurate recognition of the problems of couples and this way, it is possible to provide proper consulting solutions for improving marriage.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aims: The present study was conducted with the aim comparison of the effectiveness of meta-emotion based couple therapy with narrative couple therapy on adjustment and cuople Burnout in conflicting couples. Materials & Methods: This research is a type of experimental study with pre test - post test design and control group. The statistical population of the study included all incompatible couples referring to the family court, dispute resolution councils and Tabriz counseling centers during the autumn of 2015.To select the statistical sample among couples are eligible to enter the study were selected 24 couples (48 people) and were randomly assigned into two experimental groups and one control group and then Was implemented meta- emotion based couple therapy and narrative couple therapy during 8 sessions of 90-minute for the expremental groups. To collect research data, it was used of Pinez burnout scale and dyadic adjustment scale In both preand post-test. Data analysis was performed using multivariate analysis of covariance in SPSS. findings: data analysis showed that the group receiving meta-emotion based couple therapy compared to the group of narrative couple therapy and control group; and also the group receiving narrative couple therapy versus control group average scores had increased in the marital adjustment and decreased in the cuople burnout. Conclusion: According to the results meta- emotion based couple therapy regarding to their compilation nature and the use of the principles and principles of the various therapeutic theories comparing the narrative couple therapy it has more efficacy on increasing marital adjustment and reducing cuople burnout of conflicting couples.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Parent-child relationships affect the various aspects of adolescent development and social identity is one of the dimensions of identity that affects the life of the individual and society. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between social identity and the quality of parent-child relationships among the girl students of secondary high school and to determine the difference between mother-child and father-child relationships as an important predictor of social identity. For this purpose a sample of 319 adolescent girls from the secondary high school in Yazd were selected randomly in a multi-stage cluster sampling method to participate in research. The instruments used in the research included parent-child relationship questionnaire (PCRS) and Social Identity Questionnaire. For data analysis, Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used. The results of the study showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the quality of relationship with the father and the social identity of the girl adolescents (r = 0.26, P = 0.001) and the quality of their relationship with the mother(r= 0.18, P = 0.01). Regression results showed that just the quality of relationship with father (P = 0.001) could significantly predict the social identity of adolescent girls. As a result, the relationship with the father contributes more to predict the social identity of the girls.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to investigate the mediatory role of the achievement emotions in relationship with Attributional styles,, task value and academic burnout to illustrate the relationship between research variables in the causal model. The research population consisted of all students of Alzahra University in Tehran, among them 300 students were selected through random multi-stage cluster sampling. The instruments for data gathering were: a short version of the achievement Emotions Questionnaire (PEGQ), Goetz & Perry (2005), Attributional styles Peterson Lawyer, Simlle, Beyer, Abramson, Metalsky and Siligman (1983), Pintrich's and Devertro's (1998), and the Academic Burnout Questionnaire (Salmela Arrow et al., 2009). The validity of the questionnaires were confirmed by statistical factor analysis. To examine reliability of the measures, Cronbach alpha coefficient was used. Two hypothetical models were tested by path analysis. The indicators of the results showed that the goodness of fit statistics are very suitable in both models. . In the mediating model, positive emotional was 39% of academic burnout and 36% for positive emotional variance and negative emotion was mediated by 42% of variance of academic burnout and 38% of negative emotion variance. Implications and suggestion for future studies are discussed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: As the first time in Iran, the current research was done to evaluate the predicting model of life quality based on mindful eating with mediation of body-image and eating behaviors among married women with overweight and obesity of Ahvaz.Methods: The research design was correlational descriptive. Among 625 applicants, 400 individuals were recruited through advertisment invitation and informed consent using inclusion-exclusion criteria and purposive-available sampling method. Mindful Eating Questionnaire, Body Image Concern Inventory, Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire, and World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and Structural Equation Modelling and via SPSS-25 and AMOS-24.Findings: The results indicated that there were significant, positive relationshipss between mindful eating with life quality and there were significant, negative relationships between body-image and eating behaviors with life quality. Also, the results of fittness indices of the model supported the proposed model with one modification index.Conclusion: The current research showed that psychological factors (e.g., mindful eating, and body-image) and behavioral factors (e.g., eating behaviors) may lead to improved life quality among married women with overweight and obesity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy on Catastrophizing and mental rumination in mothers of mentally retarded children. Semi-experimental and two-way pre-test and post-test design were used to conduct the research. To this end, the community of mothers with mentally retarded children was selected in the 5th district of Tehran and 24 persons were recruited. After answering the research tools, they were randomly assigned into two experimental and control groups, while the experimental group Dialectic behavioral therapy interventions were received for 8 sessions of 1.5 hours, the control group did not receive any training. In this research, Garnsfaki, Greejeh and Spinhaven (2001) and Ruminative response scale (RRS) were used for collecting data. Finally, data were analyzed using covariance test. The results of post-test confirmed the significant reduction of the participants in the experimental group in ruminant and catastrophic components. Based on the findings of the study, dialectical behavior therapy had a significant positive effect on the reduction of catastrophizing and ruminating in mothers of mentally retarded children and can be used to improve the mental status of this group.

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The present study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of emotion regulation training based on Gross's model on the reappraisal and emotional Suppression in the soldiers with opioid use disorder. The design of the study was semi-experimental and has performed in a pretest-posttest format with a control group. All the soldiers who were under the methadone maintenance treatment at the medical clinic of Kerman Air Force Base were the population of the study. Using random sampling Method, 40 soldiers were recruited as the sample members and then divided into experiment and control groups accidentally. After separating the groups, the experimental group members received 8 sessions of emotion regulation training (90 minutes per a session) based on Gross's model. And, at last, posttest conducted for both group members again. The analysis of Covariance test was employed for the data analyzing. The result of the study indicated that, the emotion regulation training has been effective in increasing the reappraisal, and decreasing the emotional suppression in experiment group members. In regard to the findings of the present study, it can be conclude that, emotion regulation training, by increasing the adaptive strategies (reappraisal), and decreasing the maladaptive strategies of regulating the emotional experiences (suppression), is able to prepare a propitious condition for treatment of opioid use disorder.

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Background & Aim: Academic anxiety affects all aspect of student's life and seems that plays a central role on the social adjustment, emotional intelligence and motivational strategies. The aim of study was to prediction of academic anxiety Based on social adjustment, emotional intelligence and motivational strategies among students of Islamic Azad University.Methods: In this correlation study 130 M.A. students selected by convenient sampling method from Islamic Azad University Varamin Branch. The instruments were social adjustment questionnaire, emotional intelligence questionnaire and motivational strategies for learning questionnaire. Data were analyzed by stepwise regression analysis method.Results: The findings showed that social adjustment, emotional intelligence and motivational strategies self-efficacy and help seeking have a significant relation with academic anxiety. These variables predicted 42 percent of variance of academic anxiety. Self-efficacy had the most contribution in prediction of academic anxiety.Conclusion: The results are due to the importance of social adjustment, emotional intelligence and motivational strategies self-efficacy and help seeking variables in predicting academic anxiety in students. Therefore paying attention to this variables have crucial role in predicting academic anxiety.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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