The centrality of the Prophet sī ra (biography) in Islamic culture and civilization, which includes the role of the intermediary of the Prophet in receiving the revelation and the human, social, and cultural-civilizational formation of it, requires that firstly, the various aspects of this sī ra are known and secondly, its anthropological, moral and sociological principles, and, in general, its function in Islamic culture and civilization, are to be derived for making a culture and civilization. This will not be achieved except in the light of the requirements and identification of various kinds of the sources of the Prophet Sī ra. The purpose of this article is by a holistic view and content analysis method to explain the religious-civilization requirements of the source's identification (based on the various aspects of his personality), the recognition of its varieties. Important and well-known books on Prophet life include three types of Sī ra and Maghā zī , general Chronicles, and the local Chronicles of Mecca and Medina, which are excluded from this study. Instead, such types as the Qur'an and its interpretations, hadī th collections, biographical dictionaries, Futū ḥ (conquests) and Kharā dj (land taxation) books, as well as geographical and theological works by the seventh century AH, which have been less studied or neglected in SĪ RA studies, are examined.