In this note we discuss intertwined subsets of real line. We show that if two disjoint non-empty subsets A and B of real line possess the same boundary, then they are intertwined subsets if either A and Bcontain no intervals, or if they contain intervals, then they contain the end points of the intervals. In continue, by presenting new definition of intertwined sets of type two, we show that if A and Bare intertwined sets, then either AC or BC are intertwined or they are intertwined sets of type two.Next we show that if f is a 2¥ function on I=[0,1]with a unique infinite w-limit set, then the w-limitset is a cantor set. Finally, we discuss conditions that the set {x Î I: card(w (x,f)) <À0} is dense in I = [0,1] .