Self-medication is a common health issue throughout the world, especially in developing countries that have a greater level of drug-resistance. The present study was conducted with the aim to evaluate self-medication in the elderly using constructs of health belief model (HBM). In this study, 180 elderly were randomly selected from 4 urban care centers. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire based on HBM and self-medication, and analyzed by using SPSS and Chi-square and logistic regression tests. The results revealed that 99.4% of the elderly kept medicine in their homes, and used them in common cases of high blood pressure, cold, and muscular and joint aches. Self-medication in the elderly was found significantly related to history of chronic diseases, knowledge, self-efficacy, benefits, barriers, and perceived intensity. According to the present study results, use of HBM is recommended to design educational programs aiming to change behaviors and reduce habitual self-medication.