Considering the importance of mineral elements in nutrition of grazing livestock in the rangeland and changes in the amount elements in different phonological stages plants, awareness ranchers and range managers of these changes for planning of correct entry and exit livestock and needs nutritional of grazing livestock range at different times grazing season is essential. In this studyamount six macro elements Ca, Mg, P, Cl, Na and K, and five micro elements Fe, Cu, Zn, Co and Mn, in eight rangeland forb species Prangus uloptera, Medicago sativa, Lotus goeblia, Trifolium montanum, Sanguisorba minor, Stachys inflate, Melilotus officinalis and Ferula ovinaused for sheep at vegetative, flowering and seeding stages were measured. To determine effect interaction ofspecies and phonologic stage, two – way variance analysis were used, and where interaction between species and phonological stage was significant, the Duncan test was used.The results showed; with advancing stages of plant growth, amount macro and micro elements were decreased, and between amount of Zn, Cu, Mn, P, Cl, K and Na eight species studied in different phonological stages was not significant difference, but between amount of Mg, Ca, Fe and Co eight species in different phonological stages there was significant difference in the level of 99%.