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In this study effective substance amount of essential oilAchillea Santolina plant Has been examined in Karsang rangeland Chaharmahal-Bakhtiary province for determining Chemical properties.Achillea Santolina plant is a perennial plant of Asteraceae family that has 30-50 height, straight stem with wide or line fuzzy leaves. For this purpose, some samples were collected at vegetative stage.Essential oil and extracting obtained by using Clevenger device and steam distillation method. For determining and analysis essential oil was used GC and GC-MSS device.Identification components was considered using the retention time, kovats index and so on. According to results, fiftyseven compounds were identified in the Chemical components concluded 88.32 % of the total Chemical components. The major components were camphor (17.98 %), isoborneol (13.14 %), Cineole-1.8 (12.40 %) and caryophyllene oxcide (7.32 %). pay attention to chemical components of this plant, this plant can use in various industries such as pharmaceutical and hygienic.

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There are relations between water basins and alluvial fans as important forms in arid and semi an arid region which show the dimensions of alluvial fans and also indicate the impacts of different factors in the formation of alluvial fans quantatively. With respect to the fact that the dimensions of alluvial fans are under influence of their morphometric factors of watershed basins; this research used morphmetrical features to find the most suitable model in the southern slops of Alborz Semnan province. For this purpose, 44 water basins and alluvial fans associated with them were determined using 1: 500000 topographic maps. Also for more accuracy Google Earth Pro6 software, were used. In the next stage, 11 watershed physiographic characteristics were obtained including: area, perimeter, mean of height, elevation, gradient, basin length, total length of waterways, and length of the main channel, basin shape coefficient, main channel gradient, and drainage density with the help of Geographic Information System (GIS).Then relationship between alluvial fans Dimension as a dependent variable with the quantities of basin morphology as independent variables were analyzed using SPSS software and multiple regression. The results indicate that among the independent factors, the variables of area, perimeter, length, area, channel length, main channel length and the density of water drainage basins, had the most influence on the development of alluvial fans respectively and able to find a regression model.

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Due to the growing population in arid and semi-arid region, limited water resources is increasing. So, the use of unconventional waters is counted as an important tool in the management of water resources of arid areas. In this regard, the use of urban wastewater for irrigation combined with combating desertification projects are cases that need be investigated. The effect of such water on soil physical and chemical properties is very important. In recent decades, because of the ability to process simulation artificial intelligence techniques have many applications in different fields.Gene expression programming (GEP) is counted as component of evolutionary algorithms and is able to optimize the structure of the model and its components. In this research, the ability and accuracy of gene expression programming was evaluated for simulating the sodium, pH and electrical conductivity changes of soil in land irrigated with wastewater and non-irrigated land in Qom plain. For modeling soil chemical properties change, randomly the 70% of the observed data on the electrical conductivity, pH and sodium were used to determine the appropriate model; the rest of data were used to calibrate the models. Soil chemical parameters and wastewater treatment were selected as independent variable and function, respectively. The results of compared gene showed that gene expression programming has modeled soil chemical properties changes. In the best model performing, the highest amount of determination coefficient was estimated 0.97, 0.96 and 0.97 for electrical conductivity, pH and sodium respectively.

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Considering the importance of mineral elements in nutrition of grazing livestock in the rangeland and changes in the amount elements in different phonological stages plants, awareness ranchers and range managers of these changes for planning of correct entry and exit livestock and needs nutritional of grazing livestock range at different times grazing season is essential. In this studyamount six macro elements Ca, Mg, P, Cl, Na and K, and five micro elements Fe, Cu, Zn, Co and Mn, in eight rangeland forb species Prangus uloptera, Medicago sativa, Lotus goeblia, Trifolium montanum, Sanguisorba minor, Stachys inflate, Melilotus officinalis and Ferula ovinaused for sheep at vegetative, flowering and seeding stages were measured. To determine effect interaction ofspecies and phonologic stage, two – way variance analysis were used, and where interaction between species and phonological stage was significant, the Duncan test was used.The results showed; with advancing stages of plant growth, amount macro and micro elements were decreased, and between amount of Zn, Cu, Mn, P, Cl, K and Na eight species studied in different phonological stages was not significant difference, but between amount of Mg, Ca, Fe and Co eight species in different phonological stages there was significant difference in the level of 99%.

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Rainfall Runoff models is an important tool in the study of water management of the watershed Different hydrologic processes such as: infiltration, soil storage, percolation, and groundwater storage are considered to simulate runoff from the catchment in Rainfall Runoff model. Because the possibility of measurement all parameters needed to evaluate watershed response is impossible, evaluate performance of a model with simple structure and using minimal input that can provide an acceptable prediction of hydrological processes, is too necessary. Purpose of this study is compare the performance of AWBM, Sacramento, SimHyd, SMAR and Tank rainfall - runoff models to simulate runoff from the Nodeh watershed in Golestan Province. The types of these models are conceptual lumped models that are in RRL with 8 calibration optimisers, the model inputs include daily precipitation, daily evapotranspiration and daily runoff values of the basin. Results showed that pattern search among other calibration optimisers provide better results. AWBM model with Nash coefficient of 0.71 for calibration and 0.63 for the evaluation have best performance among the models and the SMAR model with Nash coefficient of 0.417 and 0.338 respectively for calibration and evaluation periods among models that considered in this study have lowest performance. Also investigated models are not ability to simulate minimum and maximum values but the average values are acceptable simulation, since this model does not require much input data and their use does not require time-consuming and costly these models can be used according to the needs in water resources management.

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Alpine rangelands of Sabalan under the climates humid cold of Siberia, Hyrcanian and Mediterranean, vegetation types and plant elements is very diversity. In this study, described the main vegetation types and plant life forms. Classification of vegetation types based on the apparent form of dominant species, name vegetation types, based on the dominant species, and vegetation area per hectare is estimated. Finaly five major types of vegetation, including: Astragalus aureus - Alopecurus textilis - Festuca ovina, at an elevation of 2, 500 to 3, 350 mabove sea level in northern slopes Sabalan.Astragalus carduchorum- Alopecurus textilis-Festuca ovina at an elevation of 2800 to 3750 mabove sea level in southern slopes Sabalan., Astragalus sp - Festuca ovina -Trifolium repensat an elevation of 2600 to 3300 m above sea level., Festuca sulcata -Alopecurus textiles - Carexsp. at an elevation of 3200 to 3700 m above sea level overlooking to Haram mountain and vegetation typeFestuca ovina - Carex sp. at an elevation of 3220 to 3450 mof the seas is located on the eastern slopes Sabalan. In viewpoint of plant life forms, Geophytes and Hemicryptophytes, respectively are most abundant of vegetation elements. Of course, study of ecological groups of plant species in alpine areas Sabalan, can be better described their ecological habitats and the results a more objective reality in habitats show that also will be effective in maintaining them.

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In this study, the investigation of the macro planning of rural tourism in khorasan Razavi province, was done by selection criteria and their priority with Delphi method.After determining the priority and rating criteria, map-prone rural tourism planning at the provincial level According to the study, 8 group criteria including: tourism, environmental, cultural– social physically – infrastructural, architecture, economic, design and management were identified that separated to 24 main criteria and 89 sub criteria. In this case, the most of the sub criteria of cultural– social aspect with 19 criteria and the least of the sub criteria were in the management criteria. The results of Delphi for criteria showed that tourism, environmental, cultural–social physically–infrastructural, architecture, economic, design and management group criteria had 1 to 8 priorities respectively. According to the survey conducted for the sub level effectiveness is prone village of the selection process, 8.3% of the sub floor with enormous influence, 22.6 percent of the class of high– impact, moderate-impact, 35.7 percent and 33.4 percent are located in low– impact class. Also the result indicated that attractions and tourist destinations, demand and market tourism, land cover, climate, safety, environmental hazards, tourism roads criteria had the highest priority respectively.

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Study of forest structure is important, especially in today's discussions of the importance of close to Nature silviculture purposes. This study was conducted to evaluate for stands of Pistachio (Pistacia atlantica) structure in the Baghe Shadi protected area in Yazd province. In this study, the sampling method with a fixed area plot has been used. A total of 76 circular plots were harvested in the protected and grazed and trees in each plot characteristic such as species, number, height, regeneration, crown diameter, diameter at breast height and basal area measurements were recorded. Data analysis using software Spss and Excel, and then drawn the Stand structure using SVS software. The results showed that in both regions closed and grazed areas, species pistachio, the main and dominant species. Pistachio trees in the protected were more Juicy to graze. In the way that in regions protected the mean diameter at breast of pistachio trees 42.02 cm, the average volume of 8.8 silo/ ha and the average height 54.6 m, were estimated. Stand structure in closed area Uneven-aged and even-aged in grazed areas, which these stands are well supported in closed area. The regeneration in grazing region is well done, but in grazing region regeneration rarely occurs.

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