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The purpose of this study is to present a theoretical model of interactions between urban policies and the informal life of the poor in urban space. In this regard, by reviewing and criticizing the theoretical traditions associated with the informal life of the poo, it emphasizes an alternative approach that can transcend the common dualities of formal-informal, structure-agency, and the heroic-troublemaker poor and highlights the spatial dimensions of urban politics regarding the informal life of them. This paper employs documentary method and available archive analysis to present a theoretical model about the dialectical relationship between urban politics and informal life of the poor in Iran. Accordingly, by combining Lefebvre's production theory and Foucault's relational approach to power, The study emphasizes the politics of representation and space organization politics in the triple ratio between the poor, urban politics and urban space, and demonstrate that this relational and consolidated approach can be helpful to understand the interweaving of urban politics and informal life of the poor in Iran. Finally the study shows that the outcome of urban politics about the informal life of the poor is the interaction of the mutual processes of exercising power and resistance, and considering the different types of this interaction is vital in analyzing the power struggles over the presence of the poor in the city.

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Petti land lords farmers are vulnerable to climate change and risk because of limited resource availability. The question is whether rural women and men are equally affected by climate change. The present research is in terms of purpose, applied and the method of doing it is a combination (qualitative and quantitative methods). The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire and interviews. The statistical population of the farmers in Poledokhtar (N= 39338). Using proportional sampling, 380 farmers (194 men and 186 women farmers' farmer) were selected. Selection of samples was done to complete the questionnaire and conduct the interview in a targeted way. Data analysis was done using one-sample t-test, unlimited exploratory coercive test (Johansen method), and analysis of variance and post-hoc tests. The results showed that drought was the most important concern among farmers due to climate flood events, last year's agricultural season and in recent years, and these three events significantly affected farmers' livelihood activities and assets. So that the effects of these events are different from those of male and female farmers, and women are more vulnerable than men. Farmer's women work fewer hours on the farm, because of the role of femininity such as pregnancy and motherhood, homework and child responsibilities, as well as the lack of physical ability to work on the farm and the use of adaptation methods and the fight against climate change. Therefore, they are more vulnerable than men. The choice of adaptation methods to climate change has also been different between male and female farmers. The results of this study can be used to better adapt farmers to counteract the negative effects of climate change and to reduce the livelihood vulnerability of both sexes (men and women).

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Today, many sporting events are taking place, and each of them has unique and special impacts. Identifying the impacts of sporting events in host communities are critical to the success of each event as well as the development of host communities. The present paper is aimed to provide valuable information to planners and officials of urban and rural areas by identifying the impacts of “ Chokheh Wrestling” sporting event as the largest and most important indigenous and local sports event in the country. The method of this research was practical in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of nature, and performed by using thematic analysis strategy. The research population consisted of directors, deputies and experts from the Sports and Youth General Directorates of Razavi and Northern Khorasan Provinces, The Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism General Directorates of Razavi and Northern Khorasan Provinces, Sports and Youth Offices in Razavi and Northern Khorasan Provinces, Wrestling Committees of Razavi and Northern Khorasan Provinces, Rural Sports and Local Native Games Committees in Razavi and Northern Khorasan Provinces, and Chokheh Wrestling Pioneers in the mentioned provinces. The sampling method in this research was purposive and according to the data saturation level, 28 persons were interviewed. The results of the qualitative section showed that the impacts of Chokheh Wrestling sporting event consisted of six main themes: economic, social, recreational-tourism, environmental, cultural and political, and 17 sub-themes. Based on the impacts of this event, city managers and officials can provide a platform for the development of host communities so that citizens can benefit from their material and spiritual interests.

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The Iranian government has adopted upgrading and enabling approaches to informal settlements since the early 2000s. Furthermore, enhanced upgrading and enabling activities, dubbed “ urban regeneration, ” have been initiated in the country’ s informal settlements over the past few years. This article assesses the pilot urban regeneration activities, carried out in the informal settlements of Sabzevar, from the perspective of the beneficiaries. Field work— including field observations and a quantitative survey (308 questionnaires administered to female residents) as well as interviews and focus group discussions— was carried out in two informal settlements of Sabzevar during two time periods. Findings reveal a number of positive effects associated the regeneration activities. Furthermore, convening the sessions of the Regeneration Taskforce with the presence of residents has enhanced local participation, sense of ownership vis-à-vis the projects, and trust in urban management. Yet, as a pilot for the new regeneration approach (that is, enhanced upgrading), the initiative cannot be said to have moved beyond those of the earlier upgrading and enabling projects. The activities have faced a number of shortcomings similar to the earlier initiatives, including failure to prepare the detailed physical plan of the target neighborhoods prior to the start of the regeneration initiatives, failure to secure the needed land for certain projects, inadequate attention given to local institution building, and limited scope of social and enabling activities. Also, measures to prevent further proliferation of informal settlements have been reduced to creating a protective green belt.

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Migration is a rational decision and it is made based on the comparing of the origin and destination circumstances. In this respect this phenomenon affected extremely by economic and social conditions. Tehran has better economic and social conditions compared to other cities of Iran. Therefore, it has been one of the major population attraction hubs. However, rate of Immigrant population absorption differs in each district and more specifically each neighborhood, because of the variety of socio-economic features in each of them. In this regard, we aim to study the migrations to different neighborhoods of Tehran and investigate the impact level of socio-economic conditions in attracting the migrants. We have employed secondary analysis of the 2011-2012 census data at the statistical domain level which have been analyzed using arc GIS and Spss. Description results of the research showed that gender patterns and rates of immigration are different in each neighborhood. Afterward, two-variable analysis results confirmed a significant relationship between social, economic and welfare characteristics of the neighborhood and immigration rate. All variables in the Final model of multiple regression showed more than 64% of immigration variance in Tehran neighborhoods. Result showed that Housing ownership, housing price and educational degree are the most important determinants of immigration in neighborhoods and have effective role in the attraction of immigrants.

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The main goal of this research was to investigate the effect of livelihood assets on farmers' participation in WUAs of Lorestan province. This is an applied research. The statistical population of this research was all farmers of WUAs members of Lorestan province (N = 1978) and sample size using Cochran formula 265 people were estimated. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Questions related to the participation of farmers in WUAs and to the Livelihoods assets of farmers based on the model of Department for International Development (DFID). The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the panel of experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha the data processed by SPSS23 software by using multiple regression, correlation and one way ANOVA. The results showed that these livelihood assets can explained 70. 7 percent of the variance of the participatory variable. The most effective variable in predicting farmer participation rate was human capital. It was also revealed that farmers who have had less livelihoods assets, they also had a lower level of participation.

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The age at marriage for males and females has increased considerably over the past three decades in Iran. Marriage delay and changing marital patterns have many consequences and implications from a socio-demographic viewpoint. Postponing of marriage affects the length of the childbearing period as well as the length of subsequent generations. The aim of this article is to explain the marriage delay of girls in the context of socio-economic development and women's status changes in Iranian society. The research is based on secondary analysis of the 2016 Iranian census for 428 counties. The results showed that marriage delay for girls aged 25-29 years old is more than 30 percent in about 10 percent of the counties under study. According to the results, marriage delay of girls in Iran follows certain geographical and cultural patterns; girls who live in west regions, delay their marriage more than girls living in other parts of the country. Furthermore, marriage delay can be explained proportionately by the proportion of male singlehood, marriage squeeze, female autonomy, male unemployment rate and development level of the county. Therefore, policies like reducing regional developmental gaps and employment rates for men can help in decreasing girls’ marriage delays.

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This is the first endeavor for applying the Situational Analysis (SA) as a recent methodology in a scientific inquiry about the rural entrepreneurship, a current development and policymaking strategy through the country. After presenting an introductory discussion related to the development, entrepreneurship, discourse, and also about the political economy of entrepreneurship, the situational analysis continues through designing the two (messy and ordered) situational and social arena maps. The paper gains from a cartographic sampling method that is based on two above-mentioned maps. Twenty rural entrepreneurs in Sistan region, three formal documents, and three websites of rural organizations have been selected for setting the semi-structured and post-modern-informed interviews. The social arena map that is the backbone of this study has been designed draw on the open coding of the transcripts, extracting the co-occurrence table, and the families via ATLAS. ti software. Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory has been used through the situational analysis and its corresponding discourse analysis. According to the findings, there are three distinct rural entrepreneurship discourses of "the governmental rural entrepreneurship discourse", "the rural entrepreneurship system and job-making discourse", and "sense-making rural discourse" within the overall rural entrepreneurship discourse in Sistan. These entire three discourses encounter with the specific counterpart discourses that will be articulated around the empty signifies. Finally, the study believes that with an optimistic view, the rural entrepreneurship discourse in Sistan is little more than a semi-capitalist development strategy, and through a pessimistic way of seeing, is just an obstacle of rural development process.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the social capital and urban social sustainability in the urban population over 20 years old in Mazandaran province. In order to investigate the relationship between these two variables, Coleman, Putnam, Fukuyama, Arnstein, and Driskell’ s theories have been used. Data were collected using a survey method and a questionnaire tool from a sample of 400 people. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and Amos softwares. The descriptive findings of the research showed that the condition of the social capital structure and all its variables (i. e. social awareness, social trust, general norms, social participation and social cohesion) and the urban social sustainability structure (i. e. social harm, social justice, social liberty, social security and social welfare) were at a lower than average level. The explanatory findings of the research showed that social capital and all its variables had a strong direct and significant relation with urban social sustainability. Based on Pearson's correlation coefficient, social trust, social participation, social consciousness, generalized norms, and social cohesion variables had the strongest relationship, respectively. Based on the results of structural equation modeling, the theoretical model of the research based on various indices, such as CMIN / DF, RMSEA, NFI, CFI, PCFI, and etc had a reasonable fit. The results of this study confirm the empirical background and the theoretical framework of the research and determine the extent to which social capital and all its variables increase, thereby improving and enhancing the components and variables of urban social sustainability.

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The purpose of this article is to study the role of cultural factors, especially religious traits, in promoting the human capital of students, using the theories of Bandura's modeling, Kellberg's moral development, Folee is rationality, and Glock and Stark's religiosity. The research method was survey. The statistical population consisted of all male and female students of secondary, tenth, eleventh grade and pre-university secondary schools in Tehran in the education year 96– 97. Using probability sampling method of 384 students were selected and a researcher-made questionnaire was used for data collection. The results showed that the moral values of parents, religiosity, moral traits and rationality have had a direct impact on the promotion of human capital. Students accept and act on their parents' norms and respect others and their beliefs, avoiding harm and trying to help them. Students are also responsible, faithful to their commitments and discipline, and adhere to the principles and requirements of religion and practice religious rituals and practices. Hence, they advance in education and become more powerful and creative. Based on such believes, they can help to solve the problems of the society and its development.

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The main objective of this qualitative research, which was done phenomenological, was to identify the definitions and strategies of food security among rural households. The study population was the rural households of Divandarreh city which experienced a high level of food insecurity. The key informant people were identified through snowball method. The data were gathered by deep interviews and direct observation. In addition, photos and documents were also used. The data were analyzed by Colaizzi method. Based on the results, rural households had a different perception about food security. After analyzing, the results were categorized in 21 codes. At the next step, the strategies for maintaining food security were discussed by the rural households, which eventually, 29 strategies were identified. Finally, according to the nature of the extracted strategies, four clusters including short-term strategies (7 codes), medium-term strategies (9 codes), long-term strategies (11 codes), and non-response strategies (2 codes) were formed.

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The increase in level of lands and being filled with water after the Islamic revolution resulted in high degree of water usage for farming. At present, more than 90 percent of country's water resources are being used in agriculture, the great amount of which is being wasted due to non-standard methods. The pressurized irrigation domain which leads to high water efficiency is 5 percent. In this paper we intend to find an answer to why no measure is being taken for water efficiency in farming. The results of this study show that the main cause for not taking water saving into consideration in farming, apart from legal, managerial and topographic barriers for implementing new methods, is dependency on oil economy; which on one hand causes the workforce and fund to move toward non-commercial phenomena and on the other, has spoiled expectations from other sectors to create surplus value. Therefore, the government, through increasing the level of lands and watering them, provides the ground for unstable employment caused by populist policies and following self-sufficient provided conversations (agriculturization) and on the contrary abandons the watered lands by excessive delusion caused by oil revenues (de-agriculturization).

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