Information Journal Paper
CopyMOHSENZADEH, RASOUL, & FAKOUHI, NASSER. (2019). Iran's Water Crisis in relation to the Country's Agriculturization and De-agriculturalization: Explaining the Relationship between Water Crisis in Agriculture Sector and Country's Oil Dependency. JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (RURAL AND URBAN COMMUNITIES) (TOWSEE ROSTAEI), 11(1 ), 267-292. SID.
CopyMOHSENZADEH RASOUL, FAKOUHI NASSER. Iran's Water Crisis in relation to the Country's Agriculturization and De-agriculturalization: Explaining the Relationship between Water Crisis in Agriculture Sector and Country's Oil Dependency. JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (RURAL AND URBAN COMMUNITIES) (TOWSEE ROSTAEI)[Internet]. 2019;11(1 ):267-292. Available from:
CopyRASOUL MOHSENZADEH, and NASSER FAKOUHI, “Iran's Water Crisis in relation to the Country's Agriculturization and De-agriculturalization: Explaining the Relationship between Water Crisis in Agriculture Sector and Country's Oil Dependency,” JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (RURAL AND URBAN COMMUNITIES) (TOWSEE ROSTAEI), vol. 11, no. 1 , pp. 267–292, 2019, [Online]. Available: