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In order to investigation and comparing the capability of ETM+ and LISS-III data for canopy cover mapping at the Zagros forests, a small window of panchromatic and multispectral images Landsat-ETM+ and IRS-P6-LISSIII satellite data were selected from Ghalajeh forests in the Kermanshah province. the Results of classification showed that overall accuracy and kappa coefficient for 4 classes for ETM+ images were calculated %44.57 and 0.18 and for LISSIII Images were %50.6 and 0.32, respectively. After merging the classes of 1, 2 and also 3, 4 due to spectral overlapping, the overall accuracy and kappa coefficient for 4 classes using ETM+ images were obtained 61.08% and 0.21 and for LISSIII Images were 71.44% and 0.33, respectively. the because appropriate non-separate 1, 2 classes and so 3, 4 classes with gather to merged and overall accuracy and kappa coefficient were obtained 71% and 0.39 for ETM+ and 75% and 0.46 for LISSIII, by using the principal bands. Also open the cover and reflects the incorporation of soil and vegetation in the area were prevented from achieving better results. The results showed relatively better ability LISSIII than Landsat ETM+ is compared with similar studies conducted in different areas and the use of data with higher spectral resolution is recommended.

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This study was carried out for assess changes in land-cover and land-use from 1987 to 2006 in the Azad dam watershed of Kurdistan province. For this purpose, initially using Landsat satellite images, percent of vegetation cover map was provided then by correction geometric, radiometric and the season difference in imaging, the best band combination was selected and land-use maps was prepare using Maximum Similarity Likelihood algorithm and supervised classification. The overall accuracy test used to determine the accuracy of produced map. The result showed that, the area of irrigated land from 14.33% to 13.70%, dry land from 15.43% to 26.63% and poor rangelands from 24.37% to 42.17% have increased but, the average rangelands from 28.57% to 14.83% and good rangelands with shrub cover from 17.30% to 2.64% have been reduced. Also, classification accuracy in irrigation land, dry land, poor and average and good rangelands were determined 66, 74, 82, 76 and 84 percent respectively. Subsequently, the amount of soil loss and sediment yield using EPM model have been estimated that in 1987 this amount was 8.7 m3/ha/y and to 10.2 m3/ha/y for 2006 was increased. Finally, obtained results of economic estimation and occurred soil loss showed that stakeholders were damaged to 10 billion rails in the study area.

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The knowledge of erosion estimating is requisite for controlling soil erosion. The purpose of this research was estimating annual soil erosion using anatomical changes in exposed roots of Carpinus Orientalis in Hassan abad valley, Chaloos, Iran. For this purpose, we select eight Carpinus Orientalis trees as quite random and cut their exposed roots. Moreover the geographic coordinates of trees, the slope intensity and direction, altitude and percentage of vegetation has been written. Cross-sections of 20 mm were prepared using microtome and the first year of exposure by erosion was identified. We finally estimated the mean annual erosion. The statistical relationship of the mean annual erosion with the percentage of the plant coverage, geographical aspects and slopes were investigated. The mean erosion of the study area has been estimated around 0.4 mm per year. There was positive relationship between annual erosion and slope density and negative relationship between the annual erosion and percentage of the plant coverage. The samples obtained in southern aspect showed higher annual erosions. We concluded that anatomical changes of exposed roots (Dendrogeomorphology) of Carpinus Orientalis are valuable tools to date erosion events, however, the responses of diverse species under different types of erosion remains to be studied in future.

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In this study, For evaluating the effect of Prangos uloptera and accompanying species on the components of soil organic matter and distribution of aggregates, mountainous rangelands of Khaneghah-Sorkh of Urmia was selected. Sampling was conducted random-systematically. Initially, two locations beside of each other were selected, and then 4 sites, which were the representative of each location, were selected for sampling. Soil samples were collected from 0-15 and 15-30cm depth and totally 32 soil samples for each location from two depths were collected. Particulate organic matter- Carbon (POM-C) and Particulate organic matter- Nitrogen (POM-N), Percentage of coarse and fine aggregates and existing carbon of them were examined and analyzed. Results of variance analysis show that except the percentage of coarse aggregate all other investigated factors were increased by the increase of accompanied species diversity with each base of Prangos uloptera in the second location. Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, carbon associated with coarse and fine aggregates percentage is significantly influenced by the high diversity of the accompanied plant species with the Prangos uloptera in the second location. Results of this study showed the rapid effects of management changes on the particulate organic matter and also proved the variability of particulate organic matter in the soil under the change of management practices on vegetation. Moreover, the increase of particulate organic matter can be unstable, thus management of vegetation and species diversity of rangeland ecosystems must be conserved for long time, till we have seen positive increase in soil organic carbon.

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Tree growth has a great ecological and economic importance and stem analysis is one of the reliable and widely used methods which is used to study the growth of different attributes of the trees. In the present study, we evaluated diameter, basal area, and height and volume growth of two fast growing species (namely Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum). After falling down the trees, 5 centimeter thick disks at 2 meter intervals were collected and transported to the laboratory. The thickness of the annual rings was measured in two perpendicular directions up to1millimeter precision. The results showed that the highest value of the current growth of diameter of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum occurred in 4 and 6 year ages, respectively, equal to 1.5 and 5.4 cm and the highest value of the current basal area growth of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum occurred in 9 and 10 year ages, respectively, equal to 0.1 and 0.14 square meters. Furthermore, the highest value of the current growth of height of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum occurred in 6 and 9 year ages, respectively, with value of 1.3 m 3.1 m and the highest value of the current growth in the volume of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum occurred in 8 and 12 year ages, with a value of 0.094 and 0.1 cubic meters, respectively. Finally, there would be concluded that both of these species in such sites can meet the environmental needs such as green spaces as well as economic goals such as commercial wood product.

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According to the continuous changes in natural ecosystems, particularly rangelands, and variety of affecting factors and the cost of direct measurement, the application of new techniques in different studies is necessary. In this study the capability of spatial statistical techniques in the assessment of canopy cover variation of Festuca ovina L. species was investigated. Canopy cover was recorded using plots at 45 sites. Then Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) and Kriging were used for interpolating and estimating of F. ovina canopy cover using GS+5 and ArcGIS10. Results showed that the best variogram was exponential, and simple and ordinary Kriging were the best interpolation methods in comparison with the other methods according to the results maps accuracy assessments. Effective range of F. ovina canopy cover (48300 meter) is close to some chemical and physical soil properties including, acidity in the second depth (51500m), and organic matter in the second depth (47710m), clay in the first depth and sand in the first and second depths (49400m). Spatial variability of mentioned soil characteristics have affected the percentage of F. ovina canopy cover and at the distance greater than effective range, samples have no spatial dependence. To investigate the relationships between mentioned soil characteristics and canopy cover of F. ovina, and the optimal sampling interval can be considered between 47710 to 49400 meters. Results of this study show that spatial statistic can be used for evaluating canopy cover of rangeland species variability.

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Selection of a suitable seed source is one of the most important factors affecting production of seedlings in nursery and greenhouse. The aim of presented study is to investigate seed morphology of Alnus subcordata. L (Caucasian Alder) in an altitudinal gradient and inquiry of germination and growth characteristics of obtained seedlings. Caucasian Alder seeds were collected in an altitudinal gradient including six altitudes at Golband forestry plan of Noshahr. Morphological properties including seed length, seed width, length/width ratio and weight of 1000 seeds were measured. Also germination characteristics including period of germination, germination rate, average daily germination and speed of germination were examined in three 25 replicates in a germinator. 30 healthy seeds from each altitude were sown in completely randomized design with three replicates in a greenhouse. Then at the end of the growing season growth attributes including total height, collar diameter and survival rate of all of seedlings were measured. Results showed that there were significant differences in morphological properties of seeds from different altitudes. Also there were significant statistical differences in average daily germination and germination rate. Growth attributes were significantly different in seedlings of different altitudes. Based on results of this study altitudes of 800 and 1400 m are the best source for Caucasian Alder seed collecting in order to be sown and bred in the same conditions as this study. Based On these results, further studies on pPossible genetic differences between studied populations at the molecular level seems necessary.

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Ecotourism is a branch of tourism. To reach to successful ecotourism we must pass from sustainable development. Achieving to sustainable development is related to the principles of economic, social, cultural and environmental in a society and tourism as an effective activity on all parts of development needs to be studied more than the past. Razi Abad region of Shahryar with ecological resources, ecosystems which differ from populated neighboring towns, abundant and watery groundwaters, favorable weather and especially luxuriant gardens, as one of the poles of agricultural production of the country and specific spatial location (neighborhood with metropolitan Tehran),has the specific capacity of tourism - agro ecotourism. The results of this study which is prepared for feasibility of tourism - agro ecotourism by using SWOT model and preparing QSPM table, shows that the range has internal potential strengths and high potential capabilities of tourism - agro ecotourism. Therefore, the necessity of using strategies and basic solutions indicates to the stability of rural settlements of the region by firstly: focusing on strength points, specially agro ecotourism aspect, by eliminating or reducing the threats, the obstacles facing tourism development, and secondly: using the principle of comparative advantage and utilization of external factors, especially, Vicinity with metropolitan Tehran as an optimized opportunity. This study shows that today’s process of operation from nature despite of some restrictive actions and arrangements has been upper than the carrying capacity of the ecosystem and Fear of serious damages and destruction of natural and also economical potentials of region is expected.

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Water is one of the basic elements for soil erosion. It carries materials and nutrient elements in its route. Suspended sediment arising from erosion resulted from transport, wastes of elements and present soil nutrients have high effects on reducing soil fertility. Therefore, the suspended load level studied in different watershed following organic matter and phosphorus in order to investigate phosphorus wasted away from the watershed district. The paper conducted in watershed Tilenrud forest district of Horn beam-Beach dominant type during summer, 2013. The researcher conducted measuring discharge velocity area, determining suspended loads through water discharge, quantifying organic matters by burning and level of phosphorus through photometer, long wave: 640, nanometer and  collected 108 samples, relationship between variables evaluated using regression watershed suspended load, phosphorus and organic matter during summer with correlation coefficient, 0.53, 0.74 and 0.56, respectively. The results showed that there was no significant relationship for months studied in summer.

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