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Background and Objective: Nowadays, the application of procedures to minimize oxidative and microbial spoilage in marine products is economically and hygienically important. This study was performed to determine the effect of free and nanoliposome forms of poneh (Mentha pulegium L. ) essential oil to increase the shelf life and improve the sensory characteristics of silver carp minced fish (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) during storage time. Materials and Methods: In this study, the antibacterial properties of 1 and 2% essential oil and nanoliposomes form on the microbial population of minced silver carp fish inoculated with Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli were measured. Also, chemical tests (DPPH (2, 2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl assay, measurement of iodine peroxide (PV), pH, total volatile nitrogen (TVB-N) and thiobarbituric acid (TBARs)) and sensory properties of minced silver carp were evaluated during 12 days of refrigerated storage. Results: The results showed that the addition of poneh essential oil (free and nanoliposomes) according to the microbial results and the results of chemical experiments can effectively prevent microbial growth and chemical spoilage (p<0. 05). Treatment containing 2% nano essential oil of poneh showed the greatest effect on the chemical, microbial and sensory properties of minced fish during the experimental period in comparison with control treatments, 1% poneh nanoliposomes essential oil and 2 and 1% free essential oils. Conclusion: Therefore, the nanoliposomes form of 2% poneh essential oil can be used as a suitable additive to increase the shelf life of Silver carp fish in the fish industry.

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Background and Objective: By accurately identifying environmental issues, individuals can acquire skills to better solve environmental problems. To this end, the most appropriate method is to assess the educational needs of individuals to pave the way for the promotion of environmental knowledge. The present study aims to assess the need for training courses to empower professionals to increase their knowledge of environmental issues and educate others to take an important step in improving environmental health in society. Materials and Methods: The present study was a descriptive needs assessment study using Delphi technique. In the first stage, the designed questionnaire was given to 150 people (faculty members, experts and students) to express their opinions in the proposed areas. In the second stage, a supplementary questionnaire entitled General needs for faculty members, specialized needs for experts and general and specialized needs for students were provided to individuals and the importance of the issues from their point of view was examined. Finally, the most important issues were prioritized by experts. Data analysis was performed using SPSS-26 software. Results: The total number of educational needs extracted from the first stage of Delphi was 120 items, of which 31 items related to general needs (11 teaching and evaluation areas, 10 research areas and 10 communication and personal development items) and 89 items related to specialized needs. (27 cases of air pollution, 23 cases of waste management, 17 cases of wastewater treatment and reuse of wastewater, 10 cases of water treatment and pollution and 12 cases of soil pollution and its removal methods). In the second and third rounds, the importance of these items was determined by the target groups by scoring, and at the end, the first five priorities of each item were identified. Conclusion: The results of this study, considering the comprehensive review of three target groups and determining and prioritizing the needs for each group, can increase the level of environmental awareness and empowerment of experts, which ultimately enhance the efficiency of the system and is an important step for environmental educational planning.

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Background and Objective: Groundwater is the primary water source for drinking and agricultural activities in arid and semi-arid regions. Rainfall, land use, geological structure, aquifer mineralogy, and duration of water contact with the environment in the basement are the main factors affecting the chemical quality of groundwater. This study aimed to determine the physicochemical properties of groundwater by considering the water quality index (WQI) and its quality assessment for drinking water. Materials and Methods: In this study, 71 wells of Kashan were sampled in summer 2020 with three samplings from each well, and physical and chemical parameters were studied, water quality index was determined using mathematical methods, and Pearson correlation coefficient was determined. Correlation analysis was used. Finally, the collected data were analyzed using SPSS-16 software, Excel 2013, and statistical tests. Results: The calculated WQI of 71 wells in Kashan shows that 67% of the wells were of excellent quality, and 33% were of good quality in terms of water quality parameters. In total, out of 71 samples, the numerical index of water quality was 44. 94, and the water was of excellent quality. Conclusion: The results show that ions such as sodium, sulfate, and chlorine are directly related to the counting in an area and increase the concentrations of EC and TDS, and can impair the balance of anionic and cationic aqueous solution. It was also found that more than half of the wells have excellent quality due to using water wells for drinking.

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Background and Objective: With the industrialization of communities, population increase and use of surface water, river pollution has been increased by agricultural, industrial pollutants and urban wastewater. Therefore, investigation of river pollution for regional and environmental planning is of great importance. To evaluate surface water pollution, a number of surface water quality indices have been investigated. Materials and Methods: Iran water quality index for surface water resources (IRWQISC) approach was used to evaluate the water quality of the Mahabadchai river, Iran. Sampling was carried out along the Mahabadchai river based on some criteria such as approximately to drainage areas for landfills/domestic and agricultural effluents. Results: Pearson correlation coefficient between physical, chemical and microbial parameters of water showed that fecal coliform, BOD, COD, nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, turbidity and total hardness had a significant positive relationship with each other at 99% confidence. According to this index, upstream samples of the river are classified as good, mid-stations relatively good to moderate category, and downstream samples of the river are classified as relatively bad. Conclusion: Based on the relationship between each variable, fecal coliform, BOD, COD, ammonium, and turbidity were more effective in determining the IRWQISC. Most of the examined variables showed low concentrations in upstream areas of the river while their concentration gradually increased along the river to downstream areas, especially close to urban and industrial districts.

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Background and Objective: The present research has been performed to investigate the opportunities and challenges facing the Iran’ s renewable energies development to reduce climate change and improve health and represent managerial solutions in power generation sector by SWOT-AHP analysis models. Materials and Methods: Using literature reviews and survey, the SWOT was applied to identify internal factors includeding strengths (S), and weaknesses (W), and external factors includeding opportunities (O), and threats (T). The strategies were drived to develop renewable energy in Iran. The proposal strategies were ranked by using the SWOT matrix and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model. Results: According to the SWOT matrix calculations, total scores of internal and external factors were found as 4. 1 and 4. 4 of 5, respectively, which show high potentials of internal factors and opportunities. The most importannt factor of strengths (S) was found to be the great potentials of solar energy sources in Iran. The main priority of opportunities (O) is supportive laws to encourage the private sector. The most important weakness (W) was lack of comprehensive knowledge of managers and politicians about the benefits of renewable energy. The main threats (T) were low tendency of private invests, unpredictable inflation in Iran, and low prices for fossil fuels. Conclusion: The results of this research represent in four categories of SO, ST, WT, WO strategies. The important SO strategy is increasing guaranteed electricity purchase tariffs (GEPTs), and creating the renewable energy market. The most important strategies of ST were establishment of the renewable energy fund and assessment of exporting electricity by the private sector. The most dominant strategy of WT was modifying guaranteed electricity purchase contracts. The strategies of WO were found to be as following; convincing government agencies to provide the necessary infrastructure and support for knowledge-based companies.

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Background and Objective: Soils and sediments contamination with trace and toxic elements lead to potential ecological risk and adverse effects on human health and so have been the cause of increasing concern worldwide. Therefore, this study was carried out to potential ecological risk assessment of As, Cd, Ni and V in surface sediments of Khazar Abad, southern parts of Caspian Sea in 2019. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, a total of 36 surface sediment samples were collected from 12 sampling sites. After samples preparation, the elemental contents were determined using ICP-OES. Also, potential ecological risk factor (Eir ) and cumulative potential ecological risk index (RI) were calculated. All statistical analyses were performed by SPSS software. Results: Based on the results obtained, the mean contents of As, Cd, Ni and V in analyzed samples were found to be 12. 7, 0. 191, 35. 0, and 31. 9 mg/kg, respectively. The computed values of Eir showed that factor values were decreased in the order Cd > As > Ni > V. Additionally, the mean values of RI with 53. 7 indicated that all the examined elements have the "low potential ecological risk". Conclusion: Accordingly, although the examined elements have shown a low potential ecological risk, cadmium with 46. 4% and arsenic with 45. 4% mean values of RI can cause for concern. Therefore, source identification and management of organic and inorganic pollutants and also periodic monitoring of water and sediments as the sink of environmental pollution are recommended.

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Background and Objective: Imidacloprid, a neonicotinide plant toxin, is used as an insecticide in agriculture. Due to its high degradation resistance and water solubility it is of highly concerns. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the degradation of imidacloprid by modified magnesium oxide catalyst under irradiation of light and peroxymonosulfate. Materials and Methods: In this study, modification of magnesium oxide with nitrogen was made by sol-gel method and then iron oxide nanoparticles was used as a magnetic source. Operational parameters were catalyst loading, peroxymonosulfate concentration, reaction time and common anions (nitrate, bicarbonate and chloride). Residual concentration of contaminant was measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mineralization rate was evaluated by measuring TOC. Results: The results of the study showed that the photocatalytic degradation of the pollutant in the optimal condition was as following: catalyst concentration= 150 mg/L, peroxymonosulfate = 75 mg/L and reaction time= 60 min was 88%. Moreover, at optimum condition, the rate of mineralization was obtained 52%. Results comparison for prepared catalyst under light and dark condition indicated that the as-made catalyst is photocatalytic. Conclusion: The as-prepared catalyst can be activated as a photocatalyst under LED light and proxymonosulfate for removal of organic pollutants.

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Omrani Pantea

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Background and Objective: Nowadays, in metropolitan areas, principled and hygienic waste management is very important. Recycling is one of the most appropriate options in waste management. Hereof, the present study was aimed to investigate the possibility of using textile waste fibers in the manufacture of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF). Materials and Methods: This experimental study was performed on lab-scale. Fabric waste was prepared by separation method at source from a clothing manufacturer in Tehran and converted into fibers. Test boards were made with weight percentage of mixing textile waste fibers to industrial fibers at three levels of 0: 100, 10: 90 and 15: 85, respectively, 10% urea-formaldehyde adhesive, with 16 mm thickness and 0. 7 g/cm3 density by hot press. Then, properties of the boards were measured including bending strength, modulus of elasticity, internal bond, hardness, water absorption and thickness swelling. The results were analyzed with ANOVA test. Results: The results of ANOVA showed that the effect of textile waste fibers on the bending strength, modulus of elasticity and swelling thickness of 2 and 24 hours of boards made at 5% probability level was significant. Additionally, the highest values of physical and mechanical properties are related to made boards with 10% of textile waste fibers. Conclusion: The results showed that it is possible to make MDF with textile waste fibers. The use of wastes such as fabrics in the production of new functional products can be considered as one of the strategies to reduce waste and thus to maintain human health and the environment.

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Background and Objective: Outsourcing services to the private sector can be a step towards achieving the goals of community health promotion, job creation, better access to health services, and improving the quality of health services. In this regard, health service offices were established in Tehran to improve the health status of food preparation, distribution and sale centers and increase food safety based on government approval. This study aimed to evaluate the roles of health services offices on environmental health indicators. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-comparative study, nine health service offices supervised by Tehran University of Medical Sciences (located in South Tehran Health Center, Eslamshahr city, and Shahr-e Rey) were surveyed. Seven environmental health indicators measured in the years before the establishment of these Health Service Offices (2015-2017) were compared with those obtained after their establishment (2018-2019). The indicators data were analyzed using Excel, SPSS software, and statistical tests. Results: The result showed no significant difference in public places and centers for food preparation and distribution offenders, public places with health criteria, percentage of employees with a health training certificate, health care, and percentage of inspection coverage before and after establishment of health service offices (p >0. 05). However, the relationship between the food preparation indicators and distribution centers with health criteria and public places and closed food preparation and distribution centers were significant (p > 0. 05). Conclusion: This study is one of the first researches conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of health services offices on health-safety indicators in Iran. Therefore, more comprehensive monitoring and studies should be done to evaluate these offices' performance quality and their related cost-benefit analysis.

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Background and Objective: Pharmaceutical wastewater has a high level of pollution load that should be treated before discharging to the environment. Integrated processes using different mechanisms are one of the most fruitful methods in wastewater treatment. In this study, combined Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) and photocatalytic processes are utilized using of Fe3O4/TiO2 nanocatalysts to decrease the COD value of pharmaceutical wastewater. Materials and Methods: In this study, the variables of each process are optimized using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). In the IFAS process, the variables were dissolved oxygen (DO), media filling percentage and hydraulic retention time (HRT); while in the photocatalytic process, the effects of pH of wastewater, catalyst dose and reaction time were investigated. Results: In optimal conditions (DO 3 mg/L, HRT 24 h and media filling percentage 65%), COD removal rate was obtained 59. 15%. With the initial concentration of 1725 mg/L COD and the mentioned efficiency, the concentration of COD in the effluent diminished to 704 mg/L. However, in the photocatalytic process, during optimal conditions (pH 6. 8, reaction time 105 min and catalyst dose 60 mg/L), The efficiency of the process was determined 81%, which by considering the input COD (704 mg/L), the output concentration was reduced to 134 mg/L. Conclusion: According to the standards provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the effluent from the combined process can be discharged into the environment.

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Background and Objective: Bioaerosols as small particles enter the body by inhalation and lead to respiratory diseases based on type, concentration, and exposure time. In sensitive workplaces such as medical centers, it is necessary to pay attention to the type and population of these pollutants and the possibility of nosocomial infections. In the present study, the population and type of bioaerosols (bacteria and fungi) in the air of different hospital wards under normal conditions, visiting hours, and Covid-19 pandemic was evaluated. Materials and Methods: Air sampling was carried out in different wards and ambient air of Valiasr Hospital of Zanjan during September 2019 (morning and visiting hours) and October 2020 (Corona pandemic) using an air sampling pump (Flite 3-SKC Ltd) with a flow of 14. 1 L/min and then cultured in Sabaroud dextrose agar and nutrient agar. Results: The results showed that air pollution in wards such as infectious diseases and clinics in both periods was more than other wards. The microbial density during visiting hours (before the coronavirus outbreak) was almost 30% higher than normal conditions. In October 2020, due to the coronavirus outbreak and reduced traffic, microbial air pollution in the hospital decreased. In both periods of study, the frequency of gram-positive bacteria, especially Staphylococcus species (49%) was higher than other bacteria and among fungal species the frequency of Aspergillus (47%) was higher than others. Conclusion: This study showed that traffic restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic reduce microbial density in hospital space and this achievement can be used in the future with the aim of improving air quality and controlling nosocomial infections.

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Background and Objective: Among greenhouse gases, CO2 has a crucial role; thus, its impact on health indicators such as life expectancy is of great importance. Hence, one of the most important challenges in the health sector has been the impact of the environmental pollutants emission, namely CO2, on life expectancy of men and women. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical and applied design with the health economics approach. The present paper examined the impact of pollutant emissions, namely CO2, per capita income, death rate and birth rate, separately on Iranians’ life expectancy. This analysis was conducted using Quantile regression with EViews10 software during the period 1960-2019. In this study, first, the impact of pollutant emissions on life expectancy of all Iranians was calculated. Then, the impact of CO2 on life expectancy of Iranian men and women in different quantiles was estimated. Results: The results confirm the impact of carbon dioxide emissions per capita on total life expectancy was-0. 133 and the impact of this pollutant emission on life expectancy obtained-0. 170 and-0. 127 for men and women, respectively. Both effects were estimated as negative and significant. This effect on life expectancy of men was 0. 43% higher than that of women. Furthermore, the impact of death on life expectancy was negative, while the effect of per capita income on life expectancy was positive. Also, birth rate had a positive impact on women's life expectancy, whereas, it showed a negative impact on men. Conclusion: The study revealed that CO2 emissions had a negative impact on total life expectancy of both men and women. Thus, in order to increase life expectancy in Iran, pollutants emission, namely CO2, should be controlled. These results can be a good guide to decision makers and macro-policy makers in Iran to control environmental pollutants to increase life expectancy.

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