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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Pregnancy is a challenging period for any woman; it is a more sensitive and challenging timefor women living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV-infected women are facing a sense ofstigma, discrimination, and social exclusion during pregnancy. However, little is known about the experienceof pregnancy in HIV-positive women. The present study aimed to explore the lived experiences in HIVpositivepregnant women. Method: This was a qualitative study with hermeneutic phenomenological approach. 12 HIV-infectedpregnant women who referred to counseling center for behavioral diseases in Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran, in 2014, were recruited through purposive sampling. Data were collected through semistructuredinterviews, and the richness of data was achieved after 16 interviews during 40 to 90 minuteswith participants. The data were analyzed using Diekelmann method. Results: Participants were between 22-39 years of age. After data analysis, the main theme (renewal ofstigma) and 2 subthemes (blame and rejection) emerged. Conclusion: Although the experience of pregnancy in HIV-positive women was associated with renewalof stigma, pregnancy provides for blame and rejection. The findings of this study emphasize on thenecessity of integrating training and education programs to reduce the stigma of HIV and acquiredimmunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

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Introduction: Evidence indicates that despite the importance of exercise and physical activity on thehealth of elderly, the amount of physical activity (exercise) among this vulnerable class of society isdeclining. This study was conducted with the aim of identifying the determinants of the implementation ofphysical activities among older adults in Tehran City, Iran. Method: This was a qualitative study with Grounded theory methodology. Data was collected via semistructuredin-depth interviews and field notes during the years 2015-2016. Thirty elderly and 10 sportexperts were interviewed. Data analysis was carried out using Corbin and Strauss approach. Results: Concepts of the study were identified using micro-and macro-analysis. In during of dataanalysis, 350 free codes related to elderly physical activity were extracted and classified into threecategories of environmental, interpersonal, and intrapersonal factors, 200 of which were assigned tobarriers and 150 to motivators. Conclusion: The determinants of physical activity in elderly were as motivators which included positiveimpression of physical activity, positive self-perceptions, and habits of physical activity, and inhibitorsthat included negative self-perceptions, health problems, lack of willingness to work, and timemanagement problems. Providing sports services to the elderly can facilitate their participation in physicalactivities by exploiting the motivators and removing the barriers, and improve the physical and mentalhealth of the elderly.

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Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) disease has side effects on the quality of life of married people. Moreover, the quality of life and marital adjustment of the patients would impact on their disease process. The purpose of the study was to determine psychological components on marital adjustment amongmarried patients with MS. Method: This was a qualitative and phenomenological research using targeted sampling. Semi-structuredinterviews were done with 15 married patients with MS (at least one of them suffered from the disease)who came to Sina hospital, Tehran, Iran, until reaching to data saturation. Results: Assessment of effective psychological components on marital adjustment among married peoplewith MS revealed 8 main themes and 18 subthemes. The main themes were as “ spirituality” , “ resiliency” , “ coping with stress skills” , “ conflict-resolving strategies” , “ schemas” , “ intimate spouse relationships” , “ life stresses” , “ openness to change” , and “ responding to forgiveness” . Conclusion: Participants in the study ranked the psychological components as first to ninth as spirituality, resiliency, coping with stress styles, conflict-resolving strategies, schemas, intimate spouses relationships, life stresses, openness to change, and responding to forgiveness.

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Introduction: Middle age is one of the most important periods in women's life, due to experiencing agerelatedphysical changes. Women's perception of the physical changes that are socially constructed, play acrucial role in their health behaviors. According to importance of the issue, this study is part of a broaderstudy that aimed to understand the women's experience and perception of subjective meaning of physicalchanges and health in the middle age. Method: This study was conducted using qualitative approach and grounded theory method. Usingtheoretical and purposive sampling, 22 women aged 40 to 60 years were selected. The data were gatheredby using deep and semi-structured interviews. Then, data were analyzed according to 3 procedures ofopen, axial, and selective coding. Results: 7 main categories and 29 subcategories were emerged. These main categories included “ changesin the quality of health” , “ menopause as a sign” , “ mystique body changes” , “ feeling threatened midlifeinhabitancy” , “ natural assume of pain” , “ legitimized neglecting” , and “ ambivalent of resistance/passivity” . Conclusion: In general, middle-aged women understand and experience "threatened inhabitancy". Socialprocesses that shape this perception can be preventing to health and successful aging programs. So, toattract women's attention and their participations in the health-based programs, it is necessary first, tochange the social and mental beliefs of women to make participate in projects actively and responsibly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Violence against women is a universal phenomenon experienced in public and privateareas. Assessing the experiences of domestic violence and determining its causes is essential to identify, prevent, and control it. This study was performed to designate married men's experiences of domesticviolence on their wives in Sabzevar City, Iran. Method: In this descriptive qualitative study, participants were selected using purposive sampling, and itcontinued based on snowball and theoretical sampling. A face-to-face semi-structured interview was usedto collect the data. A total of 20 participants (15 men, 2 spouses, 2 consultants, and 1 mother-in-law) wereinterviewed in 8 months. Interviews were analyzed using Graham and Landman’ s content analysismethod. To ensure consistency and accuracy of data, credibility, transferability, dependability, andconformability criteria were assessed. Results: Three main categories were conceptualized including “ unfriendly interaction” , “ lack of complyingcouple’ s emotional needs” , and “ lack of complying husband’ s sexual needs” . Conclusion: Based on results, designing interventions to establish friendly interaction between couples, helping couples to identify each other's emotional and sexual needs, and couples’ effort to meet eachother's emotional and sexual needs can be effective in prevention of violence on women.

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Introduction: Marital relationship affects not only individuals’ physical and mental health in marriageand married life, but also contexts and relationships inside and outside the family. The present study, therefore, was an attempt to identify the components of marital relationship. Method: In this qualitative and content analysis-based study, 22 married couples were selected usingpurposive-voluntary sampling method, and semi-structured interviews were done until data saturation. Results: Data analysis led to a key subject titled “ marital quality” which its framework included tencomponents of “ marital commitment” , “ religious beliefs” , “ marital relationship” , “ conflictresolution/problem-solving skills” , “ financial resources management” , “ having a purpose in life” , “ lack ofinterferece by others” , “ recreation/leisure times” , “ equity” , and “ forgiveness” . Conclusion: The results of this study help educational and therapeutic centers to establish necessaryprograms, based on the identified factors, concerning families. Teaching these factors to couples helpsthem to prevent breakdowns in life, and to promote their satisfaction and quality in marital life.

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Introduction: Infidelity, as a main cause for marital maladaptiveness and divorce, has important effectson victim’ s family and mental health. This study aimed to identify and explain the cognitive reactions andexperiences of women victims of infidelity. Method: The present study employed a qualitative approach along with the interpretative phenomenologymethod. The study population consisted of women victims of infidelity in Tehran (Shemiranat), Iran, inyear 2016. To do so, 18 women who were victims of infidelity were selected through purposive sampling, and investigated by a semi-structured interview. The data elicited from the interviews were analyzed usingthematic analysis method. Results: The data analysis resulted in two main themes, 11 subthemes, and 61 initial concepts. As the firsttheme, “ maladaptive cognitive reactions” consisted “ porous religious beliefs” , “ suspicion” , “ obsession” , “ damage in the meaning of life” , “ maladaptive decision-making” , “ thinking to punish the guilty” , “ negative self-evaluating, and “ thought disorders” as subthemes. The second main theme was “ adaptivecognitive reactions” consisting “ positive defensive thoughts” , “ appeal to religious beliefs” , and “ peaceseekingthoughts for the decision-making” as subthemes. Conclusion: From cognitive aspect, the infidelity is not experienced homogeneously by all womenvictims, and the effects of infidelity can be either maladaptive or adaptive. Personality, religious beliefs, having children, and spousal relationship quality contributed to the women victims’ reactions. Given thefact that the findings have been elicited out of a native study, they may play a vital role in developing theintervention packages.

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Introduction: Outsousing is a key strategy toward improving performance and financial system ofhospitals. The aim of study was to determine the obstacles of outsourcing in university hospitals in AhvazCity, Iran. Method: This qualitative study was performed to determine the obstacles of outsourcing in universityhospitals affiliated with Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, in year 2016. Researchpopulation included all hospital managers, employees, and contracting experts. 23 participants wereselected as samples purposefully. Data were gathered and concluded using framework analysis method; and were analyzed using content analysis method. Results: The obstacles of outsourcing were extracted and reported in format of 4 themes and 16subthemes. Main themes were as “ legal obstacles” , “ financial obstacles” , “ organizational/structuralobstacles” , and “ managerial obstacles” . Moreover, participants mentioned the benefits of outsourcing as“ increasing the quality of services” , “ organizational downsizing” , and “ increasing the profit” . Conclusion: The results of study showed that the hospitals’ outsourcing faced serious problems in legal, financial, organizational/structural, and managerial aspects. Identification of these problems could beuseful in solving them.

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