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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: One of the goals of professional nurses is to provide patient's comfort. This is achieved through an understanding of the possible need for scientific, humanistic, ethical and communication care. Thus, how to identify comfort in hemodialysis patients is necessary, because it seems to be a constant presence in the ward. Therefore, this study aimed to "clarify the understanding and experience of patients undergoing hemodialysis nurse caring behaviors in comfort of hemodialysis patients".Method: This qualitative research was conducted with approaches and methods of content analysis.Purposive sampling began and continued until data saturation. Research environment of hemodialysis was at the Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. Collected data and conducted semi-structured interviews with 24 patients reached until saturation. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis in eight steps.Results: Main themes extracted from the data included "understanding the caring-humanistic needs". The categories included "monitoring patients" and "having humanistic relationship", "having a professional responsibility, "knowledge" and "having job experience" each of which has several sub-categories, respectively.Conclusion: We understand and respect the need for nurses to patient care and how to handle them in order to provide appropriate supportive measures, the measures that have an important role in the convenience of these patients, during hemodialysis.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Violence against women is a universal phenomenon which is experienced in public and privet areas. The aim of the study was to review the women from Isfahan, Iran who experienced types of domestic violence.Method: This study was done through the qualitative method and interpreting and the phenomenological approaches by participation of 10 employed married females with conducting focus group discussion sessions and discovering and deep interviews in a 12 months period in 2013. Data were collected and registered and then they were encoded. These general categories resulted to the extraction of a core category in which included the fundamental category of the study.Results: Age of the participants in this study varied between 30 to 53 years. Their educational level has ranged from literacy to the university graduated. The findings indicated that the initial disputes and violence behaviors of the couples, starts since marriage spouse ceremony. Various forms of family violence were reported by the participants. Violence varied from arguing, fighting, physical violence, beating up and etc.Conclusion: Given to the procedure of data analyzing, the assumption of general attributes and transmission of the violence in family was formed among all socio-economical bases.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: A family-centered approach is an important part of the care process for surgical patients and their families. Nursing care is effective only when the family is taken into consideration.Understanding of family members' experiences could helps nurses for better care services. Thus, this study aimed to explain the experience of waiting in families of patients undergoing surgery.Method: In this qualitative study, 17 family members of patients undergoing surgery were selected by purposive and theoretical sampling until data saturation. Semi structured interviews were held for data collection. For transcription and analysis of interviews, Microsoft Word and One Note software was used and date were analyzed using content analysis approach.Results: According to the findings, "Stressful waiting" was the main theme of study which was consisted of four categories, i.e. "mental and intellectual concerns", "fear and worry", "psychological reactions" and "psychosomatic reactions".Conclusion: Finding of this study can help healthcare professionals especially nurses to get a better understanding of the family emotions and concerns in this situation and as a result could be planning for decreasing such concerns.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Victims of sexual assault require comprehensive, gender-sensitive health services in order to cope with the physical and mental health consequences of their experience. In most countries, however, there is a gap between the healthcare needs of victims of sexual violence and the existing level of health services provided in such cases. Experiences of the service providers help to deepen the understanding of this phenomenon; so, this study aimed to understand the perceptions and experiences of clinical health care providers to victims of sexual assault.Method: This was a qualitative study with content analysis approach. 23 healthcare providers working in private and public hospitals in Ahvaz and Tehran, Iran were selected with purposive sampling method.Data were collected using interviews, observations and recording field notes. All the interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed using descriptive content analysis and the Granheim and Lundman method.Results: Five categories including 255 primary codes were emerged. The derived codes were as follows: 1) focus on the history and physical examination; 2) legal considerations; 3) diagnostic and para-clinical services; 4) ostensible prevention and treatment of complications; and 5) consult and referral request. The main code included in all derived codes was "routine and task-orientation".Conclusion: The findings showed that clinical healthcare providers provided health care to the victims of sexual violence regardless of their care needs, based on their routine administrative procedures. Therefore, the staff should concerns about the respond to the needs of females who have been sexually assaulted.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Parents are legal guardian for children and they have right for assessment of quality of care given to their children. Parent satisfaction assessment can be identified deficiencies in nursing care and the use of qualitative methods in this area can be identified with the aspects that the quantitative methods alone were not able to detect them. Therefore, this study aimed to explore mother's perceptions of barriers of nursing care satisfaction.Method: This was a qualitative research with content analysis approach. Interviews were done with semi-structured approach by 14 mothers with hospitalized children in pediatrics wards of Yazd hospitals. All the interviews were tape-recorded and then transcribed verbatim and finally analyzed through content analysis.Results: Thematic data analysis revealed one main theme that inefficient caring nurse and category include unrealistic meaning of caring, failing in skill and agility of the nurse, the mother needs neglect ineffective communication and reluctance to participate mother.Conclusion: This study revealed barriers effecting on mothers satisfaction of nursing care that often remains hidden from quantitative study view. It seems that with eliminating barriers it can be an effective step taken into improving the quality of care.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The shortage of nurses and nursing turnover are major problems in the most countries of the world and Iran accordingly. Nurses' turnover is taken place during a process. The present study aimed to describe how nurses' turnover process is carried out.Method: The nurse's turnover was studied from the perspective of 16 nurses with basic grounded theory.The participants were selected through conventional and theoretical sampling method. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed simultaneously by continuously comparisons based on Strauss and Corbin 2008 method.Results: Thinking about nursing "turnover" was appeared as the main variable which affects nurses' turnover process. The main variable in this study included six axial codes: professional/ managerial challenges, finding a solution, thinking about turnover, job seeking, turnover intention, and conducting turnover.Conclusion: In order to prevent nursing turnover, identifying facilitating factors, removing barriers and promoting the necessary facilities are necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Nursing instructors are the most influential people in the future of the nursing profession. A group of instructors in schools of nursing work as non-faculty members. This will cause them to experience their own problems. The present study aimed to exposure the process of nursing non-faculty member with professional role ambiguity.Method: This qualitative study was conducted using a grounded theory approach.10 non-faculty members, 1 educational research assistant and 1 dean of School of Nursing were participated in this study.Data were simultaneously analyzed through constant comparative with Strauss and Corbin approach (1998).Results: The main categories in this study were the "lack of rules and duties, variety of work place, confusion, behavioral beliefs, educational certificate, inappropriate feedback, and failure to role playing".Professional commitment was the core category in this study.Conclusion: Results indicated that role ambiguity is a dynamic phenomenon affecting the professional commitment of non-faculty members. Therefore, attention to the underlying causes of role ambiguity and trying to resolving them can have an impact on nursing education process.

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Introduction: The impact of lower limb amputation is great on patient's physical and psychosocial functioning. In fact, the future of patients can even be affected by this experience. This study aimed to explain the experience of patients with lower limb amputation in the Red Crescent Rehabilitation Center in Tehran, Iran.Method: In a qualitative study, purposive sampling method was used to select 16 patients with lower limb amputation (below knee) in the Red Crescent Rehabilitation Center in Tehran for at least having lower limb amputated within 6 months. Data were collected through semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed based on the content analysis.Results: The results of this study revealed five main themes including perceived threats for the loss of a limb, changes in life, well-being problem, need to be understood and acceptance of loss of a limb and prosthesis.Conclusion: The patients with lower limb amputation participating in this research required adequate and correct knowledge about amputation and psychological needs and supports. The support that those receive from family and healthcare team members was unexpected for them and this issue concerns them about the amputation. Thus, the role of family and healthcare team members and rehabilitation in the training and support, especially emotional support, is essential.

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Introduction: Pain is a mysterious and sophisticated phenomenon, which is affected by several factors.One of the factors effective on pain is individuals' cultural background. In this vast domain, religion plays a key role. The role of religious beliefs, as the most powerful element in increase of individuals' tolerance of cardiac pain, is very crucial. As religious beliefs play an important role in pain relief among cardiac patients, investigation of clients' live experiences concerning their religious beliefs is essential.Method: This was a descriptive phenomenological study in which the participants, were selected through purposive sampling (n=12), comprised the patients hospitalized in CCU and cardiology wards of Nour and Chamran hospitals in Isfahan, Iran. Unstructured interviews were adopted to collect the data and Colaizze method was used to analyze and extract the concepts.Results: The obtained findings yielded three themes including fate, hope, and religious rites.Conclusion: The findings of the present study showed that the patients considered cardiac pain as the God's test and fate because of its very acute and intolerable pain, which ends to death. Some of them also rely on current medications and medical treatments, carried out by nurses and physicians, when they are in cardiac pain. Some others just believe in God's will and power and they achieve peace, and consequently, physical comfort through trusting the God. They also considered religious rites as praying, worshiping God and Imams of Islam, and avowing very effective on their pain relief while some felt sinful and considered repentance. Based on this issue, nurses can help patients relieve their pain through a better recognition and acceptance of their religious beliefs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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