Background and Objectives: There is no accurate data on the burden of elder abuse in Iran, and few studies have been done in this area. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of elder abuse and negligence in a selected population of Iranian elderlies and also to go beyond and assess its relationship with socioeconomic factors. Methods and Materials: A cross-sectional study focused on the 300 elderlies aged 65 years which were referred to the Emergency Departments of Imam Hossein, Loghman Hakim, and Tajrish Hospitals in Tehran. A special questionnaire focused on elderly abuse with eight subsets of care-giving neglect, psychological abuse, physical abuse, financial abuse, disqualification, rejection, financial neglect, and emotional neglect was completed by the participants. Results: Overall, 300 questionnaires were completed. Among the participants, 54% were women. The mean age of the participants was 74. 1 years with a standard deviation of 9. 69. Overall, 27. 7% were unable to meet their daily needs. Also, 51. 7% lived with their spouses, 20. 3% lived with their children, and 18% lived alone. Also, 40. 3% owned their homes, and 85% had health insurance. The highest scores in this questionnaire were related to the subscales of emotional neglect (25. 5%) followed by psychological (17. 7%) and financial abuse (12. 4%). Conclusion: Maltreatment of the elderly, especially in the areas of emotional neglect, psychological abuse and financial abuse is one of the most important issues in today's Iranian society that may be caused by changing emotional, economic and social values, as well as fading religious beliefs and morals. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to alleviate these problems to resolve elder’ s emotional and mental problems.