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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Cream is a mass of fat cells that have been covered with a Lipo-protein membrace (Ahouei et al., 2016). This dairy product is an emulsion with high content of fat milk that is obtained from creaming of milk by the equipment that is called milk separator. Obtained Cream is white or creamy white with a gentle taste. Cream is consumed directly in breakfast with honey and bread or it can be used in the formulation of other diary products such as ice cream and full-fat yogurt; Aslo it can be used for making butter. The fat content of cream differs from 10 to 50 perecent and the used heat treatments for it are pasteurization and strelization. Usually using gentle pasteurization to ensure maintainance of the favorable taste of cream is the best method (Hoffmann 2011). Protease is one of the enzymes in milk and dairy products that can cause shortening of storage of dairy products. This enzyme can cause hydrolyzation of proteins of milk to bitter peptides and this can make dairy products taste bitter and that will be unpleasant for consumers and can make sensory inacceptance of this product. Proteases in milk have natural and microbial sources. Natural proteases like plasmin, plasminogen, Thrombin and aminopeptidases come from blood plasmas, cell cytoplasms and fat cell membraces that can go to milking channel of the breed. Microbial proteases can be produced by cryogenic bacterias such as Pseudomonas and Bacillus. Although these microorganisms will be destroyed by heat treatment but their enzymes are heat-stable and can cause undesirable changes in cream. It should be noted that environmental effects such as livestock breed, intensity of contamination of milking equipments, shipping and storage conditions of milk during storage, high temperature in storage of milk, the type of animal feed and existence some diseases such as mastitis are effective to the increasement of these enzymes. The content of the enzyme is very low during milking but they will be increasing by time (Vijayakumar 2012). Proteases are heat resistant and that is the reason of the bitterness of the product and the development of indesirable sensory features in products such as cream (Richards et al., 2014). Serine proteases, such as plasmin enzyme, are the main reason of spoilage of milk and other dairy products (Nielsen 2002). Removing bitterness is possible by using some commercial methods such as absorbtion, active carbon and chromatography andsolvent extraction but they will be used as the last solutions because they are so costly, timeconsuming and the materials that will be used to extract are toxic; therefore, these commercial methods are not currently available for removal of the bitter peptides (Lemieux and Simard 1992). The best and easiest way to avoid or reduce the created bitterness by enzymes in dairy products is to use protease inhibitors (Lemieux and Simard 1992). Herbal protease inhibitors are small proteins that are in storage tissues of the plants. They will be activated during isect and pest attacks. Soybean and cowpea seeds are the plants that have these inhibitors. Existence of phenolic compounds in these inhibitors in seeds can make phenol-protease complex and the more phenolic content in these plants can induce the greater protease inhibitory effect. Also; in these seeds, serine protease inhibitor can reduce the activity of protease by direct blocking of the active part of the enzyme and they will form the complex (Richards et al., 2014). Some chemical compounds have been found as protease inhibitors in soybean (Glycin Max L. Merr) and can be used as additives for protease activity inhibitor in formulation of some food products that are also anticancer (Mirzaei et al; 2010). There are also protease inhibitors in cowpea seed (Vigna Unguiculata L. walp). These inhibitors can cause digestion disorder in food products but nowdays, their constructive role in prevention of cancer, heart disease and antioxidant and microbial properties of them have been proven and they have been called as healthy ingredients (Siddiq and Uebersax 2012). Some foundings have been investigated on the effect of soybean seed trypsin inhibitor or cowpea seed protease inhibitor in reduction of proteases in lowfat milk or the effect of them on maintaining the quality of shrimp muscle during storage (Sriket et al; 2011; Richards et al; 2014); but the simultaneous effect of the extracts of soybean and cowpea seeds containing trypsin inhibitors on reduction of the proteases activities in food products specially in dairy products such as cream has not been observed. Due to the type and availabe content of each compound in food products in this research the combination of protein and its quantity in food products ‘ s structure and also the type of heat treatment on the amount of created inhibition of the extracts that are effective has been investigated because few studies in this context have been considered. Regarding the high demand of cream consumption in confectionery and general products, the maintenance of its quality and gentle taste are necessary issues during storage. Due to heat resistance of natural and microbial proteases that are produced from activity of cryogenic bacterias such as plasmin even after pasteurization heat treatment the presence of these enzymes in cream is inevitable and these can cause oxidation, inacceptence of bitter taste of the product and economic loss to manufactures also maintenance the consumer safety and food scurity are important thus, it is better to use herbal inhibitors instead of chemical additives to reduce these enzymes; So, in this study, the effect of different concentrations of soybean and cowpea seeds extract containing trypsin inhibitors and simultaneous use of different concentrations of soybean and cowpea seeds extracts on some physicochemical and sensory properties and microbial total count of pasteurized cream during storage have investigated. Materials and methods: Soybean seed was milled in blender after shelling. The flour produced was kept with N-hexane in 1: 5 weight/volume for one hour to defat; then was dried and milled again and it was re-deffated for two times and the product was kept under exhaust hood overnight; After that, was milled again and passed from 1000µ m mesh. It should be noted that due low fat content of cowpea seed, defatting process was ignored for this seed. For extraction of protein, the resulting flour was kept in water bath with shaker in phosphate buffer 0/1M in pH of 7/5 in 1: 20 weight/volume for four hours in 25℃ . Then, the solution prepared was centrifuged in 10000g for 30 minutes and supernatants was obtained as trypsin inhibitor extract. The protein content was 12/5 mg/ml in soybean seed extract and it was 8/2 mg/ml in cowpea seed extract. Although heat treatment can reduce the activity of the extracts but for the reduction of the microbial count of the extracts, they were heated in pH of 8 in 55℃ for one minute. After measuring the inhibition of the extracts, the desired concentrations of them for adding to cream were investigated. for making cream treatments, after standardizing fat (25%), stabilizer of cream was added (0/2%) and they were mixed; cream was pasteurized in 72℃ for 15 minutes in non-continous heat treatment. Then it was homogenized in 150kg/cm 2 pressure and bovine trypsin enzyme, as serine protease, and produced extracts (soybean seed extract: 0, 100, 300, 500 inhibitor trypsin unit, cowpea seed extract: 0, 100, 300, 500 inhibitor trypsin unit and the combination of soybean seed extracts: 50, 150, 250 inhibitor trypsin unit and cowpea seed extract: 50, 150, 250 inhibitor trypsin unit) were added to cream in sterile condition. It should be noted that based on intensity of inhibition of the extracts, 10 treatments (cream samples) were prepared in 100-gram polystyrene cups. After adding the treatments, cups were closed with aluminum cover. The prepared samples were stored in 4℃ and the inhibition of the extracts, acidity, viscosity, peroxide value, syneresis, microbial total count and total acceptance of the samples have been investigated in the days of 1, 4, 7, 10 and 13 during storage. Results and discussion: The results showed that there was significant difference between the treatments and during storage on acidity, viscosity, syneresis, peroxidevalue, anisidine index and microbial total count(p<0. 05); so that acidity, viscosity, syneresis, peroxide value increased by adding treatments and anisidine index and microbial total count decreased and acidity, syneresis, microbial total count, peroxide value and anisidine index have been increased during storage but viscosity has decreased during storage. Significant difference in the inhibitory of treatmentswas observed (p<0. 05)but the differenceduring storage was not significant (p>0. 05)and greater concentration of the extracts has obtained higher percentage of inhibition, and because the percentage of inhibition in the sample containing soybean seed extract with the activity of 500 TIU/ml is more than the sample containing soybean seed extract with the activity of 250 TIU/ml and cowpea seed extract with the activity of 250 TIU/ml, it can be stated that soybean seed extract has act stronger than cowpea seed extract. No significant difference between the treatments and during storage was observed in sensory evaluation (p>0. 05). Conclusion: Finally, the sample containing 500 Trypsin Inhibitor Units of soybean was introduced as the best treatment due to suitable physicochemical and acceptable microbial and sensory characteristics.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Azolla is certainly a valuable laboratory plant that will thrive with very little care. The use of Azolla may be an important factor in the world's future food needs. Azolla is unique because it is one of the fastest growing plants on the planet yet it does not need any soil to grow. Azolla is a genus of aquatic ferns and an pteridophyte Plantae belonging to the Salvinacea family (Qiu and Yu 2003). Azolla is an aquatic fern native of Asia and Africa and it has traditionally been used as a fodder throughout Asia and parts of Africa. Many varieties of food products have been manufactured from Azolla which accounts from flavoring agents, food additives and so on. These Azolla are also used for the production of bio products such as biogas, biofuel and partial treatment of waste water (Miranda et al., 2016). Azolla spp. are heterosporous free-floating freshwater ferns that live symbiotically with Anabaena Azolla, a nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae. There are six species of Azolla in the world. The genus Azolla belongs to the single genus family Azollaceae. Azolla filiculoides is a species of Azolla. Azolla filiculoides is under the sub-genus Euazolla. It is native to warm temperate and tropical regions as well as most of the old world including Asia, Australia (Evrard andVan Hove 2004) and Anzali wetland. This plant is dark green to reddish and float on the water surface, either individually or in mats, which can reach a thickness of up to 20 cm. When A. filiculoides plants are exposed to strong sunlight they obtain a red color. The same occurs in winter time. In shade they always remain green. A. filiculoides settles in ponds, ditches, water reservoirs, wetlands, channels and slow flowing rivers. The phytochemical investigation on the Azolla shows that tannins, phenols, sugar, anthroquinone glycosides and steroids are present. Azolla is also rich in protein, vitamin and minerals and is used as food supplements. In addition to, A. filiculoides is very rich in carotenoids. The chemical composition of Azolla species varies with ecotypes and with the ecological conditions and the phase of growth. The dry matter percentage of different Azolla species varies widely (Mostafa and Ibrahim 2012). Lysine and methionine contents in this species are moderate. But, essential amino acids in this species are poor (Azhar et al., 2018). β-carotene is an organic, strongly colored red-orange pigment. It can also be made in a laboratory. It is a member of the carotenes, which are terpenoids synthesized biochemically from eight isoprene units and thus having 40 carbons. Among the carotenes, β-carotene is distinguished by having betarings at both ends of the molecule. β-carotene is the most common form of carotene in plants. When used as a food coloring. β-carotene is biosynthesized from geranyl geranyl pyrophosphate. Carotenoids are the most common pigments in nature and are synthesized exclusively by photosynthetic organisms including crop plants, algae, few fungi and certain bacteria where they play a vital role in plant metabolism and bio-synthesis of other bio-molecules. Carotenoids are considered key molecules for life. Biological properties of carotenoids allow for a wide range of commercial applications (Zakynthinos and Varzakas 2016). Indeed, recent interest in the carotenoids has been mainly for their nutraceutical properties. Carotenoids as natural pigments, are used by the industry as pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and animal feed additives, as well as colorants in cosmetics and special foods. Carotenoids have been studied for their ability to prevent chronic disease due to the free radical theory of aging in chronic disease etiology. The effect of carotenoids on biotechnology and the food industry is significantly attributed. Finally, carotenoids as fortified substances in foods and special aspects about carotenoids as health promoters are well presented along with a glance of carotenoids economics. β-carotene is one of the carotenoids. β carotene is the main source of pro-vitamin A and is widely used as a food colorant (Lejeune et al., 2000). The majority of the β-carotene commercialized in the world is obtained by chemical synthesis from β-ionone (Nacke et al., 2012). β-carotene is used for an inherited disorder marked by sensitivity to light. It is also used to prevent certain cancers, heart disease, cataracts, and many other conditions. There are many global health authorities that recommend getting β-carotene and other antioxidants from food instead of supplements. β-carotene and other carotenoids provide approximately 50% of the vitamin A needed in the diet of the some of countries (Grune et al., 2010). Therefore, research for the production of natural colors for use in food industry has particular importance. The present project was aimed at determining the content, quality, and purity of β-carotene extracted from Azolla filiculoides in the Anzali Wetland, comparing it with synthetic β-carotene, and measuring its economic value. Material and methods: One treatment had β-carotene derived from Azolla filiculoides in the Anzali Wetland through the alkaline hydrolysis method in the winter of 2014. Treatments were kept at 4 ° C for one year. Synthetic β-carotene was used as the control. The quality of the treatments was assessed by applying some chemical tests, including the measurement of the content and quality of β-carotene, calorimetry using the Hunter-LAB method, determination of the purity and vitamin A employing high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), estimation of the dwell-time duration at 5 ° C, and measurement of the solubility of β-carotene in water. Results and discussion: The results of the tests regarding the purity, concentration, calorimetry, vitamin compounds, dwell time, and solubility in the experimental β-carotene, compared with those in the control, revealed no significant difference (p>0. 05). Moreover, the factors showed no significant difference between the control and experimental treatments during the dwell time (p>0. 05). The natural β-carotene had a good quality during the storage period at 5 ° C for one year. Conclusion: Since there was no significant difference between the β-carotene derived from Azolla filiculoides and the synthetic one in terms of the chemical tests, purity, and dwell time, and since the natural β-carotene derived from Azolla filiculoides takes precedence over the synthetic one in terms of the food hygiene, it is recommended that natural β-carotene extracted from Azolla filiculoides be substituted for synthetic β-carotene in the food industry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Lactic acid (2-hydroxyproponic acid) is an important organic acid with widespread applications in the food, pharmaceutical, detergent and agricultural industries. In the food industry, L-lactic acid is used in processed meat, salad dressing and tomato sauce, bakery, beverages, confectionery, as well as in dairy products as a preservative, flavoring and pH adjuster. Almost 90% of the global trade of this organic acid is produced by microbial fermentation. This acid is produced by a wide range of microorganisms, which are the family of lactic acid bacteria. Cheese whey (a clear, greenish liquid obtained from milk after casein coagulation) and milk permeate (clear liquid from the ultrafiltration process of milk) are produced as a by-product in dairy factories. Cheese whey makes up 95-85% of milk volume, its important nutrients are lactose (4. 5-5% w/v), soluble proteins (0. 6-0. 8% w/v), fat (0. 4-0. 5% w/v), mineral salts (10-8% of dry matter), non-protein nitrogen compounds such as urea and B vitamins. Permeate retains about 80% of the initial lactose from filtered milk. Its major components in addition to water (93% v/v) are lactose (5% w/v), minerals (0. 53% w/v) and protein (0. 85% w/v). Large quantities of cheese whey and milk permeate are produced annually because 9 Kg of cheese whey and milk permeate is obtained for 1 Kg of cheese production. Although cheese whey and milk permeate are biodegradable, their release into the environment significantly leads to land and water pollution due to their high biochemical oxygen demand (40, 000-48, 000 mg/L) and chemical oxygen demand (80, 000-95, 000 mg/L). Dairy factories around the world are now looking for the right strategies for the cost-effective use of cheese whey and milk permeate. This study aimed to compare the use of dairy factories by-products (cheese whey and milk permeate) as a cultivation medium for producing lactic acid by two probiotic bacteria which were used in foods including Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 and Bifidobacterium lactis BB12. Material and methods: For this purpose, the effects of nutrients and important environmental factors on the production of lactic acid using the by-products of dairy plants (cheese whey and milk permeate) as a culture medium with pure culture of L. acidophilus LA5 and B. lactis BB12 were investigated. A completely randomized design with factorial arrangement with 8 central points was used to study the effects of five numerical factors including fermentation temperature, initial pH, incubation time, yeast extract concentration and linoleic acid concentration, as well as two nominal factors including type of probiotics (L. acidophilus LA5 and B. lactis BB12) and culture media (cheese whey and milk permeate) were used for lactic acid production. The significance of the factors and their interactions were evaluated using Fisher's distribution by analysis of variance at α ≥ 0. 05. Statistical design and analysis, as well as charting, were conducted with Design Expert v10. 0. 4. 0 (Stat-Ease Int. Co., Minneapolis, MN, USA). Results and discussion: The results showed that initial pH, incubation temperature, yeast extract concentrations, type of culture media and type of bacteria had a significant effect on lactic acid production (p<0. 05). Also, the interaction effect of the incubation temperature with the yeast extract concentration, type of culture media and type of probiotic bacteria, as well as the interaction of yeast extract concentrations with culture medium, type of probiotic bacteria and linoleic acid concentrations on lactic acid production were statistically significant (p<0. 05). Based on the results, the incubation time, type of probiotic bacteria and yeast extract concentrations had a significant effect on cell density (p<0. 05). Also, the results of statistical analysis showed that the interaction of incubation temperature with the fermentation process time, linoleic acid concentrations, type of culture media and bacterial culture, as well as the interaction of yeast extract and bacterial culture were significant (p<0. 05). With increasing temperature from 30 º C to 38 º C, cell density was increased, which was due to the optimum temperature of probiotic bacteria growth. The optimum temperature for Bifidobactera is between 37 º C− 41 º C and the optimum temperature for the growth of L. acidophilus is 37 º C. Probiotic bacteria are highly expected for nutritional needs, and the enriched medium with amino acids (peptone, yeast extract and beef extracts), and vitamins as well as compounds such as tween 80, sodium acetate and magnesium salts were necessary for their growth. According to the results of statistical analysis of initial pH, temperature and incubation time, yeast extract concentrations, culture medium and probiotic bacteria had a significant effect on final pH (p<0. 05). The results indicate significant interaction between the initial pH and yeast extract concentrations, incubation temperature with fermentation time, type of culture medium and probiotic bacteria, as well as linoleic acid concentrations with the fermentation time and the type of probiotic bacteria (p<0. 05). By increasing yeast extract concentrations, the final pH was decreased due to increased growth and activity of the bacteria that was resulted to higher lactic acid production. With a rise in temperature from 30 º C to 38 º C, the final pH was decreased because of increasing bacterial growth and production of lactic acid. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that initial pH, fermentation time, incubation temperature and yeast extract concentrations were the most important factors affecting the production of lactic acid, which had a significant effect on the production bioprocess. Although the results of this study showed that milk permeate and cheese whey can be a suitable medium for the production of lactic acid due to their high content of lactose, the cost of using supplements, especially the nitrogen source, is essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The final price of the product is one of the major goals of the food industry; addition to product quality is also determination to encourage of consumers. For this reason, manufacturers try to pay special attention to these points. In this research, a combination of fish and beef has been used to obtain the ultimate quality and low final price. The reason for the use of Sea bream fish was due to its processing, availability and low cost. For this study, was used Brama fish minced due to good color, flavor and smell in medium weights (500-700 g). The color in the production is one of the most important factors. Therefore, use of certain species fish is suitable for the production of various products. Material and methods: Fish meat is divided into 3 groups: white, red and dark flesh. To make minced, meat of white flesh is usually used because it is suitable of color and texture of the final product. Fish and its products have a high nutritional value, therefore, it is recommended for all ages. In fish meat, and especially in marine fish, in addition to having easy digestibility proteins, unsaturated fatty acids are considered to be distinctive features. SFA saturated fatty acids and MUFA and PUFA unsaturated fatty acids have the best health benefits associated with unsaturated fatty acids of PUFA. In terms of quantity and quality, unsaturated fatty acids in marine fish are better than freshwater fish. Therefore, the quality of marine fish is better than farmed fish. For meat processing the fish were washed, dipping and filtration manually. Then it was washed, again. Then, minced by 2 mm diameter cylindrical machine. 3 kg of freshly ground beef in 3 treatments and using 100% minced fish meat (treatment 1), 100% beef minced meat (treatment 2), combination of 50% fish and 50% beef minces (treatment 3) and finally treatments were packaged in polyethylene coatings, Stored for 15 days at a refrigerator temperature of 4 ° C. Results: Fatty acids and corrosive indices such as pH and fat oxidation (TBArs-Thiobarbituric acid) were evaluated. The results showed that regarding unsaturated fatty acids, Myristic and Palmitoleic in treatment 1 were significantly higher than other treatments. But the margaric and Euphoric in treatment 2 were higher (p<0. 05). Eidateic acid (C18: 1) was the most abundant unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and was higher than unsaturated fatty acids with multiple bonds (PUFAS). Except linoleic acid, which significantly increased (p <0. 05), other unsaturated fatty acids, Alpha-linolenic acid, Arachidonic acid, EPA and DHA in fish meat were significantly higher than other treatments (p <0. 05). Linoleic acid was the most abundant unsaturated fatty acid of PUFAS. Significant results in this study have been the increase of unsaturated fatty acids in minced meat, and given that in red meat the amount of saturated fatty acids is higher than unsaturated fatty acids. Measurement of sensory evaluation in food products is very important and has been considered in this research. In this study, indices such as taste, smell, color and texture were measured to measure sensory evaluation. The scoring tables have been used to measure each indicator. In this research, quantitative and qualitative research has been better in combining taste and market. Sensory evaluation results showed that treatments 3 (50% fish minced meat and 50% beef) had significantly higher sensory properties, such as color, taste and texture than other treatments (p<0. 05). Conclusion: The treatment 3 (combined meat of fish and beef) replacing beef with fish meat due to essential fatty acids in fish can improve nutritional value, as well as. It is recommended to use the minced meat as a combination of fish and red meat as the primary ingredient in the production of other food products such as burger or sausage. Which, in addition to innovation, causes diversity in production, reduces the final price of the product, increases the quality and value added of food products.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The cultivar and amount of apricot production in the East Azarbaijan province is about 28% of the total country of Iran and 30. 2% of the total apricot is produced in Iran (Ahmadi et al., 1396). Due to the perishable nature of apricot, it cannot be kept for more than 2-3 days at room temperature and for several days at low temperature conditions. In Iran, about one-third of horticultural and crop products are lost and destroyed annually. Important factors in increasing postharvest losses of agricultural products can be inappropriately picked up, unpurchased shipping, lack of proper keeping and packaging, and so on. In food packaging, the use of appropriate packaging materials, and minimizing waste and the provision of healthier and safer food products have always been considered. Various packaged packaging technologies have been developed to improve the quality and health of foods. Active packaging technologies provide new opportunities for the food industry. In recent years, the effect of modified atmosphere has been studied on the physiological, biochemical and qualitative properties of fruits and vegetables (Zhang et al., 2015). One of the physiological effects of modified atmospheres on fruit metabolism is the reduction of respiratory rate during storage, which includes a decrease in carbohydrate metabolism, CO2 production, O2 consumption, and heat release. In climacteric fruits such as apricots, the CO2-rich atmosphere and low O2 levels reduce ethylene production. Therefore, the use of MA can increase the length of storage time of fruits (Ozdemir and Floros 2004). High concentrations of CO2 are effective in O2 consumption. They act as inhibitors of ethylene activity and prevent ethylene synthesis in some fruits such as apricots, avocados, pears, figs and bananas (Tajaddin 1380; Pretel et al., 2000). This research was carried out with the aim of developing research on apricot, as well as the development of its export, by increasing the shelf life of apricot. Materials and methods: the study focused on reduce the production of ethylene and increase the shelf life of apricot fruit by studying the modified atmosphere packaging technology. In this project, apricot fruits of “ Red Shahroud” cultivar were obtained from “ Sahand Gardening Research Station of East Azarbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center” . Packaging film of polypropylene was prepared for packing apricot fruits with 0. 2 and 0. 4 mm thickness from a local store. For gas injection operations, capsules containing oxygen and carbon dioxide gases (food grade) were used. The packets space were first with vacant evacuated, and then gases injected. After the gas was injected, the packages were stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 1° C (± 0. 5) and cold air temperatures were kept at about 1 m/s, and every four days, tests were completed that lasted a total of 16 days. The evaluated parameters in this study were TSS, pH, firmness and EC. The MC-20181 model refract meter was used to measure TSS. For pH test, the pH meter of the metrohm-691 model was used. The texture analyser of HounsfieldH5KS was used to measure the firmness of the apricot fruit. The EC meter ELMETRON CC 505 with an accuracy of 0. 1 was used to measure EC. The experimental design was a split plot based on a completely randomized design including two plots and three replications. The main plot consisted of time in four levels (fourth day, eighth day, twelfth day, and sixteenth day). Sub plots was include the type of gas mixture used with different coatings in six levels (3% O2 + 5% CO2 with polypropylene film thickness 0. 2 mm, 3% O2 + 10% CO2 with polypropylene film thickness 0. 2 mm, 3% O2 + 5% CO2 with polypropylene film thickness 0. 4 mm, 3% O2 + 10% CO2 with polypropylene film thickness 0. 4 mm, Packaging only with polypropylene cover with thickness of 0. 2 mm, Packaging only with polypropylene cover with thickness of 0. 4 mm). Results and discussion: by increasing the storage time, the TSS was increasing. The highest amount of TSS on the 16th day was observed in polypropylene wrap with 0. 2 and 0. 4 mm thickness without gas composition. TSS represents the presence of small molecules such as glucose, fructose, maltose and some organic acids. By increasing the storage time of fruits, the TSS values will be increased due to the large conversion of molecules such as starch into small molecules such as glucose, maltose and dextrin, as well as reducing the moisture content of the product. On the other hand, due to reduced physiological activity of the fruit at low temperatures, the trend of the TSS will slow down. With increasing storage time, pH increased as a result of the decreasing trend of acidity. Organic acids can be considered as a source of energy stored in fruits, which decrease as a result of increased metabolism activity due to respiration or conversion to sugars. Treatment with only 0. 2 mm thick PP coating showed the most effect on apricot fruit acidity, and the rest of the treatments showed an almost identical effect on acidity reduction. The treatment of 3% O2 + 10% CO2 under the cover of PP with a thickness of 0. 4 mm showed the highest acidity. With increasing maintenance time, the firmness shows a downward trend. Treatment with 3% O2 + 10% CO2 covered by PP with thickness of 0. 4 mm resulted in the highest firmness in apricot fruit compared to other treatments and the least firmness in non-gaseous treatment and only with a thickness of 0. 2 mm was observed. With increasing storage time, the EC value also increased, but the effect of different gas constituents with different coatings and the time interaction effect with different gas mixtures with different coatings is not significant. EC shows variations in the resistance or electrical capacity that occurs as a result of changes in the concentration of soluble electrolytes when they are matured in flesh. The EC increases during fruit ripening. The incremental trend of EC extract of fruit during storage is indicative of cation leakage from the cytoplasmic membrane of fruit tissue cells, which shows the degradation of the cell membrane. This process is attributed to the ability of the pectin’ s to dissolve and hydrolyse the median wall of the cell. The activity of the polygalacturonase enzyme leads to cell wall pectin hydrolysis, which seems to provide the ability to dissolve the pectin. While the pectin methyl ester enzyme regulates the attachment of cations to the cell wall and the rapid action of other cell wall hydrolysates. Therefore, cations play a key role in enzymatic activity and fruit maturity regulation. Conclusion: the results showed that with increasing the of storage time, all the traits under test, namely, TSS, pH and EC, increased and fruit firmness decreased. From the point of view of the treatments used, the of type of gas mixture with different films, 3% O2 + 10% CO2 with polypropylene film thickness 0. 4 mm treatments is desirable because of increased shelf life of apricot approximately 3 times. Film thickness did not significantly affect the shelf life of apricot fruit.

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Introduction: Salsa is one of the most popular and widely used tomato sauces that contain tomato, onion, garlic, pepper, salt, herbs, spices, and acid (Giovannucci et al., 2002; Bramley, 2000). The sauce is a low-calorie and high-fiber food additive and is rich in vitamins and minerals (Bramley, 2000). Salsa is flavored with fruits, vegetables (coriander and oregano) and various spices (Bansal and Kuar, 2015). Stability and viscosity of tomato sauce depends on the amount of suspended particles (pulp) in the dispersed phase and the components of tomato such as pectin (Valencia et al., 2003; Vercet et al., 2002). Serum separation or syneresis is one of the most important problems in the processed tomato products, which has a negative impact on quality and marketability of the product. Hydrocolloids are carbohydrate biopolymers such as gums and sometimes proteins such as gelatin that can absorb a large amount of water in their structure and cause useful functional properties in food systems (Ghanbar zadeh, 2009). The most significant properties are consistency, gelatinization, and stability of food colloidal system, oil absorption inhibition, emulsification, film coating, syneresis inhibition, moisture absorption and reduction of water mobility. The viscosity and consistency of the sauce should be usually kept for one year or more. Only hydrocolloids can be used in the sauce that remains stable under high heating rate and acidity conditions for a long time. Selection of the type of hydrocolloids is influenced by the preferred functional characteristics in the final product and the natural functional characteristics of each hydrocolloid, but undoubtedly the price parameter is also an important factor (King et al., 2011). Xanthan, tragacanth, propylene glycol alginate, and microcrystalline cellulose are the most resistant hydrocolloids to acid (Sahin and Ozdemir, 2004; King et al., 2011). Gujral et al (2002) evaluated the effect of guar gum, sodium alginate, pectin, CMC (carboxy methyl cellulose), xanthan gum and gum acacia on the consistency index, serum loss and flow value of tomato ketchup during storage at 5 and 50° C. All hydrocolloids increased consistency of tomato ketchup; however, guar gum and xanthan gum caused maximum increase followed by CMC, sodium alginate, gum acacia and pectin. Xanthan and guar gum caused maximum decrease in serum loss and flow value whereas pectin caused the least. Sahin and Ozdemir (2004) were added five different hydrocolloids (tragacanth gum, guar gum, carboxy methyl cellulose, xanthan gum and locust bean gum), to three different formulated ketchups. All hydrocolloids increased the consistency of the tested samples; however, guar gum and locust bean gum caused the maximum increase, followed by xanthan gum, tragacanth gum and carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC). Kumari and Sachdev (2013) selected of hydrocolloids to formulate processed tomato salsa with herbs. Formulation of tomato salsa was finalized on the basis of sensory evaluation as tomato, vinegar, sugar, cilantro, onion, garlic, capsicum, green chilli, oregano, cumin, pepper and salt. Pectin, sodium alginate, CMC and guar gum were added to processed tomato salsa with different levels of concentrations to avoid separation of serum from product and to improve viscosity. Guar gum at 0. 2 % concentration showed high viscosity compared with other hydrocolloids of same concentration, and scored higher in overall acceptability of formulated product. Sahin and Ozdemir (2007) were added tragacanth gum, guar gum, carboxy methyl cellulose, xanthan gum and locust bean gum to three different formulated ketchups and the effect of these hydrocolloids on the serum separation of tomato ketchups was investigated. The serum separation of ketchup samples decreased with the addition of all hydrocolloids and increases of gum levels. However, xanthan and guar gums caused the greatest decrease in serum separation. Given the limited research on the rheological properties of salsa sauce in Iran, this study investigates the effect of guar and xanthan gums on the physicochemical and rheological properties of salsa. Several measurements are performed, including shear stress and shear rate in fixed brix and at different temperatures, consistency coefficient, flow behavior index, and activation energy. Material and methods: In this study, some physicochemical characteristics of salsa such as acidity, total sugar, salt, total soluble solids, pH and total ash are measured base on National standard of Iran (No, 2550), rheological parameters are determined using a Brookfield viscometer at temperatures of 5, 25 and 45 ° C and at three different levels of xanthan and guar (xanthan 100%, guar 100% and xanthan 50%-guar 50%). The rheological properties of Salsa sauce samples were calculated using the power law model based on the Mitschka method. The Arrhenius model was used to study the apparent viscosity variations and the consistency coefficient (k) of Salsa sauce in terms of different temperature conditions (Tavakoli pour and Kalbasi, 2013). Results and discussion: The results of Salsa sauce chemical tests were compiled to Iran's national standard for sauce and were as follows: pH= 3. 3, Acidity (g Acetic Acid/100 g) = 1. 59, total ash= 3. 5, total sugar content= 16, total solid content= 1. 74. Using Mitschka method, the results show that salsa has a non-Newtonian behavior characterized by the power law model. Flow behavior index (n) and consistency coefficient (k) for all of samples was (0. 282-0. 378) and (1. 91-3. 12) respectively. The flow behavior index, n was<1, that represents the dilute or pseudoplastic behavior of salsa sauce samples. The flow behavior index (n) and consistency coefficient (k) decreased with increases in temperature. The effect of temperature was identified by Arrhenius equation and the activation energy of 3. 2135 to 10. 947 KJ/mol was determined. The salsa sauce containing Guar and xanthan had the least energy activation, and then the sauce contains 100% xanthan, this sauce had the highest amount of consistency coefficient in temperature of 5° C. Therefore, it has more appropriate rheological properties than other samples. Conclusion: Determining the rheology properties of Salsa sauce has an important role in optimally performing the processes of transfer, storage, heating, cooling and selection of processing machinery and design lines in the industrial production of this product. Choosing the type and concentration of hydrocolloids also plays an important role in optimizing the formulation of Salsa sauce.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The main problems of bread that increased by reducing flour extraction yield are the loss of sensory properties especially nutritional value, texture features and accelerating staling rate mainly due to the low fiber content by reduction or elimination bran of flour. The use of alternative fiber sources such as soybean flours that lipoxygenase enzyme is active, which is one of the best ways to naturally enrich, improve quality, and reducing staling. Soy flour, derived from ground soybeans, boosts protein, brings moisture to baked goods, and provides the basis for some soymilks and textured vegetable protein. Adding soy flour to baking products increases the yield of dough, improves the quality of the product and improves the properties of texture, taste and enhancement of the quantity and quality of the protein and acts as an emulsion. Material and methods: the effect of replacing soybean flour on three levels of 4 %, 8 % and 12 % with wheat flour on qualitative and sensory properties, staling and color of bread on a completely randomized design were investigated. Specific volumes were measured by rapeseed two hours after baking. The crust color analysis was carried out by determining three indices L *, a * and b * in the time interval 2 hours after cooking according to San method, and as well as The brian color analysis was carried out by determining three indices L *, a * and b * in the time interval 2 hours after cooking according to San method. In order to assess crumb porosity of between 2 hours after cooking method Haralyk was used. The bread tissue was evaluated 2 and 48 hours after baking using a tissue weighing machine 1 (CNS Farnell model, ertfordshire UK) based on Pour Farzad method. For sensory evaluation, a 5-point hedonistic scoring method was used, in which characteristics such as shell color, appearance of the skin, texture (ductility or unusual softness, stiffness of the bread, crispness and fragility), aroma, taste, flavor and odor and overall appearance and in The total acceptance is based on the total score of the parameters of the color of the brain, the color of the skin and the appearance of the skin and the appearance of the public within 2 hours after the bread is baked. Also, for sensory evaluation, the sensory evaluation for staling was used according to AACC 11-38 at 24 and 48 hours after baking. Results and discussion: The results clearly showed that increasing the percentage of active soybean meal increases the L * bread component, delaying the bread staling, the highest amount L * crust of the sample with 12 % of soy flour was equal to 72 and the lowest in the control sample was 61. With an increase in the percentage of soy flour, has been reduced the component a * bread brains and a * bread crust and as well as with an increase in the percentage of soy flour, increased the component b * bread brains and b * bread crust, as well as with increasing the amount of soy flour, the porosity of the control sample was significantly decreased. As the increased percentage of soybean, decreased the specific volume of bread, adding more than 4 % soy flour had a negative effect on the bread volume. The addition of 4 % of soybean flour has no significant effect on stiffness, but adding more than 4 % in both times cause increase this parameter. The least stiffness was observed in the control treatment at 2 and 48 hours after baking, which was not significant with 4 % active soybean flour. The highest rigidity was observed in the treatment containing 12 % active soybean flour. The increase in the percentage of soybean flour has slowed the staling process at 24 and 48 hours after cooking. Adding soy flour increases the absorption of dough water and, as a result of preserve more moisture, its mechanical properties improve. The results showed the color of bread improved by increasing the amount of soybean flour and retards the staling but increasing more than 4 % soy flour in bread formulation reduced tissue, flavor, odor and overall appearance. Conclusion: Use of soybean flour as a substitute for wheat flour in pan bread improves the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the final product and therefore, reduces waste.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Sunflower oil is one of the most important edible oils and due to its high unsaturation, it is sensitive to oxidative deterioration. Due to unsaturated fatty acids of GSO, is exposed to various types of chemical reactions, including enzymatic reactions and lipid oxidation. In this regard, the use of antioxidants for increasment the resistance of the oil to oxidation, is essential. Due to the poor nutritional and cancerous effects of these compounds and the consumer's desire to use natural compounds, the use of natural antioxidants is considered by researchers instead of industrial antioxidants. Spices (ginger, pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, thyme) and aromatic vegetables such as basil and peppermint with essential oils (EOS) containing multiple polyphenols with anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties are a good source of natrul antioxidant (Teixeira et al., 2013; Srinivasan, 2017). Ginger is an important medicinal herb and has several properties, including anti-nausea, cardiovascular, antibacterial, liver anti-inflammatory, lowering blood cholesterol stimulates brain circulation and stimulates digestion. The presence of antioxidants in ginger causes the removment of free radicals from oil. Thyme is the other valuable herbs with high antioxidant and antimicrobial activity and is one of the world's best herbs in terms of high levels of antioxidants. The phenolic antioxidants in thyme, eliminate free radicals and prevent oxidative stress in all body systems. In spite of studies on the use of phenolic compounds in oxidation stability of oils, the use of ginger and thyme EOS in combination, as a natural antioxidant has not been investigated for the stability of grape seed oil (Salmanian et al., 2013). By extracting these phenolic compounds and adding to grape seed oil, it can be expected that the oleoresin in these plant extracts, in comparison to industrial antioxidants, increases the oxidative stability of grape seed oil. In the present study, metanoic extraction of thyme and ginger have been used as natural antioxidant in sunflower oil and its antioxidant activity (alone and in the mixture) compared to industrial α-tocopherol was measured. The properties of sunflower oil including acidity, peroxide and tiobarbioturic acid (TBA) indices, total phenol and antioxidant activity were studied during 45 days of storage. Material and methods: For extraction phenolic compounds from ginger and thyme, 25 gr of powdered ginger or thyme was placed in a cellulose ring of suksele apparatus. Then their phenolic compounds were extracted using methanol solvent. Extraction was done at a temperature higher than boiling point of solvent (65 ° C) and continued until extraction complete. The solvent was removed using a rotary evaporator and the extracted compounds was stored for further experiments in the refrigerator (Seidi Damyeh and Niakousari, 2015). Different types and concentrations of metanoic extraction were added to GSO and experiments was done during 45 days of storage. The properties of sunflower oil including acidity, peroxide and tiobarbioturic acid (TBA) indices, total phenol and antioxidant activity were studied during 45 days of storage. The results were analyzed using completely randomized blocks during 45 days of the storage time. One-way ANOVA and Duncan’ s mean comparison tests were used at 5% significance (p<0. 05). Results and discussions: Acidity of the all samples increased significantly during the 45 days of storage (p<0. 05). The sample contained 300 ppm of (thyme and ginger) phenolic compounds on the 45th day had the lowest acidity and the highest acidity was observed in the sample without antioxidants (control sample). GSO containing two species of thyme and ginger had fewer amounts of FFA and were able to prevent oxidation, resulting in less acidity. The rate of peroxide index increased significantly during the 45 days of storage. In all days, the control sample had the highest amount of peroxide because the presence of antioxidants in different samples caused the peroxide to be neutralized and consequently reduced its amount and against the lowest index after 45 days of the sample. In all samples, the level of TBA index increased significantly, while the lowest amount of the index after 45 days of storage was related to the sample containing α-tocopherol and the sample containing 300 ppm of thyme metanoic extraction. It should also be noted that no significant difference was found between them. In the case of other treatments, it can be stated that the highest level of this index is related to the control sample without any antioxidants. TBA index shows the amount of secondary oxidation products, especially aldehydes. (Mirzaei et al., 2011). Over time, Total phenol (mg of gallic acid per liter) of oil samples containing different concentrations of antioxidants has been significantly reduced in all samples. According to the results, it can be stated that with increasing concentrations of phenolic compounds in oil samples, the total phenol content also increased. This can be attributed to the presence of phenolic compounds in both essential oils of thyme and ginger. Phenolic compounds play an essential role in antioxidant activity due to the presence of hydroxyl groups in their structure and their ability to donate hydrogen to the free radicals. Conclusion: The results showed acidity of the samples increased during storage. Peroxide value and TBA of sunflower oil samples were significantly increased during storage. The lowest amount of these indices after 45 days was related to the samples containing α-tocopherol and 300 ppm mixture of ginger and thyme, respectively. The total phenol also was increased by increasing the concentration of extract which can be due to the presence of phenolic compounds in the ginger and thyme extracts. The radical scavenging activity of all samples was decreased during storage. The highest antioxidant activity was related to the samples containing α-tocopherol and then those containing 300 ppm of ginger +thyme extract in general, it can be concluded that the metanoic extraction of ginger and thyme can be used as a natural antioxidant in the edible oils to prevent their oxidation. Acidity of the samples increased during storage. Peroxide value and TBA of sunflower oil samples were significantly increased during storage. The lowest amount of these indices after 45 days was related to the samples containing α-tocopherol and 300 ppm mixture of ginger and thyme, respectively. The total phenol also was increased by increasing the concentration of extract which can be due to the presence of phenolic compounds in the ginger and thyme extracts. The radical scavenging activity of all samples was decreased during storage. The highest antioxidant activity was related to the samples containing α-tocopherol and then those containing 300 ppm of ginger +thyme extract in general, it can be concluded that the metanoic extraction of ginger and thyme can be used as a natural antioxidant in the edible oils to prevent their oxidation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) are the sugar oligomers made up of xylose units and considered as non-digestible food ingredients. Xylooligosaccharides exhibit prebiotic effect when consumed as a part of diet. They are neither hydrolyzed nor absorbed in the the gastrointestinal tract. They affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth of good bacteria, so called probiotics and enhance one’ s health (Chapla et al., 2012). Probiotics defined as direct food microbials (DFM) that beneficially affect the host by improving its microbial balance and have been consumed to change the composition of colonic microbiota (Gibson and Roberfroid; 1995). Xylooligosaccharides are relatively new type of oligomers which have gained a lot of interest because of many technological and health benefits, and a lot of research is going on to explore their dietary and physiological roles. Moreover, it has acceptable organoleptic property. Xylooligosaccharidesdos not exhibit toxicity or negative effects on human health (Jayapal et al., 2013). Date fruit is one of the important garden products in Iran. A large amount of dates especially second and third grade dates, are used for production of date syrup, date chocolate, vinegar, liquid sugar and so on. In these industries, date seed is one of the wastes by-products. Hemicellulose (xylan) is one of the major parts of date seed. The purpose of this research is xylan extraction from date seed, enzymatic hydrolysis to obtain xylooligosaccharides and evaluation of their prebiotic potential compared with the commercial prebiotic (Fructooligosaccharide). Materials and methods: Date seeds (Kabkab variety) were prepared from a local processor in Behbahan city (Khozestan, Iran) and after washing, dried by solar method. Seeds were grounded by shear mill (Ahrar mill company-Iran) and the particles bigger than 2mm were separated by sieve, and the particles smaller than 2 mm were stored at-20º C until extraction processes. It has been reveal that highest efficiency in hemicellulose extraction is gained by alkali method. (Liu et al., 2016). Before extraction, fat, soluble sugars and lignin in order to purification were separated. Ishrud method (2003) was used for purification. Thirty grams of kernel powder was defatted for 4 hours at 40℃ with hexane, then washed with solvent several times. The remaining material was placed in ethanol (1: 15) at 75℃ for 4 hours under constant stirring for the separation of monomers and colorants. In next step, in order to delignification, the remaining material was placed in sodium chlorite (% 0. 7 NaClO) solution for 5 hours in the pH 4 and 75º C, then dried by air at 60 ℃ . The produced hollocellulose material was exposed to dilute solution NaOH (0. 1 M) at 80 ℃ for 3 hours. After that the product was mixed with 2. 25 M sodium hydroxide at room temperature (25° C) for 24 hours under N2 atmosphere, then was centrifuged and the supernatant was separated. The produced solution was neutralized to pH=5. 5 by acetic acid glacial. The neutralized solution was mixed with 3 volume ethanol 95% and after overnight at 4℃ centrifuged at 10000 rpm. Then the gained xylan hydrolyzed by two commercial xylanases namely Pentopan mono BG and Veron 191. The XOS in the two hydrolysates were qualified and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPAEC– PAD). In order to testing digestibility of both XOS, they were exposed to the solutions similar gastric juices (Shi et al., 2018). Effect of both XOS, as carbon sources, on growth of Bifidobacterium bifidum (µ max and OD600) was compared with, negative control (without carbon source), positive control (glucose), and fructooligosaccharide (FOS). The pH of cultures were determined at interval times. Results and discussion: The results showed that hydrolysate of each enzyme contained different ratio of xylobiose (X2) and xylotriose (X3). The both enzymes produced X2 and X3 from date seed xylan so that veron 191 produced X2 more than X3 while pentopan mono BG produced X3 more than X2. Veron 191 and pentopan mono BG, are belong to two main families of carbohydrate hydrolyzer, GH10 and GH11 respectively. Researches has been reported that GH10 and GH11 families produce low degree of polymerization (DP) and high DP XOS respectively (Kiran et al., 2013). For XOS hydrolysates through enzymatic hydrolysis of date seed xylan by veron 191(Vxos) and pentopan mono BG (Pxos), sugar content was determined as 3. 63 and 4. 23 mg/mL, respectively. For simulation of intestinal medium, Vxos and Pxos were subjected for digestion by α-amylase, gastric pepsin, and trypsin under pH of 7. 0, 3. 0, and 7. 0, respectively. Reducing sugar content of Vxos after sequential in vitro digestion was 3. 64, 3. 64, and 3. 65 mg/mL for oral, gastric, and intestinal phase, respectively. Reducing sugar content of Pxos after sequential in vitro digestion was 4. 25, 4. 24 and 4. 25. No significant changes were observed in reducing sugar content and for both XOS after sequential gastrointestinal medium treatments. Results have indicated that both Vxos and Pxos were resistant to digestive enzymes in gastrointestinal tract, with no significant releasing of reducing sugar in the presence of digestive enzymes and specific pH conditions mentioned above. In terms of effect on growth, there was significant difference between Vxos and Pxos and another carbon sources (P≤ 0. 05). Overall, due to indigestion property of XOS from xylan hydrolysate of date seed, and their positive effect on growth of Bifidobacterium bifidum, prebiotic potential property can be attributed to them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Hydrocolloids are high-molecular weight hydrophilic biopolymers used in food systems for various purposes, for example as thickeners, gelling agents, texture modifiers, and stabilizers. Balangu seed (Lallemantia royleana) is mucilaginous endemic plant which is grown in different regions of Asia, Europe, and Middle East, especially in various regions of Iran. The extracted Balangu seed gum has a high molecular weight and rather flexible chain. There has been some research into the effect of Balangu seed gum on the properties of ice cream, desserts and emulsions. Also, there are many valuable studies that investigate the effect of Balangu seed gum on quantitative and qualitative of sorghum gluten free bread (Salehi et al 2014). Basil plant (Ocimum basilicum) comes from the genus Ocimum of Lamiaceae family consisting of 50 to 150 herbs and shrubs. It is popular aromatic and white-purple flowering herbs grown in India and Iran. It is also cultivated in the warmer regions of Africa, Central and South America. Aside from its culinary use, basil extract has been used in food flavoring and in fragrances. Basil contains essential oil, rich in linalool and methylchavicol compounds, which are responsible for its aromatic properties. The outer layer of basil seed contains a pectinous matrix, which readily swells when soaked in water. The seed has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of coughs, sore throats, diarrhea, indigestion and kidney malfunctions (Zameni et al 2015). Today, due to the non-degradability of synthetic packaging materials, there have been growing study interests toward natural resources to making biodegradable edible packaging films and coatings. These research mainly focused on developing edible coatings and improving their properties to exert the main desired features of usual synthetic materials, such as high mechanical strength, lightness, softness, water resistance and transparency. The one of the alternatives to plastics, are edible biopolymers including proteins, polysaccharides and lipids. Biopolymers are biodegradable and environmentally friendly compounds and they can reduce the amount of chemical hazards and home wastes. Various polysaccharides have been used for the making of edible films including starch, tapioca, corn, cellulose and cellulose derivatives such as HPMC, CMC (carboxymethylcellulose), and MC (methylcellulose), quince seed mucilage, Pullulan, alginate, carrageenan, and policaju gum (Salehi 2019b). Due to problems caused by the use of artificial coatings, researchers have begun to produce natural edible coatings for the preservation of food, including fruits and vegetables, and one of the sources of their preparation is plant gum. Material and methods: This research was carried out to investigate the effects of Balangu and Basil seeds gum coating on storage life and some quantitative and qualitative properties of peach during cold storage. For this purpose, a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications was conducted. Balangu ana Basil seeds were purchased from a local market. The cleaned seeds were soaked in distilled water (water/seed ratio 20: 1) at 60° C, pH=7, for 20 min. Separation of the hydrocolloid from the swollen seeds was achieved by passing the seeds through an extractor equipped with a rotating plate that scraped the gum layer on the seed surface. The extracted solution was then filtered and dried in an air forced oven at 65° C and finally the powder was milled, packed and kept at cool and dry condition. Each experiment consisted two factors including treatments and storage time. Treatments were applied with dipping of fruits for 5 minutes in prepared solution at 25˚ C. After drying, the fruits were moved to plastic containers and stored in cold storage at 5˚ C and 90% RH. Second factor was storage time with 4 levels including 1 (beginning of storage), 10, 20 and 30 days after storage. In each of the mentioned dates the fruits were removed from storage and the following quantitative and qualitative parameters were evaluated: soluble solids, titratable acidity, ethylene production, respiration rate, total phenols and sensorial evaluation. The hedonic test was used to determine the degree of overall liking for the peaches. For this study, trained consumers were recruited from the students, staff and faculty. All consumers were interested volunteers and informed that they would be evaluating the peaches. For the apple cake manufacturing study, 15 consumers received five samples and were asked to rate them based on degree of liking on a five-point hedonic scale (1 = dislike extremely, 3 = neither like nor dislike, 5 = like extremely). Samples were placed on plates and identified with random threedigit numbers. Each measurement was conducted in triplicate. The experimental data were subjected to an analysis of variance (ANOVA) for a completely random design using a statistical analysis system (Minitab 16). Duncan’ s multiple range tests were used to determine the difference among means at the level of 0. 05. Results and discussion: The results showed that application of Balangu and Basil seeds gums had a significant effect on reducing respiration rate of peach. The effect of storage time on all evaluated traits in peaches were significant. At the end of storage, the soluble solids and phenols in fruit were increased, and titratable acidity decreased. The interaction between treatments and storage time was significant on some of the characteristics in peaches, such as soluble solids, titratable acidity, ethylene production and respiration rate. Analysis of variance showed that the effect of treatment, time and treatment interaction and time on respiration of peach fruit were significant at 1% level. The respiration rate of peach fruit increased during different storage periods. The lowest percentage of weight loss was related to Basil gum treatment. Treatments of Balangu gum, Basil gum and the combination of two gums were not significantly different at 1% probability level, while they were not significantly different from the control treatment. The control treatment had the highest percentage of weight loss compared to the other treatments. The level of titratable acidity of peach fruit in control treatment was significantly different from other treatments. The lowest acidity was observed on day 30 in control treatment and the highest acidity was observed on the day of storage. Conclusion: According to the results, the use of 0. 1% Balangu and Basil seeds gums is recommendable as a natural edible coating to preserving quality and extending storage life of peaches.

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Introduction: The use of pesticides has increased considerably for crop production in recent years. Despite the advantageous properties of pesticides for controlling different pests and preventing diseases, they have many negative effects on the environment and human health. Different methods have been proposed to reduce the effects of pesticides on fresh and dried foods, including washing, storage, peeling, heating, boiling, frying and bleaching, canning, freezing, etc, but they don't have enough ability in this regard (Ali Mohammadi and Jihadi 2014). Nowadays, due to the high resistant nature of some pesticides and the inadequacy of traditional methods to remove them, the use of novel and efficient methods such as microwave irradiation has received great attention to decrease residues of pesticides in vegetables and fruits. Various techniques such as microwaves and radio frequencies treatment have been identified as suitable methods for thermal decontamination in the post-harvest stage of nucleated fruits. Generally, reducing pesticides residues can be a good way forward in improving the quality of foods and thus human health (Guillet et al 2009, Kaushik et al 2016). Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) is one of the most important horticultural crops in the world and Iran is one of the leading apricot producer countries. Apricot is rich in beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, antioxidants, carotenoids, vitamins A, B and C, minerals and fiber (Wani et al. 2017). It is a suitable fruit for drying and moreover, the export aspect of the dried-product is also remarkable. Dried apricot has many nutritional and health benefits and is considered as a healthy, high-calorie, and vitamin-rich product (Wani et al. 2017). Therefore, finding a suitable approach to remove apricot pesticides and produce a high-quality product seems necessary. In the present study, the effect of microwave irradiation was evaluated on residues of Orthocide (trade name: captan) pesticide and physicochemical properties of dried apricots during storage. Material and methods: Apricot fruits (Nasiri variety) were provided by agricultural jihad organization of Kermanshah province and were dried (Hussain et al. 2010). Then, Orthocide (trade name: captan) pesticide in three levels of 25, 50 and 75 ppb (μ g/ kg) was inoculated to organic dried apricots. In the next stage, inoculated samples were subjected to microwave irradiation (2. 5 and 5 min) and pesticide residues were determined after irradiation during two months of storage (Cieslik et al. 2011, Seid Mohammadi et al. 2012). Also, a series of samples without any pesticide inoculation was irradiated with microwave (2. 5 and 5 min) and were evaluated in terms of ash content (AOAC 2005, 940. 26), moisture content (AOAC 2005, 934. 06), total phenolic content (Arabshahi and Urooj 2007), reducing sugar content (AOAC, 2005, 925. 36), total microbial count, mold and yeast counts (Rahman et al. 2011), color (parameters of L*, b* and a*) (Basaran and Akhan 2010) and antioxidant activity (Arabshahi and Urooj 2007) in different storage times (0, 30 and 60 days). All experiments were carried out in triplicate. Obtained data were analyzed by repeated measure design and factorial design using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and least square means in significance level of 0. 05 (p<0. 05). Statistical analyses were performed using SAS software version 9. 1. Results and discussion: The results showed that microwave irradiation caused a significant decrease in pesticide residues of dried apricot in all levels of pesticide inoculation (5. 05-26. 07 %) compared to the control sample. This reduction can be attributed to existence hot spots and nonthermal effects of microwave (Sajjadi et al. 2016). In addition, increase of storage time had a significant effect on reduction of pesticide residues (p<0. 05). Overall, the highest reduction amount in pesticide residues (26. 07 %) was related to samples treated with microwave radiation for 5 min at zero time (Table 2). In accordance with our results, residue of cypermethrin pesticide in brinjal reduced after processing with microwave (Walia et al. 2010). Microwave radiation also led to an increase in the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity (Figures 2 and 3) which may be associated with breakdown of covalent bonds between phenolic compounds and other components (such as protein and sugar) by microwave, increasing extraction efficiency of phenolic compounds and therefore antioxidant activity (Hayat et al. 2010a). Similar results have been reported by Igual et al (2010). Moreover, ash and reducing sugar contents of samples increased by microwave but a significant decrease was observed in the moisture content of dried apricot (p<0. 05). Microwave radiation could significantly diminish total microbial count and mold and yeast counts compared to the control sample. This can be justified by the thermal and non-thermal effects of microwave on microorganisms (Heddleson and doores 1994, Kozempel et al. 1998). The lowest microbial count (2. 39 log CFU/g) was related to samples treated with microwave for 5 min at zero time. Similarly, the microbial load of saffron samples decreased after microwave irradiation (Hosseini Nejad et al. 2003). Also, irradiation with microwave led to a decrease in L* factor and an increase in a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) factors of samples (p<0. 05). The least color changes were found in samples irradiated with microwave for 2. 5 min (Table 5). Color changes can be attributed to the degradation of vitamin C, carotenoids and other pigments due to the heating effect of microwave and environmental factors. Also, loss in moisture content may be effective in making these changes. Similar results have been reported by Jogihalli et al (2017) for chickpea. Conclusion: Our findings depicted that the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of the microwave treated-samples increased compared to the untreated sample. Compared with the control sample the microwave-treated specimens showed lower moisture content as well as higher ash and sugar content. Results of microbial tests demonstrated that microwave treatment was an efficient method in decreasing the total count of microorganisms, yeast, and mold. The effects of both treatment time and storage time on the measured physicochemical parameters were noticeable. Microwave irradiation for 5 min resulted in more changes in determined parameters in comparison with 2. 5 min of irradiation time and was more effective in reducing pesticide residues of dried apricot. Therefore, microwave irradiation can be considered as an appropriate and promising way to decrease pesticides residues in fruits and vegetables without adverse effect on its physicochemical properties.

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Introduction: The production and improvement of the quality of gluten-free products for celiac patients is one of the major challenges in the food industry. Celiac disease is a digestive autoimmune disease caused by intolerance to the use of gluten. At present, the only treatment is a gluten-free diet. For this purpose, gluten-free grains such as rice, millet, sorghum and corn can be used to produce gluten-free products (Fasano and Catassi 2008). Rice is one of the most suitable cereals for gluten-free products for patients with celiac disease. But since in the rice milling process (for the preparation of white rice) a significant amount of fiber and minerals are lost, in the production of gluten-free products from rice flours, we should use other cereals flour, some beans flour or admittable additives, So that the product has a good balance in terms of nutrients and provides the needs of celiac patients. Millet is one kind of gluten-free cereals that is resistant to pests and diseases, has a short growing season and can be produced in drought conditions (Devi et al., 2014). In gluten-free products, due to the lack of gluten protein, some qualitative problems such as low volume and poor texture are present in the product (Gallagher et al., 2004). In order to improve the quality of gluten-free products, it is possible to use common methods such as gums (Turabi et al., 2008) or physical methods such as microwave (Yadav et al., 2010) treatment. Microwave is electromagnetic waves that range in frequency from 300 MHz to 300 GHz. In a microwave oven, heat is a result of the reaction of a magnetic field with chemical compounds in the food substance, due to the molecular friction that generates internal heat. After absorbing the microwave energy and converting it to heat energy, the heat is transferred to all parts of the food by convection and conduction processes (Schubert and Regier 2005). Microwave treatment improves the functional properties, such as water holding capacity, Emulsifier property, foaming capacity and protein solubility index (Ashraf et al., 2012). Therefore, microwave treated flour or grains can be used to produce different products and improve their quality. So far, research has been conducted about the effect of microwave treatment on starch and cereal flour. Since in industrial scale, Manipulation cereals for moisturing, giving treatment and storing cereals is much easier than flour, grains can be used as a raw material for treatment. However, our review on the researches showed there is no study about using microwave treated grain in the gluten-free cake formulation. Therefore, the objectives of this study was to investigate the use of flour from microwave treated millet grain (treated at different condition) in the formulation of gluten free cake (made from millet and rice flour mix with 50: 50 constant ratio) and it's effect on the physicochemical properties of batter and cake. Also, this treatment can be used as a gum substitute in gluten-free cake formulations. Material and methods: In this research, microwave treatment was applied at different levels of moisture (10, 15 and 20%) and times (60, 30 and 90 seconds) with a constant microwave power of 900 w. The millet grains were tempered to reach 15 and 20% moisture content. For this purpose, adequate amount of distilled water was sprayed to the millet grains and mixed entirely. Then, to equalize the moisture, samples were kept in the 4° C overnight. Next, the moistened grains in a Pyrex container were treated in microwave oven (Smary, MWS-280 model, Iranian) at 900 W for 30, 60 and 90 s. Then, the treated grains were spread on an aluminum tray and dried in an oven at 40° C up to a moisture content of about 10%. After that, the millet grains were milled by using a laboratory mill, screened through a standard sieve (NO. 80) and were kept in polyethylene bags. For study of effect of microwave treatment on the quality of gluten free cakes, 50% of microwave millet grain flour was mixed by rice flours. Untreated millet grain flour was used for the control sample. Moreover, some degrees of cake samples such as volume, porosity, moisture content (MC), textural parameters, and sensory properties of gluten-free cake (containing treated grain flour) was examined and results were compared with the sample containing 0. 15% xanthan gum. Results and discussion: According to the results, the use of the microwave treatment of millet grain reduced the specific gravity and increased the viscosity of the gluten-free cake batter (p<0. 05). So that, the highest specific gravity and the lowest viscosity related to the control sample and the lowest specific gravity and the highest viscosity for the treated sample related to 90-20 MT and sample containing gum. This could be due to an increase in the ability to keep air bubbles in the batter cake during mixing. Moreover, some degree of improvement in cooking loss, volume, porosity, moisture content (MC), textural parameters, and sensory properties of gluten-free cake (containing treated grain flour) was observed, in comparison to the raw cake (made from raw millet). Cooking loss of samples containing microwave-treated grain flour decreased significantly compared to the control sample and the lowest cooking loss was for the sample containing MT 2090 treatment. Reducing cooking loss in samples containing microwave-treated grain flour can be due to increased water holding capacity in treated millet flour. The cake samples prepared from the microwave treated grain with 20% moisture content at 60 or 90 s showed the highest volume, porosity, and sensory acceptance. This could be because of the use of flour from microwave-treated grains in cake formulation increases the amount of air bubbles entering the batter cake, which results in a special gravity reduction and increased viscosity of the batter and ultimately effect on the volume and the cake texture features. Moreover, the softest texture and the highest moisture content during storage belonged to the sample prepared with flour from the microwave treated grain under 20% and 90s. Conclusion: In conclusion, the results of this study showed that microwave treatment of millet grain have the potential to improve qualitative characteristics of gluten-free cake samples. In order to increase consumer demand for products without additives, the use of physical treatment of grain or flour (including microwave treatment) can improve the quality of gluten-free products. In this regard, the results of this study showed that the use of microwave-treated grain under 20% MC at 90 and 60 seconds can improve the quality of gluten-free products without the use of gum.

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Introduction: The word “ probiotic” comes from the Greek word “ pro bios” meaning “ for life” , which is the opposed of the term “ antibiotics” meaning “ against life. ” Probiotics are alive bacteria and the majority of probiotic microorganisms are belonging to the genera of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Regular consumption of probiotics in the adequate amounts have many beneficial health such as prevention of diarrhea, constipation, intestinal diseases and help to digest lactose and strengthen the immune system. On the other hand, recently the use of soy products has been progressively increased due to consumer consciousness about soy benefits. Soy probiotic yogurt is of special importance due to the presence of functional compounds such as probiotic microorganisms and natural prebiotics (raffinose, stachyose), the combination which is considered and dubbed as synbiotic. Dairy products, especially probiotic yogurt, are the most common foods that are used as probiotic products. On the other hand, yogurt production and similar products have always been accompanied with problems such as defects in texture, structure and syneresis. The functionality and structure of proteins can be modified with physical, chemical and enzymatic procedures. Enzymatic modification has been recommended as a useful technique owing to high specificity of enzymatic reactions and therefore a little risk of formation of toxic products. Transglutaminase enzyme can produce a gel with a desirable structure by forming covalent bonds between glutamine and lysine in protein systems. Therefore, the effect of application of transglutaminase enzyme in protein food systems (such as milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, bread, fish, meat and other food products) have been extensively studied by many researchers. So, the aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and microbial properties of symbiotic soy yogurt as affected by TG-enzymatic treatment at different inulin concentrations. Material and methods: The effect of different amounts of TG-enzyme (0, 0. 015, 0. 03 and 0. 045%) and inulin (0, 1 and 2%) on physicochemical (pH, acidity, syneresis) and microbial characteristics (probiotic count) of synbiotic soy yogurt during 21 days of cold storage (1, 7, 14 and 21 days) was investigated. To prepare the synbiotic soy yoghurt samples, inulin as a prebiotic and Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis as probiotic bacteria were used and added to the soy milk. After addition of inulin, soy milk was heated (95 ° C for 5 min) and cooled to inoculation temperature ° (45 C). After the enzyme addition, the probiotic starter culture was added and fermentation was done ° at 42 C until the pH was reached to 4. 6. Sample without TG-enzyme and inulin was considered as control yogurt. For performing analysis, data were analyzed by a completely randomized factorial design using SPSS software, version 24. The mean of treatments was compared with Duncan test at 95% confidence level. Results and discussion: The results showed that with increasing the enzyme concentration, amount of acidity and syneresis decreased while pH increased significantly (p<0. 001). This was probably due to formation of internal and interstitial bonds in protein network which causes reduction of bioavailability of organic compounds for microorganisms (reduce acidity) and increases water holding capacity (reduce syneresis). However, enzymatic treatment had no significant effect on total solids of the samples. Increasing the amount of inulin also caused a significant increase in acidity and total solids while expressively reduced pH and syneresis of yoghurt samples (p<0. 001). The reduction of syneresis as a consequence of inulin addition was probably due to water absorption and water holding capacity of this compound. The highest total solids was recorded for yogurt sample containing 2 percent inulin and the lowest was recorded for control (0 percent inulin). By passing the time of storage, pH and syneresis significantly decreased and acidity until the fourteenth day increased and thereafter decreased considerably (p<0. 001). However, there was no significant effect on the amount total solids. The results of microbial analysis showed that with increasing enzyme concentration, the survival amount of Bifidobacterium lactis decreased significantly (p<0/01). Although their number in the sample containing the highest level of enzyme was higher than standard. The formation of covalent bonds due to the addition of the TG enzyme can remove lower the molecular weight of peptides from the available microorganisms and thus reduce their growth. On the other hand, by increasing the enzyme concentration, unlike Bifidobacterium, the survival rate of Lactobacillus acidophilus increased significantly compared to the control sample, but eventually the amount was lower than the standard. By increasing the inulin concentration at level 2% the growth rate of Bifidobacterium lactis was significantly increased (p<0/01). The effect of storage period on the survival rate of Bifidobacterium showed that during storage, their number decreased significantly (p<0/05). However, the number of probiotic bacteria in all soy synbiotic yogurts at the end of 21-day maintenance were over 10 7 logcfu/g. Our results also showed significant interactions between three tested variables on the physicochemical characteristics and the probiotic counts. Conclusion: In general, the results of this study showed that the addition of enzyme and inulin during storage period did not have an adverse effect on pH and acidity and also reduced the syneresis. The sample containing 0. 045% enzyme and 2% inulin at the end of the storage period showed the least syneresis compared to the control sample. In this study, amongst two probiotic bacteria, Bifidobacterium lactis, in comparison with Lactobacillus acidophilus, was able to maintain its survival rate above the standard level. Among the different samples, the sample containing 2% inulin on the first day of storage period had the highest probiotic content. According to the results, the best synbiotic soy yogurt with acceptable probiotic count and physicochemical properties could be produced using 2% inulin and 0. 015% TG-enzyme concentration.

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Introduction: Apricot fruit is a carbohydrate-rich commodity and is a good source of fibers, essential minerals, vitamins and organic acids. It is also rich in bioactive compounds i. e. polyphenols and carotenoids that have certain antioxidant character in biological system. It is consumed in fresh, dried and frozen forms or used for the preparation of jam, juices, nectars and extruded products. Therefore, apricot being an attractive nutritious fruit is appreciated by consumers and farmers all over the world and has gained great economic importance over the years. Apricot is a climacteric fruit that presents a high respiratory and metabolic rate and, among stone fruits, is the one that presents the highest ethylene emission. One of the major problems of apricots is the rapid postharvest softening, which limits its storability and marketability. These features results that, at the postharvest, have an extremely short shelf-life of only 1-2 weeks in the cold storage, and pass quickly from maturity to overripe. One of the major problems of apricots is the rapid postharvest softening, which limits its storability and marketability. For this reason, to have acceptable quality fruits, they must be stored with adequate techniques to limit the post-harvest losses. As apricot production and export increase, demands for practical methods of post-harvest quality retention are necessary to improve the postharvest quality of apricots during postharvest life. Several pre-and postharvest technologies have been used to control postharvest losses, but the use of chemicals as fungicides is restricted in most countries and consumers demand agricultural commodities without pesticide residues. Consumers around the world demand for food of high-quality, without chemical preservatives, and extended shelf life. Therefore, an increased effort has been made to develop new natural preservatives and antimicrobials. Many storage techniques have been developed to extend the marketing distances and holding periods for commodities after harvest. Among these technologies, edible coatings are traditionally used to improve food appearance and preservation. Edible coatings are thin layers of edible material applied to the product surface in addition to or as a replacement for natural protective waxy coatings and provide a barrier to moisture, oxygen and solute movement. They are applied directly on the food surface by dipping, spraying or brushing. Edible coatings are used to create a modified atmosphere and to reduce weight loss during transport and storage. In fact, the barrier characteristics of gas exchange for films and coatings are the subjects of much recent interest. Recently, researchers have developed a gel based on Aloe vera that prolongs the conservation of fresh fruits. This gel is tasteless, colorless and odorless. This natural product is a safe and environmental friendly alternative to synthetic preservatives such as sulfur dioxide. This gel operates through a combination of mechanics, forming a protective layer against the oxygen and moisture of the air and inhibiting the action of micro-organisms that cause food-borne illnesses through its various antibacterial and antifungal compounds. Aloe vera gel-based edible coatings have been shown to prevent moisture and firmness losses, control respiratory rate and delay ripening process slow oxidative browning and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits. Present study was conducted to evaluate the increasing of apricot storage time, introducing suitable cultivars based on Aloe vera gel coating, effects of Aloe vera gel on the qualitative characteristics of fruit and obtain the optimum concentration of Aloe vera gel required to coating apricot fruits. Material and methods: Therefore, a factorial experiment was carried out based on a completely randomized design with four replications. The evaluated factors including cultivars “ Dorosht-e Malayer” and “ Ghermez-e Shahrood” , concentrations of Aloe vera gel [control (non-gel coating fruits), 25% and 33%] and storage time [0 (Harvest), 7, 14 and 21 d)]. Moreover, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), fruit firmness, pH, percentage of weight loss, antioxidant activity and vitamin C content were determined during storage time. Results and discussion: The results showed that treatment of apricot fruits with Aloe vera gel, especially at 33% concentration, significantly enhanced vitamin C content, titrable acidity, antioxidant capacity and improved tissue firmness, but also reduced soluble solids, weight loss and pH content. Moreover, it was found that vitamin C content, titratable acidity and fruit tissue firmness significantly decreased during storage time, while soluble solids content, weight loss and antioxidant capacity significantly increased. Among the cultivars, “ Ghermez-e Shahrood” cultivar had higher soluble solids content, weight loss, pH and antioxidant capacity during storage time, whereas “ Dorosht-e Malayer” cultivar had higher titrable acidity, tissue firmness and vitamin C at the end of storage time. double and triple interaction effects of evaluated factors significantly affected all characteristics, except in antioxidant activity, where just storage time had a significant effect. It was found that the highest vitamin C content in “ Dorosht-e Malayer” and “ Ghermez-e Shahrood” was obtained at the end of the second week in coated fruits with 33% of Aloe vera gel. TSS content in fruits of “ Doroshte Malayer” cultivar that coated with 25% and 33% of Aloe vera gel was less than “ Ghermez-e Shahrood” cultivar, while Aloe vera gel had no significant effect on TSS content in “ Ghermez-e Shahrood” cultivar. Aloe vera gel had no defined pattern on TA concentration but generally, “ Dorosht-e Malayer” fruits had higher TA concentration comparing “ Ghermez-e Shahrood” fruits During the storage time, the fruit weight loss and firmness were higher in “ Ghermez-e Shahrood” as compared with “ Dorosht-e Malayer” , however, in the both evaluated cultivars, treatment with Aloe vera gel had a significant positive effect to controlling of fruit weight loss and firmness. Furthermore, coating with Aloe vera gel improved the antioxidant capacity in both evaluated cultivars. Conclusion: Overall, according to the results, it can be concluded that as compared with “ Ghermeze Shahrood” cultivar, “ Dorosht-e Malayer” cultivar showed better quality based on the evaluated parameters and maintained its quality for a longer time. As a conclusion, considering the positive effects of Aloe vera gel, it can be in order to increase the shelf-life and maintaining the quality of apricot fruits.

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Introduction: One of new methods control of oxidation and spicy disruption is using films and edible coatings. Films and edible coatings is obstacles semi-permeability against transfer moisture, inside and outside food gas, so improved shelf life and adverse reactions limits (Abdol Hagh et al, 2011). Pistachio, one of the export products of Iran, under unfavorable conditions during storage mold spoilage and toxins production, especially aflatoxins by Aspergillus parasiticus and Aspergillus flavuse, and moisture absorption decrease the quality of the product. Chitosan is one of protein that has wide range from practical features to be included that one of these applications uses that as films and edible coating. Fresh walnut leaves kill insects and also have strong antibacterial and germicidal properties. The main objective of this study was evaluating the effect of pistachio coating with chitosan and walnut leaf extract solution in its shelf life. Material and methods: Modified Chien et al. (2007) method was used to produce edible coating solution of chitosan. 30 and 15 g of chitosan powder solved in 50ml acetic acid and 900 ml distilled water to prepare 3 and 1. 5% chitosan solutions. Sorbitol (5 g) was also used as plasticizer. Walnut leaves after being washed were dried and milled to form a powder. 200 grams of milled walnut leaves were mixed with 1000 ml of distilled water. The resulting mixture after three hours filtered with Whitman No. 1 filter paper and placed in an oven at 50 ° C for 24 hours and completely dried (Adeli Milani, 2015). Pistachios were coated by prepared 1. 5 and 3% (w/v) chitosan and walnut leaves extract solutions individually and binary use the corrected method of Chien et al. (2007). Mixed of chitosan (C) powder and water extract from walnut leaf (W) with chitosan ratio to walnut leaf on the witness amount T0(0-0), T1(1. 5-0), T2(1. 5-1. 5), T3(1. 5-3), T4 (3-0), T5(3-1. 5), T6(3-3) gram at liter was coverage. Coating impact on the moisture content, peroxide value, pests, fungal count and sensory properties of the pistachios were assessed base on national standards of Iran. Data were analyzed by ANOVA test and mean comparisons at a confidence level of 5%. Results and dissection: According to Fig. 1 at all times the sample with 3% chitosan and walnut leaf extract (T6) have more and witness sample have less percent of moisture. In every sample over time moisture significantly decrease. Also with increase using concentration of extract, the moisture samples at during the time faced less reduction ratio other covered samples. This is due to the formation of a protective layer and barrier against the exchange of moisture by coating pistachios and preventing further moisture loss in the specimens. The pests in coated pistachios were significantly different from control ones (p<0. 05). No live pests were observed in all specimens covered during the 3 months due to the protective barrier against infestation and contamination with different pests. In each time, moisture content of control sample (3. 12%) was significantly lower than coated ones (4. 99% for the sample containing 3% chitosan and 3% walnut extract) (p<0. 05). Besides, increasing concentrations of chitosan were increased antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, maintained the sensory properties and were effective in preventing oxidation and fungal activity in pistachios. The lowest peroxide content was observed for samples containing 3% chitosan and 1. 5% walnut extract. These results indicate the inhibitory effect of chitosan coating on oxygen penetration into pistachio tissue and its antioxidant activity. The samples coated with higher concentrations of chitosan had lower peroxide values than the samples coated with lower concentrations. This indicates that as the concentration of chitosan increases, its antioxidant effect increases. According to the structure of chitosan it can be said that by increasing the concentration of chitosan, active sites for reaction with free radicals are increased and more radicals formed during oxidative reactions are inhibited as well as with increasing number of chitosan molecules in a given volume, the number of carboxyl groups and free amines is increased and therefore more metal ions are trapped by the chitosan molecules. Also due to the influence of the concentration on the coating thickness, it can be said that part of this effect is due to the mechanical protection of the coating against oxygen. Studies has shown that chitosan inhibits mold growth like Aspergillus mold and with increasing chitosan concentration, its antimicrobial effect increased. In the samples containing chitosan, the percentage of mold development decreased with increasing chitosan concentration, so that at the concentration of 1. 5% chitosan, this amount was reduced to zero. Considering chitosan formation of marine origin and derivation of crab and shrimp wastes, it may (occasionally) cause a taste similar to the taste of fish or other seafood, and affect consumer acceptance which will be detectable by increasing the concentration of chitosan. Based on obtained results the effect of chitosan edible coating with walnut leaves extract during storage time on the sensory properties was not significant. Conclusion: Chitosan can use as edible coating with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties on pistachio. Also extract of walnut leaf as an effective anti-parasitic agent and with having antimicrobial activity and anti pests at combination with chitosan coverage, can considered as a reinforcement functional properties of chitosan. Effect of chitosan edible coating with walnut leaf extract, on sensory factors (color, taste, texture and general acceptance), peroxide number, moisture and mold growth and yeast on pistachio during storage showed that chitosan coverage with walnut leaf extract, didn’ t have significantly effect on sensory factors of covered pistachio, however the use of high concentration of chitosan and walnut leaf extract were unsatisfactory. According to the results, the best solution containing a composition of 1. 5% chitosan and 1. 5% walnut leaf extract was suggested to increase the shelf life of pistachio. As expected using these edible coatings in addition to keeping the weight of nuts and prevention from drop it that cause damage and loss to the nuts part. By applying antimicrobial factors and anti-pest and antioxidant because increase survival of product.

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