Purpose: Covid-19 has a variety of persistent symptoms and complications, including various physical, cognitive and functional disorders. Rehabilitation of these conditions after the acute phase through physical activity and exercise has been suggested in various studies. The aim of this study was to review the post-acute exercise therapy methods for patients recovered from Covid-19. Methods: In this review study, related articles from databases including Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, DOAJ, Scopus, Springer, SID, Inlm was reviewed from 2019 to September 2021. Also in the article search process, keywords: Covid-19 (and similar), post-acute, improved, discharge, rehabilitation and exercises were used. Results: After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 19 articles were obtained that examined the effect of rehabilitation exercises on different variables of Covid-19 patients after recovery from the acute phase or discharge from the hospital. Breathing exercises, aerobic exercises, resistance exercises, balance exercises, hydrotherapy were the most important methods of exercise therapy for Covid-19 survivors. The results of review showed that exercise therapy has an effect on functional capacity, in particular, walking (14 studies), pulmonary function (6 studies), physical function such as hand strength (6 studies), psychological disorders (6 studies) and quality of life (4 studies). Conclusion: Exercise therapy programs for Covid-19 survivors can include breathing, aerobics, endurance, balance, resistance training, and hydrotherapy. Exercise therapy programs for Covid-19 survivors can be suggested in the form of pulmonary and motor rehabilitation exercises. Recovered people can also do rehabilitation exercises through home-based and tele-exercises methods. In general, Post-Acute exercise rehabilitation is recommended in Covid-19 patients with the aim of improving pulmonary function, restoring functional capacity, as well as improving psychological status and quality of life.