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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Today, conflictisan inevitable part of human communication in the health structures. One of the most important skills that are characteristic ability in conflict resolution shaving emotional intelligence. Present research is an attempted to determine the effect of emotional intelligence training on conflict in nurses. Methods and Materials: The study was conducted using semi experimental applied design with control/trail group. Study sample included 56 nurses based on inclusion criteria sampling and in the next step balanced block randomization sampling was used for assigning 2 groups of: control group (n=29), and Trial group (n=27). The researchers used 3 questionnaires including: Socio-demographic, Duberin Job Conflict Questioner and Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Questioner to gather data. Content and face validity of the questioners were measured by experts' nurses. The reliability (Cronbach's alpha) coefficients for these scales were: job conflict (85%) and emotional intelligence (95%) confirmed. At the beginning, of this study all participants completed the questionnaires as pretest, then EI skills in 6 hours presented only for trail group, one weeks (each week they got 2 education package) after intervention, all subjects (in 2 groups) again completed questionnaires. The statistical software used was SPSS (v.11.5) for windows. Also paired T, Chi-square and Hapker tested were used. Findings: Findings showed that there were no significant differences between the test and control group in terms of demographic characteristics except of marriage. Findings indicated that there are no significant differences between trail and control group in total and subscales EI score. However, finding indicated that there was a significant differences between before and after findings in trail group total and subscales EI score (p=0.049), and in job conflict (p=0.0001) and conflict score (p=0.000).Conclusions: According to our findings in the present research, emotional intelligence education has been highly effective on the job conflict in nurses. Key.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Self-efficacy of nurses whom deal with unexpected events is valuable. One of the indexes that have close relationship with performance of nurses in real situation is feeling of self-efficacy. This study aimed to determine the correlation of self-efficacy of nurses to deal with unexpected events with the demographic characteristics of the nurses' city of Kerman. Methods and Materials: In this study, 484 nurses whom are working in public and private hospitals in Kerman participated in the census. The instruments for data collection were Nurses Self-efficacy to deal with Emergencies Questionnaire that was made based on Bandura Social Cognitive Theory by researchers. This questionnaire has 47 items. The validity (content validity index) was 0.92 and internal consistency of this questionnaire was 0.82. Statistical analysis was done using inferential methods of ANOVA with SPSS (v.13). Findings: The results of this study showed that the nurses have an average self-efficiency in confrontation with unexpected events. Factors such as age, work experience, and the increase in education and experience in previous disasters had a significant correlation with average score self-efficacy (p<0.05). Conclusion: To deal with possible unexpected events in the future is needed to increase ability of nurses. This study can determine issues and topics to increase nurses' self-efficacy.

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Introduction: Knowing the amount and type of physical activity is essential for adults. One of the methods of collecting data about this, is "time diary" that in recent years has been considered. The aim of this study was to determine physical activities in female lectures of university, development, validation and use of ‘Time Diary of Adult Physical Activity. Methods and Materials: The design of this study was descriptive. 50 female lectures of university as sample participated. For data collection, pervious instruments were assessed, mixed and then 'Time Diary for Adult's Physical Activity' was developed. In case of validation (content and face validity), the developed instrument was distributed to 6 experts and content and face validity was approved. For collecting data, 'Time Diary of Adult Physical Activity', distributed to women lectures of university and requested to record physical activity of a usual day. Later, data were analyzed. Findings: Results in this study showed that in a usual day, 63% of samples with mean of 13 hours and 20 minute had light physical activity (sitting, working with computer and ...), 33% of them with 8 hours and 50 minute had moderate physical activity (work with students, cleaning home and …) and 4% of them with mean 2 hours and 10 minute had heavy physical activity (sporting, fast waking and...). Conclusion: Lack of appropriate and enough of physical activity and gain weight can create healthy problems and considering this issue is so important. Use of 'Time Diary of Adult Physical Activity' as a valid instrument is suggested.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The Theory of Self-Transcendence proposes that individuals who face human vulnerability or mortality obtain an increased capacity for self-transcendence and its positive influence on well-being. The aim of current study was to determine the effect of Peer Support Groups on promotion of Physical Health Status in Multiple Sclerosis by Testing Reed's Self-Transcendence Theory. Methods and Materials: This study is a before and after quasi-experimental method based on self-transcendence theory that was conducted on 33 patients with confirmed MS participated in 3 peer support groups. Eight weekly 2 hours sessions were held. Data collection tools was Physical aspect of 'Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Inventory' with 78 item and Cronbach's coefficient was 0.93, 'Self-Transcendence Scale' (STS) with 15 item and Cronbach's coefficient was 0.68 that after modifying, it increased to 0.81. Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) with 75 items and Cronbach's coefficient was 0.80. Patients completed tools pre-and post of sessions. Data analyzed by SPSS (v.18).Findings: Illness perception can predict self-transcendence and physical health with 0.7207 effects. Also, self-transcendence can predict physical health with 0.43 effects. New finding was a direct relation between illness perception and physical health (p=0.001) that was not mentioned in Reed's Theory.Conclusions: Based on the results, this theory can be used in research and educational management in nursing and nursing management to improve the physical health of MS patients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Today studies have shown that communication between the physician/or the nurse with the patient treated as a clinical skill and considered as one of the main effective factors in improving both client's satisfaction and health care outcomes. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between nurses' communication skills and inpatient service quality in the hospitals of Kashan University of Medical Sciences, 2011. Methods and Materials: In this correlation study using a stratified sampling, 384 patients from hospitals of Kashan University of Medical Sciences were selected. A three-section questionnaire for assessing respectively demographic characteristics, nurse's communication skill, and inpatient service quality was used to collect the data. For communication skills, instrument validity and reliability were tested by content validity method and Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.92, respectively on 20 patients in the hospitals under study. In measuring the service quality, SERVQUAL Scale was used. With regard to analyzing the data, Freedman's statistical test was applied to study the service quality dimensions versus inpatient service quality. Also Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was applied to detect the type and level of relationship among the nurses' communication skills. Findings: Results showed that there was a significant correlation between communication skills and inpatient service quality in the hospitals (P-value=0.001 and R=0.782). The patients noticed a positive and significant correlation between communication skills and service quality dimensions. The intensity of the relationship between the two variables from the highest to the lowest is 0.708, 0.689, 0.637, 0.552, and 0.514, respectively for the assurance, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and tangibles. Conclusion: Consequently, improving the communication skills for the hospital personnel can improve the service quality contribution of hospitals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Development and application of nursing knowledge is necessary to provide a safe and high quality of patient care. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge sources used in nursing practice. Methods and Materials: In this descriptive study, 100 nurses from different wards of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services educational hospitals were selected and completed a 2- parts knowledge sources questionnaire including demographic (6 questions) and knowledge sources questions (16 questions). Content validity and test–retest (0.8) methods were used for measuring validity and reliability of the questionnaire respectively. Descriptive statistics and correlation tests were used for analysis of data by SPSS (v.14) software. Findings: The results showed that most important knowledge sources used in nursing practice were personal experience of nursing patients/clients (39%), what has worked for years and information that learned in nursing school (35%). The least important knowledge source used in nursing practice was articles published in nursing journals (2%). Conclusion: Due to increase of knowledge and research in nursing, use of new knowledge, in nursing practice is necessary. This will reduce gap between theory and practice and also improve quality of patient care.

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Introduction: The issue of patient safety is today of much importance for the medical community and the World Health Organization in the developing and developed countries. Medical errors are serious threats to the public health and patient safety. The aim of this study was to determine nursing staff's viewpoints about patient safety climate in medical centers of Kashan. Methods and Materials: In this descriptive study 218 nurses working in the medical centers of Kashan were participated. Data were collected by questionnaire included two parts, demographic and 'Safety Climate Questionnaire Patient' with seven dimensions that covered by the questionnaire were: educational opportunities, reporting, refreshment, head nurses' viewpoints, nursing condition, relation with physician, and nurses' inter-relations. Content validity method and Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.89) were used for confirming validity and reliability of the questionnaire, respectively. Data were evaluated using the SPSS (v.11). Findings: The results showed that mean age of the nurses participated in the study was 32.63±6.85 years, of them 85.8% were female. The mean of patient safety climate score in all seven aspects were significantly different. Except for the refreshment aspect, other aspects had different mean scores in different centers (p=0.001). Highest and lowest mean scores were related to the nurses' inter-relations (3.24±0.67) and head nurses' attitudes (2.47±0.71), respectively. Conclusion: Patient safety climate in the centers under the current study was not in a good condition. This does motivate the managers of the health sector in the city to adopt an appropriate approach to patient safety climate in health care centers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: From the past, nursing profession has encountered many challenges in its developmental process route. One of the update challenges is to recruit doctorates of nursing in clinical settings. The aim of this study was to describe Challenges and opportunities of doctorate of nursing in clinical settings. This is based on nursing lecturers and students (PhD) views. Methods and Materials: This is a qualitative descriptive phenomenological study that conducted with consent and participation of 10 nursing students (PhD) and nursing lecturers in Tehran nursing schools. Data gathering method was semi-structured written report with open ended questions. Colaizzi's method was used to data analysis. Lincoln and Guba criteria assessed to confirm data accuracy. Findings: Analyzing data led to 24 preliminary cods, 12 sub-categories and 5 categories. Emerging categories included, managing and organizing clinical settings, gap between theory and practice in nursing doctoral program, doctorate of nursing practice education, promoting and optimizing quality of education and nursing clinical services. Conclusion: Results revealed that doctorates of nursing should be recruited in their specialty and higher levels of nursing and their positions should be designed and clarified in clinical settings prior their recruitment. In regard to advanced services and evidence-based nursing delivery, it is better to educate nurses as doctor of nurse practice or professional doctorate.

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