Biology and life table of Anthocoris minki pistaciae, Wag. a predator of common pistachio psylla Agonoscena pistaciae Bur. & Laut. was studied under laboratory conditions at five temperatures of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 33oC, 65±5%relative humidity and photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) on common pistachio psylla nymphs. Life table parameters and developmental periods of all stages from egg to adult were determined using Excel and jackknife. Developmental periods from egg to adult were 46.83, 20.11, 15.00, 18.40 and 15.38 days respectively. Temperature thresholds (t) and the thermal constant (DD) using linear regression were 9.33oC and 235 degree days, respectively. The mean adult longevity of females were 118.50, 75.83, 48.65, 46.80 and 27.13 days at the experimental temperatures of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 33oC respectively. Mean numbers of eggs at the same conditions were 63.08, 95.06, 73.95, 55.93 and 31.75 per female. The intrinsic rates of increase (rm) were also 0.035, 0.062, 0.11, 0.049 and 0.01 and doubling time (DT) were 19.66, 11.26, 6.23, 14.14 and 52.32 days respectively for the mentioned temperatures. The highest finite rate of increase (l) was 0.118 at 25oC and mean generation time (T) at 33oC were the lowest (17.78 days) with the highest at 15oC (63.46). In conclusion, the most appropriate temperature for rearing was found to be 25oC. The results of this research were a suitable criterion for assessing the efficiency of this bug in controlling the host.