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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Students' trust in professors represents the quality of the relationship between students and teachers and shows the nature of interpersonal relationships. Trust is one of the main components of social capital which plays an important role in promoting collaboration, decision-making and adherence to group rules, improving the teaching and learning processes, improving the academic performance of students and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the university system. The article aims at studying the students' trust in professors in shahid bahonar university of Kerman. Undergraduate and graduate students of university represented the statistical population of the present study. The research sample consists of 525 individuals who were selected using stratified sampling method. The findings show a significant relationship between independent variables of teacher interaction with students, evaluation of academic facilities, perception of professors' ability, benevolence and fairness, and trust (generalized trust) and the dependent variable of trust. Furthermore, the results indicate that the variables of social interaction and evaluation of academic facilities affect the dependent variable, indirectly and through the mediating variables of ability, benevolence, and fairness. Finally, the results show that the social interaction has the most direct and indirect effect compared to other independent variables on the trust of students in professors.

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The article seeks to understand the relationship between job alienation and organizational citizenship behavior and social health among employees of Governmental agencies of Kerman. The theoretical framework of this research is based on the views of Melvin Seeman's job alienation and the Padsakov’ s organizational citizenship behavior. Data collection tools include Seeman's job alienation questionnaire, Padsakov’ s organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire, and Keyes's Social Health questionnaire. The statistical population is the employees of the Governmental organizations of Kerman in 2018 and the sample is 381 people based on Morgan's table. The research method is a survey and the method for analyzing the data are Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients and structural equation model. The Kolmogorov– Smirnov test was used to measure the normality of the data. The results indicate a reverse linear relationship between job alienation and organizational citizenship behavior and social health. There is also a negative relationship between job alienation with education and income. Finally, the study indicates that increase in organizational alienation leads to a reduction in organizational commitment.

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The aim of this research is to study the effects of socio-economic development on Kurdish identity from a sociological perspective. Through qualitative research method of grounded theory, central categories of research were categorized in five areas including dominance of western identity over traditional identity, reconstruction of identity and its relative popularization, emergence of unequal development, heterogeneous development, and strengthening of Kurdish identity. The coding processes (open, central and selective) of the collected data resulted in the extraction of 883 subcategories and 279 major categories, which summed up in 37 categories. The causal and intervention factors, action strategies and consequences of action were then introduced. Finally, the main theme of research manifested as "emergence of development elements during fundamental changes in traditional identity" which indicates the "crisis-generating development and new form of identity".

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The present article examines the interplay of local and global factors in the evolution of cultural identity in Hawraman-e-Takht region. The interface of global elements with traditional identity in Hawraman has challenged the legitimacy of traditional culture. In such a situation, it is essential to study deconstruction and reconstruction of cultural identity. The conceptual framework of the study is based on pro-glocalization theories in order to cover the confrontation of global and local elements. Data were collected using in-depth interview and participatory observation techniques and analyzed through three stages of open, central, and selective coding. The findings show that there is a considerable tendency to reconsider the conventional elements affecting identity in Hawraman. The people of Hawraman, with their "intended interactions" with the forthcoming changes, are seeking a general reconstruction of their cultural identity. Under such a value system, any attempt to legitimize meaning system is carried out through deliberate rethinking within the context of local, national and global culture. Therefore, contrary to the common belief about the weakening of local traditions and identities, Hawrami traditions still identify and give meaning to this society in a “ rethought system. ”

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the sociological behavior of citizens of Mazandaran province in the presidential election. The research was conducted through descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study using researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of this study was men and women of 18 years and older living in Mazandaran province. The sample size was 384 calculated based on Cochran's formula. Result of study indicated a significant difference between occupational and Educational categories in terms of electoral behavior. Based on the outcomes of linear regression, national identity, social networks, media, value preferences and spiritual identification had the most significant impact on electoral behavior, respectively.

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Crime is not merely a legal matter, but a social-cultural construction created by human beings. The main purpose of this article is study of social construction of crimes among young people in Rasht city. The study was conducted on the basis of qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews with a purposive sampling. Based on theoretical saturation 30 young adult of 20-35 years were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed based on thematic method of analysis. The results show that most of the youth have de-stigmatized some cultural categories such as violating hijab rules, make up, dance, having satellites and divorce. However, most of them still admit drug use, financial crimes, social inequality, failure to respect the rights of others and violence as a crime. Alongside these two narratives some young people are ambivalent about social issues such as cohabitation, alcoholic drinks and premarital relationship.

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