Onion seedlings are capable of producing reproductive organs after vernalization. Low temperature requirement, and period before vernalization (45, 60 and 75 days after germination) were studied on the 3 onion cultivars (‘Ghermez Azarshahr', 'Texas Early Grano' and 'Pusa Red') in Climatology Laboratory of Physiology Department of Agriculture, Academy of Moscow in 1995. The time of flower stalk formation, number of green leaves, fresh weight of bulb, fresh weight of whole plant, dried bulb weight, largest bulb diameter and bulbing index, were evaluated.
Initial growth of onion was influenced by cultivar and with senecensing, the difference in growth attitude was more prounced in this stage of growth. The bulb diameter and its fresh weight in of 'Texas Early Grano' was more than the other two cultivars.
The minimum and maximum period for flower stalk formation was on 'Pusa Red' and' Texas Early' Grano, respectively. With the increase in plant age, period before vernalization, percentage of plant which produced flower stalk increased as well.The maximum bulb diameter and dried weight occurred for plants which were kept at relatively high temperature ( 22-24°C day, 19-21°C night). In this temperature, maximum diameter blub was observed in 'Gharmaz Azarshahr' and 'Texas Early Grano', however 'Texas Early Grano' showed maximum wet bulb weight.At relatively low temprature (15oCday, 7oC night), maximum and minimum bulb diameter and wet bulb weight was observed for plants, that transplanted to relatively cold temperature 75 and 45 days after germination respectively. Howere, 'Taxes Early Grano' was not affect by plant age.