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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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One of the most important areas for the growth & development of crime & victimization is the separation of family & divorce. When the foundation of the family is shaken, the moral & social foundations of the whole social system are shaken and the society is led to various problems. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of divorce on women's victimization in Tabriz. Applied research is of descriptive-survey type. The statistical population of the study consists of all divorced women in Tabriz. The sample size was used by Cochran's formula for unlimited communities. Due to the discretion of the professor, the number of divorced women for sample size was approximately 170 randomly selected by the researcher, information was collected. To obtain the research results, SPSS software and one-sample parametric T-test were used to analyze the data according to the normal distribution of data and the univariate of the test. Results of the T test indicate that all tests were significant and the test results showed that the individual, economic & social effects of divorce on women's victimization in Tabriz have an effect due to the positive T & the significance level of less than 0. 05. It is positive. Results of this study show that the occurrence of divorce & its individual, social & economic criminological consequences has a very direct effect on women’ s victimization, with the increase of divorce, the rate of crime increases & with the decrease of divorce, this rate decreases.

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    1 (20)
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the causal modeling of affective divorce based on the dark personality traits with the mediating role of sexual self-esteem among women in Ardabil. The statistical population of this study was all women in Ardabil who lived in this city in the autumn of 2019. One hundred and fifty women were selected randomly via clustering sampling method and participated in the study. The research method of present study was a descriptive-correlation. Gottman's Emotional Divorce Scale, Johnson & Webster's Dark Personality Assessment Questionnaire and Zeanah and Schwarz's Sexual Self-Esteem Questionnaire were used to collect data. The collected data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that the dark personality traits of machiavellianism, psychopathy and narcissism have a positive and significant effect and sexual self-esteem has a negative and significant effect on emotional divorce. In addition to the direct effect, dark personality traits also indirectly affect emotional divorce through the mediation of sexual self-esteem. According to the VAF statistics, it was observed that 36. 5% of the effect of Machiavellianism on emotional divorce, 31. 7% of the effect of narcissism on emotional divorce and 34. 5% of the effect of psychopathy on emotional divorce can be explained through sexual self-esteem. The results of the present study highlight the importance of purposeful interventions aimed at changing or modifying dark personality traits and strengthening sexual self-esteem to prevent or reduce emotional divorce.

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One of the problems that families are involved with is the experience of violence, especially Emotional Abuse. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of Self-Differentiation between the components of Co-Dependency and Emotional Abuse components. This is a Descriptive Correlational study. The Statistical Population of the present study was all married female students of the Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran in 2018. That 250 of them were selected by available sampling method and they completed the Emotional Abuse Scale, Holyoake Co-Dependency Scale and Self-Differentiation Questionnaire. the data were analyzed by Pearson Correlation and Path Analysis. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between all components of Co-Dependency, Self-Differentiation and all components of Emotional Abuse (p < 0. 05), as well as Self-Differentiation in the relationship between all components of Co-Dependency with all components of Emotional Abuse, except the Emotional Reactivity component, play a mediating role. Self-Differentiation as a mediator can modify the relationship between Co-Dependency with Emotional Abuse. Therefore, the emphasis on Self-Differentiation training can be considered in order to reduces the effects of Co-Dependency and Emotional Abuse.

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    1 (20)
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Street harassment, which is one of the most common current problems in society and also a banned forms of sexual discrimination against women, makes the public community insecure and undesirable environment for women social activity. This study with the help of qualitative method and grounded theory seeks to identify the reasons and bases of women's street harassment experience. The Yasouj city was considered to conduct this study, in this way, 18 girls of Yasouj university students were selected using Snowball sampling and theoretical saturation method and interviewed in a semi-structured scheme in this study. The data were analyzed using three coding schemes e. g. open axial, and selective. The validity of analysis was determined using two methods i. e. researchers and review of non-participating experts in the research. The findings indicate that the social background condition is patriarchy-dominant that one involve in. Lack of dressing regulations, cosmetic administrations and breaking taboo cause condition to Interrogate taboo-breaking women. The core category of this research is “ from traumatic experience to desensitization” . Thus, the experience of girls from street harassment can be explained on a continuum manner i. e., some of them had traumatic experience with destructive fears and for others it has been commonplace and trivial. The general conclusion is that the existence of street harassment which could be seen as a sign of gender discrimination and laws inefficiency in society, apart from having negative psychological consequences for the individual, could led to marginalize women and the reproducing of hegemonic patriarchy.

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    1 (20)
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One of the most important problems in the field of domestic crime is spousal murder in which a man or woman kills his wife or her husband. In addition to family effects, spousal murder has negative consequences for society. The aim of this study is to analyze th narrative of women prisoners about the causes and contexts of the deputy in the intentional murder of her husband and the illegitimate relationship, and to try to find the effective reasons for the murder of her husband. The present study has taken a qualitative approach and using the technique of observation and in-depth interviews, has narrated the story of 13 women who were convicted of assisting in the intentional murder of their husbands and having an illicit relationship in the Rey City Penitentiary. Research findings show that the murder of prisoners took place in a socio cultural context, in the sense that a set of factors in their lives were put together that led to this occurrence that the most important of which are female Sexual dissatisfaction, domestic violence, female mental concerns about divorce, type and manner of marriage and male addiction.

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    1 (20)
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The current study aimed to determine increase the marital quality in traditional beliefs. The study used qualitative design with purposive sampling and semi-structured interviews. Twenty couples (20 men and 20 women) were interviewed in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province to identify their cultural beliefs regarding marriage and family structure and address their strategies for enhancement of their marital quality. The data were analyzed using grounded theory. The participants acknowledged that some aspects of their cultural backgrounds such as dominance of shame, gender-role stereotypes, negative views towards the mainstream families, lack of collective thinking, and valuing “ others’ judgments” in marital life, go against high quality marriages. The participants adopted effective strategies such as compliance and change, commitment and equilibrium, behavioral equilibrium with mainstream families, realism, and valuing the spouse to increase their marital quality. According to the findings, firstly marital quality should be investigated and addressed according to its context. Secondly, marital quality should be scrutinized as a micro variable with considering the main actors of family, namely “ wife and husband”

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The medical, social, cultural, and economic implications of Covid 19 have been far-reaching, and not limited to those affected. Rather, it has had profound and far-reaching effects on the body of society and society as a whole and has caused a sense of insecurity in society, especially women. Achieve. The study method of this research is qualitative and examines the subject with a grounded theory approach. Data were collected through interviews. After conducting the interviews, data analysis was performed based on the three stages of open, axial and selective coding and micro-line analysis. Using the theoretical and purposeful sampling method, 26 women in Neyriz city of Fars province were interviewed. In this study, sampling strategy with maximum diversity was used and sampling of women with different age and sex spectrum and different economic and social bases continued until the theoretical saturation reached. The key categories found in the study are: gender socialization, social phobia, lack of institutional support, double control, helplessness, mental breakdown, social isolation, institutionalized fear and distrust. The results of this study show that women in Corona pandemic have experienced feelings of insecurity in various areas (life, financial, psychological and social).

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In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of unmarried girls in a community with traditional backgrounds, such as the Ilam community. The main question of the research is that the reasons for not marrying girls in a society with a traditional context such as Ilam. In this research, qualitative method and typology technique have been used. In fact, the power of typological explanation depends on how much it can maximize the consistency and similarity of the members of each category as well as the maximum difference between categories and types. In the current study, snowball sampling was used. The sample size of this research is based on the theoretical principle of saturation in the qualitative method of 16 people. All stages of the process of data analysis are performed using the coding technique. In this research, the concepts of thinkers such as Giddens, Inglehart, Bourdieu and Goffman have been used. . The results show that among the unmarried girls of the Ilam community, eight types can be drawn: “ Confused single girls” , “ Deadlocked girls” , “ Exchangeable single girls” , “ Postponement of marriage until the goals are achieved” , “ Single Girls of Independence” , “ Stigmata” , “ Girls caught in a closed window of attitude” And “ Perfect Unmarried Girls” . In general, the decisive role of cultural change and the economic context of the society studied can be seen in meeting the requirements for the phenomenon of increasing the age of marriage of girls in the Elamite community.

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