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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Legislator with the legislation of the single article of therapeutic abortion 1384 and also the article note718 to a large extent, can change the conflict of votes regarding the abortion license to the unity of the vote. However, the literature of these two articles and their correspondence with each other has led to an ambiguous reading for medical and judicial experts. To the point that the concept of the abrogation of the single article 84 is strengthened by Article 718. The first ambiguity is the mention of the words "threat" and "danger" in the legal materials. Article 84 states that if the mother is threatened with death, it is possible to abort the fetus by considering some conditions. The article note718 issues the same license with the phrase "a danger to mother’ s life". Why does the legislator have two different interpretations? Do any of the words "threat" and "danger" indicate a particular issue that the legislature has deliberately mentioned? The second ambiguity is about the possibility of developing the concept of a condition of threat or danger to life; Is the legislator's purpose of the condition of " threat or danger to life" exclusive to death or does it include the failure and loss of organs? This paper adopts descriptive-analytical method based on medical and jurisprudential data and concludes that there is a substantial difference between the words "threat" and "danger" in the legislative language. This difference prevents the abrogation of article note 84. It can also be concluded that in the case of the possibility of developing the concept of danger to life to the deterioration of organs and benefits, there should be a difference between before and after the soul is blown.

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    4 (19)
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The purpose of this research was to study the women's coping style with the marital challenges based on their identity style. The research method was qualitative and phenomenological. Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews. The sample included 13 married women who had been married for at least five years. Sampling was performed purposefully and interviews continued until adequate data were collected. Before the interview, participants were given Berzonsky's Identity Style Inventory (ISI-6G) and their scores were calculated for obtaining three identity styles. The method of data analysis was Colaizzi's seven-step method. Through asking questions about how participants coped with challenges, important themes were extracted and coded. The main themes of coping strategy for women with an informational identity style were: "dialogue", "problem-solving between the couple", "adapting to real conditions", "flexibility in solving problems", and "existential awareness". The main themes of coping strategy for women with a normative identity were: "relying on social capital", "following predetermined patterns", "gradual change" and "direct dialogue through messages". The main themes of coping strategy for women with Diffuse-avoidant identity style were: "passive solutions", "authoritative solution" and “ feeling desperate in solving challenges". The results of this study enable counselors to offer pre-marriage advice to couples.

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Hosseini Seyedeh Asma

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    4 (19)
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The aim of the present study was to examine symptoms that predict mental health and illness based on religious health promoting behaviors and patience during COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 395 university students completed the Mental Health Inventory (MHI-28), the Religious Health Promoting Behaviors Inventory (RHPBI), and the Patience Scale (PS). The results suggested a significantly positive relationship between religious health promoting behaviors and patience with symptoms of mental health. They also suggested a significantly negative relationship between religious health promoting behaviors and patience with symptoms of mental illness. The results confirmed the predictive role of religious health promoting behaviors and patience for symptoms of mental health and illness. Religious health promoting behaviors and patience could hence be considered as effective variables in mental health and reinforcing them can be an effective preventive act in the area of promoting mental health.

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    4 (19)
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The present study was aimed at identifying healthy family indicators from the perspective of working people. Therefore, it seemed necessary to consider cultural standards and personal and family experiences in determining healthy family indicators. A qualitative method based on the grounded theory was used, and the data were gathered using in-depth semi-structured interviews. The sample included 18 married and educated, working people (4 men and 14 women) who were selected using a purposeful sampling method. Major healthy family indicators were classified into three categories. The first category, called “ Feeling of integration and companionship, ” included the following subcategories: Empathy, Space for communication, Recognition and respect for mutual rights and obligations, and Mutual respect and love. The second category, called “ Healthy psychological environment, ” included the following subcategories: Sense of peace, Happiness and staying away from negative factors, and Healthy thoughts and beliefs. The third category, called “ Presence of some virtues in the family members, ” included the following subcategories: Honesty, Forgiveness, and Overlooking financial aspects. Nine of the indicators found in this study were similar to those found in the previous studies, including Empathy, Space for communication, Recognition and respect for mutual rights and obligations, Mutual respect and love, Sense of peace, Happiness and staying away from negative factors, Healthy thoughts and beliefs, Honesty, and Forgiveness. Overlooking financial issues was a new indicator only identified in the present study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (19)
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Children’ s rights, as one of the most foundamental human rights, play a paramount role in securing the prosperity of the society and maintaining and strengthening the sanctity of the family entity when given proper priority in the policymaking practices of a country. This is the reason why many related laws have been introduced in different countries in recent decades to protect children’ s rights in the cyberspace. Protection of children’ s rights in the cyberspace demands legislative measures to be established in order to criminalize offensive conducts against children via the new information technology tools and to enforce compensatory retributaions to violators of these rights for any phycial or mental harm inflicted on children as well as negative moral impacts on their personality. This paper investigates the existing rules and regulations of the country of Iran, particularly those related to the legal protection of children and teenagers which have been recently legislated by the Iranian Islamic Parliament. It also provides an overview of the conventions, treaties, international resolutions and protocols that deal with the legal protection of children’ s privacy in the cyberspace, and investigates legal measures introduced by Iranian legilators to confront violations of children’ s rights and argues on the terms and conditions under which such measures could be adopted for effective enforcement.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    4 (19)
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Target The present study has been conducted to understand the effects of parental religiosity on their attitude towards childbearing. The research method is based on a survey with a Likert scale questionnaire. The statistical community consists of 383 married couples living in Sari, Iran, selected by Morganʼ s table, with an increase in the number of samples to 460 couples. Sampling method is based on simple randomization. Findings confirm a relationship between parental religiosity and their attitude towards childbearing as follows. A relationship exists between parental religiosity factors of commitment and fulfillment of religious duties and attitude towards childbearing, whereas a relationship between parental religiosity factor of religious emotions and attitude towards childbearing was not established. In addition, a relationship was observed between parental religiosity and the number of children. Conclusion Thus, the issue of religiosity is one of the factors that is able to have positive role in parental attitude towards childbearing. Therefore, it is necessary to address the issue.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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