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1. INTRODUCTION One of the metaphors that has gained a lot of attention is “ Time is Space” . This Metaphor is based on a theory that we perceive an abstract concept like time through a concrete concept like space and conceptualize it in our mind and language. To this end, the present research aims to examine space-time mapping in Persian based on conceptual metaphor theory proposed by Johnson & Lakoff to find out temporal frames of reference and their sources in Persian. To describe the relations, people have to choose a frame of reference, which is a coordinated system to describe relations between the movements of objects or events. Different cultures and speech communities have different construals of time. Three frames of reference to be investigated in Persian are adopted based on Levison’ s (2006) model: Absolute, Intrinsic, and Relative. Other frames of reference to be examined are horizontal axes including sagittal (front to back and back to front) adopted from looking direction and linguistic metaphors which depict that future is front and past is back and lateral axis: right to left consistent with Persian writing/reading direction or left to right consistent with mathematics writing direction; however, vertical axis includes up-down and bottom-up axis as well as sagittal axis front to back and back to front. 2. METHOD As a result, three tasks were designed for 137 male and female students ranging from 18 to 30 years of age at Islamic Azad University of Khorramshahr and Abadan Medical University. Task 1: Arrangement of temporal stickers/tokens Four time expressions including morning, afternoon, evening, and night were labeled on four stickers respectively. Participants had to arrange them on the table. No reference point was given. In another similar task yesterday, today, and tomorrow were labeled on three stickers. Again, they had to arrange them on the table, however, ‘ today’ regarded as the reference point. Task 2: Picture arrangement Participants were asked to arrange seven sets of three or four pictures that illustrate the growing stages of living beings such as chicken, beans, and human, as well as events like seasons, meals, building a tower, and presidents. The pictures had to be arranged on a table in sequence from the earliest to the latest stage. Meals, which are breakfast, lunch, and dinner, were given a reference point with lunch. Task 3: Co-speech gesture Two basic temporal concepts were chosen to examine frames of reference in Persian: tomorrow and yesterday. Participants were asked to use body gestures to demonstrate yesterday and tomorrow. 3. RESULTS Task 1: Arrangement of temporal stickers/tokens Two arrangements for both yesterday, today, and tomorrow as well as morning, afternoon, evening, and night illustrate that horizontal-lateral right to left pattern has the highest frequency of occurrence which is compatible with Persian writing direction. This frame of reference also demonstrates a timeline where right is earlier and left is later. In addition, both tasks demonstrate an absolute frame of reference. Task 2: Picture arrangement All the seven task results point out that horizontal-lateral right to left pattern, that is % 61. 62, has the highest frequency of occurrence which is compatible with Persian writing direction. Like task 2, this frame of reference also demonstrates a timeline where right is earlier and left is later. Meals had an intrinsic and the other 6 tasks had an absolute frame of reference. Task 3: co-speech gesture Horizontal-lateral right to left pattern gestures compatible with Persian writing direction, that is 46%, were used to act out future gestures; and horizontal-sagittal gestures incompatible with looking direction, walking direction, and linguistic metaphor were used to demonstrate yesterday. Both tasks also show an absolute frame of reference. Sample’ s percentage and frequency of occurrence illustrated that lateral axis from right to left adopted from Persian writing direction; sagittal axis back to front adopted from walking direction, looking direction, linguistic metaphors; lateral axis from left to right adopted from mathematics writing direction are the main sources of adoption of abstract temporal concepts in Persian. In addition, absolute frame of reference was the major frame of reference in all tasks. Intrinsic and relative frames of references were also respectively used by the participants. 4. CONCLUSION This research implied that the adopted frame of reference and the type of sagittal or lateral axis are strongly influenced by the type of task, pattern and design of the experiment, the given concepts, language and linguistic metaphors, and cultural artifacts. Although biological evolution may have laid the groundwork for the basic spatial construal of temporal experience in the broadest sense, it is cultural evolution that has determined its complexities and specificities.

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INTRODUCTION Many languages have phonemes in their inventory that result from the combination of two different consonants and have a different manner of articulation. Affricates are created by the sequence of a stop and fricative consonant at the same place of articulation (Ledefoged, 2014; Crystal, 2008; Hayward, 2000; Johnson, 1997). Mahmoodzade (2009: 65) quoting Deihl and Castleman (1996: 192-200) states that the closure is one of the most important acoustic parameters in the affricate/fricative contrast. Also, the frication duration is another important cue to distinguish fricative from affricate consonants. In addition to frication and closure, the amplitude rise time is also one of the acoustic features that contrast fricatives and affricates. Amplitude rise time increases more rapidly than fricatives (Hayward, 2000; Johnson, 1997). Hayward also states that the closure duration and frication length are shorter than stop and fricatives respectively. The constriction of affricates consists of closure region of stop and frication region of fricative (2000, 368). Affricate consonants have received less attention, but in recent years, some studies have looked at affricates' properties in different languages ​ ​ such as Hindi (Dixit and Hoffman, 2004), Korean (Kim, 2001; 2004), Italian (Falowski and Bendeto, 2011) and two dialects in Catalan (Recasens and Spinosa, 2007). Mitani et al., (2006) examined the perceptual distinction of voiceless fricative and affricate in Japanese. They found that many acoustic cues, including frication length and amplitude rise time play a role in distinguishing / ʃ / and / ʧ / in Japanese. Studies have been conducted in English to contrast the manner and place of articulation and also to investigate the differentiation between affricate and fricative consonants. Repp et al., (1978) compared the manner of articulation in / ʃ / and / ʧ / and showed that by reducing the frication length in the middle part of the frication, similar changes occur in the manner of two consonants. They conducted another experiment which also stated that the short interval is one of the important cues between affricates and fricatives in the term of manner of articulation. Azerbaijani or Azeri language belongs to the branch of a Turkic language family that has many speakers in the northwest of Iran and is one of the oldest languages ​ ​ that have been used during various historical periods. Turkish is an agglutinative language ​ ​ and has an Altaic origin (Hayat, 2001; Rashidian, 2013). The languages of ethnic groups such as Turks, Mongols, Tunghuz and Manchu are also Altaic, which have similarities with Uralic languages. It has 24 consonants and 9 vowels, of which 4 consonants including / ʦ /, / dz /, / ʧ / and / ʤ / are affricate consonants (Ghaffarvand Makari and Warner, 2017). Due to the lack of phonological studies in this language especially affricates, we decided to study the acoustic features of affricates / ʦ / and / dz /. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study conducted to investigate affricate consonants of the Turkish language. For this purpose, ten speakers of Turkish language, 5 men and 5 women participated in the experiment. The mean age of participants was 30. 5. The recorded eighteen Turkish words were VC, CV and VCV syllables consisting of the affricates / ʦ / and / dz / in three Turkish vowel environment / ɑ /, / i / and / u /. The effect of different three high and low vowels was examined on silence duration, frication duration, and amplitude rise time. Stimuli were repeated 3 times by the participants in the experiment (18 samples × 10 speakers × 3 replicates). Acoustic analysis was performed in PRAAT software and SPSS software version 23 was used for statistical analysis. Closure and frication duration and amplitude rise time calculated manually on the spectrogram. The duration of closure was measured in the middle and final position, but due to the uncertainty of the closure initial phase at the beginning of the word (Castleman, 1997; Mahmoodzade, 1388: 85), this parameter was not measured in CV syllable. The amplitude rise time was also measured in a time span of frication onset to the point where the frication reaches the maximum amplitude (Mahmoodzade, 2009: 91). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Acoustic analysis of Turkish affricates showed that voicing had no effect on the duration of silence and cannot be used as a cue to distinguish the voicing parameter in these consonants. The difference between the mean duration of frication and amplitude rise time indicates that these two parameters are considered as acoustic cues in voicing. In addition to voicing, other factors such as consonant position and vowel environment were also examined. The consonant position also showed a significant effect on silence duration, frication duration and amplitude rise time, so that the average of all three parameters is higher in the final position. The results related to the vowel environment / ɑ /, / i / and / u / on the duration of silence, the duration of frication and amplitude rise time indicate that the length of silence in the vowel environment / ɑ / and / i / and the frication duration and amplitude rise time are also longer in the / i / and / u / vowel environment. CONCLUSION The results showed that voicing has no effect on closure duration in Turkish affricates. However, the frication duration and amplitude rise time are affected by voicing. In addition to the voicing feature, the consonant position in the syllable and vowel environment were also examined. tests results showed that the consonant position in syllable and vowel environments has a significant effect on closure duration, frication duration, and amplitude rise time and all three parameters are longer in the final position. Also, the closure and frication duration are longer in the presence of /ɑ , i/ and /i, u/ respectively. High amplitude rise time obtained in the presence of high vowels.

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1. INTRODUCTION Different linguists have proposed different definitions for tense. This study investigates processing of sentences containing different tenses of Persian by the cross-modal lexical decision method. This psycholinguistic method has been used classically by Shapiro and Levine (1990) to estimate the cognitive load across the mind. The main question of this inquiry is the psycholinguistic reality of tense complexity hierarchy arranged from absolute to relative. The theoretical framework is mainly based on episodic processing in which mental representations of linguistic items are not as abstract as it seems, but it is subject to the sensory input by which the representation is formed. Also, the classification of Comrie (1985) on tenses has been applied here. He divided tenses into two broad categories of past/non-past. Absolute and relative types of the Persian tense have been elaborated and analyzed in detail. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS The method used in this research is the cross modal lexical decision method, which will be detailed due to its importance. Theoretical framework applied here is that of Comrie (1985) in linguistics and Shapiro (1990) in psycholinguistics. Independent variable is the type of tense used in the verb form and the dependent variable is subjects' reaction times. 25 students of universities aged 18-30 participated in this study. The results of two experiments show that the psychological reality of the complexity of representation of grammatical tenses according to Persian data is confirmed and there is a significant difference between the processing time of sentences containing different types of grammatical tenses. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It was found out that Persian has two absolute tenses: Past and present; as well as four relative tenses: the perfective, the pluperfect, the subjunctive, and the relative past. The main question of the present study is that of the psycholinguistic reality of Tense in Persian. Cross modal lexical decision has been used here to examine tense during sentence processing. The results of the first experiment showed that sentences containing factual scientific present tense verbs, future tense verbs, and performatives are processed sooner than the other tenses. The justification and explanation of this can be attributed to the fact that scientific facts have been recorded in the life experience of human beings and have a high frequency. The results of the second experiment also showed that converting simple sentences to complex ones will omit the meaningful differences in the participantsˈ reaction times. The findings can be used in curriculum design for non-natives of Persians. The subject of the present article is the study of how auditory perception of sentence structures with verbs containing different types of grammatical tenses in Persian is affected by representational complexity of their inner tenses. The Persian language has a variety of absolute and relative tenses, each of which is used as needed, and Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari (Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari 2002) has written in detail about the nature and function of each, and since this work is a comprehensive description of the topic of time in Persian, it provides the basis for data collection of the present study. The two main research questions are: a) Which types of tense is processed faster than the others and why? B) According to data from the Persian language, what is the mental representation of grammatical tense in Persian? The two hypotheses corresponding to the questions of this research are that there is a significant difference between the processing time of sentences containing different types of tenses and also the complexity of these representations has a psychological reality. In order to answer the questions, two experiments have been developed. 4. CONCLUSION (1) The principles and generalizations inferred from the results; The choice of mean reaction time as a dependent variable in widely used cognitive experiments is due to convenience. In this study, reaction time to the auditory stimulus is the basis for measuring cognitive load. Cognitive load refers to the amount of mental energy needed to perform a task. This mental energy can be nourished by memory, storage and retrieval. (2) Any exceptions to, or problems with these principles and generalizations; Here, there has been found no exceptions or problems with the cognitive load principles and generalizations. (3) Theoretical and/or practical implications of the work; If we consider cognitive burden as the basis of learning, this research can have implications for teaching Persian language. The high reputation of using reaction time in psychological research, especially in the field of cognition and language processing, is something beyond theoretical interest. The concept of cognitive burden can be used in teaching Persian language and the research results can be considered in compiling educational materials and materials.

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Soleimani Habib | ABDI ALI

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1. INTRODUCTION Today, learning is considered a challenge that must be faced simultaneously in different aspects. One of the basic solutions to reduce the challenges of learning and teaching is to use appropriate, useful, and relevant teaching methods, which require the use and application of similar theoretical foundations (Johnson et al., 2014) and new innovations in teaching and learning in general. Learning is no longer limited and confined to the classroom and new improvements in technologies play a very important role in optimizing learning in and out of the classroom situations through media and social networks and have challenged traditional teaching methods. English language professionals today need to consider meaningful learner participation inside and outside the classroom situations to achieve more learning results and outcomes by creating a more learner-centered environment (Brown, 2014). In order to create a suitable and student-centered educational environment, learning innovation approaches can be used with the help and use of technology opportunities. In the twenty-first century, advanced technology is the main driving force that brings new challenges and opportunities as well as paradigm shifts to our society (Khan, 2012; Pacansky-Brock, 2013; Vibulphol, 2015). This technology can be used and implemented not only to support classroom activities but also in extracurricular activities as a useful tool to gain knowledge anywhere in the world possible (Sakulprasertsri, 2017). In fact, by providing more space and more time with the help and application of technology in the learning and teaching process, contemporary skills will be provided to students and by providing a real reform in education, the education system will have an opportunity to improve. (Overmyer, 2014; Ayç iç ek & Yelken, 2018). Due to the entry of technologies into the field of education, today an approach has been proposed in education that, while benefiting from the benefits of technology-based education, also benefits from the unique advantages of traditional and face-to-face education. This approach, which is in fact a combination of face-to-face education with an education accompanied by electronic types of equipment at a time and place beyond the classroom, is called blended education/learning, or blended learning. The Flipped Classroom Model is a special blended learning model that helps educators optimize class time to encourage effective communication. The flipped classroom method was first proposed in 2000 by Baker (Strayer, 2012, quoted by Abdi, 2019). According to Bishop & Verleger (2013), the reverse classroom is a student-centered learning method that consists of two parts: interactive learning activities during the lesson and individual-based computer-based extracurricular teaching. In summary, the use of the flipped classroom approach enhances learners' understanding of the importance of pre-classroom activities and reinforcing them in the classroom (Rotellar & Cain, 2016) Making better use of classroom time (Wallace, 2013; O'Flaherty & Phillips, 2015), accepting responsibility for learning by students, helping learning to the master level (Helgeson, 2015; Fautch, 2015, Sweet, 2014, quoted by Kaviani et al., 2016) encouraging learners to engage or cooperate among them (Clark, 2015; McLean et al, 2016), Increasing and facilitating deep learning (Love et al., 2016), helping learners understand their learning styles and performances (Wallace, 2013) reducing stress (Marlowe, 2012) increasing innovation, task orientation, and metacognitive skills in students (Streyer, 2012). According to studies conducted with the flipped classroom approach in other areas, in the field of English language teaching, there are limited experimental studies available. This approach has become very popular in educational circles, but few teachers seem to have accepted the idea to conduct empirical studies on the subject. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the flipped classroom model as a combined approach in education on academic engagement (participation) and improve students' writing skills in English language teaching. Therefore, this study specifically determined to answer the following questions: Does flipped classroom teaching significantly improve students' writing skills? Does flipped classroom teaching significantly improve students' classroom participation? 2. MATERIALS AND METHOD This study used a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with a control group. The research was conducted on 36 English language students of the University of Kurdistan who had been selected based on convenient sampling. The flipped classroom model was implemented for the experimental group (18 students), and the traditional method of teaching writing skills was used for the control group consisting of 18 students. The research was conducted in the advanced writing class for eight weeks in the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. Data collection tools included: Rio Academic Engagement Questionnaire which consisted of 17 items answered based on Likert scale from totally agree to totally disagree. A researcher-made writing skills test designed based on the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology of Iran curriculum implemented through pre-posttest. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the analysis of covariance and repeated measures showed that flipped classroom teaching has a significant effect on the writing skills of the students and the experimental group outperformed the control group in their achievements of writing skills. The results of the second analysis of the covariance also showed that there is a significant difference between the level of participation and academic participation of students in the flipped classroom method compared to that of those students taught through the traditional method of teaching writing. 4. CONCLUSION The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of flipped classroom teaching on improving writing skills and academic engagement (participation) of English language students. The results showed that flipped class teaching has a significant effect on improving the writing skills of the students. The results also showed that there is a significant difference between the level of academic participation of students participating in the flipped class method compared to that of the traditional method. Therefore, using flipped classroom learning in writing classes can be considered as an effective method in teaching to improve writing skills and increase the class participation of students of English as a foreign language. Consequently, teachers are encouraged to use the flipped classroom model to strengthen language skills and learners' participation in the classroom especially in writing skills in which most of the learners of English as a foreign language have problems and they are seeking new and effective ways of learning writing more successfully.

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1. INTRODUCTION One of the major problems that language learners face when reading a text is that they often do not engage with the text while reading it and therefore do what they usually do. They read but they do not understand. This causes their academic failure and lack of motivation to learn. Disabilities, failures and weaknesses in learning and teaching have always been a concern for experts and researchers in second language teaching, as well as teachers and language learners. Learners' academic achievement is influenced by various factors that if these factors and how they affect students' academic achievement are identified, the teaching-learning goals can be achieved well. When problems such as learning disabilities and depression occur in the educational system, learner motivation is mentioned as one of the important causes. From the psychological point of view of language, apathy has a negative effect on language learning and causes a negative self-concept in the person, and as a result, the person has a negative attitude towards all his abilities, and this has a negative effect on all aspects of the person. Leaves undeniable. Different educational factors can be effective in motivating the learner such as teacher, classroom, educational facilities, teaching method, emotional relationships, etc., but one of the factors affecting learning motivation is the appropriate teaching method and the use of effective strategies. One of the new and effective learning strategies that allows to show the interrelationship between elements in terms of content and the relationship between new and previous knowledge is the concept map technique (Novak, 1990). The theoretical framework of the concept map method is based on the theory of learning absorption by David Azubel (Asubel, 1968). A concept map is a graphical representation of knowledge material produced that is used to understand the key concepts of that knowledge and the relationships between them. Using this strategy can change the role of teachers and learners and make learners the main players in the learning process. Considering that study and learning strategies are very important and effective in strengthening the reading and learning skills of language learners, and on the other hand, such strategies can be taught and learned, by teaching these strategies to language learners, increasing their level of comprehension. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of concept maps on strengthening reading skills and motivation; Therefore, the present study is designed to answer the following questions: 1-What is the relationship between applying the concept map strategy and strengthening the reading skills of foreign Persian learners? 2-What is the relationship between using the concept map strategy and strengthening the motivation of foreign Persian students to read? 2. METHOD The statistical population of the study is 84 students of Persian Language Training Center of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin and International College of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Among them, by available sampling method and randomly divided into 2 experimental groups and 2 control groups. The selection of the statistical population was completely random. Because the educational level of reading texts was for language learners who are somewhat proficient in reading skills, a pre-test was conducted among language learners who had completed the intermediate level. In this study, 4 pre-test tools, researcher-made courses, post-test and motivation questionnaire have been used. Pre-test: After random selection of intermediate language learners in order to standardize the subjects, a pre-test was designed and performed which included 40 questions in three sections. The word section, which includes 20 questions of experimental text words and another 20 questions of comprehension type. Researcher-made texts. In this research, ten educational texts focusing on Iranology were prepared. In selecting the texts, two criteria were considered: the newness of the texts and the relevance of the content to the level of knowledge of the language learners. The reason for emphasizing the novelty of the texts was that the previous information of the subjects did not affect the results. Lessons begin with pre-reading. Pre-reading consists of a few questions about the subject of the lesson that learners practice with each other and answer orally. In fact, by introducing the subject of the lesson and presenting the keywords to the learners, the teacher helps the students to activate whatever they have in mind about the subject under discussion so that they can use it during the teaching and the words that may It is new for learners and helps learners to find the meaning of each word and use their previous knowledge to make their minds more prepared to receive content and learn new words. Post-test: At the end of each lesson, post-test was taken from both experimental and control groups. The questions of both groups were the same and they were tested in the same way. Based on the content of the experimental texts, questions were prepared to assess the subjects' comprehension. The questions of this test were prepared based on and using the test specification table and the revised classification of educational objectives. Farhady et al., (1999, pp. 250-251) have listed three important methods for reading comprehension tests: multiple-choice questions, close-up or text completion test, and short test. Response. Among these three methods, for this study, the multiple-choice question method is used for various reasons, including the fact that these questions have a lot of flexibility and a wide range of capabilities. Language learners prefer them to other tests, and most importantly, they can be selected with high objectivity. After designing the comprehension test, the test was again given to 7 professors of the Imam Khomeini Persian Language Training Center in Qazvin to check its face and content validity, and they also reminded the researchers of important points that led to modifications in the test. At the end of this process, the reading comprehension test was prepared for the initial test in one of the reading classrooms, which had almost the same conditions as the main language group of students (in terms of language proficiency level). Ready for final performance. 3. RESULTS According to descriptive statistics, comparing the comprehension motivation of teaching language learners with concept map and without concept map in each of the four methods of individual presentation, group presentation of individual drawing and group drawing separately, indicates that the concept map in strengthening Motivation has the effect of reading skills. The results of this study with the results of Charsky & Ressler (Charsky & Ressler, 2011), Hong et al. (Hwang et al., 2011), Jegede & Aliayemola (1990), Beitz (Beitz, 1998), Chularut and DE Backer (2003) and Talebinezhad & Negari (2007), who have shown that concept maps have a positive effect on emotional characteristics. But it is not in line with Mehrabi Pari (Mehrabi Pari, 2011) research. In his research, he showed that the use of concept maps is not effective on the components of motivation (self-efficacy, internal evaluation, test anxiety, learning strategies and self-regulation). Therefore, it can be said that since a kind of hierarchy is observed in the preparation of a concept map and clearly shows the connection between the concepts, it causes the organization of the content in the minds of the learners and as a result, meaningful learning takes place.

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1. INTRODUCTION It is very important to pay attention to non-linguistic categories in studies in the field of linguistics, including applied studies. Paying attention to the context and the human element along with interpersonal relationships in the analysis of texts leads to the achievement of hidden and unspoken meanings that, although apparently not mentioned in the word, but they are an integral part of it. These unspoken and implicit meanings, known as "conversational implicative", "follow a violation of Grace's principles of cooperation. " The current article tries to examine the communicative implication and implicit and implicit meanings in the two areas of ethical concepts of Nahj Al-Balaghah by descriptive-analytical method and by pragmatic reading in order to better understand and interpret them. To conduct this research, 71 sentences on the subject of language pests, kindness and goodness were selected and analyzed. The result of the research showed that Imam with a deep insight and according to the circumstances, have used more words and expressions that are a subset of the measurement and general implication. The multiplicity of metaphorical implications in the studied phrases indicates the precise determination of the status and position of affairs and the existence of more general implications in wise sentences indicates the importance of the content of the word. Among the characteristics of implication, it was concluded that the non-elimination of implication is a reason to prove the claim of Imam and shows the stability of his belief throughout Nahj Al-Balaghah and the apparent change of expressions due to the appropriateness of words with the situation is different. The most important implications of conversational implicate according to George Yule are "Generalized conversational implicate", "scalar implicate", "Particularized conversational implicate "which is opposed to agreement implication or "conventional implicate ". In public communication implication, the realization of the necessary inferences does not require any background knowledge of the context of the passages. In meteorological implications, speech is usually calculated based on a value scale. In this case, when producing a piece of speech, the speaker chooses the word that contains the most accurate information according to the conditions. Conversations often take place in very specific contexts in which situational inferences are assumed. Such inferences are necessary to understand the conveyed meanings that originate from specific communication implications. Unlike communication implications, conventional implications are not based on principles of cooperation or solutions. Conventional implications do not necessarily occur in the heart of the conversation, and their interpretation does not require a specific context. 2. METHOD The present study tries to study the noble text of Nahj Al-Balaghah with a descriptive-analytical method and shows how a pragmatic reading based on the implications and guarantees of communication leads to the discovery of the implicit meanings of this revered book. The required data and information were extracted from the moral phrases of Nahj al-Balaghah in the two subjects of the pests of language and benevolence and goodness based on the book "Al-Ma'jum Al-Mawdu'i lunjah Al-Balaghah'' written by Owais Karim Mohammad. In the light of a pragmatic reading to identify, hidden communication implications let us deal with these concepts and in this way gain a deeper understanding and interpretation of it. 3. CONCLUSION By examining the types of implications in 71 examples of ethical expressions about the pests of language and benevolence, it is concluded that the generalized conversational implicature and scalar implicature are higher than other implications. The reason for this is the large number of audiences who, after accepting the religion, did not have enough information about its minor matters and sought its real limits and status. For this reason, Imam as a leader has used scalar words to explain things accurately in order to convey the truth of the matter to the audience by measuring them and determining their position. As can be seen in the research examples, most of the implications are in the wisdoms of this noble book, so the existence of a conversational implicature in the words of wisdom, which is a sensible speech, far from obscure, prudent, and convincing, implies prudence and persuasion. He has a deep thought of Imam. On the other hand, in most cases, the lack of elimination of communication implications is a reason for the truth of their words, and this is effective in gaining more audience trust. Finally, it is concluded that there is always a demand for knowledge for the audience of Nahj Al-Balaghah, that is why this noble book, with its implicit meanings and conversational implicative, has always been able to work with the artist as much as possible. Be open to your audience anytime, anywhere.

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INTRODUCTION Review articles are important in academic research. Therefore, the reader can read only one review article instead of several research articles. Moreover, review articles have a higher citation rate than other articles and can thus increase the impact factor of journals. Yet, these types of articles are not very common and very few of them are published in scientific journals, especially in the fields of linguistics and applied linguistics. One of the reasons for the very few number of such articles is that such articles are difficult to write. Unfortunately, research on such articles is rare. To the best of our knowledge, only Zare & Naseri (2021) have examined the rhetorical structure of English conceptual review articles. Zare & Naseri (2021) examined the moves and steps, used in the abstracts of English conceptual review articles, published in linguistics and applied linguistics fields in prestigious international journals. Based on their observations, the writers of English conceptual review articles use moves and sub-moves in their abstracts which are different from those. These moves include a) territory, b) problem, c) purpose, d) structure, and e) conclusion. The ‘ territory’ move clarifies the scope of the paper and summarizes the results of previous research. The ‘ problem’ move points to the abundance of research and indicates a gap or a problem in the field. The ‘ purpose’ move expresses the goals of the article and states limitations in the scope of the article, if any. The ‘ structure’ move describes the methodology and structure of the article. Finally, the ‘ conclusion’ move reflects the author's views and suggestions, and expresses the relevance and contribution of these views to previous research. The purpose of this study was to investigate the rhetorical structure of the introduction section of English conceptual review articles, published in prestigious international journals in the fields of linguistics and applied linguistics. MATERIALS AND METHOD A corpus consisting of the introduction section of 100 English-language conceptual review articles formed the basis of this study. These articles had been published in international highprofile journals in linguistics and applied linguistics from 2000 to 2018. Each major (linguistics and applied linguistics) accounted for 50 articles. In selecting the articles, different authorship aspects such as the number of authors, nationality, English language level, and whether English was their mother tongue or not were not considered. Also, only articles with separate introduction sections formed the corpus. In terms of the analytical procedure, a two-stage analytical method, based on move and sub-move, with a top-down corpus-driven discourse-analytic genre analysis approach was used. The top-down approach refers to the recognition of moves and sub-moves based on the rhetorical functions of discourse units, rather than their lexical or structural features. The corpus-driven approach refers to the fact that in order to examine the rhetorical structure of English conceptual review articles, the researchers of this study approached the articles in the corpus with a blank slate and without considering what earlier research had to offer. Therefore, we first studied some of the articles to see what moves emerged. Then, we examined them in the entire corpus. MAXQDA 2018 was used to detect and code the moves and sub-moves. After coding the moves and sub-moves, their range and frequency distribution were calculated. A third coder was invited in case disagreements happened between the two coders. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of this study showed that, firstly, in terms of rhetorical structure, the introduction of English conceptual review articles is slightly different from the introduction of research articles. Second, this difference is related to the use of the following three moves, along with their sub-moves. These moves and sub-moves are: (a) Introducing the field, including 1) Expressing the importance/ centrality of the subject, 2) Summarizing the results of existing studies and inferring from them, (b) Stating the gap/ research question in the field, including 1 ) Referring to the existing gap, 2) Stating the question(s), (c) Introducing the present research, including 1) Expressing the objectives of the present research, 2) Presenting the hypothesis, 3) Presenting definitions/ explanations, 4) Presenting findings and implications, 6) Expressing the general structure of the article. The high frequency and range of these moves and their similarity to the moves of introductions in research articles indicate their importance and comprehensiveness, regardless of individual characteristics. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS The results of the present study, although not definitive, considering the limitations of the research, can be useful. Theoretically, the findings of the present study can be used to provide a corpus-driven rhetorical model for the introduction of English conceptual review articles. Practically, the results of the present study can be used to prepare textbooks, related to the writing of such articles, and teach them to those who do not have sufficient knowledge of English or even those who have a high command of English, but have difficulty in writing English conceptual review articles.

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INTRODUCTION The present study examines a specific type of constructions that are not intended to get information or receive an answer and the speaker confirms his/her denial or the impossibility of the case; these types of constructions are called negative Wh-constructions. The purpose of the present study is to get the features of these constructions in Persian. Research scope is a number of negative constructions that Persian speakers agree on their correctness. Data are analyzed from two semantic – pragmatic dimensions based on Cheung (2008 – 2009). 1-3 are English negative Wh-examples and 4-5 are Persian ones: Where did he eat anything in the library? ! (Kiss, 2015, p. 4) Since when/ *from when/ *when is John watching TV now? ! (Cheung, 2009, p. 298) Since when/ *from when/ *when is John a professor? ! (Cheung, 2008, p. 48) Koja Mina ketab mi khune? ! Where Mina book PRES-read Az key ta hala Maryam qazaye mahali dorost kardan balade? ! From when (since) Mary food local cook to be able to Reviewing the research literature shows that so far this type of questions in Persian have been largely ignored linguistically and only rhetorical scholars in poetry and fiction have dealt with it. While the use of them is not limited to the field of literature and poetry, and are also used in a variety of Persian colloquial and discourse contexts. Therefore, in this paper, this type of constructions is studied based on the principles governing linguistics. We examine which wh-words are used in these Persian sentences. What are the special semantic-pragmatic features, and what are their differences or similarities with conventional interrogatives and other similar constructions. Our study has 3 parts: After reviewing the previous studies, presenting the framework, the features of this type of constructions are discussed semantically-pragmatically. We use different tests to determine their characteristics and distinguish them from other constructions such as conventional, emphatic, surprising and rhetorical ones. The final section deals with the results of Persian data and evidence. MATERIALS AND METHODS The scope of the study consists of a number of negative wh-questions that Persian speakers agree on their correctness. The data have been gathered from speakers’ everyday conversations in natural contexts. They are analyzed from semantic-pragmatic dimensions. The method of research is descriptive – analytic. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The overall results of data indicate that despite the apparent similarity between wh-questions in Persian, the negative wh-questions are different from conventional, surprising, emphatic and rhetorical ones. The results show that conventional wh-constructions can be combined with some adverbs, but the combination of negative wh-ones with the adverbs leads to ungrammatical constructions. The examination of the data also shows that in Persian, some wh-words like where, when and who are unmarked wh-words in negative wh-constructions. Negative wh-question words do not refer to place, time, etc. Unlike conventional interrogative constructs, negative wh-ones are largely fixed in form and cannot be changed or replaced by a seemingly synonymous wh-word. Morphologically, wh-words of negative wh-constructs are restricted to a very limited set of wh-words, and semantically they are used only in the contexts that indicate disagreement. Also, reviewing data shows that in conventional wh-constructions, depending on the type of wh-word, it can be answered with a piece of fragment. While in negative wh-constructions, it is not possible to answer as a fragment. The examination of Persian data related to negative wh-constructions and rhetorical ones shows that both of them are related to non-interrogative interpretation and in both, the speaker does not follow the answer. Despite this similarity, negative wh-questions in any context show the meaning of at all and negation, but rhetoric shows both positive and negative states. Generally, the results show that negative wh-constructions are different from the other constructions mentioned above. CONCLUSION Semantic-pragmatic study of these constructions show that the presence of a positive verb, lack of getting answers and limited use of wh-words are special features of these sentences that distinguish them from other similar ones. Syntactic tests including substitution, adjunct doubling, embedding, and negation dominance shows that, a) limited number of wh-words are used in these constructions. Therefore, substituting the synonymous wh-word makes these constructions ungrammatical. b) Adjunct doubling is acceptable and permissible. c) They aren't used in dependent clause positions. d) The dominance of negation in these constructions is one-sided and only the negation form dominates the whole sentence. The evaluation of syntactic features also shows the distinction between these constructions and the conventional ones.

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Refahi Samane

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1. INTRODUCTION In rhetoric, the secondary meanings of the sentences are discussed. In the same way, in modern rhetoric, one can find theories that deal with this matter and are looking for ways to help them understand the secondary meanings of sentences. The sum of these theories is studied in a branch called pragmatics. Grice Cooperative Principles (1975) is one of these theories. After Grice, other theorists developed his Cooperative Principles. Leech (1983), Brown, and Levinson (1987) were among those who helped complete Grice's Cooperative Principles by introducing Politeness Principles. In conversation analysis based on Politeness principles, the role of each interlocutor in the continuity of the conversation and respect for the other party is measured. Different discourses can be analyzed on this basis. One of the most common discourses in today's society is the discourse that commercials create in society. TV commercials are one of the most effective methods of advertising as a public and popular media. At first glance, every commercial seeks to advertise its desired product, and in order to achieve its goal, which the introduction of the product and convincing the audience are the most important of them, is designed and distributed. But it should be noted that behind this face, it introduces a discourse into society that can have many positive and negative effects on the culture of that society. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS In 1967, Grice proposed the theory of conversational Implicature and in 1975 in the paper entitled Logic and Conversation, he proposed a more advanced theory of the Cooperative Principles, or CP. Grice considers the four basic principles necessary for conversation, these four principles are quality, quantity, relation and manner of expression, which together form Grice's Cooperative Principles. Grice's Cooperative Principles, as a basic theory, have been reviewed by many. One of these people is Leech (1983) who believes that Grice's solutions are not enough to study conversations and therefore has proposed the Politeness Principles as a complement to Grice's Cooperative Principles. Brown and Levinson (1987) are other theorists who have theorized about the Politeness Principles and the completion of Grice's Cooperative Principles. Before addressing the principles of Leech (1983), Brown, and Levinson (1987) Politeness Principles, it is necessary to explain some interpretations and terms. One of the concepts that is considered in the Politeness Principles is the concept of face, followed by the face threatening act and the face-saving act. Attitude in technical terms, it means the general self-image of a person and refers to the emotional and social aspect of the person that each person has and expects others to recognize it. There are generally two types of images: negative and Positive; negative means the need to be independent of others and positive means the need to be associated with them. According to Brown and Levinson, politeness is about respecting another's face and using strategies to avoid threatening his face. They define four strategies for using face-threatening actions: on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The body of this research is formed by three commercials of "Dorto" dishwashing liquid that have been broadcast on various Iranian TV channels for about three years, and considering this relatively long period, its discursive role should not be neglected. In a number of conversations of these advertisements, Politeness Principles have been violated and the face of the other party has been threatened, and by this, they have hidden a discourse far from politeness in their deep-structure. In these advertisements, according to the principles of Leech, the Maxims of Approbation, Modesty and Agreement have not been observed, and according to the principles of Brown and Levinson, people have used strategies such as on record expression, which is the most threatening face. Although in some conversations they have tried to use negative and positive strategies, by violating the principles of Leech Principles, they have threatened the other party and caused tension in the conversations, thus creating an impolite discourse. All three of these ads focus on the party. Parties that are accompanied by tension and unhappiness when the guest arrives at the landlord's house and make the landlord's family members suffer. Aunt frowns, Violating the Politeness Principles, the man says to the woman: "Did you not wash with Dorto? "; The child apologizes for borrowing dishwashing liquid; All of this creates a discourse that turns value into anti-value. If the child did not lend the dishwashing liquid to the neighbor, it would not have caused all this discomfort, and even earlier, if the family members had not invited guests, they would not have had to endure this reprehensible atmosphere. This is the discourse that this ad depicts for the audiences. 4. CONCLUSION Analysis of people's conversations in three Dorto dishwashing liquid commercials based on pragmatics showed that the discourses created in these ads are inconsistent with Iranian and Islamic culture and promote distasteful cultural values. The non-observance of the principles of cooperative and politeness in the conversations of individuals in these advertisements has created a discourse that leads to aversion to the discourse recommended in Iranian and Islamic culture, which is hospitality. Another value that has become anti-value in these conversations is the tradition of lending in the recommendations of Iranian and Islamic culture. Based on the research findings, in a number of conversations of these advertisements, Politeness Principles have been violated and the face of the other party has been threatened, and by this, they have hidden a discourse far from Politeness in their deep-structure. Cultural issues must be considered in advertisements because they inadvertently initiate a discourse into the culture of society, which can have many destructive consequences. According to the results of this study, it seems that TV commercials need more attention and review from a cultural perspective.

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1. INTRODUCTION Protecting local culture has expanded in different forms in contemporary literature and has developed a new literary genre called postcolonial literature. Indigenization of English language and its appropriation with language and culture of the former colonial countries is one of the characteristics of postcolonial writing that immigrant authors also enjoy in writing from their experiences in diaspora and transferring their local culture which results in linguistic creativities. One of these creativities is appropriation which is an important component of Postcolonial studies. It is a process which reconstitutes the language of the center to express the ‘ differing cultural experiences’ (Ashcroft et al, 2002, p. 38). It seizes the language of the center and replaces it in ‘ a discourse fully adapted to the colonized place’ (p. 37). Zabus (2007) also considers appropriation as conscious strategies of decolonization where ‘ writing with an accent’ serves to convey ideological variance. Sometimes the English language is unconsciously appropriated by the non-native users. Joseph (2006) believed that a language undergoes a change because of the interference of mother tongue with its inherent resistance. Thus, when a writer from a non-native country would produce something in English, there must be some changes under the influence of their mother tongue. 2. METHOD There are different strategies of appropriation that result in varieties of English language. Some postcolonial writers mixed the linguistic structures of two languages making an ‘ inter-culture’ (as cited in Ashcroft et al, 2002, p. 66). Kachru (1983) and Ashcroft et al. (2002) identify at least nine language appropriation strategies: The first strategy in appropriation technique is termed as glossing, it is an explanatory comment affixed to a text. It can be a word, a sentence, or a clause, characterizing the non-English word. The second strategy is the incorporation of untranslated words or leaving words un-glossed, it aims to keep the cultural uniqueness intact. The third one is termed as syntactic fusion, which is the amalgamation of two different linguistic structures, resulting in mixing the syntax of native language with the lexical forms of English, or vice versa. Fourthly, the usage of translation equivalence permits the writer to incorporate the local opinions and insights into a foreign language. In lexical innovation the words are borrowed from local languages and incorporated into the new English. The post-colonial writers use it as a means to describe new experiences, sounds and tastes they come across. Contextual redefinition provides a way to introduce new vocabulary words. The author adopts a new context that is too remote from the English-speaking world to have the same definitions for all the terms. Inter language strategy refers to the entrance of texts, rhythms or sounds related to the writers` mother tongue to the postcolonial writing which shows his/her creativity and interest to the mother tongue. Rhetoric and functional style appropriation strategy deals with changing in different text types and finally, code switching is the technique of moving between two or more codes to bring variation in the ways of expression. Considering the important role of the linguistic appropriation strategy in producing postcolonial literature, this descriptive-analytical study was done in accordance with Kachru (1983) and Ashcroft et al. (2002) framework on postcolonial writing, with an aim of looking for elaboration of linguistic appropriations in the English series of stories Laughing without Accent by Jzayeri Duma and its translation by Mo`takef. Duma is an Iranian immigrant writer who has already published two successful series of stories in America which have been translated into different languages all around the world and they have been translated into Persian too. In her stories, Duma depicted her Persian family life in America for the American readers and helped them to know about the minority of Iranian immigrants living in America through her lens of humorous writing. 3. RESULTS Studying Duma`s series, this study looked for answering the following questions: can the English text of the stories be analyzed from a postcolonial point of view according to linguistic appropriation theory? What strategies did the author use to make linguistic appropriations and create a postcolonial work? Were the linguistic appropriations transferred to Persian translation of the stories too? The results of the study showed that the author used glossing, un-translated words, contextual redefinition and inter language and code-switching appropriation strategies in her stories and created a postcolonial text. This study also showed that some of these strategies like glossing and inter language appropriations were left in the translation of the stories, but the rest of them were not transferred and faded away in the process of translation. Inter-language appropriations entered the English pronunciation of the words and glossing made some cultural elements of English language enter the Persian text.

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1. INTRODUCTION The main theme of studies in the area of forensic linguistics is investigating the relationship between language and law which means the use of language knowledge in the legal contexts. By studying different aspects of language in the facility contracts, we can help the readers of these texts to judge the bank’ s purposes or the writer of the text better. This article tries to probe the bank’ s facility legal discoursal characteristics used in the bank contracts. The banks’ facility contracts are assumed as legally obliged documents in case of disagreements. Their resources are Civil Law, Bankruptcy Banking Law, and Trade law. Whereas the texts of these contracts have been written by the bank professional experts, it is necessary to protect the bank’ s benefits and guarantee the capital return of the bank. Consequently, it is expected to write the mentioned contracts in a way that disobedience would be a crime. Having the lack of legal knowledge and ability in understanding the contracts due to their text difficulty can potentially get the facility borrower into trouble and occasionally make them commit crimes though unwantedly. In most cases, due to complicated structures and technical vocabulary items and lack of proper cohesion in texts will ruin the clarity of texts from a forensic point of view. Lack of clarity in each contract can cause various interpretations which lead to different challenges for both parties. Hence, this is a vital issue for the borrowers of the facilities. Therefore, the main theme of this study is based on what has been mentioned and its significance is to uphold both sides of the contract’ s rights i. e., bank facility borrowers on one hand and the bank as a financial organization. 2. METHOD This article is to focus on the forensic discourse analysis of such bank texts in the “ Forensic Linguistics” through cohesion elements and perception of the meaning based on the principles of Functional Linguistics. As the bank facility contracts texts are legally natured, so it is crucial for the facility borrowers to understand the contract condition, and then accept or refuse it. Due to the difficulty of the legal texts, facility borrowers rely on the legal representation or bank credits and sign the contract while they accept some conditions that are beyond their ability. As mentioned so far, it is vital to do a thorough investigation of knowledge and present scientific strategies through linguistics. This article is based on “ Cohesion Theory” by Halliday and Hassan (1976) and intends to investigate the Tejarat Bank facility contract texts. Halliday and Hassan categorized cohesion into grammatical and lexical cohesion. They consider cohesive devices like “ Reference, Substitution, Ellipsis and Conjunctive” as grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion which contains elements such as “ Retrain, Synonymy, Antonym” . The methodology is qualitative and quantitative and the data is extracted from four facility contracts of Tejarat Bank which are the most demanding contracts and including Murabaha, Jaaleh, Civil Participation, and Installment Sale. Based on the cohesive devices of Halliday and Hassan (1976), and also the technical jargons and unfamiliar Arabic words are extracted. The SPSS software version 21 analyzed the content of the contract’ s notes consisting of the cohesive devices and their frequencies. Moreover, of the mentioned notes, in each facility contract, a sample is cohesion and cohesive devices, technical jargon, unfamiliar Arabic vocabulary items, and ambiguous are separately specified. After that, elements are analyzed and removed the unnecessary ones i. e., the one in which their note is re-written and ultimately, the data-driven from the contracts was analyzed and the stylistic characteristics of contracts were investigated. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The data analysis shows that repetition, linking elements, and substitution of nouns are the most frequent elements, and Ellipsis, Reference, and collocation are the least frequent in the text of currency facility contracts. Besides, repetition elements, reference, and substitution of nouns are the most frequent and collocation, linking elements and Ellipsis are the least frequent in Rial facility contracts. In the Murabaha contract, repetition elements, linking elements, and noun substitution have the highest frequency and collocation, linking elements and Ellipsis have the least frequency. The distance between the pronoun and anecdote in all texts will lead that the facility applicants can’ t link between the linguistic-cohesion elements correctly. Therefore, we can conclude that to simplify the text contract, it is preferable to reduce the cohesive elements like repetition, noun substitution, the linking elements including “ and” which will produce long and ambiguous sentences. Also, the lack of unfamiliar Arabic vocabulary can help to understand the text in a better way.

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1. INTRODUCTION The connection between Persian and Turkish has been very long and has been due to the rule of Islam and the cultural mixing of these two neighboring nations throughout history. In the meantime, many words have been traded between the two languages. The share of intentional Persian words is large, and this becomes apparent when it comes from the language of a Turkic-speaking Iranian people called the Azeri people. Due to the common political and cultural life with the Persian people, the land of Azerbaijan and the Azeri people is most influenced by the Persian language. Azerbaijan on both sides of the Aras River, although divided by the political developments of the last two centuries, but the extent of the influence of these two geographical areas of the Persian language is very significant, and as long as the geography of Greater Azerbaijan is in the shadow of Iranian cultural sovereignty, this influence has been the same. Since the period of fragmentation of borders, this people have had a different function in being influenced by the Persian language. South Azerbaijan in the present era uses contemporary Persian words of Iran in various political, social, economic, cultural, sports and other fields. This issue is something separate from the Old Persian loan words. On the other hand, the people of the Republic of Azerbaijan continue to use words inherited from the Persian language, and in order to make the official language of the country dynamic, they have started making words from the heart of Turkish or derived from Russian, Arabic, Persian and Latin. Thus, the contemporary Azeri language in Azerbaijan has become an international language and the people and rulers there organize their internal and external interactions with this language. The use of Persian words with contemporary meanings that are not known in Iranian Azerbaijan experiences a different life there, even in some cases the Persian language is unaware of it. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS The observation of the above-mentioned cases motivated us to study the meanings of the words of Persian involved in the contemporary Azeri language, in the 21st century. Of course, the difference in the use of Persian words involved on both sides of the Aras River has been another aspect of the author's motivation in the present study. For this purpose, we relied on linguistic studies and theory of semantic domains, according to which lexical changes include three categories: lexical substitution, increase and decrease. Conceptual changes also include four categories: semantic allocation, expansion, promotion, and demotion. Out of these seven semantic domains, only three domains of substitution, semantic allocation and semantic expansion were adapted in the present article. Verbal or semantic stability was also considered. In this article, we intend to study the various changes in the semantic field, the frequently involved Persian words in the contemporary Azeri language, and determine the share of these semantic changes on both sides of the Aras River. It is assumed that the semantic changes of any word due to the transfer from one language to another is inevitable and the treatment of contemporary Azeri language with Persian words is included in this circle. However, differences in the political geography of the language also play a role in this semantic transformation. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The research in this article is based on the random selection of widely used contemporary words to limit the scope of discussion that has been obtained by reading books, articles, newspapers and the observation of mass media of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the speech of the Azerbaijani people of Iran has been the criterion. Also, this research is based on a descriptive and analytical method in the study of changes in the semantic domain of Persian words involved. The scope of the Azeri language studied in this article is limited to the contemporary period and the 21st century. Linguistic geography also includes the speakers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the northwest of Iran. The volume of data is 22 commonly used words that are classified into three main topics: semantic expansion and verbal stability, semantic allocation and verbal stability, and lexical substitution and semantic stability. The present article considers the semantic domains of loan and widely used Persian words, which relies on the encyclopedic sources of Azeri, Persian and Arabic languages. Therefore, this research is conducted under three selected topics: semantic allocation, semantic development and lexical substitution. Semantic allocation means that the meaning of a word becomes more limited over time and covers only a part of its past meaning. Also, the purpose of expanding the meaning is to expand the meaning of a word, in a way that leads to the multi-meaning of that word and causes that word to be considered a unit in another semantic field. Then the term lexical substitution means that in this type of change, one word replaces another word and is used in the same sense of the previous words. 4. CONCLUSION According to the results of this study, the Persian loan words in the contemporary Azeri language have undergone three changes in the semantic field as follows: From 22 selected words, most of the Persian words involved (12 cases) have undergone a semantic allocation phenomenon and have found a new meaning in the contemporary Azeri language. Some of them (4 cases) have a wide semantic circle compared to their Persian origin. Some of the words involved (6 cases) have followed the rule of lexical substitution. It should be noted that cases for lexical changes such as lexical increase and decrease were not found. It also did not yield conceptual changes such as promotion and demotion. In the semantic domains found, the conditions of political geography were effective and the use of Persian loan words on both sides of the Aras River appeared different from each other. In general, the share of semantic intrusion and use of Persian intentional words in the contemporary language of the Republic of Azerbaijan is higher due to the dynamics of the language in the national and international arenas.

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The purpose of this paper is to provide a minimalist account of case and agreement within Azeri Turkish DPs. The DP-internal case and agreement in Azeri Turkish has direct bearing on the structural parallelism across syntactic projections of different categories. In comparison to TP-internal agreement, DP-internal agreement has been less studied due to the limited empirical domain in which the possessed-possessor agreement is attested cross-linguistically. However, in languages of the Finno-Ugric family, including Finnish and Hungarian, and the Turkic sub-family such Turkish and Sakha, agreement of the head noun with the possessor obtains in a robust fashion. Azeri Turkish, also called Azerbaijani, a language of the Oghuz branch of Turkic, spoken partly in Iran, displays possessed-possessor agreement within DPs: . . . .

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