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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Power is the truth of academic life and is an important element in all organizations. Gaining power and applying it effectively is essential for the survival of the system in today's environment. Power and its application as a basic component and tool in the direction of organizational behavior and thus play a key role in achieving the effectiveness of the organization. Since all forms of power can be explored through the lens of legitimacy, the purpose of the research was to examine the actors' perceptions of the legitimacy of the power exercised in the research process and their possible reactions. The research design was qualitative using the descriptive phenomenological method of Mustakkas. In order to collect qualitative data, in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 19 students and graduates of Tehran University using Criterion-based sampling strategy. In order to analyze the data, the Stokes-Colaizzi-Kane analysis method was used. The findings of the study showed Students and graduates of Tehran University understood the applied power legitimate on the basis of ethics, experience and expertise, rationality and efficiency and illegitimate on the basis of ethics, economic values, experience and expertise, religion, justice, custom, rationality, law and efficiency. Also, Avoiding exposure to bullying positions, hidden curriculum, subjection, commitment, anger and discomfort, adaptation, resistance, and cooperation have been the actors' reactions to the power applied in the research process. The objectives and witnesses of the exercise of power evaluate the applied power according to their values, views, principles, knowledge, experience, and other resources and assess its legitimacy. If they see the power of the agent as legitimate, they will obediently obey him, and if his power Understand illegitimately and have relatively equal power over the agent, resist it. If they can't resist but can take it away, they try to avoid it. Also, if they think of the power of the agent much more than their power and see their self-esteem weakened, they will seek to compromise with the agent. If they are forced to accept and obey the agent, despite their inner desire and inability to deal with it, they will show their sadness; Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the actors' understanding and evaluation of the power of the agents, because if they do not evaluate the power of the agents legitimately, will lead to deviation from the research policies by disobedience or obedience with reluctance. Since negative reactions such as anger and discomfort to applied power were more than positive reactions such as commitment, the findings of the study indicate the illegitimacy or low legitimacy of the power of agents and policymakers in the research process. This doubles the necessity of open policy-making in higher education and paying attention to the voice of students and their involvement in the research policy-making process.

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Introduction: Why do so many people believe fake cyberspace news? What are the mechanisms underlying these misconceptions? Current research tests a possible answer to this question: previous encounters (being familiar) with false news. Because news are so easily spread in cyberspace, people see news in different contexts of cyberspace (such as Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. ), and this means that they see one news more than once. Method: The study included 1, 455 participants with that the mean and standard deviation of their age was 27. 10 and 3. 88, respectively, with a range of 18 to 39 years, and 631 of whom were male. The instrument of this study were 24 false news headlines. With a dependent true experimental design (or repeated measures), the participants were tested in a four-step experiment: • In the familiarizing phase, eight false news headlines were shown to the subjects and they were asked if they wanted to share the news with others. • In the assessment phase, sixteen false news headlines were shown to the subjects, that eight of them had been seen in the familiarizing phase and eight headlines were new, and the subjects were asked to rate the familiarity and accuracy of each news. • In the follow-up phase, twenty-four false news headlines were shown to the subjects, that eight of them had been seen in familiarizing phase and in assessment phase (i. e., twice), eight of them had been seen only in the evaluation phase (i. e., once), and eight headlines were new, and subjects were asked to rate the familiarity and accuracy of each news. Findings: Repeated measures ANOVA showed that the confrontation effect was significant, i. e., the familiarized news were rated more accurate than the non-familiarized news. Additionally, in the follow-up phase, repeated measures ANOVA showed that the effect of the confrontation was significant, so that were rated more familiar than once familiarized news and non-familiarized news. Results & Conclusion: The current study showed that the familiarized news were more believable than the new news. The impact of confrontation on believing the news not only lasted for ten days, but also increased with the second confrontation. The mechanism of illusory truth effect is that human beings seek the easiest way to judge the rightness /wrongness of propositions, and one of these easy ways is the processing fluency, i. e., the human beings easily believe whatever they easily understand, and being familiar with propositions helps to easily understand them.

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Esmaieli Mohammad Mahdi

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Drought and water scarcity is an objective reality in the country, with the increase in population and consequently the need to provide for population demand, increase arable land and expand industries, increasing its importance and problematic nature day by day. In this regard, unfortunately, The water conditions in Zayandehrud watershed, which besides providing resources for the agricultural and industrial sectors of Isfahan province, is also in poor condition. Therefore, in recent years, due to the increase in water consumption in the drinking, industrial and agricultural sectors and in some successive droughts, we have witnessed water scarcity in the central plateau of Iran, especially in the east of Isfahan city. Zayandehrood catchment, located in Isfahan province, is facing a water supply crisis due to drought, and the Zayandehrood River is facing water shortage in the long run. Is. Water crisis in this basin In addition to the natural crisis of water supply for the major uses of Isfahan province, agricultural and industrial, and drinking water of a part of Yazd province, has had important social consequences. The bitter events that culminated in March 2013 have doubled the need for more scientific and practical attention to solve the water problem in general in the country in general, and in this region of great importance in various dimensions. This paper attempts to propose solutions to optimally manage similar potential crises in the future by examining the social aspects of this crisis and examining the natural and human factors in its occurrence and severity.

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In the current situation, despite the various social objections and crises, most of the officials and social and economical policymakers recommend the policies that, in the past, have been frequently adopted and resulted in numerous social dissatisfactions. According to this research, the complexity of today's problems, and the subjective/objective abstraction dominating on the society, makes the conventional use of the sociological conceptual dualities such as rationality/irrationality, tradition/modernity inappropriate for criticizing the existing trends-the trends which have currently replaced the industry with the different forms of financial capitals such as startups, and also the political and cultural public sphere with social networks and cyberspace. Hence, following Adorno's methodology/theory, this research, using a concrete structure (i. e the structure of startup companies), shows that one-sided and non-dialectical approach towards these concepts is not suitable to comprehend/criticize the current social situation and its problems. The results of this study indicate that these dualities are not just epistemological issues developed by sociologists and theorists to analyze social reality, but they are forming the present social order-an order which under critical/ irrational conditions including present conditions, is the mediation for a variety of regressions toward the forms of pre-modern politics and society. In the current situation, despite the various social objections and crises, most of the officials and social and economical policymakers recommend the policies that, in the past, have been frequently adopted and resulted in numerous social dissatisfactions. According to this research, the complexity of today's problems, and the subjective/objective abstraction dominating on the society, makes the conventional use of the sociological conceptual dualities such as rationality/irrationality, tradition/modernity inappropriate for criticizing the existing trends-the trends which have currently replaced the industry with the different forms of financial capitals such as startups, and also the political and cultural public sphere with social networks and cyberspace. In the current situation, despite the various social objections and crises, most of the officials and social and economical policymakers recommend the policies that, in the past, have been frequently adopted and resulted in numerous social dissatisfactions. According to this research, the complexity of today's problems, and the subjective/objective abstraction dominating on the society, makes the conventional use of the sociological conceptual dualities such as rationality/irrationality, tradition/modernity inappropriate for criticizing the existing trends-the trends which have currently replaced the industry with the different forms of financial capitals such as startups, and also the political and cultural public sphere with social networks and cyberspace. In the current situation, despite the various social objections and crises, most of the officials and social and economical policymakers recommend the policies that, in the past, have been frequently adopted and resulted in numerous social dissatisfactions. According to this research, the complexity of today's problems, and the subjective/objective abstraction dominating on the society, makes the conventional use of the sociological conceptual dualities such as rationality/irrationality, tradition/modernity inappropriate for criticizing the existing trends-the trends which have currently replaced the industry with the different forms of financial capitals such as startups, and also the political and cultural public sphere with social networks and cyberspace. In the current situation, despite the various social objections and crises, most of the officials and social and economical policymakers recommend the policies that, in the past, have been frequently adopted and resulted in numerous social dissatisfactions. According to this research, the complexity of today's problems, and the subjective/objective abstraction dominating on the society, makes the conventional use of the sociological conceptual dualities such as rationality/irrationality, tradition/modernity inappropriate for criticizing the existing trends-the trends which have currently replaced the industry with the different.

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The nomadic livelihood patterns are directly related to the conditions of their living environment, and so the main issue of the present article was how the situation of these patterns is in drought conditions between the Sistani and Balochistan tribes. Understanding this subject requires first identifying the patterns in the region; therefore, according to the findings of this study-that have been done with a combined methodological approach, using of various techniques including survey, observation, discussion, library studies, etc-it is now possible to name at least six major livelihood patterns in this region and among its tribes: 1) Livelihood pattern of ranch; 2) Livelihood pattern of farming; 3) Livelihood pattern based on local industries and by-products sales; 4) livelihood pattern of labor-based; 5) Livelihood pattern based on service activities; 6) livelihood pattern based on receiving government support. The results of the study show that the current livestock and agriculture among the semi-inhabitants of the region is practically a marginal and declining activity. Local industries, mainly produced by nomadic women, are often responsive to their own needs, but they are forced to sell a part of it to help the family, which of course has no significant income; the production of other by-products, such as the mat, which is directly dependent on environmental facilities, is also scarce. Subsequent droughts have brought nomads into activities that are not commensurate with their cultural identity and personality, and they do so in spite of their inner desire and satisfaction; these include laboring and other services such as grocery shopping, and so on. In addition, the nomads now find it very difficult to survive without government support, and they see every help from the support agencies as the savior of their lives.

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The study investigates the phenomenon of globalization and its relevance to changing the first names of university students to see the tendency of new identity in both sexes and to identify the motivations of changing according to socio-onomastic approach. The method is descriptive-analytic and the second name was examined by 459 of university students in Tehran. The findings indicated that among those who changed their names were 22. 5 % of the boys and 77. 5 % of the girls. The male students are more likely to belong to the national identity and female students to the transnational identity. The male students have often changed their names from ancient religious names to a new one or a national identity but Female students have changed their religious and national names to transnational identity and it shows significant differences. And also Among the motivations stated among the male and girl students respectively, personal interest ( intrinsic motivation ) and promotion of prestige ( external motivation ) was the most important factor. This study showed that sociolinguistics and especially socio-onomastic is capable of observing social transformations including identity changes and is able to reach to the answer of both linguists and sociologists questions. Identity transformation and Changing the Person’ s Name; Observing Social Changes in the Field of Social Onomastics ABSTRACT This study investigates the phenomenon of globalization and its relevance to changing the names of university students to see the tendency of new identity in both sexes and to identify the motivations of changing the names according to the field of onomastics. The population of the study is the students of the university of tehran. The research is quantitative survey with descriptive approach and the method done for choosing the universities of Tehran was purposive and for university students was convenience sampling. Among the 1609 questionnaire gathered from university students, it is shown that the second name was choosen by 459 of them. The findings indicated that among those who changed their names were 22. 5 % of the boys and 77. 5 % of the girls. The results showed that there is a tendency for national identity in boys and transnational identity in girl students. There is also a shift in the name from the old religious names to the new one as well as to the national identity of the boys, while on the other hand, female students tended to shift from national and religious to transnational one. For the motivations stated among the male and girl students respectively, personal interest and also to have Iranian names ( intrinsinc and extrinsic motivation ) and promotion of prestige, then beutifulness ( intrinsic motivation ) was the most important factor.

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A review of all models and items designed to measure religiosity in Iran shows that none of these models regularly and methodically show the specific features of the Shiite religion. To address this shortcoming, in this article, relying on the views of Henry Corbin, we have highlighted one of the special aspects of Shiism, namely, "the continuity and continuity of man's relationship with God through the Imams and the saints and by extracting the concept of "recourse", it provides its operational definition in three dimensions: "belief", "ritual (practical)" and "experimental" for use in religious assessment surveys, and in the experimental part, this concept is measured in Yazd. This study is quantitative and survey. The statistical population of all men and women is 15 to 64 years old in Yazd city, which according to the 2016 census, includes 365298 people. Based on the Cochran's formula, 384 people were identified as the sample. Due to the number of variables in this study and the random sampling of multistage clusters and the need to access more samples, the sample size increased to 400 people and men and women to An equal number were selected. The data collection tool was a questionnaire and the research data were collected in a three-month period in the summer of 2016 by directing the researcher to the selected samples in Yazd city and conducting interviews and completing the questionnaires. The results of the research show that the level of recourse in the study community is relatively high and the pattern of responses to recourse measures is very similar to the pattern of Iranians' responses to religiosity measures. Also, the type and intensity of the relationship between recourse to contextual variables is similar to the type and intensity of the relationship between religiosity and contextual variables. The field findings of the study show that the rate of recourse is higher among women than men and among married people more than single people. In this study, a significant and inverse relationship was observed between the social class and the rate of recourse, so that the recourse of the lower class was reported more than the upper class. The more selective the treatment of religion and the more privatized the religion among individuals, the lower the rate of recourse. The inverse and significant relationship between lifestyle and the rate of recourse means that the more religious people are, the more traditional and non-modern lifestyles become. Although the results of this study indicate a relatively similar resemblance of the response model to "recourse" measures with the response model to religiosity measures in other research in this field, it is still not possible to be innovative about these measures and their strength in measuring differences. The subtleties of Shiite religiosity were carefully judged. Certainly the metrics designed here, while being critiqued by other researchers, should be tested in multiple experimental studies, with different statistical communities, and the results of this research should be consistent with the results of other metrics. Religiosity should be compared, and then one can judge how well the proposed measures here have been able to shed new light on the research of religiosity in Iran.

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The purpose of this study was to identify the solutions presented in previous studies and finally provide comprehensive strategies for reducing vulnerability and improving the living conditions of female headed households. In this regard, using a meta-analysis method, 92 research papers on the topic of female headed households have been investigated. Based on the findings, there are some cases such as the lack of aesthetics of the increasing and growing growth of female headed households, the quantitative view, and the lack of willingness to use the qualitative method and identifying problems based on the life experience of subjects, not considering all types of female headed households The samples were referring to sponsoring organizations for the selection of samples and ignoring women without support or without knowledge of these organizations, lack of attention to women's agency and power, lack of attention to need and level Requirements in research, not specifying the dimensions of problems and the neglect of a group of women headed by households due to inability to The spouse's authority to manage life is the responsibility of family affairs, one of the most important barriers to providing appropriate solutions to the shortcomings of previous research. At the end of the research, attempts have been made to address the shortcomings of the proposed strategies, comprehensive strategies in the 9 axes of economic, occupational, physical, psychological, cultural, social, legal, children and organizational development with the aim of reducing the damage and improving the lives of female supervisors. The household is suggested

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Introduction: With the implementation of the "Mehr Housing" policy, in order to provide housing for the low-income groups, structural-physical and socio-economic problems emerged; Feelings of social inequality and spatial segregation (due to dependence on the neighboring metropolis) of residents are among the issues that have been less researched despite their importance. This study aims to identify the relationship between the physical structure of Mehr housing complex and its socio-economic structure, and explores the relevant responses of residents. Method: The research was performed by comparative method in two independent samples with a volume of 50 (Mehr housing in the new city of Sahand Tabriz and Golbahar city of Mashhad) by cluster method in different phases of the project. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS. 20 software. First, to test the normality of the data, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used and the test results confirmed that the data were normal. Therefore, the main hypothesis of the research was tested by t-test. Findings: According to the findings, there is a direct and significant relationship between spatial structure of Mehr housing development (25 main items) and its social structure (14 main items) (Pearson coefficient 0. 68). The study of the samples with t-test shows that despite the significant difference in data in social and environmental dimensions (with more mean in Golbahar-sample) and service and economic dimensions (with higher mean in Sahand sample), but physical dimensions has a relatively similar condition in the samples. Also, in general, according to the computational averages of t-test, there was no significant difference between the components of "physical-spatial " and "socio-economic" structures, and despite the average to low computational score in both groups, in the Golbahar sample with a small difference, a higher score was estimated. Results & Conclusion: Based on the results, significant discrimination in providing services and access to urban facilities, along with spatial remoteness, has played an important role in the formation and intensification of feelings of social inequality and spatial separation of these complexes. Thus, by modifying the identified differences between the two samples studied and trying to obtain the satisfaction of residents in providing the services they need, we can take a step forward in the development of this type of housing pattern. Undoubtedly, since this housing model is commensurate with the income level of the households living in it, by providing ancillary services and especially meeting the easier transportation context, it is possible to provide the satisfaction of the residents of the complexes. Also, accuracy in terms of local requirements of each city and attention to the design of appropriate housing can be very important because as mentioned, it is not possible to implement a fixed pattern in different urban areas of the country and the need to localize the model always will be raised.

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Marjaie Seyed Hadi

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This study examines the situation of the 17 components of cultural and social capital and compares it among 190 doctoral students studying at 3 universities in Tehran, Tarbiat Modares and Ferdowsi Mashhad and Iranian doctoral students studying in University of Mysore-India. The study was conducted as a survey and the means of measurement and dimensions of cultural and social capital through factor analysis and extraction of Cronbach's alpha coefficients were tested for validity and validity. The results show that, the status of cultural and social capital among Iranian doctoral students is moderate to low. Comparison of students studying in Iran and India shows that the standardized average of 17 indicators among PhD students studying at University of Mysore in India is higher than students studying at 3 Iranian universities. Relationships with family, a sense of security, commitment to ethics and norms, and networking during high school have been rated higher among Iranian students abroad than among Iranian students. The findings suggest that in some cases, students studying abroad, including those related to family relationships, adherence to norms, networking in high school, and a sense of security are better off than students at home. The facts also show that the world of Iranians living abroad is partly related to these four important realities in their lives. The family supports them, adhering to moral norms, so that this finding can partially heal the understanding of the cultural and social environment abroad. These findings show that Iranian students abroad are on average satisfied with adhering to their norms and are committed to moral obligations. High school has been a golden age for them and a time full of social capital for them, and they have gained the practice of network communication and the power to create network communities around them and exploit network information and support during this time, as well as a sense of security. Abroad compensates for the hardships and adversities of being away from home. Students studying in the country stand out in terms of social capital components that ensure their success within Iranian society to some extent, such as trust in news sources and trust in friends and cultural interactions in cyberspace. The findings of this study show that the fifth decade of the Islamic Revolution is facing serious challenges in the cultural and social spheres, especially in terms of the situation of the young generation with the source of cultural and social capital. In order to ensure the success of economic and social development programs, it is necessary to pursue programs to improve this situation at the individual, institutional and social levels. The findings of this study also indicate the fact that students studying abroad have some favorable prominences in relation to the situation of social and cultural capital compared to students in the country. Accordingly, given the need to strengthen the cultural and social capital of the country's universities in the fifth decade of the Islamic Revolution, this finding confirms this principle in policy-making and future planning of higher education that employs a large number of graduates abroad in the guise of board members. Scientific can be effective in improving the public space of the country's universities in terms of promoting the components of cultural and social capital.

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