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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: The metabolizable energy represents a part of the gross energy of the feed, which after the deduction of the amount of feces and urine energy and the gases. One of the laboratory methods for determining the metabolizable energy of feedstuff is the gas method. This method is based on the measurement of the amount of released gas at the specified time. The estimated energy obtained from this method has a very high correlation with the amount of energy derived from the live animal method (in vivo). The direct determination of the energy available of feeds requires a great deal of time and cost, and since the available energy has a positive and high relationship with some of the chemical constituents of the feed, livestock nutritionists use fiber components such as NDF, ADF and lignin to estimate the available energy of feeds. Another approach is using equations to obtain the ADF for metabolizable energy of forages. It was reported that the amount of determination coefficient (R 2 ) for estimating the metabolizable energy of forages from ADF levels was from 0. 52 to 0. 92. This study conducted to determine the nutritional value and introduce regression equations for estimating the available energy of some forage sorghum. Materials and Methods: Eighteen sorghum varieties planted in May 2016 at the research and educational farm in Karaj province of IRAN. Experimental varieties were harvested in September. Three samples of each sorghum forage cultivar, which planted in three separate rows, after crushing into 3 to 5 cm pieces, totaling about 54 samples, collected. Nutrient compositions including crude protein, crude ash, ADF, NDF, water-soluble carbohydrates, starch and lignin analyzed by AOAC official methods. The amount of crud ash determined by burning samples in an electric furnace and crude protein. To determine the concentration of ADL and to dissolve cellulose present in ADF, ADF samples placed in 72% sulfuric acid for three hours. The digestibility of the samples determined by gas test method. The amount of ME calculated using the volume of gas produced from fermentation of 200 mg of dry matter over a period of 24 hours. ME = 2/2 + 1357/0 (GP) + 0057/0 (XP) + 00002859/0 (XP) 2 , Where ME is the metabolizable energy (MJ per kg of dry matter), GP, the volume of produced gas (ML in 200 mg dry matter per 24 hours incubation) and XP, crude protein (g / kg dry matter). For fitting the equations for estimating metabolizable energy based on NDF, ADF and lignin, SPSS software used to fit the linear, quadratic and exponential equation, and selected the independent variable that had the best R 2. Results and Discussion: The average dry matter of total 54 experimental samples is 19. 54, and it is less than minimum required for high-grade silage (25%). The amount of sugar and starch are enough, which is an important part for the preparation of stable and quality silage. Determined metabolism energy was 2. 40, which is higher than that announced by researchers, which could be the reason for the presence of BMR hybrids in this experiment. The mean of NDF, ADF, lignin and metabolizable energy of forage sorghum was determined to be 60. 36, 31. 16, 1. 78 and 2. 40, respectively. The whole equations obtained from NDF, ADF, lignin had an acceptable coefficient of determination, but the equations obtained from the ADF value, as an independent factor, have a higher coefficient of determination and the accuracy of the equations is moderate and acceptable. Among the equations, the linear equation derived from ADF suggested for estimating metabolizable energy due to the simplicity and approximation closer to actual ME of forage sorghum measured. Compared to the international linear equations, which ADF were independent factor, the Menke and Steingas metabolizable energy from ADF equations do not have any significant difference with the estimated ME of forage sorghum in this study. Conclusion: The results of chemical analysis and determination of ME of sorghum by gas test showed that the amount of ADF and ME of sorghum was 31. 16% and 2. 41 Mcal/kg of dry matter, respectively. The best correlation for estimating ME, which ADF was as independent factor, was the following proposed linear equation. ME (Mcal/Kg DM) = 3. 320-0. 029 (ADF %).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: When aflatoxin contaminated food is given to lactating animals, the metabolite of aflatoxin, called M, is secreted in milk. Since pasteurization, sterilization, and milk processing have little effect on the survival and reduction of AFM1 toxicity, this poison ultimately transports to various dairy products and endangers consumer health. Along with the negative effects of mycotoxins on health and livestock products, these compounds can to be effective in digestion, metabolism and ruminal microbial populations. In ruminants (especially lactating cows) fed with AFB1 contaminated feeds, health problems such as liver cancer, reduce immunity, reproductive disorders, malformation, decreased feed intake and milk production have also been reported. An increase in liver enzymes can be attributed to the signs of an abnormal body. In addition, previous studies aluminosilicate has been show to tightly bind aflatoxins in vitro. This significantly reduce mortality and morbidity in animals, decrease molecular biomarkers of aflatoxin exposure in humans and animals. Materials and Methods: Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of aflatoxin B1 and aluminosilicate toxin adsorbents on the parameters of gas production contains gas production potential (b) and gas production rate (c), in vitro fermentation parameters includes pH, ammonia nitrogen concentration, volatile fatty acids and ruminal digestion. In the first experiment, the effects of different levels of AFB1, including 0, 300, 600 and 900 ng/ml, were investigated on the parameters of gas production, fermentation and digestion using batch culture method. In the second experiment the effectiveness of three aluminosilicate adsorbents on the AFB1 detoxification was investigated. MegaBond and MycoBond as native adsorbents and MilBond as a commercial adsorbent were used in 6% of DM. The gas produced was recorded at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of the incubation. The data obtained were fitted to the non-linear equation to calculate parameters of gas production. Also, at the end of 24 h incubation, four bottles were transferred to refrigerator to stop fermentation. Then, pH, ammonia nitrogen concentration and volatile fatty acid (VFA) of batch culture medium was measured, as well as the dry matter digestibility. Results and Discussion: Results of first experiment indicated that with increasing the AFB1 from 0. 0 to 900 ng/ml, the gas production rate (c) decreased from 0. 134 to 0. 092 ml/h and the gas production potential (b) decreased from 160. 7 to 131. 3, but there was no significant difference between the treatments 0 and 300 ng/ml AFB1. In addition, the gas production lag phase increased significantly with increasing level of AFB1 (P<0. 05). Addition of AFB1 to the batch culture did not affect its pH, but the dry matter digestibility significantly decreased (P<0. 05) with increasing AFB1. Ammonia nitrogen concentration decreased significantly (P<0. 05) with AFB1 addition, so that the lowest concentration of ammonia nitrogen was observed at 600 and 900 ng/ml AFB1 (15. 2 and 15. 3 mg/dL, respectively). In this experiment the total VFA concentration decreased significantly with AFB1 (P<0. 05), but the molar ratio of acetate, propionate, butyrate, valerate and isovalerate was not affected (P>0. 05). In the second addition of different aluminosilicate adsorbents significantly reduced the rate and potential of gas production. Likewise, dry matter digestibility and ammonia nitrogen concentration reduced significantly (P<0. 05). Significant increase in pH of the culture medium by addition of aluminosilicate adsorbents can be attributed to the fact that aluminosilicate acts as a modifier of hydrogen ion in the environment due to the replacement of cations with hydrogen ion and prevents a significant decrease in rumen pH. Probably lowering the ammonia nitrogen concentration is due to the fact that the protozoan population is affected by aluminosilicate adsorbent and decreases; consequently, the population of the ruminal bacteria increases, which results in the removal of more ammonia nitrogen by microorganisms, and ultimately the concentration ammonia nitrogen decreases in the rumen. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that AFB1 reduced gas production rate (c), the gas production potential (b), the concentration of ammonia and digestibility, but the pH is not affected in vitro. Also, none of the adsorbents was able to neutralize or reduce the negative effects of AFB1 on the parameters of gas production, fermentation and rumen digestion, which could be due to the absorption mechanism of aluminosilicate adsorbents for AFB1 absorption. The results of this study indicate that adsorbents cannot reduce the negative effects of AFB1 on digestion and rumen fermentation, therefore only proposed strategy is to prevent the contamination animal feed with mycotoxins.

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Introduction4: In growing ruminants or early lactation dairy cows, production may be limited by a dietary metabolizable protein. In these conditions microbial protein synthesis is not sufficient to meet the animal’ s protein requirement. Canola meal (CM), which is an available and good source of protein in ruminant nutrition, especially in Iran. However the protein of CM is highly degradable by rumen microorganisms and on the other hand, anti-nutritional factors, such as phytic acid and glucosinolate in brassica-originated feed, are of concern relative to animal-originated feeds. Glucosinolates are a large group of sulphur-containing secondary plant metabolites and are known to reduce feed intake, induce iodine deficiency and depress fertility in ruminants. Several heat processing methods have been used to enhance nutritive value of oilseed meals, including extrusion, roasting, toasting and Jet-Sploding. Recently, treatment of oilseed meals with microwave irradiation was successful in reducing ruminal degradable protein, anti-nutritional factors and increasing digestible undegradable protein of them. Microwave irradiation is heating faster, processing in less time and higher energy efficiency compared to conventional methods. This research was carried out to evaluate the effects of microwave irradiation (800 W) for 2, 4 and 6 min on dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and true protein (TP) ruminal degradability, in vitro CP digestibility, antinutritional factors (glucosinolate and phytic acid), and chemical composition of CM. Materials and Methods: The DM of CM was determined and then, sufficient water was added to sample to increase the moisture content of CM to 250 g/kg. Three samples (500 g each) were subjected to microwave irradiation at a power of 800 W for 2, 4 and 6 min. The samples were ground to pass a 2 mm screen for the ruminal in situ study. Degradation kinetics of DM, CP and TP were determined according to in situ procedure. Six grams of untreated or irradiated feed samples were incubated in the rumen of three ruminally fistulated Taleshi bulls for periods of 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 48 h. The bulls were fed with a total mixed ration containing 700 g/kg of DM forage (700 g/kg alfalfa hay and 300 g/kg wheat straw on DM basis) and 300 g/kg of DM concentrate. The concentrate consisted of ground barley grain, canola meal, ground canola seed, cotton-seed meal, wheat bran, dicalcium phosphate and a vitamin+mineral premix (530, 130, 160, 40, 120, 10 and 10 g/kg DM, respectively). TP of samples were determined by Bradford, s procedure. Digestibility of rumen undegraded CP was estimated using the three-step in vitro procedure. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used to monitor protein subfractions and the fate of true proteins of untreated and irradiated feed samples in the rumen. Results and Discussion: Microwave irradiation had no effect on improving chemical composition of CM but decreased the total glucosinolate and phytic acid of CM linearly and quadratically. Microwave irradiation for 2, 4 and 6 min decreased the phytic acid content of CM by 13, 30 and 51% respectively, compared to untreated CM. The total glucosinolate contents of CM microwave irradiated for 2, 4 and 6 min decreased by 38. 4, 56. 0 and 67. 1% respectively, compared to untreated samples. Microwave irradiation decreased the washout fraction, degradation rate and effective degradability (ED) of DM, CP and TP and increased potentially degradable fraction of DM, CP and TP of CM. The washout fraction of CP decreased by 15. 7 and 39. 8% in samples irradiated for 2, 4 and 6 min, respectively. Irradiation for 2, 4 and 6 min decreased ED of CP at a ruminal outfl ow rate of 0. 05 h-1 by 13. 6 and 22. 7%, respectively. In vitro CP digestibility of CM increased by treating with microwave irradiation up to 4 min. CP digestibility of 2 and 4 min irradiated CM was increased by 6. 9 and 10. 5%, respectively. Electrophoresis results also indicated that major proteins of CM was Cruciferin (globulin 12S) and Napin (Albumin 2S). Electrophoresis results indicated that in untreated CM, four subunits of Cruciferin and in microwave irradiated CM, four subunits of cruciferin and two subunits of Napin consisted of by-pass proteins. Conclusion: In this study, microwave irradiation, reduced ruminal degradability of CP and TP, increased in vitro CP digestibility and reduced anti-nutritional factors of CM. Subsequently, in vivo studies are required to investigate effect of feeding irradiated feedstuff on lactation performance of dairy cows.

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Introduction1: Calf breeding has been one of the most important and sensitive management programs in cattle farms. Therefore, using the right nutrition strategies for their improved growth and health is very important. For this reason, antibiotics have long been used in many countries to increase the growth of livestock due to their inhibitory effect on harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. In the last decades antibiotics were used for stimulating growth and increasing viability in calves, because of improving antibiotic resistance finding new techniques for improving growth and viability and reducing weaning weight is necessary. Adding supplemental levels of probiotic and organic acids can increase the immune system and improve health of calf. OBJECTIVES: In this study, the effects of different levels of probiotic and organic acids additive were investigated on blood metabolites, immune response and health of Holstein calves. Material and Methods: In order to determine the effects of different levels of probiotic and organic acids on the performance, skeletal growth and feeding activity of infant calves, the experiment was conducted using 36 Holstein calves with a mean weight of 36 kg ± 2 in a completely randomized design with nine treatments and four replicates. The experiment lasted for 75 days in Moghan Agro-Industrial Company located in Parsabad city, Ardebil province. Treatments included: 1. basal diet without additive (control), 2. basal diet containing 2 g probiotic additive, 3. basal diet containing 3 g probiotic, 4. basal diet containing 3 g organic acid, 5. basal diet containing 4. 5 g organic acid, 6. basal diet containing 2 g of probiotic and 3 g of organic acid, 7. basal diet containing 2 g of probiotic and 4. 5 g of organic acid, 8. basal diet containing 3 g probiotics and 3 g of organic acid and 9. basal diet containing 3 g probiotic and 4. 5 g organic acid. The study evaluated feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, skeletal growth, nutrition behavior, blood parameters, immune response and the calves health state. The test results were analyzed in a completely randomized design with SAS statistical software version 9. 1. Results and discussion: The results showed that experimental diets had a significant effect on feed intake and daily gain, blood glucose and cholesterol and improved the immune system and health status of calves (p <0. 05). In contrast, the experimental diets do not have a significant effect on the final weight and feed conversion ratio. This study also showed that the addition of probiotic, organic acid and the combination of these additives did not affect skeletal growth and feed intake activity of Holstein calves. Experimental treatments at 60 days and the whole period had a significant effect on feed intake. In general, probiotics increase food intake through their effects on the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients. The average daily weight gain in the first, second and whole months of the period was affected by experimental diets but the overall effect of treatments in time periods was not significant. Blood glucose concentrations were increased in calves receiving treatment 5, which could be attributed to the created suitable environment in the intestinal tract due to the consumption of organic acids, which may have contributed to the digestion and absorption of more nutrients and As a result, it increases the blood glucose levels. Experimental diets had a significant effect on the white blood cell percentage in both sampling times (45 and 75 days). In general, the improvement of the immune system by probiotics is done through three ways of increasing general antibodies, increasing macrophage activity and increasing the production of local antibodies on the mucosal surface of tissues such as the intestinal wall. The effect of organic acids on the immune system is still largely unknown, but in general it can be said that organic acids improve digestion and absorption of nutrients as well as reducing harmful bacteria and help the immune system improvement. Conclusion: based on the obtained results dietary treatments do not have any adverse effect on calves' performance. Moreover, it can be concluded that feeding probiotic and organic acid to the calves could have positive effects on animal performance and health state, so supplementing the diets by these substances is a good mean to improve the calves’ growth.

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Shafiei A.H. | FATHI M. | TANHA T.

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Introduction1: Selenium is an essential trace element that is indispensable for normal functioning of the body and thus plays a critical role in the maintenance of optimal health. It is known to have important role in a number of biological functions, such as antioxidant defense, immune function, reproduction and thyroid hormone metabolism. Eggs and meat are considered to be good sources of Se in human diet. Egg Se content can easily be manipulated to give increased levels, when organic selenium as selenomethionine is included in layer diets. Recently, Nano-Se which is bright red, highly stable, soluble has attracted widespread attention because nanometer particulates exhibit novel characteristics such as a large surface area, high surface activity, high catalytic efficiency, strong adsorbing ability, high bioavailability and low toxicity. It is also, Selenium concentration of whole eggs, yolks and albumins higher in selenomethionin-fed laying hen than in sodium selenite. Also, research has shown that the addition of organic selenium to the diet of commercial laying hens significantly increases the selenium concentration in egg yolk and egg albumins. Since there is little information about the antioxidant effects of selenium nanoparticles on antioxidant status in laying hens, the main goal of this study was to compare the antioxidant effects of nano-selenium in laying hens and the oxidative stability of eggs during storage in the warehouse was. Materials and Methods: This experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments, 4 replicates and 10 birds per experimental unit in a total of 160 laying hens of HY-Line W36 from 30 weeks of age. The experimental diets included: 1-control diet 2-control diet plus 0. 2 mg/kg nano selenium 3-control diet plus 0. 3 mg/kg selenium 4-control diet plus 0. 5 mg/Kg, nano selenium was available to experimental birds for 8 weeks. Performance parameters including, egg percentage, egg weight, feed intake and feed conversion coefficients were calculated for the whole trial period. At the end of the experimental period, blood parameters and yolk metabolites from each experimental unit including: blood serum metabolites and yolk metabolites were also calculated. The blood serum metabolites tested included: determination of malondialdehyde, total cholesterol, total triglyceride, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine transferase and total antioxidant. Egg yolk metabolites were tested to determine the concentration of yolk selenium and yolk fat proxide number. Data from blood metabolites and yolk metabolites were analyzed in a completely randomized design, under the GLM procedure, using statistical software version 1/9 (SAS, 2003). Mean comparison was done using Tukey test at 5% level. Results and Discussion: The results showed that the addition of nano selenium increased egg production and improved feed conversion ratio. Effects of different levels of nano selenium on serum malondialdehyde, cholesterol, triglyceride, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase were not significant. Supplementation of diet with 0. 5 mg / kg Nano selenium showed the highest selenium in yolk. Serum antioxidant capacity increased curvature by increasing the level of nano selenium up to 0. 3 mg/kg feed, but decreased by 0. 5 mg/kg feed. Peroxidation of yolk fat was influenced by storage time and experimental treatments, so that levels of 0. 2 and 0. 3 mg of nano selenium caused a significant decrease in egg malondialdehyde on day one and 15 days after storage. Other biochemical parameters of serum were not significantly affected by experimental treatments. Selenium has shown to increase the activity of glutathione peroxidase and decrease the sensitivity of yolk to oxidative damage during storage, and selenium, by slowing down the process of carbon dioxide removal from the crust, reduced the weight loss and increased the unit size, thereby reducing egg corruption. Increasing levels of selenium can have toxic effects on the antioxidant capacity of the body. It has been reported that high nano-selenium levels induce oxidative stress and possibly increase free radicals and increase serum lipids malondialdehyde. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that addition of nano selenium up to 0. 3 mg / kg can, improved feed conversion ratio and increase egg production egg storage time by increasing the egg yolk selenium level by preventing the peroxidation of the lipids. Nano selenium used in the proposed levels in this study, improved the health of laying hens by increasing the antioxidant capacity of the serum.

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Introduction1: Selenium is an essential trace element, which plays a key role in the development of reproductive performance and animal safety. This mineral is an important part of at least 25 effective proteins in a variety of physiological functions, including increased resistance to oxidative stress, DNA repair, and improvement to reproductive performance and immune function. Despite the fact that selenium requirement of birds can be met by cornsoybean meal diet, dietary sodium selenite up to a maximum level of 0. 5 mg kg-1 is highly recommended to improve avian health and productive performance. However, interaction with other minerals, poor retention and lower deposition efficiency questioning the incorporation of sodium selenite into the diet. Vitamin E is the main antioxidant in egg yolk lipid terminating the lipid peroxidation chain by reacting with lipid peroxides and making them be stable. Diet supplementation with vitamin E could improve performance and egg quality and provided health benefits to laying hens. The positive effects of Se and vitamin E on egg production, egg quality traits has been extensively studied in laying hens, but information regarding the potential benefits of these antioxidants on the productive performance of Japanese quails is limited in literature. Thus, this study was conducted to investigate the combined effects of various sources of selenium (0. 4 mg kg-1) plus vitamin E (120 mg kg-1) on performance, qualitative characteristics, immune system and blood metabolites of Japanese quails. Materials and Methods: A total of 144 12-week-old female Japanese quails were randomly divided into three treatment groups with four replicates and twelve birds in each in a completely randomized design. The experimental treatments consisted of basal diet (with no supplementation) and two organic (sel-plex) and inorganic (sodium selenite) sources of selenium which provided 0. 4 mg/kg, plus 120 mg of vitamin E per kilogram of diet. Feed intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR), egg production and quality parameters in fresh and stored eggs, cell immunity, blood cholesterol, triglyceride and total antioxidant contents were evaluated. At the end of experiment, egg yolk selenium and malondialdehyde concentrations were measured. The thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay with small modification was used to measure lipid oxidation. Briefly, 2 grams of homogenous yolk was mixed with 5 mL of 20 % trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and 4 mL distilled water, and homogenized for 30 s at high speed. The homogenate was then centrifuged (1000 g for 20 min) and the resulting supernatant was filtered with Whatman Filter Paper (grade no. 1). Two mL of filtrated was mixed with 2 mL of thiobarbituric acid (TBA, 0. 02 M) in a test tube and heated in boiling water for 20 min. After cooling, the absorbance of the resulting solution was read with a spectrophotometer at 532 nm. Results and discussion: The results showed that egg weight, egg laying percentage and feed conversion rate were not affected by selenium organic and inorganic sources compared to control group (P > 0. 05). Birds receiving organic selenium along with vitamin E in their diets had low feed intake compared to other treatments and their feed conversion ratio numerically decreased and intended to significant (p<0. 1). The organic selenium plus vitamin E improved the height of white, HU units, yolk pH, and yolk index compared to control group. Egg quality parameters including yolk index and shell surf index in inorganic selenium group were significantly higher than control group (p<0. 0. 05). Egg yolk selenium was increased in organic and organic selenium (2. 06, 1. 31 mg/kg) compared to control (0. 36), which is a better value from the nutritional viewpoint. Blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels were not affected by experimental diets. Concentration of yolk MDA was highest in control and lowest in organic selenium group during storage (P < 0. 05). The result of this study showed that egg production, feed conversion ratio and total egg mass were not affected by experimental treatments. This was also observed by other researchers who evaluated the dietary inclusion of vitamin E. In another one egg quality parameters, however, egg weight was significantly raised after being fed with a diet contained 120 mg kg-1 of vitamin E and 0. 4 mg kg-1 of organic selenium.Conclusion: In conclusion, our study data revealed dietary organic selenium and vitamin E, could improve the egg quality during storage and increased egg yolk selenium of Japanese quails.

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Introduction1 Animal production is not only restricted to food products but some therapeutics such as bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) (15). The RNase A is known as a powerful enzyme in ribonuclease family that is used in biotechnology industry (1). It has a potential to be used as an immunotoxin although there are two main reasons that RNase A is not suitable for immunotoxin engineering. The lack of ability to evade ribonuclease inhibitor (RI) and very weak cell penetration, which are essential properties for an immunotoxin (1). One of the small member of ribonuclease family is ranpirnase, originated from the Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) that has suitable charateristics for immunotoxin engineering (24, 29). It was showed that Ranpirnase cytotoxicity was five times less than RNase A (26). Therefore, detection of enzyme properties of RNase A and Ranpirnase could be useful for engineering efficient immunotoxins from Ranpirnase. The aim of this study was in silico engineering of Ranpirnase enzyme based on properties of RNase A to design an efficient immunotoxin with the high cell penetration, low cytotoxicity, ability to evade RI and structural stability. Materials and Methods All protein structures required for performing this study were extracted from Protein Data Bank (PDB) (http: //www. rcsb. org). The PDB files related to ribonuclease inhibitor (RI) with accession number of (10. 2210/pdb2BNH/pdb), the PDB file related to ribonuclease inhibitor bonded to RNase A enzyme with accession number of (10. 2210/pdb1DFJ/pdb), the PDB file related to Ranpirnase enzyme (pdb1YV6/pdb/10. 2210) and the PDB file of RNase A enzyme with accession number of (10. 2210/pdb2K11/pdb) were selected. PyMOL Software and ClusPro online server were used for docking mentioned enzymes with ribonuclease inhibitor. In PyMOL Software (ver 1. 8x), RNase enzyme of PDB file related to ribonuclease inhibitor connected to RNase A enzyme (10. 2210/pdb2BNH/pdb) was manually replaced by ranpirnase enzyme. Also, docking prediction related to each enzyme with enzymatic inhibitor was performed by introducing ligand and receptor to ClusPro Software. Then, obtained results were used in molecular dynamic (MD) studies. All stages of MD simulation were performed using GROMACS Software (version 5) in Linux 17. 2 environment and CHARMM force filed (27). In summary, protein structures of this study were placed in a cube box filling with more than 6700 water molecules. Ionization was performed to achieve the natural pH of the environment. Extra charge of the system was adjusted by adding appropriate number of ions to the distance of 7 angstrom of protein surface. Minimizing system energy was performed at 300 K for 20 ps. The length of all bonds was limited by Links. Newton's equation of motion matched with a 2fs time interval and atomic characteristics for every 0. 5 ps were stored to be analyzed. Dielectric stability is considered to be 1. Simulated temperature is 300 K. A 4-ps simulation at 300 K was performed to investigate dynamic condition of ranpirnase and ribonuclease inhibitor, pancreatic RNase with ribonuclease inhibitor. The structural stability of the simulation was assessed using several geometric parameters per unit time such as: Root mean square deviations (RMSD), root mean square fluctuations (RMSF), and gyration radius. Also, protein structures at different time points were analyzed using PyMOL and VMD computer programs. Results and Discussion Since the topological structures of ranpirnase enzyme and RNase A are similar, it was expected that binding of RI with ranpirnase enzyme is similar to RNase A enzyme. The docking results showed that RNase A enzyme was bonded to RI through 19 amino acids. This binding with RI is through 5 amino acids for ranpirnase enzyme. The glutamine 11 and serine 89 were most important residue that bonded to RI in RNase A. We found that pyroglutamine 1 and serine 72 are the homolog residue in ranpirnase. The ranpirnase ability to evade RI was obtained with mutation S72A and cytotoxicity and cell penetrate were achieved by K45R, K49R, L55R mutations. The molecular dynamic simulation confirmed the stability of mutant ranpirnase by RMSD, RMSF and Vg analysis. Also, protein charge of surface in mutant ranpirnase was increased in compare to the native ranpirnase. Conclusion It was reported previously that ranpirnase enzyme is able to evade RI but our modeling results demonstrated that RI could bind with ranpirnase. The ranpirnase with 4 mutations (K45R, K49R, L55R and S72A) seemed to be more efficient as a suitable toxin and had favorable properties such as evading from RI, cell penetrate, cytotoxicity and protein stability in comparison of native enzyme. Also, we optimized a new approach for designing and engineering of immunotoxins.

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Introduction: The lack of sufficient information in the pedigree of the animals prevents the correct estimation of the breeding values. Henderson proposed a genetic grouping for a more realistic estimation of breeding values for phenotypic records in different years. For these groups, the birth year, the year that the first daughter of the male had recorded, or the year that the male animal was used for insemination were used for grouping. In fact, this grouping was considered for calculating the genetic trend over the years. The incomplete recording of the animals in the population will result in the elimination of true genetic relationships between animals. Although, these animals are considered as the base animal in the analysis, but not born at the same time, and can affect the accuracy of estimated breeding values. The available pedigree information in Iran does not have a good quality index. So that the average of pedigree completeness criterion for Iranian Holstein cows has been reported less than 0. 7. Genetic evaluation of Iranian Holstein cows with unknown parents may cause a bias in estimating genetic parameters and breeding values. The use of genetic groups in genetic analysis can partly correct the problem of animals with unknown parents. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters and breeding values of the production traits (milk, fat, protein) of Iranian Holstein cows with and without genetic grouping in model. Materials and Methods: In this study, the pedigree of 1555702 heads of the Iranian Holstein cattle from 14623 sires and 697940 dams that collected by Animal breeding center of Iran till 2013, were used. Production traits, including milk, fat and protein corrected for 305 days and twice milking from first to third lactation periods were used to estimate variance components and breeding values. Herds under 100 heads were not considered for analysis and for all production traits; pedigree related to animals with the record was extracted from the general pedigree using CFC software and used. For animals with unknown parents, genetic grouping was performed based on the sex and the birth year. Traits at different lactation periods analyzed with (model 2) and without (model 1) genetic grouping in the model and genetic trend was calculated. Then the accuracy of breeding values and genetic trend of traits obtained from different models were compared with each other. The Spearman rank correlation was used to investigate the change in animal ranking in a result of considering the genetic grouping. Results and Discussion: The additive genetic variance and their standard error were lower for milk, fat and protein production traits in model with genetic grouping (model 21) than the model without genetic grouping (model 1). The estimated heritability range for milk, fat and protein production in three lactation periods with model 1 was 0. 094-0. 162, 0. 069-0. 114, and 0. 079-0. 123, respectively, that these values were higher than model 21 in terms of magnitude. Spearman rank correlation between the estimated breeding values with model 1 and 21 was significantly different from 1, indicating a change in animal rank with consideration of genetic grouping in the model. The spearman rank correlation was lower for males than females, suggesting a higher change in male animal's rank than females. The average accuracy estimated breeding values with model 21 was higher than model 1 and the average accuracy difference was significant between two models. The genetic trend in the first, second and third lactation periods with the model 21 was estimated 63. 06, 59. 60 and 44. 64 for milk production, 1. 346, 1. 095 and 0. 943 for fat and 1. 542, 1. 514 and 1. 035 kg per year for protein, which were higher than the estimates of model 1. Conclusion: The results showed that consideration of genetic grouping in the model reduced the additive genetic variances of traits and the heritability estimated were higher without consideration of genetic grouping. The significance of the Spearman rank correlation indicates that the rank of males and females changed by inserting genetic groups into the model and change in the animal's rank for males was higher than females. The high accuracy of estimated breeding values and the genetic trends of traits in the model with genetic grouping suggests that genetic grouping for animals with unknown parents has been done and entered into the model in order to more accurately estimate the breeding values and to better reflect the performance of the breeding programs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction1: High blood pressure is a dangerous risk factor for cardio-vascular disease, including coronary artery disease and strokes. In the human body, a system called renin-angiotensin system regulates blood pressure, in which the angiotensin converting enzyme ACE plays an important role in increasing blood pressure. Angiotensin I as a converting enzyme (ACE) catalyzes the conversion of angiotensin I to vasoconstrictor angiotensin II, and also inactivates the antihypertensive vasodilator bradykinin. Inhibition of ACE mainly results in an overall antihypertensive effect. Peptides derived from food proteins can have angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibiting properties. Casein protein in milk or other dairy products such as cheese is a rich source of bioactive peptides. Bioactive peptides are inactive in the main protein sequence and are released in during milk digestion or milk fermentation by proteolytic bacteria or hydrolysis by proteolytic enzymes. Many of these peptides have several biological activities. Casein-derived peptides, such as opioid peptides, antihypertensive peptides, casein phosphopeptides and glycomacropeptides have various physiological roles, including adjusting and lowering blood pressure by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). Caseocinin peptide has been derived from the casein Alpha S1 protein It has an ACE-inhibiting enzyme inhibitor and low blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to identify the alpha S1 protein casein and bioactive peptides of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor in human milk and compare it with different species of mammals. Materials and Methods: At first, genomic and protein data for eight different species of mammals (cattle, sheep, camels, horses, humans, ewes and pigs) was collected from the National Center for Bioinformatics Information (NCBI). Physico-chemical properties analysis (atomic state, isoelectric point, half-life, hydrophobicity hydrophilicity, barometric and pH) and-Multiple sequence alignment of of alpha-s1 casein and the bioactive peptides of Casokinin in 8 species of mammals was done using CLC Main Workbench 5 software. Then, the prediction of bioactive peptide alpha s1 casein and its three-dimensional structure was done with the help of the online software ACCLUSTER Server, I-TASSER and GalaxyWEB. The simulation of the Molecular interaction (docking) of alpha-s1 casein and the bioactive peptides of Casokinin with angiotensin converting enzyme ACE in the cell was done using ClusPro 2. 0 software online. Results and Discussion: the results of bioinformatics analysis of human milk protein with other mammals showed that camel milk has the most similar physicochemical properties of milk to humans and can be a good alternative to human milk in feeding children. The highest and least percentage of amino acid sequence amino acids in alpha-sec1 casein in different mammals with humans respectively is related to camel and Goat. The results of the determination of the position and energy of the connection show that the most suitable binding location with maximum energy is related to human and camel milk. Among the bioactive peptides identified and predicted in eight species of mammals, due to having more proline amino acid in Caseocinin peptide, the camel milk is more resistant than other species. Therefore, the antihypertensive effect in camel milk is greater than other mammals. According to the results, it can be predicted that three-dimensional structure of protein and peptides will have a great effect on antihypertensive properties and it causes a good interaction with the active site of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and thus inhibits the ACE enzyme and lowers blood pressure. Investigating the performance of alpha S1 protein casein and Caseocinin peptide identified for eight different species of mammals And comparing its results with human milk in inhibiting ACE enzyme With Molecular interaction (Docking) Protein's Bioinformatics Software showed that milk of camels after human milk has the highest performance in Reducing the risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and blood pressure in preventing the development and progression of cardiovascular disease. Conclusion: the alpha S1 protein casein and Caseocinin peptide have many biological properties and are very important in the health of the body. It can be said that camel milk is the most similar to human-like physico-chemical properties and It can be a good alternative to human milk in feeding children. The bioactive Caseocinin peptide has pharmaceutical compounds that can be used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease. Therefore, this peptide can be used as superbenefit and natural additives, an appropriate replacement to antihypertensive drugs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction3: Essential amino acids comprise 10 to 13% of the poultry diet. Methionine is the first limiting amino acid that plays important roles in protein metabolism and immune functions in chickens. Previous studies have shown that the appropriate level of methionine in the diet increases the growth and it is essential for enhancing the immune response. Methionine is also requirement to increase the function of the T cells produced from the thymus. Methionine has beneficial effects on the immune system and improves both humoral and cellular immune responses. Interferongamma (IFN- ) is one of the components of group-specific immune cytokines and an important activator of macrophages. IFN- is known as cytokine which it is critical for innate and adaptive immunity against viral, some bacterial and protozoa infections. The aim of present study was to investigate effect of different diet levels of methionine on immune system and IFNγ gene expression in broiler chickens. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in a completely randomized design with six experimental groups with 4 replicates and 20 observations in each replicate. The difference was in the levels of dietary methionine in the growth period, which included experimental groups 0. 29, 0. 36, 0. 43, 0. 51, 0. 57 and 0. 64%. The antibody produced against the sheep's red blood cell, white blood cell differential counts and the volume percentages of red blood cells were determined. In order to determine the IFNγ gene expression, the whole RNA was extracted from the liver tissue of different treatment chickens. Then, cDNA was synthesized and the expression of the IFNγ gene was evaluated using Real Time PCR. In this study, design of primers (GAPDH and IFNγ ) was performed using primer premier software version 5 to evaluate IFNγ gene expression in broiler chickens. Real-time PCR was performed using SYBER Green qPCR Master Mixes (Thermo) in Lightcyclear 96 (Roche). Melting curve of IFN and GAPDH gene productions were drawn using Real Time PCR for broiler chickens. The relative gene expression was quantified by the 2-Δ Δ ct method. The results were analyzed by GLM method of SAS software. Tukey post hoc test was used to compare the means of the experimental groups at the significant level of 0. 05. Results and Discussion: The results showed that response to sheep's red blood cell, immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin M, white blood cells, heterophile, lymphocyte and heterophile to lymphocyte ratio were not affected by different levels of methionine, but the number of red blood cells was affected by different levels of methionine, so that the highest number of red blood cells associated to methionine level was 0. 29% and the lowest value was 0. 57%(p≤ 0. 05). The result of the absorption measurement of the extracted RNA samples at a wavelength of 280/260 was in a range of 1. 8 to 1. 9 mm, indicating the desired quality of extracted RNA. The result of melting curve of Real Time PCR and PCR products on agarose gel showed that the IFNγ and GAPDH genes were amplified in the liver tissue. The observation of band at 259 bp for the IFNγ and at 264 bp for the GAPDH gene for all samples indicates the correctness of the test and the amplification of the desired fragments. The expression results showed that there was a significant increase in IFNγ gene expression with increasing methionine levels from 0. 29% to 0. 43% and higher levels (p≤ 0. 05). However, there was no significant difference between the levels of methionine 0. 43 to 0. 64%. Regarding the fact that the present study was carried out under normal conditions without disease challenges, etc., different levels of methionine not effect on the immune system. IFN-γ gene is a type of cytokine. Cytokines do not exist as precursor molecules, and their production begins with transcription of the genes. This transcription activity is usually temporary and mRNA coding for cytokines is unstable and if the immune system is stimulated by the pathogen, Innate immune is the first hostile defense way. After detecting pathogens, host cell receptors such as Toll-like and nucleotide oligomers that include receptors are able to transmit a variety of signals, and subsequently cytokine gene expression networks begin to function until the innate immune responses begin. Conclusion: The results showed that IFN-γ gene expression was significantly increased by increasing methionine levels from 0. 29% upwards. Perhaps one of the reasons for increased IFN2 gene expression in this study is the application of appropriate methionine levels in experimental treatments and the benefits of appropriate methionine levels in the diet to enhance immune function in the bird, although the present study was conducted under normal growing conditions and without the challenge of pathogens.

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Introduction1: City of Torbat Heydarieh in the northeast of Iran is one of the most important region in rearing silkworm in country. In Iran, two types of silkworm are used for rearing, mostly hybrids produced in center of Iran silkworm research, also in some regions some of imported hybrids using for rearing. Understanding the resistance and sensitivity of these hybrids is essential for choosing the best hybrid in each region and for understanding their genetic capabilities to apply future breeding hybrid. In addition, considering the conditions in the traditional and industrial field of silkworm breeding, which is suffering from many contamination and morality reasons, the selection of resistant strains and hybrids is important for preventing a severe drop in production. The goals of many of pervious experiments were to identify the proper hybrid for each region. Results of studies in Iran showed that Iranian hybrids as 103 x 104, 104 x 103, 31 x 32 and 154 x 151 are proper for rearing in some region in Iran. Seven Iranian commercial silkworm hybrids were hatched and reared during the spring 2016 in center of silkworm development of Torbat Heydarieh. Propose of the study was compare of performance for silkworm hybrids. Materials and Methods: The field survey was conducted for determination of performance in six Iranian silkworm hybrids namely 154 x 153, 32 x 31, 104 x 103, 151 x 154, 154 x 151, 153 x 154 and one Chines hybrid. Study was carried out by feeding on the mulberry variety Kenmuchi. For the propose one box of disease-free laying of each hybrid was obtained from Iran Sericulture Research Center (ISRC) and the eggs were rearing in the center of sericulture development of Torbat Heydarieh under standard conditions of 25° C with RH of 80 and photoperiod of 16L: 8D. After hatching, silkworm larvae fed base on standard rearing conditions. The larvae were fed with the healthy leaves of Kenmuchi mulberry tree. After finishing of rearing stages, the produced cocoons were collected. Some of recorded traits were including: number of live larva, number of live pupa, cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell percent, color of cocoon shell and duration of larva period. Results according by CRD were analysis using procedure of GLM in SAS 9. 2. Results and Discussion: While Iranian Hybrids in this study were similar for many of quality trait, Chinese hybrid was different in most of the traits. Chinese hybrid has longer molt period for 3th instar, young larvae and longer nutritional period for 4 th instar, 5 th instar and adult larvae, also the hybrid has longer larvae period in compare with Iranian hybrids. Results of analysis showed that Chinese hybrid had most number of good cocoons in litter (P<0. 05) due to mean good cocoon weight in this hybrid was lowest in compare with hybrids. Results showed that Chinese hybrid had the lowest good cocoon weight and good cocoon mean (P<0. 05). Mean weight of a good cocoon with female pupa in 32 x 31 and 151 x 154 hybrids was more than other hybrids, meanwhile Chines hybrid showed lowest weight (P<0. 05). Male pupa in different hybrids had similar weight, but female pupa in 151 x 154 hybrid and Chines hybrid showed the most and the least weight, respectively. In other hand, 32 x 31 had a higher performance for these traits. Chines hybrid and 151 x 154 hybrid showed lowest mean of cocoon shell weight meanwhile, for the trait 32 x 31 had most performance. Number of egg laying in 32 x 31 hybrids was higher in compare with other hybrids. For other traits did not observe difference between studied hybrids although, for example 151 x 154 and Chines hybrid had the least number of cocoon production and number of good cocoon. Other studies identified that using directly of imported hybrids for rearing in different region of Iran will not lead to good results. Conclusion: According to the results, Chinese hybrid had the lowest value for rearing in Torbat Heydarieh region due to the hybrid has the lowest mean of good cocoon and weight of shell cocoon. Although Iranian hybrids in most of traits had similar performance but this study indicates that 32 × 31 is better for cocoon production in Torbat Heydarieh Region.

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