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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Oxidative stress is metabolic and physiologic status caused by imbalance between free radical production and antioxidant defense of body. In some physiological status such as rapid growth, parturition, disease and high production rate that imbalance would occur. High producing dairy animals are suspected to oxidative stress and require to antioxidant supplementation. Negative energy balance in early lactation force the nutrition specialist to apply oil and high NFC diet to exceed the requirement of high producing dairy animals such as Holstein cows and Saanen goats. In recent years, the attention to the use of herbal or organic antioxidant in animal nutrition has increased. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of feeding oxidized soybean oil (OSO) plus pomegranate seed (PS) as a natural antioxidant, on metabolism and physiology of Preparturient Saanen Goats.Materials and Methods: Eighteen Saanen dairy goats with initial body weight of 47±9 kg were assigned to three dietary treatments in a completely randomized design with repeated measurements for 21 days before anticipated parturition. Experimental treatments including: 1) base diet and 4% fresh soybean oil (FSO), 2) base diet and 4% oxidized soybean oil (DM basis) respectively, and 3) base diet plus 4% OSO and 8% Pomegranate seed (OSO-PS). After 2 weeks of feeding trial diets, goats were sampled for blood, rumen liquor, faeces and urine for measuring parameters of blood glucose, BHBA, lipid and nitrogen profile, rumen liquor ammonia nitrogen, urine pH and volume, faeces qualitative and quantitative variables and other responses such as nutrients digestibility. The GLM procedure of SAS software v.9.2 were used for statistical analysis. Initial body weight and metabolic variables were used as covariate in the model.Results and discussion: All nutrients digestibility, Ruminal ammonia nitrogen and voluntary feed intake were decreased by OSO (p<0.05) and increased significantly by OSO-PS vs. FSO. Urinary pH was significantly decreased by OSO-PS in comparison with other treatments. Urinary volume was increased (p<0.05) and the faeces bolus Volume and humidity significantly reduced by OSO vs. other treatments. Triiodothyronine and creatinine concentration were significantly decreased by oxidized soybean oil (treatment 2) and OSO-PS (treatment 3) compared to sham control (FSO), and fasting glucose was significantly decreased and increased by OSO and OSO-PS vs. FSO (p<0.05), respectively. The metabolism of all types of Cholesterol was significantly altered by the treatments but the fluctuations of other parameters were not significantly differed among diets.This result is in accordance with other studies on herbal antioxidant feeding to ruminant, but the difference is in study situation of stimulated oxidative stress in this trial. Its might be suggested that antioxidant capacity of pomegranate seed could be an effective agent on saving turnover rate of epithelium against free radicals and other lipid peroxides.Conclusion: Generally, oxidative stress metabolic signs and statues were stimulated by OSO but most metabolic and physiological indices were improved by hormonal and antioxidant effects of PS. Improved nutrients digestibility, blood parameters, urine and faces variables and rumen statues regarding to the results, proposed that pomegranate seed or other derivatives, raw or processed form could have a potential effect on economical and health parameters of domestic animals. Also regarding to lowering pH potential of pomegranate seed, it' s supplementation in preparturient dairy animals might be a good strategy for acidifying diet and animal body to the prevention of metabolic disorders.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Bacterial biofilms can be both useful and harmful based on their combination and locations.Biofilm formation occurs as a stepwise process. Their formation in liquid transportation pipes used for milking system and drinking water in animal farms may create some problems and is a potential source of pollution.Speed of biofilm formation depends on many factors including: construction and functional characteristics of bacteria, the composition and culture conditions such as temperature and substratum. In this research the Bacillus subtillis bacteria with special characteristics was selected due to its capability for biofilm creation. Bacillus subtillisbacteria is mobility and a stronger connection than other bacteria levels are created. In the research conducted in the biofilm there are many resources on biofilm formation by Bacillus subtillis bacteria. Bacillus subtillisis saprophytic in the soil, water and air. There is also the ability to form spores of Bacillus subtillis.Materials and Methods: Firstly the possibility of creating biofilms on different Plastic (polyvinilchlorid, polypropylene, polyethylengelycole), alluminum and glass surfaces in three temperatures of 4oC, 30oC and 37oC were studied. Two different methods of biofilms separation including separating swap and vortex were tested and their efficienceies were calculated. After biofilm formation on parts of the vortex separation method after washing parts in sterile conditions in a tube containing normal saline for 4 minutes was vortex. The bacterial suspension decreasing dilution series was created. Pour plate in medium using agar plate count agar and was cultured at 30oC for 24-48 hours. Numbers of colonies were counted. The numbers of biofilm cells were calculated. In swap method after biofilm formation on parts using a cotton swap was isolated biofilms. The swap was transferred to tube containing normal saline and the bacterial suspension decreasing dilution series was created. Pour plate in medium using agar plate count agar and was cultured at 30oC for 24-48 hours. Numbers of colonies were counted. The numbers of biofilm cells were calculated.Results and Discussion: Bacillus subtillis biofilms were formed on all studied surfaces. Total count of bacteria detached from biofilm indicates that these bacteria can develop on the polypropylene surface much more than the other surfaces.10 days later, the formation of biofilm reached the maximum level. The optimum temperature was 30oC. The vortex method was more efficient in comparison to other methods. The bacterial attachment was highest with the plastic surface, specially the propylene surface; whereas the lowest attachment was detected in the glass surfaces. Synthetic materials based on hydrocarbons are more susceptible to the formation of biofilm and infection. Generally lower levels are microscopic pores and also less likely to form a biofilm. Rusty pipes, old, worn-out and scratched plastic furniture raised the possibility of contamination and could cause problems.Conclusion: It was concluded that glass pipes are the best materials for liquid transportation in different forms of animal farms. According to this study, basic methods of removing biofilm and enable ranchers to make good use of the equipment and the practical methods of removing contaminants help.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Using of agro-industrial by-products in diet of livestock not only reduces the production costs but also can dwindle the use of human foods in animal nutrition and competition between human and livestock.Thus, proper use of these by-products in animal nutrition and identification of new and low cost feed resources may be one of the priorities in livestock husbandry of our country. Pomegranate seed pulp (PSP) is a by-product of the industrial decoction of pomegranate. Iran with annually production of more than 900 tons of pomegranates is one of the most important regions of pomegranate cultivation and PSP produced from pomegranate processing factories may be extensively used in animal nutrition. Digestibility determination of feeds is one of the most effective ways to evaluate their nutritional value. In addition, there is a strong relationship between feeds digestibility and performance of animal. There are in vivo, in vitro and in situ methods to determine the digestibility of feeds. Although in vivo methods are reference for digestibility values of feeds and are of high precision but they are usually expensive and time consuming. In addition, these methods do not provide any information related to ruminal degradability kinetic of nutrients. The aim of this study was comparison of two methods of ruminal degradability determination methods namely, in situ (nylon bag) and in vitro (Daisy incubator), using dried and ensiled pomegranate seed pulp (PSP).Materials and Methods: The PSP used in this study was prepared from Anaryan Co. in Ferdows, Iran.Decocted pomegranate was a mixture of Yazd varieties which were harvested at early autumn of 1389. Two types of PSP as dried and ensiled were used to compare the methods of ruminal digestibility determination, pervasively. The PSP silage was prepared by ensiling of wet PSP (containing 475 g/kg DM) in 3 kg bins (4 replicates) and with density of 650 kg wet PSP per cubic meter for 60 days and dried PSP was prepared by drying of wet PSP in oven at 60oC. The digestibility of each feed was determined by both in situ and in vitro methods using two Holstein fistulated heifers and Daisy incubator, respectively. Animals were fed a total mixed ration containing 1.8 kg/d of alfalfa hay, 1.8 kg/d of concentrate, 0.5 kg/d of corn silage and 1.8 kg/d of wheat straw (DM basis) at two meals. The ingredients of concentrate were barley grain (35%), corn grain (18%), soybean meal (10%), canola meal (15%), wheat bran (11.5%), molasses (7%), vitamin-mineral supplement (1%), oyster shell (2%) and salt (0.5%) (DM basis). Comparison between treatments for each of digestibility methods at 24 and 48 h of incubation was done separately based on completely randomized design using SAS software.Correlation between digestibility determination methods was estimated using Corr proc of SAS and regression coefficient and also regression equation of in situ digestibility method on in vitro digestibility method was determined using Reg proc of SAS.Results and Discussion: The results showed that DM digestibility of PSP (both ensiled and dried) was estimated higher when measured by in vitro than in situ method at both incubation times. The correlation between two methods of digestibility determination for dried and ensiled PSP after 24h incubation was 0.81 and 0.96, respectively and after 48h incubation was 0.99 and 0.75, respectively. The regression equations of DM in situ digestibility estimation from DM in vitro digestibility data were of high accuracy. Tagliapietra et al. (27) compared the in vitro and in situ DM digestibility of 11 different feeds and found a high correlation coefficient of 0.90 (P<0.01) between two methods. Other researchers also reported higher digestibility estimation from in vitro method than in situ. One reason for this, which also may be applicable for the data obtained from present study, is that in in situ method some of ruminal microbes cannot penetrate to bags because in rumen each microbe type is located at a distinct phase while in in vitro method of digestibility all microbes can participate in digestion actively and this will increase the DM digestibility.Conclusion: It was concluded that two studied methods of digestibility determination were highly correlated and regression equation may be used to estimate the in situ DM digestibility of experimental feed samples from in vitro digestibility data precisely.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The common isoform of fatty acids in animal and herbal lipids are cis fatty acids, however in some sources such as milk and meat of ruminant, the trans fatty acids are more abundant as compared to the plant lipids. The trans fatty acids are very important because they increase the cardiovascular and heart attack.The heart disorders were increased by enhancing the concentration of omega-6 fatty acids and decreasing the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in ration and blood. The types of pasture cause alter the fatty acid composition of lamb meat. For evaluation of heart function and health of heart, the artherosclosis and thrombogensis were calculated by the concentration of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, the subject of this study, evaluation of the fatty acid profiles of sheep's fat-tail and meat at different places of South Khorasan Province.Material and Methods: Five samples of meat and fat-tail from the animal's abattoir in Birjand, Sarbisheh, Asadieh, Ferdows, Saraian, Ghaen, Boshroieh and Nehbandan cities were collected and frozen (40 samples of meat and fat-tail). The samples were frozen in -80oc freezer. Then, the oils were separated and the fatty acids were extracted and methylated by the method of Morrison and Smith (1964). After that, the 0.5ml of methylated fatty acids were injected to gas chromatography instruments (Varian 4200). The capillary column CPSill 88 was used. The type of each fatty acid was designated with compare to the retention time in the standard peak. The quantity of fatty acids was determined by internal standard method. To evaluation the fatty acids ratio for health, the artherosclosis and thrombogensis indices were calculated based on saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The data were analyzed by SAS software, and the mean were compared by tukey test (a=0.05).Results and Discussion: The analysis of data revealed that the percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) was higher at fat-tail as compared to meat of sheeps. The meat had higher MUFA and PUFA (P<0.05). The previous studies revealed that SFA are undesirable fat and the MUFA and PUFA are desirable fats. The omega-3 fatty acids were numerically higher in meat. The sheep's fat-tail had higher concentration of omega-6 fatty acids as compared to meat (P<0.05). The ratio of PUFA: SFA was higher in meat of sheep. This is very important, because the higher ratio of PUFA: SFA could provide better condition for digestion and metabolism of meat in human and improved health and function of heart. This also decreases the heart attack and cardiovascular disease. The omega-6 fatty acids were lower in meat as compared to fat-tail. Some of previous studies showed that the type of pastures and the condition of environment could alter the fatty acid composition of sheep's meat and fat-tail. The lower omega-6 fatty acids could also provide a better condition for blood vessels and reduce the serum cholesterol. The omega-6 fatty acids especially arachidonic acids are the main precursors of cholesterol biosynthesis. In addition, higher concentration of trans fatty acids were observed in fat-tail. The concentration of trans fatty acids is higher in ruminant products, because the fat sources were hydrogenated in rumen of ruminant by microbial population, that increases the trans fatty acids and deposition of fatty acids in these animals. This may increase the risk factors and decrease the immune function in sheep. All pastures of south Khorasan in different cities change the composition of fatty acid profiles in meat and fat-tail. The data also revealed that fattail' sheep had higher index of Thrombogenecity; however, the Arthrogencity index was the same at meat and fat-tail. This indicates that fatty acids profile of sheep's meat and fat-tail are very important for the performance and immune system of sheep and its effect on the health of meat consumers.Conclusion: This study revealed that sheep's meat had better fatty acids profiles as compared to fat-tail. The meat has higher ratio of PUFA/SFA and lower concentration of omega- fatty acids and the sheep's fat-tails had higher concentration of trans fatty acids and athrogencity index. Therefore the sheep meat may have a better quality as compared to fat-tail in south-khorasan. The natural pastures also may alter the fatty acid composition of meat and fat-tail's sheep.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Feed contributes about 75% of the total cost of animal production, therefore utilizing of byproducts such as Berseem clover and citrus pulp, as nutritive and low cost components of rations would decrease the production cost. In north of Iran over autumn and winter, utilizing of these by-products in making of silage as feed for ruminants provides good feed ingredient especially in feedlot operations, also eliminates pathogens, and reduces the effect of drugs and pesticides that are used locally without a serious control or discipline. However, little information available on utilizing silage made from these local by-products. The objectives of this research were to investigate the effects of ensiled Berseem clover and orange peels mixture on intake, digestibility, chewing behavior and performance of Zel fattening lambs.Materials and methods: Twenty male Zel lambs fed with five experimental rations containing basal concentrate and35% Berseem clover silage as: 1) without additives, 2) supplemented with 40% dried orange peels, 3) supplemented with 40% dried tangerine peel, 4) supplemented with 35% dried tangerine peel and 5% ground barleyand 5) supplemented with 35% dried orange peels and 5% ground barley. Lambs were housed in individual box and fedad libitum, twice daily at 09: 00 and 21: 00 h with total mixed rations as experimental treatments, allowing for at least 10% residuals (as-fed basis). Water and mineralized salt stone were available throughout the experiment. Feed particle size distribution, geometric mean and the standard deviation of geometric mean were determined by dry sieving in four replicates, using two set of Penn State particle separator.Feed, feces and orts were analyzed for dry matter, Kjeldahl N, ether extract, organic matter and ash at 605oC, neutral and acid detergent fiber (NDF and ADF) whenα -amylase being added for concentrates during NDF extraction; sodium sulfite was not added. Neutral detergent fiber was expressed without residual ash. Nonfibrous carbohydrate (NFC) was calculated by 100- (%CP+%NDF+%Ash+%EE). Cr-mordanted NDF alfalfa was used as single marker for ruminal digestive kinetic (3). Using PROC MIXED procedure of SAS® (2002), the experimental data were analyzed in a completed randomized design by following model: Yij=m+Ti+eij; where, Yij was depended variable, m is overall mean, Ti is fixed effect of the treatments (i=1, 2, ….5 for experimental diets); eij is experimental error. Means were separated using Duncan's multiple range tests with an alpha level of 0.05.Results and Discussion: The distribution, geometric means and their standard deviation were significantly different. Therefore the ability of experimental rations in stimulating rumination, chewing activity, and maintain consistency of ruminal mat was not similar. Several studies have shown that the by-products have a physical effective factor about 50 % forage sources. Dry matter intake was similar in 5 treatments because ration had equal NDF, energy and crude protein content. However, digestibility of the dry matter and nutrients of rations increased when citrus pulp and barley or when citrus pulp. The citrus pulp has higher digestible non fiber carbohydrate than forages that improves the digestibility of dietary dry matter and nutrients of rations because increased ruminal entrapment of particulate and mat consistency. In addition, citrus pulp is a high pectin source that easily decomposes, produces more acetic and lower propionate or lactic acid than concentrates; thus, decreasing rumen pH is limited when using them. Inclusion of dried citrus pulp in silages significantly increased rumination time and chewing activities.Although we expected that physical effectiveness of ration reduces when supplemented silage were used, retention time and passage rate of ruminal particulate were similar because of increased ruminal mat consistency. The average daily gain was similar between treatments, however, inclusion of dried citrus pulp in silages significantly increased feed conversion ratio.Conclusion: The results of experiment showed that citrus by-products are suitable for inclusion in ruminant diets because of the ability of ruminants to ferment high fiber feeds in the rumen and can provide relatively low cost ration.

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Introduction: Many herbal products (herbs and essential oils) are currently used as feed additives by the feed industry in the European Union and elsewhere. These phytogenic substances which increase feed aroma or palatability of feeds are classified as sensory additives by European Council. However, several publications show that some essential oils may have beneficial effects on animal performance and health status because of other properties except their sensory characteristics. These claimed properties are stimulation of digestive secretions; antimicrobial, coccidiostat, anthelmintic, and anti-inflammatory activities; and antioxidant properties.Most research revealed that supplementing herbal essential oils to diets resulted in reducing blood cholesterol, increasing palatability of feed and stimulating the immune system in poultry, while different results obtained by ruminants because of rumen microbial population and ruminal fermentation conditions. The use of large and repeated quantities of antibiotics in animal feed may cause to eliminate beneficial intestinal microflora and innate immune system and subsequently cause to antibiotic resistance and remains antibiotics in animal products.Recently, many herbal products because having flavoring and antimicrobial properties as introduced as good alternatives for antibiotics. The aim of the present investigation was to study of effect of Ziziphora clinopodioies, Mentha spicataand Mentha pulegium on the performance of suckling calves, dry matter digestibility, blood parameters and the immune system, the effect on the incidence of diarrhea and fecal microbial population (Escherichia coli, lactobacillus and total aerobic bacteria).Materials and Methods: In the present study, extraction of essential oils from three plant species (Ziziphora clinopodioies, Mentha spicataand Mentha pulegium) by means of gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS) were analyzed. In order to determine the chemical composition of plants used for food such as dry matter, crude protein and ether extracts, from conventional laboratory methods AOAC (2005) were used. sixteen Holstein calves with mean of 42.18±0.71 Kg birth weight, aged 5±3 day allocated to treats: 1) control (milk without additive), 2) milk contains powderZiziphora clinipodioides, 3) milk contains powder Mentha spicata, 4) milk contains powder Mentha pulegium. The herbs added to milk in each treatment was 20 g daily. Duration the experimental period was 25 days. Dry matter intake, water intake and fecal score measured daily. Body weight monitored every 5 days, and blood sampling conducted twice, once one day before the start of the period (day zero) and once final day. Samples for culture prepared in three phases beginning, middle and end of the period.Results and Discussion: The major component in Ziziphora clinopodioies was pulegone (38.34%), major component in Mentha spicata and Mentha pulegium was carvone (61.93%) and piperitone oxide (43.09%), respectively. The dry matter of three plant, Ziziphora clinopodioies, Mentha spicata and Mentha pulegium were 92.70, 93.25 and 94.01, crude protein were 8.57, 20.47 and 17.32, and also ether extracts were 3.20, 2.15 and 2.50 percent, respectively. Based on the obtained results, adding of Mentha pulegium to milk reduces dry matter intake during starter period and total dry matter intake in treatment Ziziphora clinopodioides was significantly higher than treatment control. Calves treated with Ziziphora clinopodioides, Mentha pulegium and Mentha spicataconsumed statistically more water than control group. Dry matter digestibility significantly decreased in treatments Ziziphora clinopodioides and Menthe spicata compared to control. Daily gain, feed conversion ratio, blood parameter and immune respones were not affected by treatment trials. There were no significant differences between treatments for fecal score and day of diarrhea.Ziziphora clinopodioies, Mentha spicata and Mentha pulegiumsignificantly decreased Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus count in fecal compare to control, but they had no significantly effect on total number of aerobic bacteria. The result showed that adding herbal to milk in neonatal calves have positive effect because of affecting on starter intake, consume water, fecal consistency score and intestinal microbial population.Conclusion: Plant-derived essential oil may be a useful means to improve efficiency of nutrient utilization in ruminants and reduce the impact of their production on the environment. This study showed that the inclusion of Ziziphora clinopodioies, Mentha spicata and Mentha pulegium calves diet significantly improved the water intake and Mentha spicata and Mentha pulegium decreased dry matter intake. Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus reduction microbial population fecal calves represent the three species of the plant is antibacterial. However, further and more complete evaluations are required to establish the effect of herbal products in diets on the performance of animals.

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Introduction: Native rapeseed (NRS) is planted in some parts of Iran because of climatic condition. The consumption of NRS in animal nutrition is limited by anti-nutritional such as phytic acid and glucosinolate.Moreover, the protein of NRS is highly degraded by rumen microorganisms. Several processing methods have been used to enhance the nutritive value of whole oilseeds, including extrusion, roasting, toasting and Jet-Sploding. However, most heat processing methods adversely affect protein digestibility in the small intestine.Recently, other processing methods such as processing by gamma and microwave irradiation have been noticed.Therefore, this research was carried out to evaluate the effects of gamma irradiation (15, 30 and 45 kGy) and microwave irradiation (800 W) for 2, 4 and 6 min on ruminal dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) degradability, in vitro CP digestibility, anti-nutritional factors (glucosinolate and phytic acid) and chemical composition of NRS.Materials and Methods: Chemical composition (DM, CP, EE and Ash) of untreated and irradiated NRS was determined by AOAC methods. Then, sufficient water was added to the sample to increase the moisture content to 250 g/kg. Gamma irradiation was completed by using a cobalt-60 irradiator at 20oC. The dose rate determined by Fricke dosimetry was 0.36 Gy/s. Another three samples (500 g each) were subjected to microwave irradiation at a power of 800 W for 2, 4 and 6 min. Phytic acid and glucosinolate contents of untreated and irradiated samples were determined by standard methods. Degradation kinetics of DM or CP were determined according to in situprocedure. Six grams of untreated or irradiated NRS were incubated in the rumen of three ruminally fistulated Taleshi bulls for 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 48 h. Bags were placed in the rumen just before the bulls were offered their first meal. After retrieval from the rumen, bags were thoroughly washed with tap water until the rinsing water was clear. The same procedure was applied to two bags to obtain the 0 h value. The residues were dried and analyzed for DM and CP to determine degradation kinetics of NRS. Digestibility of rumen undegraded CP was estimated using the three-stepin vitro procedure. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used to monitor protein subfractions and the fate of true proteins of untreated and irradiated NRS in the rumen.Results and Discussion: Irradiation had no significant effect on chemical composition, but decreased the total glucosinolate and phytic acid of NRS. This elimination of phytic acid by irradiation is probably due to chemical degradation of phytate to lower inositol phosphates and inositol, by the action of free radicals, which have lower chelating power, or cleavage of the phytate ring itself. The glucosinolate content of untreated NRS in this study, 122.8 mol/g, was reduced up to 30 kGy, but further irradiation had no effect. Major deleterious effects of glucosinolate ingestion in animals include: reduced palatability, decreased growth and reduced production.However, according to our study, gamma and microwave irradiated NRS may be fed to dairy cows at high levels without glucosinolate induced detrimental effects. Gamma and microwave irradiation decreased the washout fraction, degradation rate and effective degradability (ED) of DM and CP and increased potentially degradable fraction of DM and CP of NRS. Decreasing CP degradability as a result of irradiation is due to the occurrence of cross-linking of polypeptide chains, denaturation and protein aggregation. Gamma irradiation at doses of 30 and 45 kGy and microwave irradiation increasedin vitro CP digestibility of NRS. Irradiation may induce unfolding of the protein and its denaturation, thereby exposing hydrophobic amino acids (especially aromatics) that are positional groups for the active sites of pepsin and trypsin enzymes. Moreover, the improvement in CP digestibility may be attributed to reduction of phytic acid. Electrophoresis results indicated that major proteins of NRS were cruciferin (globulin 12S) and napin (Albumin 2S). Electrophoresis results indicated that in untreated NRS, three subunits of cruciferin and in gamma and microwave irradiated NRS, three subunits of cruciferin and two subunits of napin consisted of bypass proteins.Conclusion: In conclusion, gamma irradiation at doses of higher than 15 kGy and microwave irradiation more than 2 min reduced ruminal degradability of CP, increasedin vitro CP digestibility and reduced anti-nutritional factors of NRS. Subsequently, in vivo studies are required to investigate effect of feeding irradiated feedstuff on lactation performance of dairy cows.

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Introduction: Water is a vital component of animals and the main medium for biochemical reactions.Basically, water characteristics have a close relation to its molecular structure and it can be affected by external processing such as magnetic field. Some researches indicated that magnetized water resulted in better efficiency in agricultural products compared with the ordinary water. In animal husbandry, it has been reported that magnetized drinking water caused an increased production of milk, mutton, and wool in sheep and more weight gain in geese and egg production and hatchability in turkey. Several reports are available on the application of water magnetization including broiler production. However, some researchers reported that 500 Gauss magnetization for drinking water did not significantly affect performance of broiler chickens. The objective of this study was to scrutinize various aspects of magnetized drinking water in broiler chickens.Materials and Methods: A total of 150 male Ross 308 day-old broiler chicks have been assessed in 3 treatments and 5 replicates with 10 birds each. Ordinary drinking water was considered as control group. One minute magnetized water was the second experimental treatment and three hours magnetized water was the third one. Magnetized water was produced by a commercial magnet namely AQUA CORRECT with 0.65 Tesla (6500 Gauss) magnetic field. Magnetization process for 30 liters of tap water has been done daily by magnetic apparatus. These types of water were offered daily to the birds during 42 days. Each pen (1 m2) was equipped with a manual feeder and a manual drinker, and the floor was covered with clean wood shavings. A cornsoybean meal based diet was formulated to meet or exceed the nutrient requirements of all broiler chickens as recommended by Ross 308 broiler rearing guidelines. Drinking water and mesh feed were offeredad libitum throughout the trial. Lighting was continuous, and the temperature was 32oC during the first week and then gradually decreased to 24oC by the end of the third week. Chicks were vaccinated for Infectious Bronchitis on day 4 and Newcastle Disease on 4, 11, and 20 day of age. All data were analyzed using the General Linear Model procedure of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS). Tukey’s Studentized Range (HSD) test was used to compare the means.Results and Discussion: Magnetized water resulted in more water consumption throughout the trial; however, feed intake and body weight gain have been significantly increased in the third group just in the starter phase. Feed conversion ratio, mortality, European production efficiency factor and bioeconomic index were not affected by experimental treatments. Magnetized water significantly increased the relative gizzard weight at 21 and 41 d. Also, spleen weight increased at 21 d and pancreas decreased at 41 d, but the other carcass parts were not influenced by magnetized water.Conclusion: All in all, magnetization of drinking water significantly influenced the broilers performance during starter phase and it seems that young chicks are more susceptible to magnetized water.

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Introduction: Feed constitutes 70 to 75 percent of poultry flock costs which vitamins constitute 0.08 % of diet and 2 % of feed costs. Vitamins as a group of complex organic compounds are needed in small amounts for normal metabolism of the body. Researches have shown that vitamins with smaller particles as vitamin supplements, were more effective and showed higher bioavailability. Nano form of supplementation increases the surface area which possibly could increase absorption and thereby utilization of vitamins leading to reduction in the quantity of supplements and through higher bioavailability. Their greater bioavailability shows that Nano particulate vitamin compositions can be given in smaller doses with less amount of that vitamins passing through the body unabsorbed. Most vitamins and other substances that are insoluble in water when formulated as nanoparticles, can be easily solved in water and even can penetrate to the body parts that are impervious to the macro particles. this study was conducted to compare the efficacy of Nano-multivitamin (NMV) with common vitamins premix (CVP) on performance, some blood parameters and immune responses of broiler chickens to verify the beneficial effects of nano-vitamins in poultry nutrition, .Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design for 45 days. A total of 600, 1-d-old male broiler chicks (Ross strain) were randomly assigned to 10 treatments with 5 replicates and 12 chicks each. Mash basal diets were prepared and balanced for energy and all nutrient except vitamins according to the Ross Nutrition manual (2007), for starter (1-10 d), grower (11-24 d) and finisher (25-45 d) periods. Liquid NMV and Powder pure vitamins were added to diets after dilution with wheat bran to achieve weight of 2.5 kg of each premix for each ton of feed (2.5 kg premix/ton diet=100% of recommended level). The size of NMV particles were 20-400 (nm) and the manufacturer's recommendations were used in feed or drinking water. In order to unify the experimental diets, 8 gr of vitamin C was added to Ross recommended vitamin premix and also 400 gr choline chloride (60%) was added to each 2.5 kg of three vitamin premix. Treatments 1, 2 and 3 respectively consisted basal diet (BD)+50%, 100% and 150% NMV manufacturer recommended levels; treatments 4, 5 and 6 respectively consisted BD+CVP with vitamins levels equal to treatments 1, 2 and 3; treatments 7, 8 and 9 respectively consisted BD+50%, 100% and 150% CVP which satisfied the Ross strain vitamins recommended levels; and treatment 10 consisted BD without vitamins premix supplementation, as a negative control. Feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio were measured for each pen at 10, 24 and 45 days of age and feeding the diets were removed 5 hours before slaughter. SRBC (SRBC 1%) and CBH (PHA-P) tests were used to assess the humoral and cellular immunities of two chicks of each replicate, respectively. At the age of 42 days, one bird from each pen was selected and blood samples were collected from the wing vein. At the age of 45, one bird from each pen was selected and slaughtered to determine the carcass characteristics.Results and Discussion: Results showed that, treatments 2 and 3 significantly increased average body weight and daily weight gain of the birds in starter period (1-10 d) in comparison with other groups. Treatment 10, significantly decreased feed intake and daily weight gain and increased feed conversion ratio in all periods. This improvement might be due to the higher bioavailability of Nano-vitamins because of particles size reduction or converting fat-soluble vitamins to water-soluble vitamins. Omara et al (2009) demonstrated that nanotechnology can increase the bioavailability of fat-soluble compounds and increase their bioavailability. SRBC test showed no significant differences among the treatments. CBH test revealed that the birds receiving treatment 10 had significantly lower cellular immune response, 24 hours after injection, in comparison with other treatments.Treatment 10 significantly reduced triglyceride levels of serum and breast yield and significantly increased the relative weight of wings in carcasses and relative length of small intestine in comparison with other treatments.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that using NMV in the diet of broiler chickens may improve growth performance of broiler chickens just in the starter period.

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Introduction: Antibiotic feed additives have long been used as growth promoters in poultry nutrition.However, concern has been expressed about the potential development of antibiotic resistant bacteria (25).Consequently, the animal feed industry, exposed to increasing consumer pressure to reduce the use of antibiotic growth promoters in poultry diets, has to find alternative feed additives. Marjoram (Origonum vulgar) is a very popular and a common medicinal plant. The main chemical components of marjoram oil are carvacrol, thymol, myrsene, p-cymene, terpinene and pinene (29). The plant is reported to possess antibacterial and antioxidant activities (2, 36).The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of adding different levels of marjoram leaves (powder and hydroalcoholic extract) into broiler diets on growth performance, blood metabolites, relative weight of internal organs, ileal microflora, jejunal histomorphology and meat quality of broiler chicks.Materials and methods: Two hundred and eighty eight one-day old Ross 308 broiler chicks (male) were obtained from a commercial local source and used in this study. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with 8 treatments, 3 replicates and 12 birds in each replicate. Experimental treatments consisted of control diet (without any additives), antibiotic virginiamycin (100 mg/kg), Origanum vulgare leaves powder (1, 2 and 3%) and Origanum vulgare extract (150, 250 and 350 mg/kg). The experimental period lasted up to the 42 d of age. The rearing and management conditions were equal for all groups. Experimental diets were formulated to meet the nutrients requirements of the Ross broiler chicks (3). Chicks had full access to feed and water during the experimental period. Live body weight and feed intake were recorded at 10, 24 and 42 d of age for each replicate. At the end of the experiment, the blood samples (from one chick per replicate) were collected to determine hematological parameters, then the chicks were slaughtered and ileum contents were removed for bacterial counts and also jejunum were immediately removed for histological studies.Results and Discussion: Based on the results, in 1-10 d period, supplementing the broiler diet with virginiamycin increased significantly feed intake (P<0.01). Also in 11-24 d period, supplementing the broiler diet with virginiamycin increased significantly feed intake compared to the birds fed 2 and 3 percentoriganum vulgar powder and 350 mg/kg extract (P<0.05). The lowest feed intake and weight gain were observed in birds fed diet supplemented with 3 percentoriganum vulgar powder. In 1- 42 d period, weight gain of the chicks fed 1 and 2 percent powder and 350 mg/kg extract was improved significantly compared to control (P<0.01) and also feed conversion ratio of the chicks fed control and 3 percent powder were increased significantly compared to the other treatments (P<0.01). Essential oils have long been recognized because of their anti-microbial activity and their ability to improve digestion (13, 18, 29). The effect of essential oils on feed: gain ratio could relate to increased efficiency of feed utilization and/or altered carcass composition (29). Also, supplementing broiler diets with origanum vulgar powder at 3 percent or higher levels are not recommended because of its adverse effect on feed intake and weight gain.Blood metabolites (glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, alkaline phosphatase, albumin) and the relative weight of carcass components (heart, liver, breast, thighs, gizzard) were not significantly affected by the treatments. Our findings are in agreement with Hernandes et al. (23) and Kirkpinar et al. (27). It seems that supplementing broiler diets with different levels oforiganum vulgar have no detrimental effect on blood metabolites and carcass components.Using 1 and 2 percent powder and 350 mg/kg extract reduced coliform bacteria population in the small intestine in comparison with the control, because essential oils inoriganum vulgar have anti-microbial activity (22, 28, 35). Supplementing diet with 150 mg/kg extract significantly increased villus height and crypt depth in comparison with the control and virginiamycin. Villus height: crypt depth ratio in chicks fed virginiamycin and350 mg/kg extract were significantly higher than chicks received 1 and 2 percent powder (P<0.01). There are conflicting reports regarding the effect of phytogenic plants on villus height and crypt depth (16, 21, 26, 39).According to Perlic et al. (39), adding medicinal plants to broiler diets can significantly decrease villus height: crypt depth ratio. Hashemipour et al. (21) in agreement to our finding, reported thymol and carvacrol can increase villus height and have no effect on villus width. But according to Jia- chi et al. (26) few medicinal plants had no effect on villus height and depth.The effect of different dietary treatments on drip loss and malondialdehyde value (TBA) of meat were significant (P<0.01). Supplementing diets with 1 or 2 percent powder and different levels of the extract significantly reduced TBA. Our findings are in agreement with few reports (7, 28, 37, 46).Origanum vulgare essential oil contains mainly carvacrol, thymol and their precursors and it possesses antioxidant properties. It was suggested that the high antioxidant activity of thymol is due to the presence of phenolic OH groups which act as hydrogen donors to the proxy radicals produced during lipid oxidation, thus retarding the hydroxyl peroxide formation (29).Conclusion: In conclusion, Origanum vulgare extract (at 350 mg/kg) can be used as a good replacement for antibiotics. Also, supplementing broiler diets with 3 percent Origanum vulgare leaves powder significantly decreased feed intake and subsequently weight gain. So, adding the powder to broiler diets is not recommended more than 2 percent.

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Introduction: Phytic acid is a main compound in all plant seeds and contains 60 to 70% of total phosphorus in plant. Monogastric animals cannot use phytatephosphorus because of low phytase activity in their digestive tract. Thus in addition to unabsorbed mineral phosphorus, phytate phosphorus in fecal of monogastric animals may affect water and environment pollution. It is suggested to use of phytase enzyme for resolving of this problem. Phytase activity was showed in some bacteria like pseudomonas, bacillus subtilis and amyloliquefaciens. Few strain of lactic acid bacteria order showed phytase activity or were different for this activity. On the other hand these bacteria order are important as probiotic strains. There are numerous studies to use probiotic bacteria with specific enzyme activity for increasing nutrient availability to animals. This experiment was aimed to study of a recombinantLactococcuslactis performance to degrade of phytate phosphorus in broiler chicken diets.Materials and methods: Lactococcuslactis was supplemented to a phosphorus deficient diet (50% of available phosphorus recommended by NRC) lonely or with two other lactobacillus bacteria (lactobacillus crispatusand lactobacillus salivarus) in rate of 108 CFU/g diet. Diets were also formulated with recommended available phosphorus by NRC with or without probiotic supplementation. Two hundred eighty eight one day old male Ross broiler chicks were subjected to 6 experimental treatment in 4 replicates and 12 chicks in each replicate. Growth performance, bone characteristics, intestinalmicroflora, and blood metabolites were measured.Apparent phytate digestibility was estimated by chromic oxide marker method. The chromic oxide was added in rate of 0.3% of thediets. Phytate phosphorus was measured by the method of wheeler et al (1971). On day37, level of calcium, phosphorus and cholesterol of serum were measurement by bleeding from wing vein. Left thigh bone was isolated on 42 days and its dimensions and strength were measurement by Caliper and Instron instruments respectively.Results and Discussion: Body weights of deficiency phosphorus treatments showed significant decrease even in presence of recombinant probiotic (P<0.01). The use of mixed probiotics in treatments containing both level of available phosphorus showed digestibility of phytate phosphorus around % 20 higher than no probiotic treatments and, the treatments supplemented with Lactococcuslactis displayed higher phytate phosphors digestibility around %18 compared to control, although there was no significant difference. The serum phosphorus of chicks fed diets contained mixed probiotics showed an increased trend relation to no probiotic treatments (P=0.0603). The mean of thigh bone length was decreased in phosphorus deficiency, diet supplemented withl.lactis alone and, no probiotic treatments significantly (P<0.05). In 42 days age, lower gram negative bacteria were determined in the flora of chicken’s caecum that used probiotic supplement but there was no significant difference. The mix probiotic treatment trends more effective than onlyl. lactis on reduction of gram negative population (P<0.1).The results of this study declared that use of recombinantLactococcuslactis may increase phytate phosphorus digestibility but low level of phytate phosphorus in diets and not enough increase in phytate digestibility didn’t supply phosphorus requirement in chicks. Phosphorus level in serum of chickens feed by mixed probiotic bacteria showed that probably presence of lactobacilli accompany tol. lactis could improve efficiency of phytate degradation, because lactobacilli activity increased solubility of phytate by acid production and it could exposesphytate to phytase enzyme. Since the ideal activity of produced recombinant phytase is under acidic pH, then lactobacillus bacteria improved condition of intestine for recombinant phytase activity. Considering to the level of phytate P of diet with phosphorus deficient showed that phytase activity couldn’t supply P requirement of chickens while the digestibility of phytate P was determined 63%. Therefore lower growth in mentioned treatment was not avoidable. Decrease of the thigh bone length in chickens fed by no probiotic orl.lactis treatments reflected low phytase activity and low phytate contain in diet. Also in treatments contain probiotic, appropriate bone dimensions (diagonal of epiphyses and diaphysis and length of bone) may attributed to better calcium absorbance in presence of lactic acid bacteria. It is showed that use of probiotic produces short fatty acids in intestine. It can stimulate villi growth and production of calcium binding protein in enterocyte cells. In this study, reduction of gram negative bacteria population were excepted since anti- E.coli and salmonella activity of mix probiotic was showed.Conclusion: Based on this study, it is suggested to develop of phytase gene expression in Lactococcuslactisby supplemental study and use of probiotic lactobacilli as same time.

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Introduction: Carnitine has several roles in lipid oxidation, immunomodulation function and enhancing antibody responses. L-carnitine has been found to exhibit immunomodulatory effects. It enhances serum primary antibody response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and subsequent humoral immunity using 100 mg L-carnitine/ kg diet compared with control group in Leghorn chickens (Deng et al., 2006). It was reported that only the immediate effects of dietary carnitine on immunocompetence is known while comparing long and short-term effects on early life on the immune system of broiler chickens is unknown. The organic allyl sulfur components in garlic (mainly allicin) were implicated to mediate its biological activity. The biological activities of these compounds may be related to their SH modification and antioxidant properties (Prasad et al., 1996). AGE treatment prevented the reduction of the antibody production response in thymectomized mice and improved the thymectomy-induced deterioration of learning behaviors in passive avoidance performance and in a spatial memory task (Zhang et al., 1998).Materials and Methods: Four hundred Arian one-day-old broiler chicks were used. This experiment was conducted in order to consider the effects of L-Carnitine and garlic powder on broiler chicken performance, blood metabolites and carcass characteristics in a 2´5 factorial arrangement in randomized complete design with 5 dietary treatments, 4 replicates and 12 birds in each and two periods: short (first 3 weeks) and long time (total production period). Dietary treatments were 1) Basal diet (BD: no supplementation), 2) ration having 0.02% flavomycin (positive control), 3) ration having 1.5% garlic powder, 4) ration having 0.025% L-Carnitine and 5) ration having 0.025% L-Carnitine plus 1.5% garlic powder. The birds were kept under conventional conditions for vaccination, temperature, ventilation, and lighting based on Ross catalogue recommendations. Standard management practices of commercial broiler production were applied. They were fed experimental diets from 15 to 42 d of age. The broiler diets were formulated based on standardized ileal digestible amino acids and other requirements were obtained from Ross catalogue recommendations. Humoral immunity of broilers against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were detected by intramuscularly injection of SRBC (2.5% suspension in PBS, 1 ml/bird) to two birds from each replicate at 8 and 23 days of age in the first and second experiment respectively, followed by a booster injection at 6 days after the first injection. Blood samples were collected at 6 days after the first and second injection and total Ig, IgG and IgM were detected (Cheema et al., 2000). The toe web swelling reaction to PHA-P was measured in 2 broilers from each pen (marked with a black color) at days 12 and 26 of first and second experiment respectively. One-fifth milliliter of a PHA-P solution (1 mg/mL in PBS) was injected subcutaneously into 2 sites on the left toe web of the broilers. As a sham control, 0.2 mL of PBS was injected into 2 sites on the right toe web. The thickness of each injection site was measured using a pressuresensitive micrometer before injection and at 4, 12, 24, and 48 h after injection (Wang et al., 2000). At the age of 42d, 5 broilers from each treatment with average body weight of each treatment were selected and blood samples were collected and white blood cell concentration like heterophile, lymphocyte percentage and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio were calculated.Results and Discussion: Results showed that supplementation time and dietary treatments did not have significant effects on humoral immunity against SRBC and cell mediated immunity response against PHA injection (P>0.05). Supplementation time and addition of L-carnitine and garlic powder decreased heterophil and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio and increased lymphocyte percentage (P<0.05). Garlic and garlic derived compounds were shown to alter the rate of metabolism of testosterone through regulation of the cytochrome p450 enzymes and garlic seems to inhibit the enzyme cytochrome p450 (Pinto and Rivlin, 2001), hence high level of steroids can cause thymus reduction. Garlic consumption may exert regulatory effects on Th1/Th2 cytokine production and promote a Th2 type or humoral immune response in rat spleen lymphocytes.Conclusion: It was concluded that application of the dietary supplements (0.025% L-Carnitine plus 1.5% garlic powder) at the levels like this experiment did not improved humoral and sell mediated immunity whereas they increased immunity of broiler chickens and defensing mechanism.

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Introduction: High environmental temperature during summer months leading to heat stress, is great concern in all types of poultry production. Feed consumption, growth rate, hatchability, mortality, and other important traits governing the prosperity of the industry are adversely affected by severe heat stress. Literature suggests that the advantages of dietary L-carnitine and ascorbic acid have been particularly apparent under heat stress.L- carnitine is a zwitterionic compound synthesized in vivo from lysine and methonine, and is essential for the transport of long–chain fatty acids across the inner mitochondria membrane for b-oxidation and removes toxic accumulations of fatty acids from mitochondria. Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant, which is essential for collagen synthesis, helps to maintain various enzymes in their required reduced form, and participates in the biosynthesis of carnitine, norepinephrine and certain neuroendocrine peptides. Invertebrates, insects, most fishes, some birds, guinea-pigs, bats and primates are not able to synthesize ascorbic acid. Thus, these animals must depend upon a dietary supply of this vitamin C. Ascorbic acid has been demonstrated to be essential for growth in poultry.Materials and Methods: In this study, 396 Ross 308 broiler chicks were allocated in a completely randomized design with 3´3 factorial arrangement with 4 replicates of 11 chicks in each replicate for 42 days.Treatments contained 3 levels of vitamin C (0, 250 and 500 mg/ kg) and 3 levels of L-carnitine (0, 50 and 100 mg kg). In the first 3 weeks of breeding, broilers were under normal temperature and heat stress was done from the beginning of fourth week. Feed and water were provided ad-libitum. Performance parameters were recorded weekly. The 0.5 mL suspension of 5% SRBC was injected at 28 and 35 days of age in two birds of each pen.Blood was collected 1 week after each injection to determine the antibody titer. Vaccination against Newcastle was done at 8 days of age and 10 days after that, blood was collected for determining Newcastle titer. At the end of the experiment, two birds of each replicate were slaughtered and blood was collected for analyzing lipid parameters, and also carcass characteristics were analyzed.Results and Discussion: The highest body weight gain was observed in birds consuming 100 mg/kg of Lcarnitine and 500 mg/mg of vitamin C in the starter and total period of experiment (P<0.05). At the grower period of experiment, vitamin C increased body weight gain significantly at the levels of 250 and 500 mg/kg and also level of 100 mg/kg of L-carnitine. It is clear that use of L-carnitine with ascorbic acid in broilers under heat stress significantly increase the body weight of broilers and weight gain probably due to rate of energy transfer.Ascorbic acid is necessary in the synthesis of carnitine in the body. It is known that the amount of L-carnitine biosynthesis is reduced under heat stress (8). Treatments containing vitamin C and L-carnitine increased feed intake at the starter period but at the grower and total period of the experiment, feed intake was highest in birds consuming 500 mg/kg of vitamin C and 50 mg/ kg of L-carnitine. Celik and Ozturkcan (8) demonstrated that feed intake of birds fed diets supplemented with L-carnitine and ascorbic acid was higher than the birds fed control diet. Vitamin C improved feed conversion ratio at the starter period but level of 500 mg/kg of vitamin C and 100 mg/kg of L-carnitin showed the best feed conversion ratio at grower and total period of experiment.Celik and Ozturkcan (8) showed that L-carnitine or L-carnitine and vitamin C improved feed conversion ratio.The lowest concentration of triglycerides and LDL and the highest concentrations of blood HDL were observed in birds consuming 500 mg/kg vitamin C and 100 mg /kg of L-carnitine (P<0.05). Vitamin C at level 0 and Lcarnitin at level of 100 mg/kg significantly decreased blood cholesterol (P<0.05). Hassan et al, (12) observed that levels of plasma cholesterol, LDL and HDL decreased significantly by adding L-carnitine in combination with vitamin C in the diet. Also, vitamin C significantly increased the primary and secondary response of SRBC (P<0.05). Pardo et al, (25) also reported that using 1000 ppm vitamin C increased antibody production against SRBC in broilers.Conclusions: Based on the results of the current study, it is concluded that use of 500 mg/kg of vitamin C and 100 mg/kg of L-carnitine in combination can increase performance parameters and improve blood lipid and immune parameters of broilers under heat stress.

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Introduction: Chicken is the only avian species in which polyclonal antibodies, like IgG is transported from the hen to the egg yolk in a similar manner as the transport of mammalian IgG from the mother to the fetus. Immunoglobulin Y in the chicken is transported to the egg and accumulates in the egg yolk in large quantities. IgY is an egg yolk antibody that has been used widely for treatment and prevention of infections in humans and animal. IgY is used for passive protection of the pathogen infections such as Escherichia coli, bovine and human rotavirus, bovine coronavirus, salmonella, staphylococcus and Pseudomonas. IgY is a promising candidate as an alternative to antibiotics. Eschericha coli strains of serotype O157: H7 belongs to a family of pathogenicE. coli called enter hemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) strains responsible for hemorrhagic colitis, bloody or non-bloody diarrhea, and hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans. This strain of E. coli pathogenises by adhering to host intestinal epithelium and forming bacterial colonies. The purpose of this study was to produce and purify immunoglobulin Y against E. coli O157: H7 and develop specific polyclonal antiE. coli antibody in the egg yolk.Materials and Methods: Sixteen-week-old laying hens (Mashhad, Iran) were kept in individual cages with food and water adlibitum. Immunization of hens was performed by intramuscularly injecting killed E. coli O157: H7with an equal volume of Freund’s complete adjuvant into two sides of chest area (Sigma, USA) for the first immunization. Two booster immunizations followed up using complete and incomplete Freund’s adjuvants in two weeks interval. Freund’s adjuvant without antigen was injected to the control group. Two weeks after the last injection, the eggs were collected daily for eight weeks, marked and stored at 4oC. In order to IgY purification, eggs were collected. Purification of IgY from egg yolk was based on Polson and using PEG6000. Finally, the presence of antibody IgY was confirmed using SDS-PAGE. Purification of IgY was carried out by polyethylene glycolprecipitation method using PEG 6000 powder (Merck, Germany) based on method of Polson. The purified IgY against E. coli was separated using 10% SDS-PAGE. In order to investigate the effect of the specific anti-E. Coli antibody, mice (Razi, Institute of Iran) were randomly distributed into five experimental groups (6mice/group). The mice were kept in conventional animal facilities and received water and food ad libitum. All animal care and procedures were in accordance with institutional policies for animal health and well-being. Experimental groups were including group 1 (mice received IgY orally in drinking water 72 hours before intraperitoneal injection of bacteria and then injected intraperitoneally with 0.5 ml of bacteria E. coli O157: H7), group 2 (mice received IgY orally in drinking water 72 hours before the injection and then injected intraperitoneally with 0.5 ml of deionized water), group 3 (0.5 ml of E. coli O157: H7 incubated with 0.5 ml of the specific anti-E. coli IgY and then 0.5 ml of the incubated solution injected to mice intraperitoneally), group 4 (mice injected with 0.5 ml of IgY) and group 5 (mice received 0.5 ml of E. coli O157: H7).Results and Discussion: We obtained specific egg yolk antibody against E. coli O157: H7 by immunizing hens with the killed E. coli O157: H7 antigen. The results showed that the IgY was successfully purified from egg yolk. SDS-PAGE analysis showed presence of protein bands 27kDa and 67 kDa of IgY, which correspond to IgY light and heavy chains. Effects of IgY on mice showed that mice received IgY orally in drinking water 72 hours before intraperitoneal injection were protected against bacteria. Also, when specific anti-E. coli IgY was incubated with E.coli O157: H7 for 24 hours and then it was injected to mice led to mice protected against bacteria. The results of our study were agreement with the results of Chae et al (2007). We indicated mice immunized with specific anti-E. coli IgY could be protected against E. coli O157: H7. This phenomenon could be due to specific binding activity of IgY with bacteria that led to the inhibition of bacterial growth E. coli O157: H7.Conclusion: The effectiveness of IgY in suppressing the activity of E. coli O157: H7 was indicated in our study. This could be inferred from the results of the current study that IgY in the egg yolk could prevent greater economic losses due to human and animal health from pathogenic bacteria such asE. coli O157: H7. These finding indicated that egg from immunized hens are potentially useful source of passive immunity.

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Introduction: Milk solid no-fat is economically very important in cheese industry. Compared to the other kinds of milk, ewe’s milk contains higher amount of milk solids no-fat. Milk solids no-fat (MSNF) contains lactose, caseins, whey proteins, and minerals.The use of test day records in random regression method has several benefits including flexibility to account for the environmental and genetic components of the shape of lactation, reducing generation interval and cost of recording by making fewer measurements, increasing the accuracy of genetic evaluation and direct correction for fixed effects. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to estimate genetic parameters for test-day milk solid no-fat percentage in Kurdi sheep of Shirvan using fixed and random regression models.Materials and methods: In the present investigation, genetic analysis of milk solid no-fat percentage was carried out using fixed and random regression models by Wombat software. Data included 1094 test day records of milk solid no-fat percentage collected from 250 ewes in Hossien Abad Kurdi sheep breeding station. Milking was carried out by hand milking combined with lamb suckling at 14 days interval starting from May to August 2012. Then, 50 ml of milk samples were immediately analysed by Ecomilk total to determine the milk solid nofat percentage. Fixed effects of litter size, parity, month of recording and days in milk as covariate and random effects of direct genetic and permanent environmental effects were included in the models. General linear model was used to identify effective fixed effects on the trait by SAS 9.1 software. Variance and covariance components were estimated using restricted maximum likelihood procedure. In random regression model, orthogonal Legendre polynomials of order 2 for permanent environmental and additive genetic effects was fitted.Results and Discussion: Average milk solid no-fat percentage of Kurdi ewes was 11.83. Average heritability, repeatability, additive genetic variance, permanent environmental variance, phenotypic variance and residual variance of milk solid no-fat percentage were estimated as 0.06, 0.26, 0.029, 0.094, 0.0471, and 0.0348, respectively in fixed regression model. In a study on northern Thailand dairy cows, heritability, additive genetic variance and residual variance estimates were 0.133, 0.36, and 0.238, respectively. In random regression model, heritability of milk solid no-fat percentage was higher in second than first part of lactation period. The highest and the lowest heritability were estimated at 14 (0.068) and 112 (0.193) days, respectively. Repeatability of milk solid no-fat percentage was higher in second than first part of lactation period. The highest and the lowest repeatability were estimated at 14 (0.279) and 126 (0.732) days, respectively. In a study on milk solid no-fat percentage in Holstein cow in Korea, the range of heritabilities were from 0.305 to 0.489 and higher estimates of heritability for milk solid nonfat percentage occurred in second half of lactation. Additive genetic variance in early lactation was lower than that of the end of lactation. The highest and the lowest additive genetic variance were estimated at 5 (0.013) and 126 (0.143) days, respectively. Permanent environmental variance was estimated higher in second than first part of lactation period and the highest and the lowest permanent environmental variances were estimated at 21 (0.05) and 126 (0.39) days, respectively. Phenotypic variance of milk solid no-fat percentage during lactation was not constant, the highest and the lowest permanent environmental variances were estimated at 5 (0.27) and 126 (0.79) days, respectively. Residual variance for the model considered to be constant for all days in milk (0.191). Genetic correlations between milk solid no-fat percentages at different days in milk were positive and ranged from 0.391 to 0.999. Permanent environmental correlation between Milk solid no-fat percentage at different days in milk were ranged from -0.343 to 0.999. Milk solid nonfat percentage additive genetic and permanent environmental correlations between adjacent test days were more than between distant test days.Conclusion: Generally, results indicated that Shirvan Kurdi ewes had high milk solid no-fat production potential. Moreover, higher heritability for this trait at the end of lactation probably indicated higher contribution of additive genetic variation to the total variation and selection of ewes in this part of lactation would be preferred.Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank the devoted team of Hossien Abad Kurdi sheep breeding station for their continuing collaboration in milk recording.

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Introduction: One of the animal breeding aims is increasing the economic efficiency. Therefore, mating among selected animals in order to enhance economic efficiency should also supply variation in population for next generations’ selection. This study was performed to estimate performance in cross breed lambs resulting from crosses of shal, moghani, afshari and varamini rams with varamini ewes, compained it to pure varamini lambs.Materials and Methods: The objective of this study was the progeny evaluation from slaughter in one way crossing between Varamini ewes with Shal, Afshari, Moghani and Varamini rams and comparing their progeny efficiency. Thus, three 1.5 and 3 years rams were selected from each of Shal, Afshari, Moghani and Varamini breeds. A sample was separated from 10, 11 and 12 ribs was separated for examination of the fat, meat and bone percentage in different breed group lambs carcass.Data statistical analyze was done by GLM procedure of SAS 9.1 software.Results and Discussion: Afshari crossbreed lambs had better carcass performance rather than the other breed groups although before slaughtering live weight of Shal and Moghani lambs were higher.Male lambs had better live weight and carcass quality before slaughtering than female lambs. The analyze of carcass parts percentage indicated that crossbreed lambs from Afshari rams with Varamini ewes had the highest efficiency and lowest rump percentage between genetic groups about valuable parts total percentage of thigh, roast, wristband and low price flank steak, brisket and neck. The analyze results of carcass tissue proportions combination showed Shal, Moghani and Afshar crossbreeds had more meat percentage and lower fat percentage on numbers 10, 11 and 12 of ribs than Varamini net breed.Conclusion: According to our findings about cross surface and length from carcass the highest amount of them was belong to Shal and Afshari breeds, although difference amount between breeds was not significant. Finally, male had more significantly cross surface than female. Average percentage for lion, thigh, flank, brisket, neck, longissmus muscle area and carcass length, full and empty digestive system in different genetic group has no significant difference, also, average for, shoulder, legs, tail, heat, lean percentage and bone in 10-12 vibs sample and skin and fat percentage in this sample was significantly different in various groups. Sex effect on total removable fat and percentage of various carcass sections expect of thigh, lion and neck percentages, other carcass sections have significant differences in two finishing periods.

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Introduction: Cattle are a monotocous species meaning that, under most circumstances, a successful pregnancy results in the birth of one calf. Twinning rate has been reported in dairy cows from 3 to 5 percent, which can be influenced by maternal age. The birth of twins is detrimental to the majority of beef and dairy cattle producer. Financial loss arising from any of twinning has been reported in Europe between 109 to 201 dollars in recent years. Because it is associated with undesirable consequences such as reduced survival, calf, cow increased removal rate and poor performance. This also reduces pregnancy rates and profitability herds. One of the effects of twinning severe is reduction of the number of calves for replacement fertility in dairy cows. This is a loss arising from an increase in infant mortality and a gender bias in bull calves homo zygote. Twinning rate increases significantly the incidence of reproductive abnormalities, including the retained placenta, dystocia, stillbirth and abortion. Many studies have been done on the effect of multiple pregnancies in cattle production and reproduction. Higher milk production for cows twin issue is controversial as some studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between the rate of twinning in dairy cattle and milk production. But in the next lactation, production for cows that have been the twin of the infected cow metabolic disease in the previous period was lower. In a study reported that cows spend fewer days in the twin peak production. The results of the study on the effect of twinning on reproductive traits of Holstein cows-Farzin showed that only half of the twin cows are prone to reproduce in the next period. It is also reported a greater number of insemination per conception in twin compared to single cows. In addition, it has been reported that the twin was more than 15 days from calving to first services. Average twin cows experiencing 1.7 times more death and removal in lifetime production than cows single. The aim of this study was to estimate the rate of twinning in Iranian Holstein dairy cows and the estimated effect on production traits and reproductive twinning....

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Introduction: Artificial insemination (AI) has only been used as a supplement to natural mating. AI, when used in conjunction with accurate progeny testing schemes, can substantially increase the rate of genetic progress compared with that of natural service. Moreover, the use of AI causes the limitation of the transmitted diseases. Cervical insemination with frozen-thawed ram semen has not been widely adopted, probably because of the relative poor fertility obtained. Thus using fresh and diluted semen is only approach for performing AI.AI is currently limited by the poor fertility achieved after cervical insemination with the storage of liquid semen at sub-ambient temperature. The success of this procedure in sheep is restricted by the short length of time that ram sperm can be stored in a liquid state. Moreover, the effect of cooling on sperm differs depending on species. It is also well known that ram spermatozoa are more sensitive to cold-shock stress than those of other species.Seminal plasma, as physiological secretion, is a complex mixture of secretions originating from testis, epididymis and accessory sex glands which is mixed with epididymal sperm at ejaculation; it serves as the carrier of sperm to the female genital tract. This mixture contains numerous factors such as organic and nonorganic material which play an important role in the final maturation of the spermatozoa through hormonal, enzymatic and surface-modifying events. During natural mating, a mechanism may be activated to separate spermatozoa from seminal plasma. After being ejaculated into the vagina, sperm swim through cervical mucus and enter the uterus within minutes (>30 min); cervical mucus acts as a barrier for seminal plasma. In the artificial insemination industry, seminal plasma with all the useful and harmful components is not removed from semen and is in contact with sperm throughout cooling, freezing and storage.On the other hand, it was demonstrated that the auto-destructive activity of seminal plasma was decreased which may be reduced by coating spermatozoa for less than 5 min during collection with the commercial diluent supplemented with egg yolk. The detrimental effect of lipid efflux induced by seminal plasma may be abolished by decreasing the time of the contact between seminal plasma and sperm.The objective of this study was to determine whether coating method, as a collection method, can improve fertility of ram spermatozoa after 72 h storage.Materials and Methods: Experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of seminal plasma on coated spermatozoa fertility by using 111 ewes, aged between 1 and 3 years. Semen from four mature, healthy and fertile Thaleshi rams, aged between 2 and 5 years, were used for AI. The animals were housed at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Education Research and Practice Farm, University of Guilan, South of Rasht (it is located at 37o 12’ North latitude and 49o 39’ East longitude) and fed daily with alfalfa hay and 0.5 kg of concentrate, and provided salt lick and waterad libitum. Semen was collected throughout the breeding season (August, 2011) by using an artificial vagina. Ejaculates from each ram were collected in a tube containing 5 ml of coating medium (269 mM Tris (Hydroxymethy1) amino methane, 52 mM D-Fructose, 89 mM Citric Acid, 2000 IU/ml penicillin G and 0.4 mg/ml streptomycin pH=7.0) at 72 h before insemination. Two or three consecutive ejaculates from each ram were collected. The ejaculates were placed in a water bath (35oC) immediately after collection. Semen quality was assessed, and to be accepted as a donor, and the ejaculation of each ram ejaculation had to fulfill the following demands concerning semen quality: volume³ 0.5 ml, macroscopic good visual mass activity (sperm motility³75%), sperm concentration³3´109⁄ml and normal sperm morphology³90%. Coated ejaculates were centrifuged for 10 min at 700 × g at room temperature and the supernatant was removed. The pellets were diluted by Tris-glucose up to 800´106 sperm/mL then they were split into three parts E-S+, supernatant was removed and added 10% crude seminal plasma. In E-S-‚ supernatant was removed and added Tris-glucose. In E+S-‚ pellet was mixed with supernatant. Samples were packaged into straws‚ incubated at 5oC for 4 h and inseminated 72 h after collection. Ewes were allocated to three groups and inseminated after synchronizing estrus by using CIDER (14 d) and injection hCG (400 IU).Results and Discussion: The results showed that the lambing rate was higher in ewes of second parity (18.91%) than ewes of first parity (5.12%). There was no significant difference between E-S- (24.32%) and E+S-(10.81%) although the percentage of lambing rate was higher about 10 % in E-S- than E+S-. There was no significant difference between E-S+(5.12%) and E+S- on lambing rate. The pair-wise comparison of the lambing rates between the three groups showed significant higher results for E-S- compared with E-S+. Therefore, fertility of coated spermatozoa was not improved by adding 10% crude seminal plasma after three days storage at 5oC.

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Introduction: Secondary sex ratio (SSR) is the proportion of males to females at birth. It has been shown in many different mammalian species, many factors are associated with SSR. Changes in secondary sex ratio in dairy cows is considered economically important and the ability to change it could affect the revenues and profitability of a dairy farm. Thus, sperm or embryo sexing techniques in recent years has attracted more attention. Most breed of dairy cattle are more likely to have female calf is born to use them as replacement heifers and in order to maintain their productive herd number. On the contrary, when the goal is the production of meat, bull calves due to higher growth rates and production efficiency, are more convenient and more economically efficient. The aim of present study was to investigate some key factors affecting SSR in Iranian Holstein cows.According to Fisher, the sex ratio in the population under the control of natural selection is not always the same. There is overwhelming evidence to support the theory that shows Fisher Primary and secondary sex ratio sex ratio can deviate from this balance and natural selection caused a change in this ratio can be in certain circumstances. For example, the secondary sex ratio of 52: 48 has been reported in dairy cows. Studies on mammalian species suggest that several factors, including latitude of the location, the dominant regional climate model, time and frequency of mating to ovulation, diet, age of parents, physical score, breed and produced eggs from ovarian left or right can have a significant effect on the secondary sex ratio. Weather conditions may modify the internal environment and the effect on physiological mechanisms or through the impact on the frequency and type of foods available to parents, the secondary sex ratio is impressive. The impact on the quantity and quality of parent's access to food sources in many species of mammals, the sex ratio has been fixed.Previous reports have shown that high environmental temperature and higher rates of evaporation from a week to a month before conception secondary sex ratio was increased.Materials and method: The demographic, production and reproduction data of six large dairy farms between years 1375 and 1389 were used. The rolling average of 305 d fat corrected milk yield was 8145 kg with a range of 7578 to 8670 Kg. Breeding Center of Iran and the herds covered by the registration and recording them on a regular basis carried out by experts dairy cooperatives. The flocks were in the area northeast of the country.Production data (date corrected milk production and the cumulative production by 60 and 305 days of lactation), reproductive data (such as calving year, calving season, type of birth, sex of calf, the latest information on AI, days open), and details the possible removal of the flock or death were recorded. Data were collected from flocks before the analysis was re-verification. Used by sperm, sperm into four groups: Iranian, Canadian, American and other countries (including sperm taken from European countries) groups. The data were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression model.Statistics 0/05 was used to ensure meaningful results.Results and discussion: Results showed that the ratio of males to females was 53 to 47. Origin of the sires (including Iranian, American, or Canadian) had no impact on secondary sex ratio. Type of calving (eutocia vs.non-eutocia calving including dystocia and still birth) had significant impact on SSR (P<0.05). SSR was not effected by calving year. Season of calving, days open, parity, and the corrected 305 d milk yield also had no impact on SSR while the interaction of parity and type of calving was significant (P<0.05).Conclusion: In conclusion, the results of this study shows that type of calving only had a significant effect of SSR.

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Introduction: Breeding quail and quail egg industrial production because of the high nutritional value of these products has been developing these years. Considering the high demand and economical production, further development in the future is predicted. In order to design and effective utilization of the equipment for transportation, separation, packaging and storage, the physical and mechanical properties of quail eggs are needed.It is of great importance to study the factors which are influencing these properties.Strength of the shell is an important factor in determination of quail egg quality. Quail egg shell strength depends on several variables including specific gravity, egg weight and volume, shell thickness, weight and percentage of shell, hardness, breaking force, breaking energy, egg surface, farming conditions, type and species of birds, nutrition and geometric characteristics of eggs.Materials and Methods: In this paper, initially in three phases, at 15 weeks, 19 weeks and 23 weeks, shell strength changes and physical properties of quail eggs on 90 quails during their first period of laying eggs were studied.Measured properties were included dimensions, weight, volume, specific gravity, shell thickness, weight and percentage of shell, breaking force, breaking energy, egg surface and some other properties.In the second part the effects of divergent selection for the bird’s body weight at four weeks of age on the quail eggs of fifth generation were studied. Measured properties were included dimensions, weight, volume, breaking force, breaking energy and some factors for direct and indirect measurement of strength of quail eggs. For direct measurement of the strength of eggshell of quail, two methods were employed: The first method was quasi-static compression test between two parallel plates of the universal testing machine and the second method was measuring specific gravity.In the first method, eggs were compressed between two plates using universal testing machine. The compression speed was 6 cm/min and 10 cm/min. The egg sample was placed on the fixed plate and pressed with a moving plate connected to the load cell until its rupture.IN the second method, quail egg volume is measured by water displacement method, as they were weighed by digital scales and specific gravity is calculated by dividing weight per volume.Results and Discussion: In the first part of the study, through the time from beginning to end of the first period eggs (from 15 weeks to 23 weeks) breaking energy, specific gravity of quail eggs and also flexibility of eggs against external forces increased. Mass, volume, large diameter, central diameter, geometric diameter mean and surface of the shell from the beginning of the period to the end of it, remained unchanged and their mean values were respectively 12.41 gr, 11.51 cm3, 33.79 mm, 26.10 mm, 28.45 mm and 2546 mm2. From 15 weeks to 23 weeks of age, shape index and sphericity decreased. Mean values of shape index and sphericity were 0.769 and 84.21% respectively.In the second part of this research, quail eggs of four weeks low body weight group were smaller and lighter than quail eggs of control group, but quail eggs of four weeks high body weight group did not show significant differences with quail eggs of control group, which suggesting greater heritability of body weight in the physical properties of the eggs. Strength and specific gravity parameters in the three groups did not differ significantly from each other.The results showed that quail egg shell strength after several generations of divergent selection for body weight has not been changed.Conclusion: Flexibility and thickness of the quail egg shell increased from the beginning of the first period to the end of the laying eggs period. This makes the eggs less vulnerable and increases their strength. In the second part of the research, it could be concluded that the physical properties of quaileggsin a divergent selection for the birds' body weight in order to weight loss is more effective compared to body weight gain group.

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