Process optimization which is one of the most important tasks in modem industries, requires a number of research projects to be perfor med. On the other hand, a high cost of research and
development activities has necessitated the development of various experimental methods, by which the factors effecting a process could be determined with the aim of performing a least number of
experiments. Although many experimental designs have been introduced since 1980, Taguchi"s method, because of its comprehensive nature and its ability to present designs which are resistant
against uncontrollable parameters, has found wide spread applications. In t his respect, a measure called Signal to Noise (SIN) ratio is used to show the sensitivity of optimum conditions against the
variation of uncontrollable factors.
In this paper, application of SIN ratio on the effect of seven factors on the flotation of Sar cheshmeh copper ore is discribed. The objective of the research was to find the optimum operating conditions
which could provide a least variation of recovery (response) when distursbances such as ore type change, occur.