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Sadra’s Explanation & his Hermeneutics of Divine Word that have imbue of Quran explanation and its hermeneutics can be known that as a common position from both of Philosophical & Traditional Hermeneutics; And presented he is as Philosophical Hermeneutics originator. The man’s understanding is complicated process that can not restrict it’s to one general rule. According to Sadra’s thought on scrutiny about understanding and perception of Revelation and Divine word (Genetic & Canonization) the best reasoning to show a relation between Understanding or Explanation and man’s existence (or being) is to find existential relation between "Micro man and macro man" and the best method to show relation between language & existence & phenomenon of existence in language is a perception of grade of the steps of existence from objective existence to subjective existence; Because based on that the truth existence has steps (Vertical & Linear), the two types of Divine Word (Genetic & Canonization) is also two existential form of truth.

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The fundamental traits of prophecy (A man who Messenger of God) that the Caliphate problem is one of them is consist of the Receipt & Prophecy of Divine revelation and the explanation of revelation and the problem of Province (Vilayat= the man who vicar of prophet). All Muslims believe that the Receipt of Divine revelation have finished after prophet dying. The sunny believe that Prophecy of Divine revelation and the explanation of it was particulate only for prophet, so in this subject have not been disagreement. Of course about the problem of Province, also believe that only the governor of the Islamic society is vicar of the Messenger of God. Therefore the governor after the prophet was named Imam or Commander the believer. By scrutiny study on the sunny Theological debates, it is clearing that in belief of sunny, the meaning of Caliphate is only time recency from prophet′s life that any Muslim governor, however be cruel & lecher can be caliph. But in belief of Shia the vicars of prophet is the immaculate Imam that by God appointment he was heir all traits of prophet, except Receipt revelation and he is God′s caliph on the ground.

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By critical definition of philosophy studied that whit stand in position of definition of philosophy made the intellect philosophy. So anyone must be practice itself to the philosophy. One with individual thought can be make life, or one with the intellect can be make philosophy and with philosophy can be make life. But philosophy and philosophical thought was making by which ability of man? Intellect is comprehension & doom, understanding is object of intellect, & memory is the store of data, & mind as system of men discursive, we know it fundamentally is philosophical. Now the mind is fundamentally philosophical, so why some people have lack in philosophical thought? Response this question is the extent or growing of mind. Now if we know that philosophical mind as a mark of philosophical man, we will see many of illiterate man & layman have a philosophical thought, and many of collegian of philosopher speech as layman. Therefore with the each criterion as philosophical mind & science we divide inhabitant of the society. According to this chart we are introducing "Philosophical Method of Layman" and saying it is trying to salve layman from vulgar thought. Therefore we saying perky: the philosophy is a conversation among aspect of man’s thought and address these conversations is knowledge and in discursive & rational model. Now what are engendering of this method renown as "Tagline of Equilibrium". According to the condition proportion of force are making with equilibrium. Thus findingthe place of equilibrium is duty for every one that in philosophical method of layman is offering only a method to this act.

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One of the arguments that thinkers always was disputation about it in man’s society is the necessity of government constitute and the method of its conduct. Some thinker says that the government constitute is unavoidable and the other says that is the social conditions yield. Also have be many discuss about the type of government and philosopher was mentioned many type of it. But yet have one important question that which type of it is true or false? What is the criterion of right government? And how can recognize the justice government from reactionary government? This article imply say the necessity of government constitute in all societies, say the divine government differences from reactionary systems in Naini’s thought and trait of its.

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We can say synopsis the public Islamic Isms has a potential for presence on policy by analyzing the dates of treatise on chapter one; Providing explain that this isms have enough ability to Influx in Policy by (1) the base of Predicates on chapter two and (2) the sample explanation of Islamic philosopher’s ideas about latter problems, but determinant in new world (3) the explanation of clear & distinct elements of govern based on this thoughts.

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Sadra Aldin Mohammad Alshirazi who is the great philosopher in Islamic world and the possessor of philosophical school that its name is transcendental wisdom (Hikmat Mutaaliah) and moreover he was busy to writing & teaching the philosophy, he had also accustom to the knowledge of holy Quran & anecdote and was write the very valuable books in explanation of verses of the Quran & the Imams (Peace be upon him) anecdotes. This article tacitly says the sadra’s expository situation and his view about Explanation and his method in Explanation, also trying to one hand saying his method in Explanation of Jumah Sorah and the other hand presented his school of explanation to Holy Quran same as the other explanation of quran by both of religious through about the detection & exposition & remove the equivocate & the explanatory of verses revelation by the derivation of his method in Explanation of Jumah Sorah for example the method of Explanation that explain the Holy Quran by its verses and the method of thematic Explanation and the method of narrative Explanation and predicate to descending tools and notice to disciples & Tabein’s anecdotes and practice to lexical debates & the science of reading.

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The man’s innate will and unremitting trying for finding a way to eternity and perpetuity have been logical reason for demonstrate man’s eternity in Islamic Philosopher and Theologian’s thought. The discordance of worldly life and the spoil of bodily skeleton are saying that the eternity isn’t impossible for mans in worldly life. Islamic philosophers have affirmed man’s eternity by two bases on at first the existent or being never impossible Non-being and the other is the soul abstraction. This treatise after explained that both bases have been consequence that the first base cannot emendate the means of man’s eternity and can affirm its non-spoil by the soul abstraction. Also the spoil of bodily skeleton has no influence on the spoil of man’s soul abstraction. Finally the various explanations of eternity were explaining by the soul abstraction and what is the relation between body & soul in future world.

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It seems that the designing process is a new and attractive subject in architectural studies. Many researchers have focused on this subject by using the concepts from diverse range of disciplines such as Phenomenology, Psychology, and Cybernetics, etc. The overall aim of this treatise is to attain a general view about the process of creation according to Islamic wisdom & philosophy.The selected debates is the common position of Islamic philosophy and wisdom arguments and in this papers the special object discussed from transcendental wisdom (Hikmat Motaaliah) viewpoint that accepted by the Shia religious of Islam faith while in necessary cases about special concepts.According to this classifying the process of artifice creation and its explanation is described in first & second chapter and about the origin or starting of it in third chapter.

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