According to the standing points & principles of Recognition in Islamic unitary thought, the most important angle from which every subject (such as: theory of Islamic Architecture & Urbanism) is to study, define & analisis, is the angle of reason and wisdom. Achieving the clear, truthful & real knowledge, the Moslem artist, architect and/or urban designer studies the “Malakoot-i Wojood” (the unseen reasonable truth of Being) and all the flowing subjects within it, including the intrinsic truth of the city, through the way of heart (or in other words, from the sight of Godly Reason & Wisdom). Being based upon such a vision, the “clearity”, “readability”, “stability” and “consistency” of theoretical & practical structure of every issue is driven from the inherent clearity, consistency and stability of the used essential wisdom. And, therefore, the “unclearness”, “obscurity”, “doubtfulness” and insecurity in every system (such as: the spatial structure of a city) is the direct result of “ignorance” (or, in other words, the absenteeism of logical thoughts). Being benefited by a reasonable & logical mind, architect & architecture (or urban designer & urbanism) is otomatically protected from any possible doubtfulness and uncertainty, and a kind of consistency, independency and truthful–secure stability is created in the structure of the builded city. The essence of reason (or wisdom) is “Uniqeness”, and the fruitage is unity & oneness, and therefor, there is no way of multiplicity, confliction & contradiction to it.