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Terrorism Analysis, geopolitical tools of spatial distribution of power Abstract In today's world, the war on terrorism and the geopolitical security discourse in the international system transformation. So-called terrorism, both in theory and in practice, a complicated term. Terrorism, Violence premeditated and political orientation of the groups in national influence and create fear among the nations. Now the source of insecurity and the threat of terrorism throughout the world, particularly in areas such as Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa and even Europe. In general, the scope and impact of terrorism, Spatial levels of national, regional and international sanctioned. Terrorism as a geopolitical issue Is that the relationship between government and competition with domestic opposition groups, the competition between countries At the regional level and in competition and conflict among world powers with each other, as a means of coping employed it is possible. It is noteworthy that the international community is very important in the fight against this phenomenon Security-threatening, causing changes in the geopolitical security regimes and practices. Today, terrorist groups have an important role and role in global, regional and intriguing rivals and rivals among rival players. In the In the present paper, the descriptive and analytical approach to the role, function and geopolitical dimensions of terrorism there. In fact, this article seeks to prove the hypothesis that, in today's world, terrorism is a geopolitical tool in the hands of powerful countries, to deal with their rivals have become. Key words: terrorism, international relations, geopolitics, security, Space

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As one of the most destructive earthquakes in the world and threatening the destruction of human life-the environment is. And damage caused by its dimensions (physical, social, etc. ) realize that modern urban living style and the most vulnerable in the world to be. But this natural phenomenon itself and the potential damage in any location cannot be. Preparation and careful planning, but also to determine the degree of damage control can determine the degree of reduction of the earthquake disaster is an undesirable outcome. The physical and social dimensions of the issue is about double the damage of the earthquake will be necessary. The study of the nature of "development-applied" research "descriptive-analytical" The city has investigated the matter. And the only means of determining damages arising from the information and quantitative methods-is significant, this study using 117 variables and uses techniques SMART-Entropy, PDF, KS and GIS, and Software Excel and SPSS software to zoning and earthquake damage assessment studies. The general index of the 117 in the urban area of Yazd region 2 SMART-Entropy, 578/0 of the region's most vulnerable city against earthquake risk is. And the risk model, the one with the PDF has the lowest rate of 39% in the three cities of Yazd and KS incidence rate due to having a concrete and metal building materials, by far the lowest mortality rate man in the city when the earthquake. concrete and metal building materials, by far the lowest mortality rate man in the city when the earthquake.

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Habibi Abdolla | Ghadami MohammadJahed | Hedayatnezhad Kashi Seyed Mostafa

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Built environment is a potential of social behavior and communications that its potentiality is affected by the qualities of built environment (urban spaces). According to Jan Gehl activities taking place in the environment are divided into three main categories include obligatory, voluntary and social ones. It should be noted that not just obligatory activities are affected by environment quality, but when an urban space includes a high range of quality, voluntary activities increase frequently and accordingly the number of social activities which leads to social communications extremely increases. Having some sorts of factors to evaluate the quality of urban design alternatives and compare the quality of urban spaces which emphasis of social aspect have always been one of the issues that have studied from different views and subsequently some factors have been introduced. These points of views are not comprehended by themselves and all of them studied the subject from their own angels. There is something in common with them, however, but assembling comprehensive factors to evaluate urban designing and urban spaces seem significant. In this study with a documentary research and other theoretical texts, factors and quality indexes about the city and favorable urban spaces have been adopted that eventually 5 main factors and 13 subsidiary factors have been presented, a favorable environment absolutely would be used by urban users if includes the following items: • Linking & Access as the main factor with 4 subsidiary factors of accessibility, legibility, Linking and surrounding • Image & Comfort as the main factor with 3 subsidiary factors of beauty and regularity, relaxation and identity

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daviran smaeil

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Local institutions or NGOs, because of the voluntary, independent, non-profit, and non-political nature of their activities, have a broad reach in attracting people's participation. The capacity building of community-based institutions is a systematic approach to establishing the right institutions. The purpose of this study is to measure the capacity of community-based institutionalization in informal settlements. This article has been written using descriptive-explanatory research methodology. Data collection method was library and field based on a questionnaire tool. Sample size According to the population of 90, 000 people, the informal settlements of Zanjan city are 600 cases which randomly include local capital variables, admission capacity and social-Geographical location was measured in informal settlements. The data were analyzed by SPSS software and then analyzed with the structural equation model (path analysis method) and how the variables affecting the local communities' capacity to communicate were analyzed. The results show that the establishment of local communities with local capital variables, acceptance capacity and geographical stimuli with a coefficient of influence greater than 0. 7 and t-value higher than the confidence level of 1. 96 have a significant relationship with the positive direction and the variables are also meaningful in each other. On the other hand, indicators for measuring the variables of local community capacity building capacity in an in-area scale are desirable and in an out-of-area scale that underscores the weakness of trust, the degree of influence, the level of participation of residents with urban management organizations. Key words: Local communities, capacity, route analysis, informal settlement, Zanjan

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Today, environmental quality of health has become one of the most important issues in rural settlements. In other words, in the development literature and its related approaches, the issue of environmental health and efforts to promote this indicator is of great importance at the level of rural communities. However, due to the relative importance of the concept of health and environmental quality in different spatial-temporal conditions, the researchers are faced with a lot of complications. But due to the relative importance of the concept of health and environmental quality in different spatial-temporal conditions, there are also significant challenges for researchers. For this reason, the analysis of the health of the quality of the environment requires the availability of specific indicators that are in full compliance with the facts and allow the full recognition of the characteristics of the studied population. This research, while identifying and introducing the environmental quality components, has been designed to provide a new methodological framework using experts' opinion polls. For this purpose, 153 indicators were identified including 21 ecological indicators, 21 economic indicators, 50 socio-cultural indicators and 61 physical-space indicators for assessing and assessing the environmental sustainability of rural areas. Therefore, a more realistic assessment of sustainability the health of the quality of the environment is provided in rural settlements. Environmental-ecological component with 7. 38 points, socio-cultural component with 5. 74 points and economic component with 5. 42 points in the next rank. Also, the results of the technique of the cumulative ratio estimation method (ARAS) indicate that the physical-space component with 0. 867 was ranked first, the environmental-ecological component with 0. 816 in the second rank, the economic component with 0. 580 in the third rank and sociocultural with 0. 460 in the fourth rank contract.

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The re-emergence of the issue of quality of life in recent years is due to the interest in human development, social development, sustainable development, the health community, and so on. In this regard, this research intends to plan using the special forecasting methods for settlements in Zanjan city based on a new perspective of planning. The method of research based on new methods of futures studies is explanatory. Factors were evaluated by 30 urban planners and experts, using environmental scans, analyzing interactive / structural effects And the MICMAC Futuristics Specialist Software has been used to analyze the effective factors of the future location of urban settlements. The results showed that the dispersion status of the variables affecting the future status of the quality of life in urban settlements is different. In the neighborhood of Islamabad, the state of the system is unstable and most of the variables are dispersed around the diameter of the plate and While in the Karmandn neighborhood distribution area, variables follow the form of a stable system and variables are partially in the form L distributed. Among the 34 surveyed agents, in Karmandan neighborhood 9 and in the neighborhood of Islamabad, 12 major factors were selected as the key factors affecting the future quality of life situation which all factors are repeated in both direct and indirect ways. The findings showed that in the Karmandan neighborhood, most social factors, such as the factors of participation, identity, local councils, good urban governance, have been raised While in the neighborhood of Islamabad economic factors (including land and housing prices, employment of residents) And physical (including construction based on the laws of the engineering system, per capita and user levels, supervision during construction, ownership (capture security), housing quality) As key factors affecting the quality of future life of these settlements.

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With the increase in population and the development of urbanization, humans have gradually shifted away from nature, and the excessive population density and interference in the natural environment and the creation of human environments have increased the human, environmental, physical and mental needs. On the other hand, the over-concentration of social, economic, and cultural activities in large cities has caused the population to flock to these cities, and as a result, the need for urban respiratory centers becomes more tangible. Therefore, the objectives of this research are analyzing the dismantling of urban green space (urban-regional parks) and providing an optimal model using multi-criteria decision-making rules (MCDM). The research method is applied, and in terms of its nature and method, is descriptive-analytic. The criteria are grouped into 9 components for the spatial layout of the urban-regional parks space. CRITIC techniques and paired comparisons are used to weigh the criteria used. Excel data analysis, GIS and SELVA IDRISI have been used to analyze the data and draw maps. In order to provide a suitable pattern for locating green spaces (Urban-urban parks) in Ardebil, VIKOR multi-criteria decision-making method was used. The results of the research showed that urban-regional parks in the east of area 1, southwest of area 3 and north of area 4 in terms of access to the park felt lack. Using the output map of the VIKOR model, suitable locations for the construction of new green spaces have been identified. Using the existing status map of the current green space and the output map resulting from the loading of the VIKOR method, an optimal model for the construction of the urban-regional park is proposed.

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Creating the Iranian-Islamic city is based on the principles. These principles are mainly considered in planning and designing Muslim’ s living environment and have been influenced on the human relationship with the environment and other fellowmen. In this regard, the city must follow the principles and rules that satisfy human needs. Iran’ s cities having affluent Islamic culture should be adapted to the Iranian-Islamic principles; in this way, paying attention to architectural and urban designing principles signifies and become imperative in designing the Iranian-Islamic city. In recent years, the development the Iranian-Islamic cities concept caused to provide a new literature in Iran’ s urban planning and designing. However, what is missed in this scope is the lack of quantitative indicators for evaluating the qualitative factors of the Iranian-Islamic city. In this respect, GIS because of having a high analytical ability in solving complex and geospatial problem can help to comprehend and develop this conception. So, a geospatial framework has been suggested in this research to modeling and quantitative assessment of urban pattern compatibility with qualitative indices and elements of the Iranian-Islamic city Using GIS. Investigated indicators in this research are spatial justice, social justice, paying attention to human scale and accessibility. The proposed framework was evaluated for four districts of Bojnord city. The obtained results approved the ability of the proposed model for suggesting measurable and manageable indicators and also distinguishing the limitations and capacities of each district in relevance to each presented indicator. This model is a step forward in order to better implementation of concept of the Iranian-Islamic city and can be used as an appropriate tool for decision makers, planners and designers.

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SARVAR RAHIM | Bargahi Reza

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Urbanization is a developing phenomenon and analyzing the appropriate location and the way of geographical distribution of urban green spaces has an effective role in development and future of city. Parks and urban green spaces are such applications which their division and distribution have great importance in the city. Green spaces as one of indexes of development of Societies have envirenmental, social, cultural, economic and physical dimensions, and for playing better the role and operation the Initial and the most important step is to consider the appropriate basis. The research is going to prove that meduim sized city Gorgan doesn't have optimal geographical distribution of urban green spaces; Therefore, by using appropriate patern it is going to distribute green space sufficiently, based on the concepts of sustainable development and social justice, calling for internal interaction of spatial organization on field of study with stressing on obtaining appropriate location to build green space indexes of neighborhood to cultural, commercial, residential, access points, and distance to industries, installation and existing green space are being used. Then, for every affecting factors on green spaces locating information layers in GIS being provided and for patterning, based on importance, each layer by using AHP in green space locating being weighted. Finally, obtaining results of composing layers based on AHP model is leading to classify the lands of the region to select the appropriete spaces in order to planning and building the green spaces.

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Nowadays one of the indicators of urban sustainability is reducing the use of fossil fuels and reducing air pollution, to increase public transport, improve the physical activity of residents and the health of citizens, and encourage more walkability. Therefore, the position of pedestrian has been on the agenda of urban planners and managers in the last few decades to increase the quality of urban space and to encourage the increase of walkability. Given that cities do not have a distinct physical fabric; it is obvious that different urban spaces do not have the same walkability. Therefore, identifying the physical characteristics of the human environment is very important in terms of more walkability. These environments in the city include residential areas. In this research, by selecting the town of Andisheh as the study area, first the indicators related to the walkability of residential areas have been identified and then each of them has been made as layers of the map and using the two-way comparison method (AHP). ), The weight of each has been determined. Furthermore, for zoning and ranking of the walkability of residential neighborhoods have been used the international indicators, including residential density, mixed land use, street status, attractiveness and beauty of the environment and safety and security. According to calculations using the AHP, it has been determined that the safety and residential density indicators are of the highest (0. 502) and lowest (0. 032), respectively. Pair comparisons between walkability indicators have shown that Phase 2 residential areas are more favorable than other neighborhoods in Andisheh. On the other hand, the output of the zoning of walkability in residential areas indicates that residential areas that have high walkability, have located adjacent to the central district of the town or next to commercial centers of some neighborhoods. According to the findings, neighborhood 29 of phase three of Andisheh with 86 points was the most walkable neighborhood.

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Place attachment is one of the parameters that has an important role on the quality of residential environment. So, attempt has been made to investigate the place attachment aimed at upgrading this parameter for the purpose of fostering the quality of neighborhoods. Therefore, assessment has been conducted about four dimensional model such as place belonging, place identity, place dependence and place rootedness in Historical textures of Gorgan city. Statistical population are residents of three neighborhood including Sarcheshmeh, Sabzeh Mashhsd and Darbeno 180 sample have been selected with Random sampling method. Based on the result, it is found out that place attachment in the Sabzeh Mashhsd neighborhood with the average value of 36/43 is the most, and two neighborhoods of Sarcheshmeh and Darbeno are placed the second and the third ranking. As well as, the study of relationship between four dimensions of place attachment with features such as length of residence, home ownership and the type of hosing (villa house-apartment) by using Scheffe, One-way analysis of variance and Independent T statistical test and relevant analyzing by applying Spss software show that there are positive and significant relationship between these dimensions with length of residence, home ownership and the type of hosing in the neighborhood under study. In conclusion, since the high level of place attachment of residents, is related to the social factors, the skeleton of texture and facilities undesirable, it is necessary to take into consideration strategies aimed at upgrading the physical features of this texture: The establishment of tourist attraction and service centers such as coffee shops, restaurant, museum and rest areas by renovating the direct buildings. The establishment of new applications by entering the new spirit into the historical texture, that are very essential. The use of religious centers in non-religious ceremonies for creating cultural activities in relation to holding educational classes. Urban furniture suitable with urban fabric for creating rest areas for pedestrians. The development of nighty commercial and cultural activities for more socialization in neighborhoods and more security are among these strategies

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in view of urban planning, urban alive entity, active and social needs of human beings born of the economy, population, culture, and. . . words have meaning, connection and communication are inseparable and quality of life, identified community health and development. Coinciding with the peak of the social capital debate among sociologists in the 90s, researchers are increasingly health and medical sociology and in relation social determinants of health Such as inequality, and public trust towards national unity and extensive studies have been conducted with a focus on public health. One of the most important needs that we are a lost era, is a health issue. The truth is that the contemporary urban life, along with their positive characteristics, full of factors that people's health at risk. Now, in connection with this important component of social capital, according to the expanded social and economic problems of urban communities, is one of the key issues in the field of medical sociology. according to the category of social capital is one of the influential component in this field that could improve the efficiency of social health, and also be a solution to the various social issues including poverty, crime, the economy and low-yield government. Hence, the authors, understanding the impact of social capital on public health and its components such as trust, cooperation, where it belongs, happiness, etc., to assess the quality of the metropolitan city of Qom as one of the important eight districts the world's most holy cities of Islam from the perspective of social capital's citizens.

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Analysis factors in the formation of effective branding of the city Case Study: Ahvaz Abstract Today, city branding as a valuable tool for cities to effectively manage internal and external opportunities and turn them into a competitive advantage. Branding for Ahvaz city has all the characteristics of religious, holy, heritage, architecture, economics, agriculture and many other areas, is neglected. Because it has a high potential for ubiquity in city branding and creating unique brand to benefit from the advantages of urban branding but it still does not have its proper place in this issue and the brand identity is lost to this city. This study aimed to analyze the factors affecting the formation of the image of Ahvaz city to create effective branding in this city. The research methodology is descriptive – analytic. Data and information were collected by library and survey methods. In a survey questionnaire has been used and the opinions of 40 experts and specialists in the field of urban planning and urban brand is used. For data analysis Neural network multiple perpestron and Discriminant analysis model has been used. The results showed that: the current symbol in Ahvaz based on cultural foundations formed. This shows the dominance of components of the language, customs and traditions of the region in introducing the city to its surrounding areas. Second, the economy tends to reveal the future of urban brand. So should the economic signs consider as the future brand of the city. It would also need to plan and support programs in this field.

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The development process of fundamental transformation cultural beliefs, social organizations, Political and economic to create and fit the new capacities and improving the quality and quantity of human capabilities and abilities, Educational, economic and expressed to achieve this state requires cultural change and worth more than all the communities. In other words, the national knowledge and wisdom, the main pillars of development and the time to achieve your goals That makes its way through human development. With respect to this research to evaluate the educational indicators in West Azerbaijan province, with the implementation of 42 indicators has been developed. Applied research and it is also descriptive. as well as to analyze information from VIKOR Is a multi-criteria decision-making methods and cluster analysis was used spss software environment. Based on the results VIKOR City of Urmia, Khoy and tinsel Respectively with a score of 0. 0342, 0. 2491 and 0. 4296 have been in the first place to third. The city Shahindej points (0. 9647) And Chalderan points (1) At the lowest rank are located. Also, according to the results of cluster analysis urmia and Khoy cities with the largest share In the first cluster And learning development. In the second group, Tinsel and city of Piran and the third group Bukan County, Maku, mentioned, Salmas, Mahabad, with and finally Counties takab, demands, round, Shahindezh, Chalderan, Chaypareh, Sardasht and Oshnavieh As the city was known for its collapse. So to reduce regional disparities and increase sustainable development in terms of education and out of the current state of all management aspects, social, cultural and infrastructural recommended

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Segregation of social groups leads to the increase of social and physical distance between diverse groups of people and results in social exclusion and other negative consequences. Increasing understanding of the relationship between the urban spatial structure and segregation patterns can help with the realization of plans and the success of the city management, so the objective of the present study is to analyze the segregation of different classes in the city of Qom and its relation with the urban spatial structure. Quantitative method and descriptive analytical approach have been applied. For this purpose, multigroup segregation of high, middle and low classes of the city was examined which indicated that there was a medium segregation in the city. Also, when examining the indicators of the deliberation of spatial structure including distribution, clustering and concentration, based on the population and activity statistic data of 1390 consisting 758 statistic districts in the city of Qom, it is revealed that Qom has a centered and clustered structure. To find out the relation between the amount of the segregation and the distribution of population and activity, Moran's bivariate correlation has been applied and the results suggest that there is a direct positive relation between the local segregation entropy of the low class in the city and the entropy of population and activity and the Moran’ s indicator was (36%), and there is a negative and reversal relation between the segregation of high and middle class and the distribution of population and activity and the Moran’ s indicators were respectively (-36%) and (-24%). Applying the spatial regression to find the class most effective in making the spatial structure of the city of Qom, it has been indicated that the high class of the city has been the most effective (R^2= 0. 27) following which came the low and middle classes.

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The style and approach of rural management and its role in accelerating the empowerment of most local stakeholders and integrated structural-functional interactions, is One of the effective factors in realizing the dimensions of sustainable development of rural settlements. But top-down management approach and a Expert-oriented management structure, Has been Causing of "unjenerative empowerment" of local stakeholders and low and uncoordinated structural and functional interactions in the rural management process. Inappropriate location of these components, Has caused many challenges in rural management and subsequently the dimensions of sustainable development in rural settlements of Semnan province. the goal of this research is Analysis of the relationship between method indicators and the sense of empowerment of local stakeholders and Also, indicators of integrated interactions of structural-functional on spatial changes of rural settlements from the point of view of villagers and local management. Method of this research is Descriptive-analytical and It has been done Using Kendall Tau-b and multivariate regression tests in SPSS software. The findings of this study revealed, Among the majority of indicators of the Effective component with spatial development of rural settlements in the study are, From villagers' point of view and local management, Not seen Significant relationship. In other words, Low pay attention to facilitators of "productive empowerment" of local stakeholders And also the Lack of integrated interaction of Functional-structure and Separation in the process of rural and regional management In terms of politics, structure, function, Sectional and Financial resources in the process of rural management, Has led to a decrease in the level of spatial development of rural settlements in the study area. So Modifying the current rural management approach and transition to community-based management and reforming local stakeholder empowerment methods And adopting a decentralized and multidimensional management approach and creating an integrated system of different levels of management in overarching and subordinate systems is From practical applications in this field.

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