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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study was conducted in sistan region from March till August 2010. In this study 60 fish cultured Schizothorax zarudnyi of pond zahak Reseaech center and 40 fish catching stations Chahnimeh Reservoir, back zahak Dam, Poozak Hamoon, saboory hamoon. Fish is after catching transported to zahak Research center Laboratory as alive, after Laboratory studing, recognized their parasites by creditable rcognition key. determine physical and chemical factor stations and pond such as, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, total dissolved solid. According to results 5 species and Genus of parasites recognized, including: two crustacae (Argulus. sp), (Learnaea. sp). and three protozoa (Ichthyophthirus multifilius), (Tricodina. sp), (Chilodonella.sp). Highest Percent abundant was in pond (90) percent and lake (47/5) percent relate to Lernea and highest mean intensity in pond (459) and lake (6) relate to Ichthyophthiriusmultifilius. this is the first report of the Argulus, Chilidonella parasites infecting in Schizothorax zarudnyi.

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Zinc heavy metal was added as a micronutrient to water in order to increase of phytoplankton production and fish growth. By respect to feeding of silver carp from phytoplankton, the aim of this study is histopatological investigation of silver carp liver tissue that exposed to Zn (NO3) 2 in farmed conditions. A totally of 135 fish with mean weight 50±10 gr were stocked in 12 aquariums (with 200 liter capacity) and divided into 3 treatments such as 0, 0.5 and 10 mg/lit of Zn (NO3) 2 concentration with 3 replicates in each trail including 15 fish in each aquarium. Sampling of livers was carried out at 12, 24, 48, and 72 and 96 hours after next to Zinc. After fixing of samples in Bruin's solution, they sectioned with 7 micrometer and stained with Haematoxilen and Eozin (H & E) method. Microscopically results showed cell atrophy and necrosis, hyperemia, fatty degeneration and bile stagnation disorders in 5 and 10 mg/lit treatments as comparison to control. Results showed that with increase of Zn (NO3) 2 concentrations and duration next to Zn up to 96 hours, histopathological damages of liver was increased, so that damages severity was more at concentration 10 mg/l in 72 and 96 hours than other times and treatments.

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Effect of dietary L-carnitine supplementation on growth parameters (weight gain, specific growth rate, final weight) and survival, resistance to environmental stress (salinity and temperature) were conducted in Asian sea bass fish (Lates calcarifer). Experiment based on completely randomized design with three replications of four dietary treatments were performed in 12 -300liter tank. Dietary treatments consisted of diets without L - carnitine (control) and treatments of 400 (treatment 1), 800 (treatment 2) and 1200 mg L-carnitine per kg diet (treatment 3). The fish were fed four times per day for 60 days. Results did not show any significant differences in growth parameters between different treatments and the control group (p>0.05). Resistance to environmental stresses was highest treatments fed diets containing 1200 mg L-carnitine (p<0.05). The present study showed that dietary L-carnitine relatively effective on the survival and growth of Asian sea bass but has a greater role in make resistance to environmental conditions.

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Heavy metals are persistent contaminants and pollution of the marine environment is considered one of the serious risks of pollutants. This study measured the concentrations of heavy metals, Lead, Nickel and Copper (Pb, Ni and Cu) in the soft tissue of Crassostrea gigas oyster at Shahid Rajaee Port. Therefore was conducted in the summer of 1392 the (Crassostrea gigas) oysters sampling at five stations in Shahid Rajaee Port. After removing the soft tissue samples from each station were based on standard methods of drying, weighing and chemical digestionand heavy metal concentrations were determined using atomic absorption. Average concentrations of Cu, Ni and Pb were obtained, respectively, 556, 2.97, 2.04 micrograms per gram dry weight. Various activities will increase the likelihood of contamination in the port and high concentrations of these metals can be therefore compared with other results and Standards.

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Growth loss, immune system suppression and sometimes high mortality are side effects of many parasitic diseases that cause a lot of damages to fish farmers. In high condensation of warm water cultivated fish, Monogenea and digenea trematodes can be regarded as a serious threat. The aim of this study was to investigate the infestation of cultivated cyprinidae fish with monogenea and digenea trematodes in different seasons in Kerman province.This survey was done on four species of warm water fish (common carp, silver carp, grass carp and bighead carp) with the mean weight (Standard deviation) 435±46 gram and age 11 weeks in fish cultivation farms of Kerman province in four seasons in 2009. After harvesting and anesthetizing, a wet slide was prepared from skin, gills and fish lenses and it was studied by a light microscope. For data analysis, the epidemiologic index of ratio of alea and chi-square test with stata 10 statistical software and 0.05 significant levels was used.Of a total of 910 harvested fish, 361 fish (39.7%; confidence interval 95%: 36.5- 42.8%) were infested with dactylogyrus, gyrodactylus and diplostomummetacercariae. The highest rate of infestation was observed with dactylogyrus, diplostomummetacercariaeand gyrodactylus, respectively (52.4%, 38.5% and 9.1%). The highest rate of infestation with dactylogyrus and gyrodactylus was seen in grass carps (26.76% and 7.75%, respectively), but the highest rate of infestation with diplostomum Metacercariae was observed in silver carps (21.10%).The comparison of different seasons showed the highest and lowest rate of infestation were in fall and spring (52.8% and 13.74%), respectively. The high level of infestation in fallandwinteris due toimmigrationof kingfisherbirdsto theregion in these seasons. In comparison with spring, the proportion of infestation in other seasons was achieved statistically significant. Note that, no infestation was seen with diplostomummetacercariae in spring.

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This study was investigated in northwestern water resources of Hormozgan province, Madanueyeh, Tezerj, Barghani and Baraftab, Haji abad city during a year (December 2010-November 2011). Four stations determined along 15 km and Samples were provided from bentic organisms and monthly to determine some physical and chemical water factors such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, electrical conductivity. Benthic samples were collected from bottem of spring in different parts via washing of collected stones and passing them on colander (63mm). The results showed that are significant differences between studied stations in terms of calculated concentrations for most parameters and also between Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity and sulfate was significant cor./relation with how macrobenthos distribution. The resultsshow thatdrawing diagramsVylkuks water stations in the study areaofagriculturewithlow salinity, high Alkalinity. Drinkingis. In study of bentic organisms fauna, 17 groups were identified that more had belonged Also, Individuals of two orders of Gastropoda and Diptera there were studies withmore than40 to50percent in most stations. According to annual average of obtained shannon index in each studied station and comparison with standards can say that all of stations are not impure and are in good class.

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The study parasitic infection on some hematological parameters of Sander lucioperca in the Caspian Sea, The catching of 32 Sander lucioperca caught in the Bandar Anzali coast during fishing season of 2008-2009 (6 month), and this fish transferred lively to aquaculture research center of inner waters. After biometry and age determination of fish, blood-taking has been done. Blood was taken using a syringe from peduncle vein and poured into vials containing Heparin. Hematological parameters in blood samples were measured following laboratory standards methods. Then caught fish were studied internal and external parasitic. Parasites have been separated and determined by the means of valid recognition keys. Results showed that, five species of parasites were identified in this fish which include Diplastomum spathaceum, Dactylogyrus sp., Trichodina sp., Achtheres percarumand Eustrongylides excisus. Results obtained indicate that percentage of lymphocyte and neutrophil in parasitized fish (Diplastomum spathaceum, Eustrongylides excisus) was significantly higher (P<0.05, Man Whitney) than that in non-parasitized fish.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of salinity on growth indices and survival rate of Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). This research was done in the laboratory of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resourcesuniversity during 28 days.140 Grass carp fry at beginning of the first feeding (mean weight and length 1.59±0.32, 4.72±0.38, respectively) were investigated in 4 salinity treatments (salinity 0, 2, 4 and 6 ppt) and 3 replicates. Culture temperature was 27±1oC. The highest survival rate was obtained in salinity 0, 4 ppt and the lowest survival rate was observed in salinity 6 ppt. Weight gain percent was remarkably higher in salinity 0 ppt than other treatments (p<0.05). SGR was maximum and minimum in salinity 0 and 2 ppt, respectively. Just salinity 4 ppt had significant higher measurement of condition factor while other treatments didn’t have any significant differences. Overall, this research recommends that Grass carp fry culture well in water with salinity lower than 4 ppt.

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