The aim of this study was to assess protein, lipid, carbohydrate, fiber, ash, and moisture in Otolithes ruber, Scomberomorus guttatus and Scomberomorus commerson from Persian Gulf, 2011. Nine samples of fishes were prepared from any fish market in January of Ahvaz. The total length of the fish Otolithes ruber, Scomberomorus guttatus and Scomberomorus commerson, were 35.17±0.50, 49.33±0.57 and 53.38±4.5 cm respectively. Data were analyzed with SPSS17 software in terms of t-test. which determine exist or non-exist of the significant difference in level 95 precent (P=0.05). The highest of lipid and ash was 3.4±0.1 and 1.63±0.01 % in muscle of Scomberomorus commerson and the highest of protein and moisture 19.9±0.2 and 78.2±0.1 % in muscle of Scomberomorus guttatus and Otolithes ruber. Fiber and carbohydrate were not detected in samples. In this study between of lipid and ash in muscle of three species fish Scomberomorus commerson, Otolithes ruber and Scomberomorus guttatus significance different (P<0.05), but protein and moisture no significance different (P≥0.05).