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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In order to identify the species of green algae Dunaliella, the sampling from coastal waters in Qeshm Island was carried out and algal samples were grown in Johnson medium under sterile conditions. Algal samples were purified via cultivation as single colony on the solid medium containing agar and then single colonies transferred to liquid medium. To identify the genus and species of Dunaliella, taking some morphological characteristics, including the presence or absence of cell wall, flagella, eye spot and shape and cell size, and algae were identified by identification keys of genus and species. For study of the algae response to salinity, algal samples exposed to different concentrations NaCl, and the amount of glycerol produced and the growth rate of the cells was measured. Finally in this study, four species of Dunaliella maritima, D. Minutisima, D. quartolecta and D. Viridis based on morphological characteristics (above mented) and also physiological characteristics, such as glycerol production under salinity (1 to 4 M salt), the optimal growth on the 1 or 2 molar NaCl, the color changes of algae from green to orange-red or did not change color of algae at high salt concentrations (4 mM NaCl), were identified.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study established for evaluation of heavy metals accumulation rate in oysters (Pinctada radiata, Saccostrea cucullata) in north coastal area of Persian Gulf .The samples collected seasonally in 1389 from different area of north coastal of Persian gulf (including Bandar Abbas,BandarLengeh,Qushm)to determination of heavy metals concentration. The concentrations of Hg were determined by Mercury Analyzer and Cd, Pb, Ni, V, Cr, Cu, Zn were quantified by AAS. The average concentration of heavy metals were 7.2 mg kg-1 (Cd), 9.6 mg kg-1 (Pb), 0.6 mg kg-1 (Hg), 26.8 mg kg-1 (Cu), 8.8 mg kg-1 (Cr), 292 mg kg-1 (Zn), 20.8 mg kg-1 (Mn) and 32.8 mg kg-1 (Ni) in Saccostrea cucullata andforPinctada radiata were 2.2 mg kg-1 (Cd),4.1 mg kg-1 (Pb), 0.3 mg kg-1 (Hg), 11.1 mg kg-1 (Cu), 9.6 mg kg-1 (Cr), 103.1 mg kg-1 (Zn), 18.8 mg kg-1 (Mn), 22.4mg kg-1 (Ni). The highest concentrations were measurement in Bandar Abbas. The relationships between metal concentration and season in each species showed very similar annual profiles with a peak observed around springsummer. Statistical analysis indicated that different species showed different bioaccumulation of metals depending on study site and season.

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Artemia wide range accounted for in some cases as far as live food have a uniqu evalue. In this study, Artemia franciscana hatching in vitro in five treatments (A, B, C, D and E), each with three replicates density of 500 per ml in small bowls 4 liter Chlorella algae for 3 weeks was fedduring the period All Environmental conditions such as temperature, salinity, and PH in order for all treatments were similar. Based on the findings made in determining the length of treatment B with a density of 16 million, the survival plots C with a density of 12 million, and the weighted treatment B with a density of 16 million, better condition more than others, there is a significant difference with other treatments showed significantly (P<0.05). The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between different concentrations of Chlorella algae to feed the artemia naplus and comparing these concentrations to assess growth and survival naplius.

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This study was carried out in order to determine the hatching rate fluctuations of Anostraca (Phallocryptus spinosa) cysts of Khasellou pools around Azarshahr under laboratory conditions.The culture medium was considered as decholorinated tap water and examined salinity and temperature treatments were 18, 23, 28 g/l, EPA solution and 15, 20, 25oC, respectively, that were near to observed ranges in natural habitat. Also, 24 hour light regime and 2000 lux were provided to obtain maximum hatching rate during the experiment. The results revealed that hatching percentage was increased by reduction of temperature and salinity on the culture medium from 25 to 15o C, and from 28 to 18 g/l, respectively. Maximum hatching rate was observed at 15oC and 18 g/l on the 5 th day as 5.33%. The results showed that the hatching process was occurred continuously on multiple times, so that less than 10% hatching was observed in each phase during the hatching period. Therefore decrease in water temperature and salinity could influence on hatching rate. Hatching percentage of P.spinosa cysts was more successful when sampled together with dry sediments of their habitat without separation of sensitive cysts that could be related to the creation of different grades of diapauses on their cysts. This viability can guarantee the permanent survival of these fairy shrimps in temporary stressful vernal pools.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Otolith one of the most important tools to study fish populations is considered in the analysis of the most widely used form is the separation of marine reserves. Buccaneer anchovy (Encrasicholina punctifer) is one of the most important water surface species in the coastal province of the East (Jask) to West (Gorzeh) are fishing. In order to analyze these three major regions of the Otolith fishing (Qeshm, Gorzeh and Jask) 360 samples were collected from December 2010 to January 2011. After the sample length (total, standard and fork), height and weight were recorded for each species, along with gender and weighted, so then by sagital otolith from each fish, cleaned and kept in plastic tubes. Lack of significant differences between left and right Otolith parameters (P>0.05) in this analysis were used to conduct research Otolith left. With this otolith some parameters such as length, width, area and the area by using Image motic plus 2 Software was measured. Otolith length and width of the rectangle that surrounds the length and width. The measured parameters and with the help of mathematical equations to figure Otolith indicators like indicators round, oval, circular, and ... Were calculated. In this study the normality of the test data analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare the indicators in the three regions and ANOSIM of the test to check the store separation and grouping of similar stations were used, sho the amount R=0.99 and the significant level 0.1 % and this indicates the similarity of the sampales was studied at the three stations. Test results showed that fish populations in the three areas listed above Buccaneer anchovy, with no significant difference can be considered as a unit stock.

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It’s so difficult to control the fish diseases, because they’re being bred in systems which depend on environmental conditions . A disease can occur when the disease making factors pass the primary barriers. There are 3 main ways for the transmission of putrefaction through skin. gill and digestive vessels. In this survey, we studied the effects of Sodium Chloride and Methylene blue on bacterial flora of the skin, gill and rearing water of 360 Iranian sturgeon fingerlings (Acipenser persicus) with the average weight of 1.74±0.45 in Dr.dadman International Sturgeon Research. The experiment was done with 6 treatment and 3 repetition for each substance. During the experiment the temperature of water was 23.78±0.2 c, soluble oxygen 7.08±0.27 mg/lit and the pH of water was 7.6±0.32. The obtained results from water bacteria counting show that after 96 hours sodium chloride doesn’t have any influence on bacterial flora of water and after 96 hours in treatment 6.3 g/l in skin tissue was less than control and other treatments. The obtained results from water bacteria counting exposed to Methylene blue in treatment 3.83mg/l is less than control and other treatments and also in treatment 1.56 mg/l Methylene blue in skin and in treatment 1 mg/l is less than other treatments.

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This experiment was conducted to determine growth model of Litopenaeus vannamei effect of important physical and chemical parameters of water on the growth of this type of shrimp in three ponds with 1 ha. Area and 32 post larva density in a square in cultural site of Gomishan in summer of 2010.Biological and non-biological parameters such as weight, water temperature, water pH, transparency, depth and water salinity were studied. Biological independent variables showed different correlation in multi regression (Backward) method, between non-biological independent variables and specific growth ratio dependent variables. Accordingly; increase temperature, decrease salinity and constancy water pH of Litopenaeus vannamei growth affected most. The growth model can be used to predict productivity, and hence, profitability, of new aquaculture locations or new production strategies. .The mean survival percentage, harvest rate, final weight, FCR and SGR in three Litopenaeus vannamei ponds were %83±3.61, 3827.33±38.55 (kg), 14.26±0.23 (gr), 1.3±0.011 and 0.0147±0.01 respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Diet Composition and Feeding habits of Sillago sihama, were studied in the northern Persian Gulf restricted to coastal waters of Bandar Abbas within 14 months period, from July 2007 up to Agust 2008. Biometrical and anatomical measurements were carried out, and biological surveys were conducted on 572 specimens (238 Male and 306 Female). These samples were collected from coastal waters of Bandar abbas by pool and line and Moshta. The measurements of the minimum and maximum total lengths and weights were 10.6 to 45.5 cm and 8.58 to 196.27 g, respectively. The calculated level of (R2) (correlations of total length & weight), indicated correlations between length and weight of this fish, and b was 2.75 that shows the growth is isometric. The results indicated that this species, having the Relative Length of Gut, RLG=0.47±0.15, is carnivorous. Examining the changes in the index of stomach emptiness by the percentage of CV=59.88% indicates that this fish is Moderate feeder. Proven by the fact that benthose was taken as principle food, Crustsacean, Shrimps, and fish as secondary food and other kinds of food as random. Among the food items, benthose, crustaceans, razor clam, crab, shrimp, fish, poly cheat, oligocheat, clams, shells, detritus, hermit crab, cray fish, were 59.15, 12.82, 6.22, 5.99, 5.91, 3.09, 2.55, 2.05, 0.83, 0.56, 0.46, 0.20 and 0.16 respectivly. The level of feeding increased in February, before spawning and decreased in May, simultaneously with the spawning season.

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