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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study have been conducted in the southern Caspian Sea (Mazandaran waters) from 2009-2012. The purpose of this study was compared to distribution, abundance, catch condition, catch per unite effort (CPUE) and caviar ratio in fishing cooperative societies (Pare) and landing. Sampling was monthly and specimens were collected by two methods including commercial beach seine (by Pare) and monofilament gill net (legal catch by landing). The results showed that a total of 42 individuals of A.guldenstaedtii caught 29 of them have had caviar. Sex ratio of male to female was 1:3.2 (male: female). Overall, mean fork length (±standard deviation), body weight, weight of meat and fish weight comprise to 132.1±11.3cm, 20.0±5.1kg, 14.9±3.7kg and 3.6±1.1 kg respectively were found. There is a significant difference between the amount of caviar in landing and beach seine (p<0.05). The meat and fish caviar in Babolsar was mor Noshahr landings than the areas in which can be concerned number of landing, geographic conditions and fishing efforts. The highest and lowest caviar and meat was obtained in Larim and Nursar landings, respectively. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) of Russian sturgeon by the landing from 2009 to 2012 has decreased to 97%., to preserve its generation project in the Caspian Sea should be banned trade catch but catches of spawners that will be applied to artificial propagations. In addition, because of anadromous species protect and restore these important river fisheries should be considered by the relevant authorities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The research in the spring of 1392 in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research was carried out for 15 days. In this case the density of the white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in the 300 larvae Plper 15 litres of water was considered. Physical and chemical factors of water temperature, salinity, oxygen and pH were measured and recorded daily. 10% of the tank water was replaced daily. Aerated with a core aerator during the day was done. Western white leg shrimp larvae was 4 times daily feeding who concentrate twice a day and twice was used for enrichment of Artemia. The five treatments were used in this experiment. Order: 1 – control treatment (without zeolite) 2-1 g of zeolite L 3-2 grams of zeolite L 4-3 grams of zeolite L and 5- 4 g of zeolite per litre will be three replications for each treatment considered. The results of the statistical analysis of the data showed that with increasing zeolite treatments, growth parameters such as mean weight gain and relative growth rate and survival rate, show a significant difference (P <0.05).

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The effect of Sodium Alginate coating enriched with entromorpha algae extract as a natural antioxidant on shelf life of common crap fillet (Cyprinus carpio) from Caspian sea (in 2013) were examined on chilled environment (4 ±1 °c). Carp fillet contains Treatments Sodium alginate (3%) and Sodium Alginate with 1.5 percent Entromorpha algae extract and control (without any additives). Treatments were investigated at regular intervals (4 days) and 16 days for chemical tests (Peroxides, free fatty acids ,Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile nitrogenous bases, PH s) microbiological tests (number of total and psychrophilic bacteria). According to results, Peroxides, free fatty acids, Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile nitrogenous bases, color and odor on Sodium Alginate treatment with 1.5 percent of Entromorpha algae extract had less change in comparison to other treatments (P< 0.05). Texture and taste on Entromorpha algae extract had better value. The results indicated that Sodium Alginate cover with Entromorpha algae extract is effective on decay rate of toxic chemicals and the sensory status improvement of common carp fillets during storage in cold conditions (4 ±1° C).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study was done in Hormoz Larvea Shrimp Breeding in 2013 for two month. Treatments include: Control T. without probiotic with water exchange, T1. probiotic added to water with water exchange, T2. enriched artemia with probiotic with water exchange, T3. probiotic added in water without water exchange and T4. enriched artemia without water exchange. For each treatment, three replication was considered and totally 1500 PL of indicus shrimp (F.indicus) was used. PL was feded to 8 days in 6 time include 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 o’clock which in 8 and 20 nauplii artemia was used. Results shows that maximum final weight and length inT2 but no significant different were between treatment (P>0.05). Also maximum growth rate was in T2 and had significant different between treatments (P<0.05). Maximum size different was found in control T but no significant different was between treatments (P>0.05). Maximum survival rate related to T2 and T4 and had significant different between treatments (P<0.05). Use of probiotic EM induce growth rate, survival rate and reduce size different between Indian shrimp (F.indicus) post larvae.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study was done (in summer 2010 to summer 2011) to investigate the diversity, richness, dominance of Xanthoid crabs in intertidal rocky 2010 Shores of Hormoz Island. Samples of crabs were collected from intertidal zones during the low-tide at 3 stations) environmental parameters determinated such as salinity, PH, Solvable O2, temprature and bed gradint and using Correlation’s test of spirman indicated significant differences (p <0.05) with their relation in the xanthoid crab abundance. Also PAST tool using for Computation ecological indices (Margalef, Shannon - Wiener and Simpson). Cluster analysis of the stations led to the recognition of three abundance clusters with the highest Semblance being in spring and autumn. Correlation between ecological indices (Margalef, Shannon - Wiener and Simpson) and the environmental parameters showed significant correlation between salinity and Simpson index. margalef index has studied in three station and season that showed mohitzist statian and winter had higher Species Richness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study was carried out to compare the effects of diets containing Artemia urmiana and Phallocryptus spinosa supplements and commercial feed on growth and survival of goldfish fingerlings during 90 days. The culture medium were contained glass aquaria in controlled condition and suitable for goldfish growth with 12 L: 12 D photoperiod and water temperature of 28 ± 1 oC. 3 test groups were included: treatment 1 fed with concentrate diet, treatment 2 fed with concentrate and frizzed (Phallocryptus spinosa) with tha same concentrations and treatment 3 fed with concentrate and frizzed (Artemia urmiana partenogenetica) with the same concentrations. Each treatment contains 3 replications and each replication consisted of 30 goldfish. The results revealed that the most growth rate (GR), specific growth rate and condition factor (CF) were 0.11±0.006, 0.34 ± 0.015 and 3.96 ± 0.10, respectively which due to treatment 3 and the most weight gain and length gain including 8.57 ± 1.18 and 31.54 ± 3.33, respectively due to treatment 2 .During rearing period, there was not any significant difference among treatments (p>0.05). The analysis of obtained data showed that there was a significant difference between diets containing live food and concentrate diet (p< 0.05).Therefore, the use of supplementary frozen live diet increased growth of goldfish. So, it is recommended for those involved in this industry.

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This study was done for the effects of sediments type on Indomysis nybini survival in Indian White Shrimp brood stock ponds of Kollahi port in Hormozgan province. Sampling place was Tiyab area of Kollahi port of Hormuzgan Province Sediments experiment was done with 4 treatments, without sediment, ponds sediments, peat and sea sediments. Every treatment had three replicates. Stocking density was 20 mysids per liter. This experiment was conducted for 7 dayes. To measure organic matter, amount of ponds sediments, peat and sea sediments were sent to Soil Mechanics Laboratory. Results showed that ponds sediments had 9.31%, peat had 1.55% and sea sediments had 0.78% of organic matter. Experiment results showed that the survival rate was upper than 90% in all of treatments. However there was significant difference in mean of survival. The minimum mean survival (91.04±7.4) was observed in without sediment treatment and the maximum mean survival (99.58±1.8) was observed in ponds sediments treatment. Indomysis nybini able to use of bed sediments, organic matter and soluble compounds in sea water in without food condition.

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The aim of this study was to investigate some physico-chemical characteristics of fish ponds with total production value of different warm water fish ponds at Gonbade Kavous city in east of Golestan province.Ten fish ponds with different densities and production value selected and some water characteristics during season period were measured. According to statistical analyses ponds with similar production value were classified at 3 groups of low (627.5-727.5 g), moderate (852.5-917.5 g) and high (1050-1125.5 g) level. Although, water characteristics means and 3 different groups of production level were analysis during culture period. According to the results water physico-chemical characteristics such as DO, P2O5, NH4, NO2, Hardness, Alkalinity, Transparency and pH had significance differences with production values (P<0.01). Also characteristics such as Salinity, NH3 and NO3 had no significance differences with production values (P>0.05). So that, ponds with high production levels were higher value of DO and P2O5 and characteristics such as NO2, pH, NH4 and Transparency were lower value at high level production value ponds. Water parameters such as DO, NH3 and Transparency had a significant correlation relative with production index. Density index had significant correlation relative with DO and NH4 water parameters. Finally, according to results of this study, total production quantity of warm water fishes ponds affected by some water quality characteristics and farm management.

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