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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Sport facilities are of the most important urban places in increasing mental and physical health of residents for whom the site selection is one of the significant tasks of managers, authorities, and urban planners. Considering the problems of large cities with dense texture such as Isfahan, multiplicity of factors affecting the site selection for sport places necessitate the application of modern methods, and neglecting such issue has resulted in wasting extensive investments in many cases. The purpose of the present study was to determine spatial status of the present sport facilities in two districts, 5th and 6th, in Isfahan city (Iran) and to evaluate the relevant managers’ performance. Consequently, the results determined the existing needs and deficiencies in the districts. GIS technology was used in this research. At first, the spatial data were provided using the digital and linear maps, then the descriptive data were gathered from the documents, and a database was formed by integrating them with the statistics and field observations. To perform the spatial analysis, factors such as compatibility, safety, population, accessibility, and fair distribution were used and each of the sport facilities was scored based on each factor using an innovative method for each sport facilities. After summing up the scores, it was determined that the existing sport facilities were in very unsuitable, unsuitable, moderate, suitable, and very suitable status by %7, % 52.26, % 29.63, % 9.88, and %1.23, respectively. Finally, the needs of districts and their deficiencies were specified in terms of sport facilities based on the obtained maps and results.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Housing is a basic human need. Due to its distinctions from other human needs, it has a special standpoint in economy, politics, culture and society as any changes in any of the above sections may considerably affect this section. This fundamental and primary need (housing) has many diversities and varieties in City of Yazd. This diversity has been caused by the city's economic, social, living, occupational, religious, artistic, geogrophical, historical, cultural and community factors. Sometimes, living places have been manifested as a house in its general concept. Thus, residence, employment, leisure and top kinship ties have been emerged in family collections as small communities called houses. However, housing has the special meaning of residential place in today's life. The present work folowed such an investigation and attempted to highlight substantial differences of housing from houses. This research was a historical and descriptive survey. Also, several groups of some models were examined and the results indicated that today's housing was the result of gradual reduction in the identity and operation of traditional houses. This kind of housing as a borrowed and single functional model for residence or a hostel has been developed without finding any replacements for the physical elements in traditional houses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban spaces in the past were formed in an integrated and unrecorded manner of unity between architects and other related artificers. In those works, patterns of ornaments and decorations were used as quality-making and identifying elements, in addition to their climatical and structural functions. This shows special attention to the elements that affect the quality of urban spaces. Nowadays it seems that attention to quality and design features of urban spaces and architecture of urban facades have decreased. Also, the works of urban architecture and their decorations in the historical contexts have quick process of destruction. For these reasons, architecture of urban spaces has been exposed to serious threats. Recognition of concepts, qualities, motifs and cases of urban architectural decorations through theoretical discussion and analysis of field samples and finally, pathology and explanation of the necessities for the conservation of these works, are the basic objectives and main results of this paper.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Land and the way it is used has always been the main issue of urban planning and in fact, it determines the final fate of urban development plan and how to intervene and supervise the use of land. In addition, it has always been one of the social, economic and physical problems in the context of contemporary urbanization. In this study, land application status in Sadabad city was investigated. To reach such goal, first the current status of applications was evaluated and then a plan for future was made. The method applied in this article is descriptive-analytical and the main framework of the study is library method and additional data were gathered through field study. For qualitative analysis of land use the SWOT method was used and GIS and AUTO CAD software were applied for drawing maps. Results determined that in most applications, a deficiency exists and some applications have favorable situations which points to an imbalance in the user status and should be directed toward equilibrium via careful planning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The issue of satisfaction is considered as one of the most important subjects in the field of urban research in different countries. The importance of this issue is due to the increasing volume of satisfaction-related studies in public policy agendas and its role as an efficient tool in urban management and planning. This paper aims to evaluate factors affecting the degree of satisfaction of students applying for a certificate from driving schools in Shiraz metropolis. Research method in the current study is descriptive and analytical in which the majority of the data were gathered based on field study using sampling technique. The population of this study includes all students applying for a certificate from driving schools in Shiraz metropolis. By using a sampling formula, the sample size calculated in this study was 265 people. Results show that students put a lot of time and effort in training related issues which was not useful based on majority of them. Also, they mentioned that, the dedicated time for these activities (6 hours), with consideration of the volume of the “regulations and guidance driving” book, does not meet their needs. Moreover, due to the private ownership of these schools, facilities available are designed to make a profit rather than focus on enhancing the quality of training and therefore driving abilities. Evidence shows a lack of satisfaction with the performance of driving schools in Shiraz metropolis. Therefore, there is no significant relationship between individual variables such as age, gender, education and marital status with the level of satisfaction with the performance of driving schools (for all individual variables, the Sig. (2-tailed) level was greater than 0.05). Only for the variable of job, the Sig. (2-tailed) level (0.015) is less than 0.05; thus, the satisfaction was observed and there is a significant relationship.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1511

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Cities, with whatever function they have, cannot be away from commercial and trade activities. Because, human’s social life and needs call for these activities. Local bazaars and daily bazaars are salient samples of these commercial activities which have existed since a long time ago. In fact, daily bazaars concentrate the commercial activities and this concentration leads to consumer’s simple accessibility and time saving. One of the urban services is establishing daily bazaars to provide citizens’ daily needs sufficiently; based on the municipalities’ law, urban management is responsible for preparing this service. Tabriz city, as one of the metropolitans of Iran, has only five daily bazaars. Regarding the fact that none of these bazaars are located in regions 3and4, suitable localizing and establishing daily bazaars would improve citizens’ welfare. So, preparing convenient accessibility to daily bazaars for citizens of urban regions 3 and 4 of Tabriz city and providing their requirements in the local scale is the main aim of this study. The sum of the population of regions 3and 4 is 639106. Taking the population threshold equal to 40000, the number of needed bazaars in existent condition is 16. For localizing bazaars, all unused land lots were determined using Arc View software (104 lots). Then, these lots were compared and analyzed with respect to land area, slope, land form, accessibility, population density, parking potential, compatibility and land cost, using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Choice software.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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As the main area for both living and activities of people, urban spaces are facing various physical, managerial, social and cultural issues and the like which arise from the negligence of the basic needs of the diverse classes of the community in planning and designing such spaces. Lack of sufficient attention to the fundamental features of an ideal urban space including security and welfare, liveliness and the like by the urban planners and failing to consider the people's opinions and needs in designing and developing urban environments have driven us to the point where we witness improper and vulnerable spaces which are followed by dissatisfaction of the users. The principal objective of the current research, upon examining the urban spaces as well as the issues and obstacles surrounding them and analyzing an ideal urban space, is to introduce and implement an appropriate and feasible approach through which the existing and the potential problems concerning urban spaces could be analyzed and identified and in order to prevent the occurrence of the potential problems in the future before they are experienced by the citizens, some corrective measures and constructive proposals are to be provided. The FMEA technique is of the noticeable approaches in the field of industry, the base of which is achieving an ideal quality. This approach lays the stress on identifying the errors and preventing the likely problems and also finding the most cost-effective solutions and constructive proposals regarding both applying and implementing this approach in the field of urban planning via combining and adjusting it with magnificent concepts in the urban planning science, it could bring along new solutions for urban issues and prevent their occurrence in the urban spaces. By implementing the FMEA technique in Daneshjoo Park of Tehran intending to identify and remove its problem, upon combining and adjusting this method with the urban concepts, it was proven that these findings could be utilized in the field of urban planning, investigating, preventing and solving the problems of urban spaces.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2013

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