Existence of accurate systems, comprehensive and credible of performance management, as one of the indicators of development organizations and communities, needs to provide infrastructure and special requirements that especially in the public system, creating, maintaining and expanding of that requires planning, determination and support. Considering the importance of attitude changes in public sector programs and necessary revisions in the administrative processes of this section, there are the limitations for implementing a comprehensive system of assessment. The purpose of this study provides a combined approach of FANP, VIKOR and balanced scored card to assess performance in the public sector. This study was conducted in cooperative Department of Yazd Province that covers 10 branches. Accordingly, the evaluation indicators based on balanced scored card model in four aspects; financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth were extracted and then were weighted by using technique FANP. Then weights allocated to each index, was merged into the data of each branch and VIKOR technique was used to ranking of cooperative department branches of Yazd Province. Based on the results of FANP, the financial perspective with weighing 0.312 as the perspective important, and based on results VIKOR technique, Branch J, have the best performance among the branches.