One of the important movements in contemporary poetry is the symbolic poetry. Most of critics and theoreticians believe that an element in the tendency of the contemporary symbolic poetry is the change in political and social atmosphere of the society and the intense dictatorship and political suffocation. According to this idea, beside the element of familiarity of the poets with the school of symbolism, the change in their view to the world of being, society and the world around and also, the element of artistic ambiguity and the depth of the poetry can be added. In fact, one of the aims of symbol in poems of poets such as Nima, Akhavan, Shamlou is the creation of an ambiguous context, a deep poem, inspiring the reader and his participation in the process of meaning making, movement of poetry from single-meaning to poly meaningfulness and making the reader to read the poem and think about its meaning.Thus, some common symbols such as birds, forest, poplar trees, lamps, window, etc. which are the important elements in symbolic poetry of above mentioned poets are studied and interpreted.