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Although according to Durkheim, a certain rate of social deviances in any society is normal, and in spite of the fact that social harms and abnormal behavior may have psychological and biological origin, or they may result from personality disorders or personal characteristics, yet social deviance as an abnormal behavior is a completely social phenomenon and several factors can affect its formation. Social deviance in the present day society of Iran is a structural issue and a consequence of social disorder. Therefore, it will increase in the future. With regard to the statistics on the growth of social damages in Iran and the important role and position of women and the crimes (deviances) related to women, This research aims to find out the social factors affecting the intensity of the women's crimes in Uromiah Prison. The research type is survey. The research population includes all the 108 women prisoners in the women's section of Uromiah Prison. Because of the limited number of the population, sampling was not carried out. The research device is a researcher-made questionnaire, the validity of which was determined by face value and factor analysis, and the reliability was measured by Cronbach, s Alpha. Data analysis was carried out using Spss software. The results indicated that there is a signifant relationship between the rate of anomy, religious beliefs, association loith unfit peers and family problems, and crime intensity among the women. The result of multiple regression showed that among the above-mentioned factors, association with unfit peers and religious beliefs remained within the regression model and in sum made up 26% of the women's crime intensity variance.

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Violence among adolescents is one of the major problems in societies which is increasing nowadays. Adolescent violence as a social issue, like other social issues, is affected by different factors. The aim of this research is to investigate the social factors affecting violence among high school students by using theories of social psychology and sociology in particular. The research is a survey and the research tool is a questionnaire which was distributed among 375 boy and girl students of Ajabshir high schools, who were chosen through systematic and clustering sampling technique. The findings showed that lack of affection toward parents, lack of parent supervision over children's behavior, parents, ill-treatment with children, parents, conflict with each other, peer felons, lack of commitment to ethics, punishment at school, and parents, strictness have a direct and significant relationship with adolescent violence. The multiple regression analysis indicated that the variables of parents, ill-treatment, lack of affection toward parents, parents, supervision, socio-economic status, team work, peer felons, and commitment to ethics have a major share in determining the rate of students, violence. The obtained rate was 51%.

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The present research studies the individual and social factors affecting the educational motivation among high school students. The aim of the research is to identify the individual and social factors that affect educational motivation. The research method is survey, and the data collection device is a questionnaire. Sampling is based on stratified-simple random sampling. The sample size is 496 high school students.After testing the research hypotheses, the following results were obtained: There is a significant relation between social facilities, mental factors, group factors, educational level, management-educational factors, age, and educational motivation. In addition, the study revealed that the students, educational motivation is different according to their educational stage, gender, and educational courses.

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The main aim of the present study is to examine the global, national, ethnic and religions identity dimensions of high-school students and their related factors, so the main question is ''which of the identities (Global, national, ethnic, or religions) does the student initially introduce himself with and feel committed to? And what factors are related to that identity?" The independent research variables are: relations network range, level of awareness, self-concept, reference group, team work, satisfaction with life, feeling of discrimination and injustice, the students, economic-social status and gender. The relationship of these factors with the identity dimensions or the dominant identity as the dependent variable has been measured.The research is a survey, and the statistical population includes all the high-school grade two boy and girl students of Tabriz. The sample size, 385, was obtained using Cochran's formula and stratified sampling technique. The research device was a researcher-made questionnaire, the validity of which was measured by face validity and structural validity, and the reliability was confirmed by cronbach, s Alpha.The data were analyzed using Spss software, version 17, and one-way ANOVA test, LSD test, X2 test.In order to determine the intensity of the relation between the variables, Cramer's V test and Q coefficient test were used.The results indicate that the dominant identity among the students is the religious identity, and the national, global and ethnic identities fall behind, respectively.Among the variables under study relations network range, reference group, team work, satisfaction with life, feeling of discrimination and gender showed a significant relationship with the dependent variable. However, the two other variables (economical-social status and self-concept didn' t show any relationship with identity dimensions.The theoretical findings of the present study confirm the view concerning the interaction at the level of intellect and the views of sociologists such as at a medium level.

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The purpose of the present research is to investigate and identify the effect of demographic, economic, social, and cultural factors in describing family violence.In other words, in this research an attempt is made to answer the question "Why is violent behavior seen in some families?"Therefore, the research hypotheses have been based on three theoretical perspectives of social psychology; i.e., the Psychoanalytic approach, the behavioristic approach, and cognitive approach as well as the previous studies in order to describe family violence. The data needed for testing the hypotheses were collected through a questionnaire and probability proportionate to size sampling (PPS) from a sample of 384 persons in Tabriz. The exploratory factor analysis was used to categorize the factors related to family violence, and cronbachs Alpha was used to measure the reliability of the items. In order to test the hypotheses, Pearson's correlation coefficient, T-test, and one-way variance analysis were used.Finally, to show the social factors affecting family violence, multiple regerssion was used.The results obtained from the research indicate that family violence has a significant relation with the family type, marriage type, socio-economic status, job status, level of education, age, and religious beliefs.

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The aim of this research is to make a comparative investigation on the relationship between social capital and job satisfaction and operational commitment of employed and hired teachers.Social capital, and job satisfaction and organizational commitment are of great importance in development and social welfare. The study is of survey type and the research instrument is a questionnaire. The statistical population consists of 250 employed and hired teachers of Maragheh during the academic during the academic year 1388-89 by simple and stratified random sampling. The independent variable of the research is social capital and its dimensions, and the dependent variables are job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The obtained results show a significant difference between the mentioned variables.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate job satisfaction among the educational preceptors and assistants of Gilan Province and the social factors influencing it. Also, this study is going to analyze the related factors in job satisfaction and decrease dissatisfaction of the training educators and assistants of the province. Regarding the purposes and requirements of the project, a documentary method was used to compile the theoretical bases and frames, and a survey method was applied to collect the data. By using random stratified sampling method and kockran's formula, 78 preceptors and assistants of Gilan Province were selected. A researcher made questionnaire including 40 Yes/No closed-answer questions with Likert spectrum was designed in the areas of age, gender, alienation from work, salary and benefits, control on the job, work condition, job experience, distributional justice, and educational degree. The questionnaires were completed self-deformedly, and the data were analyzed using SPSS program in both descriptive way (using distributional abundance, abundance percentage, and abundance gathering diagram) and inferential way (using Yuman Vitney's two-sentenced test, and Pearson's correlation).Results: The major findings of the research show that there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and salary and benefits, alienation from work, distributional justice, and educational work condition. In the mentioned cases, the highest rate of job satisfaction was related to educational work condition, and the lowest rate was related to alienation from work. It should be mentioned that gender, educational degree, control on the job, and work experience have little influence on the rate of job satisfaction.Conclusion: Educational preceptors and assistants were satisfied with their salary and benefits, and they wanted the distributional justice to be executed and asked for a situation in which they can have creativity and innovation and their job expectations can be fulfilled. Of course, paying attention to their requirements and to the physical work condition can be influential on their job satisfaction.

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One of the general guidelines in reducing the rate of unemployment is creating jobs, involving people in economic activities, and expanding cooperatives. Activating the cooperative sector, especially cooperatives which are in volved in production and self-employment, by relying on the academic capability of university graduates and considering the collectivist spirit of Iranians will pave the way for further presence in the global markets and opening the economic borders.Therefore, of the three sectors–cooperative, public, and private–the cooperative companies can provide better conditions for employing and involving university graduates.The purpose of this research is to investigate the tendency rate of the students of Public University and Islamic Azad Univery of Tabriz toward cooperatives and the factors affecting their tendency. For this purpose, after familiarity with cooperatives and the related theories (ideas of such thinkers as Robert Owen, Louiy Blone, Charles Fourier, etc.), we carried out a survey and collected the data by using a questionnaire distributed among a sample of 754 university students who were chosen by systematic stratified-random sampling. The result of the research indicate that the independent variables-social participation, social trust, social solidarity, satisfying needs, and individual characteristics (excluding age and income) -have a significant relationship whit the dependent variab – the students, tendency towards membership in job-creating cooperatives. In addition, it was revealed that there is a significant difference between the two groups (students of Islamic Azad University and students of public university) regarding their tendency towards membership in job-creating cooperatives (99%). The tendency is higher among Azad University students than public university students.

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