In Sadrian philosophy, the intellect, religion, and intuition have come together in a rational way in order to pave the way for the acquisition of knowledge and attaining the truth. Being inspired by Shaykh Baha’i and Mir Damad, Mulla Sadra presented a new manifestation of Islamic philosophy through relying on insight alongside tradition and benefitting from intellection alongside devotion and intuition. With the rise of the Transcendent Philosophy, many religious principles and profound philosophical ideas of the People of the Prophet's Household have been clarified and perceived after centuries of philosophical debates. In fact, several religious, gnostic, and philosophical views and principles have completely reconciled with each other in this school.In the Safawid era, which is the period of interaction of philosophy and religion and adoption of a religious nature by all teachings in the world of Islam, gnosis greatly influenced the mind of philosophers, theologians, and jurisprudents. As a result, the theoretical and practical Islamic teachings (Peripatetic philosophy and Illuminationist philosophy, kalam, gnosis, and jurisprudence) came together and created a kind of rational thinking which mixed with religious and dhawqi (related to intellectual intuition) thinking.The Islamic teachings and beliefs and the ideas of the philosophers of the Safawid era have now affected all the common artistic modes and forms and, as a result, truth, wisdom, and unity have appeared in Islamic art. Presently, the liveliness and energy of Islamic art is rooted in the inner presence of Muslim artists in the sacred realm of religion and holy and prophetic innermost.