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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    9 (146)
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Background & Aims: Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases that can disrupt the quality of life of patients with its vascular problems and physical and psychological complications. The chronic complications of this disease, including diabetic foot ulcers, add to the importance of self-care treatment in this disease, which has a profound effect on the quality of life of patients. For this reason, the participation of patients in the treatment process is essential. One of the most important treatments for these patients is the use of participatory care model. The present study was conducted as a clinical test with the aim of determining the effect of implementing a participatory care model on quality of life in patients with diabetic foot ulcers hospitalized to Taleghani Hospital of Urmia. Materials & Methods: In this random clinical study, 60 eligible patients were randomly selected from available population and assigned to intervention and control groups. During the first session, for both groups, the standard questionnaires of quality of life of patients suffering from diabetic foot ulcer as well as demographic questionnaires were completed. The program for implementing the participatory care model was held face to face and pamphlet for the intervention group (including steps: motivation, preparation, engagement, evaluation) for seven sessions each for an hour. Three months after the completion of the partnership program, both groups completed the questionnaire again. Results: Based on the findings, the mean scores of quality of life and its dimensions (except for the economic component) between both intervention and control groups after the implementation of participatory care model were different (p <0. 001). Also, the mean scores of quality of life and its dimensions (except for the components of daily activity, life satisfaction, and economic situation) within the intervention group after implementing the participatory care model increased significantly related to that before the intervention (p <0. 001). Conclusion: The implementation of participatory care model is effective in improving the quality of life of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. Therefore, it is recommended that nurses, encourage the patients in self-care along with assessing their needs and abilities, to prevent the occurrence and progression of diabetes complications and reduce treatment costs.

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    9 (146)
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Background & Aims: According to the nature of the disease and long-term complications, diabetes is classified as a chronic disorder that has no definitive treatment but can be controlled. To control diabetes, patients should follow the recommendations of the doctor. So, role of social support in adherence to drug treatment in these patients is very important. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the role of social support and its components in adherence to treatment in type 2 diabetic patients in Khorramabad in 2020. Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 392 men and women with type 2 diabetes referred to comprehensive health centers in Khorramabad between May and August 2020 were examined. Wax and Reader’, s social support questionnaire was used. Data were analyzed using SPSS software using descriptive (frequency, percentage and mean) and inferential (Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis) analyses. Results: The results showed that the dimensions of family and friends, as well as the total score of social support, have a positive and significant relationship with adherence to drug treatment. Also, in all dimensions of social support, it can explain about 13% (12. 9) of the changes in adherence to drug treatment. Conclusion: The support of family and friends can be an important and effective factor in maintaining and promoting health, and these people are valuable resources along with health personnel and the health and treatment team to promote self-care behaviors in these patients.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    9 (146)
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Background & Aims: Performance appraisal is a periodic and formal evaluation of employees' job performance that results in employee productivity in specified annual periods. The aim of this study was to explain the challenges of assessing the performance of nursing staff from the perspective of nursing managers in hospitals affiliated to Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. Materials & Methods: This study is a qualitative study of content analysis. In this study, using purposeful sampling method, researchers interviewed with hospital nurses (metrons), managers, and heads of hospitals affiliated to Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. Data analysis was performed using a data analysis framework consisting of five familiarization stages with MAXQDA10 software. Results: In this study, four basic concepts (Structural-Motivational-Educational-Nature of Evaluation Process) and twelve sub-concepts were identified from the perspective of nursing managers. Conclusion: The motivation has been reduced in staff. Therefore, effort and attention by university performance appraisers is needed to improve the motivational process in implementing staff appraisal guidelines

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    9 (146)
  • Pages: 

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Background & Aims: A nursing error means failure and error in carrying out care standards, which occurs as a result of an organizational error or manpower error. The present study was conducted to investigate the causes of nursing errors and effective factors in non-reporting of errors from the perspective of nurses. Materials & Methods: This descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study was conducted among the nurses working in hospitals affiliated to Maragheh University of medical sciences in 2021. The sampling method of the present study was convenience sampling. The data collection tool was the Researchermade questionnaire. Data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 25). Results: 86. 7% of participants were female and 13. 3% were male. The important reasons for occurring and non-reporting of nursing errors were "Overcrowded work shift and lack of time and opportunity" with an average of 4. 5±, 0. 7 and "fear of informing department authorities and being reprimanded by them" with an average of 4±, 0. 7. Conclusion: The most important reason for the error incident among nurses was heavy workload and doing works beyond their power and it is possible to significantly reduce this workload by increasing and managing the manpower. The most important reason for non-reporting is fear of informing department authorities and being reprimanded by them,to solve this problem, the hospital managers and administrators can provide conditions for nurses so that they can trust in case of an error incident and report their errors to prevent further problems.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    9 (146)
  • Pages: 

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Background & Aims: Accepting the paternal role is one of the most complex psychological processes that requires numerous personal and family changes. However, there is no comprehensive definition for this challenging transition period, and family background has the greatest impact on accepting paternal identity and playing the role of father. Over the years, researchers have focused more on mothers and examining the various aspects of motherhood and how it is played. They are neglected and there are not many tools to measure paternal fetal attachment. One of the tools available is a modified version of Cranley and Weaver paternal fetal attachment, but the Persian version is not valid and reliable in information sources. Therefore, this study was conducted to translate and standardize the Persian version of the Cranley and Weaver paternal fetal attachment questionnaire in Urmia. Materials & Methods: The original version of the measure of paternal fetal attachment in a crosssectional study was translated in three stages. A final version in Persian was provided. Experts' opinions and the Kappa agreement coefficient were used to examine the face and content validity. To determine the reliability of the Persian version, by random sampling, 100fathers were selected and a test-retest was administered. Finally, the data were analyzed using SPSS 16 software, Cronbach's alpha, intracluster correlation coefficient, and multi factors analysis. Results: The internal consistency of the five domains of the questionnaire obtained using Cronbach's alpha was between 0. 768 and 0. 874. The reliability values were within the cluster correlationindex between 0. 623 and 0. 777. The correlation between the five domains was favorable on the basis of Spearman correlation coefficient. Conclusion: The Persian version of the measure of process of Cranley and Weaver paternal fetal attachment with 24 items and in five different areas has a good validity and reliability as a tool for evaluating the paternal attachment in all health care centers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    9 (146)
  • Pages: 

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Background & Aims: Colonoscopy is performed in order to examine the gastrointestinal tract. It can be used to evaluate the patients who suffer from certain medical conditions including chronic diarrhea of unknown etiology, occult bleeding, and anemia. The first essential step in performing an effective colonoscopy is adequate bowel preparation. Materials & Methods: The present study was a descriptive cross-sectional study that involved 180 patients who underwent colonoscopy and were referred to the colonoscopy unit of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Urmia. It was conducted in a three-month period of time. The samples of the study were selected randomly. The demographic information questionnaire and the Boston preparation scale were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed using SPSS 16 software. Results: The quality of the patients’,bowel preparation was assessed based on the Boston bowel preparation scale. The obtained results showed that 26. 1% of the subjects had inadequate bowel preparation. Moreover, based on the results of the study, the lowest frequency of referral to hospital for colonoscopy was related to the weight loss. On the other hand, the highest frequency of these referrals was related to positive occult blood test. Furthermore, the analysis of the results showed that the mean bowel preparation score in all of the samples was 6. 4 with a standard deviation of 2. 61. Finally, the left colon had the highest mean preparation score (2. 33) and the right colon had the lowest mean preparation score (1. 86). Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, it can be concluded that bowel preparation is affected by various factors that influence the quality and the results of colonoscopy, cause misdiagnosis, and increase the treatment costs for the patients and health system. Therefore, considering the importance of the issue, educating patients, and using up-to-date knowledge about the patients’,bowel preparation can play an important role in the provision of solutions to these problems.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    9 (146)
  • Pages: 

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Background & Aims: Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases asssociated with psychological problems, especially anger. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of anger management training on happiness, quality of life, and blood sugar in diabetic patients in Kermanshah. Materials & Methods: The design of the present study is quasi-experimental and of the pretest-posttest type with a control group. The statistical population of the study involved all the diabetic patients in Kermanshah in 2019, among which 40 people were selected by Cluster sampling method and placed in two experimental and control groups, each involving 20 participants. The research instruments included Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQL-26), Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (1990), and fasting blood sugar test. Taking medications prescribed was not eliminated or reduced in patients at all. Anger management training was performed on the experimental group over 10 sessions. The control group did not receive any training, but the tests were performed as pre-test and post-test on both groups. The results were analyzed using SPSS software, and after confirming the normality of the data, the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) test was used to check the mean difference between the groups. Results: The results showed that anger management training in diabetic patients can increase happiness and improve quality of life and also reduce and control the blood sugar levels, which was statistically meaningful between between pre-test and post-test in the experimental group. Conclusion: Anger management trainings can increase happiness and quality of life and control blood sugar in diabetics. Therefore it is suggested that be used in diabetes treatment centers along with medication to enhance and ameliorate treatment outcomes.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    9 (146)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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Background & Aims: The coronavirus pandemic has forced many countries to take specific plans to reduce or control the transmission of the disease, which has led to negative psychological consequences, including an increase in domestic violence. The purpose of this study is to provide insights into how the problem of domestic violence in the corona pandemic is placed on the policy agenda. Materials & Methods: The present study is a perspective one in which based on Kingdon's agenda setting model, the process of domestic violence agenda setting identified in the Corona period and three streams of problem, policy (problem solution) and political (political will) explained. Results: In the context of the problem stream following the spread of coronavirus, the trend towards domestic violence due to social constraints, staying at home, poverty, increasing economic problems and increasing substance abuse has increased significantly and is now emerging on a global scale. Accordingly, domestic violence is a problem of global public health priority due to its prevalence and physical, psychological and mortality complications. Regarding the policy stram, the most important analyzes and possible solutions to this problem can be done in the form of setting up guidelines and support systems, active incentives and messaging, using community participation, defining and redefining safe havens, and preparing a single protocol. Also, due to the fact that domestic violence is a social problem with medical, psychological, and legal dimensions, it is necessary for trustees to 1-use more sensitive screening methods to counseling centers, health centers, comprehensive training and sensitization-based health care providers, counselors, and the first line of the health care system, 2-create more response lines and contact numbers to provide support to these women, 3-evaluate and visit helplines, counselors, welfare shelters and day care staff to help victims of violence, and 4-consuder that using the social media should increase the risk of domestic violence during Covid disease while raising awareness. In the field of political stream, it is necessary for the government to pay attention to the problem of domestic violence and, with a correct understanding of the problem and its negative consequences, have the will to solve it. Therefore, at the government level, the new president must put the problem of domestic violence on the agenda with a serious determination. Conclusion: When the three currents of problem, problem-solving, and political will coexist, the policy window for addressing domestic violence in the Corona will open, and this problem will be on the agenda of policymakers. With regard to domestic violence following Covid 19, despite the existence of two streams of problem and solution to the problem, the stream of political will does not seem to be well formed.

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