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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

رضائیان محسن

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نزدیک به دو سال است که از عالم گیری کووید-19 سپری شده است. تقریبا دو سال پیش در همین ایام، در سخن سردبیری که به رشته تحریر در آورده بودم، از همه ی خوانندگان و نویسندگان فرهیخته مجله دانشگاه درخواست کردم که مقالات علمی خودشان در زمینه این بیماری را برای بررسی و چاپ، به مجله دانشگاه ارسال نمایند [1]. در طی دو سال گذشته، دانشمندان بسیاری در سر تا سر جهان پیرامون جنبه های مختلف بیماری، مطالعات گوناگونی را به رشته تحریر در آورده و در مجلات معتبر علمی جهان به چاپ رسانده اند. تنها در مجله دانشگاه، 13 مقاله مرتبط به چاپ رسیده است [14-2]. این مقالات، نه تنها دانش ما را پیرامون این بیماری به شیوه چشم گیری افزایش داده اند، بلکه موازین پیشگیری از این بیماری را نیز به شکل غیر قابل باوری، ارتقاء بخشیده اند. هم چنین، دانشمندان سخت کوش در اقصی نقاط دنیا، واکسن های نسبتا کارآیی را برای مقابله با این بیماری تولید نموده اند. هر چند که دولت ها و نظام های سیاسی در توزیع عادلانه این واکسن ها به ویژه برای فقیرترین مردم جهان، موفق نبوده اند. با این وجود کاربرد این واکسن ها، احتمال مقابله موثر با عالم گیری کووید-19 را، روز به روز افزایش داده است. از طرف دیگر، ظهور گونه های جدید بیماری، آهنگ مقابله با آن را نیز به شدت تحت تاثیر خود قرار داده است. با ظهور گونه جدید بیماری در آفریقای جنوبی با نام امیکرون (Omicron) به نظر می رسد که تمام معادلات پیشگیری از این بیماری، دستخوش تغییر و تحول شده است. پرفسور کریستوفر موری (Christopher Murray) در مقاله اخیر خود که در مجله معتبر لانست (Lancet) به چاپ رسیده است، نکات جدید و با ارزشی را درباره بیماری و گونه جدید آن، بیان کرده است [15]. موری با استفاده از داده های تخمین زده شده توسط انستیتو ارزش یابی و اندازه گیری های سلامت(Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) اعلام نموده است که در هفدهم ژانویه سال 2022 میلادی، برابر با 27 دیماه سال 1400 هجری شمسی، 125 میلیون مورد عفونت جدید در دنیا رخ داده است. این تعداد، ده برابر بیش تر از قله دلتا، در ماه آوریل سال 2021 میلادی است. وی هم چنین اعلام می دارد که امیکرون، تمام کشورهای دنیا را یکی پس از دیگری آلوده می نماید و احتمالا آخرین کشورهایی که پیک بیماری را تجربه خواهند کرد، کشورهای چین و نیوزیلند می باشند که استراتژی کووید-19 صفر (Zero Covid-19 strategy) را دنبال می نمایند. پرفسور موری هم چنین برآورد می نماید که از انتهای نوامبر سال 2021 میلادی تا پایان ماه مارس سال 2022 میلادی، بیش تر از پنجاه درصد جمعیت جهان به امیکرون آلوده می شوند. وی معتقد است که موارد بدون علامت بیماری (Asymptomatic) در گونه های قبلی بیماری تا چهل درصد و احتمالا برای گونه امیکرون، بین هشتاد تا نود درصد می باشد. اگر چه به نظر می رسد که شدت بیماری امیکرون از گونه های قبلی کم تر است، اما به جهت انتقال بسیار گسترده بیماری، موری بیان می دارد که در اغلب کشورهای جهان، پذیرش بیماران کرونایی در بخش های بیمارستان، دو برابر و یا بیش تر از پذیرش بیماران در گونه های قبلی خواهد بود [15]. براین اساس، وی بیان می دارد که تا پایان مارس سال 2022 میلادی، بخش زیادی از مردم جهان با گونه امیکرون آلوده خواهند شد. هم زمان، پوشش واکسیناسیون در دنیا افزایش خواهد یافت. بنابراین، تعداد کسانی که نسبت به بیماری حساس باشند، به شدت روبه کاهش خواهد گذاشت. از این رو، وی معتقد است که گونه های بعدی بیماری در صورت رخداد، صدمات کم تری را نسبت به گونه های قبلی، از خود به جای گذاشته و بیماری کووید-19 بعد از موج امیکرون، احتمالا شبیه به بیماری آنفلوآنزا خواهد شد. بنابراین، دولت ها دیگر مقررات بسیار سخت گیرانه پیشگیری از بیماری را اعمال نخواهند کرد [15]. صرف نظر از این که چقدر ادعاهای پروفسور موری در ماه های آینده تحقق خواهد یافت، راقم این سطور کاملا مطمین است که دانشمندان سخت کوش در تمام نقاط جهان، هم چنان به مطالعات علمی خود پیرامون بیماری ادامه خواهند داد. بدون شک نتایج این مطالعات ارزشمند، تصویر واضح تری از نحوه پیدایش، گسترش، مقابله و انشاالله پایان عالم گیری کرونا را در اختیار جامعه بشری قرار خواهد داد.

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Background and Objectives: Studies have verified that family functioning has a negative relationship with smartphone addiction in adolescents. However, not much is known about the mediating mechanism underlying this relationship during the Coronaviruses Outbreak. Hence, the aim of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of self-esteem and loneliness in the relationship between family functioning and smartphone addiction. Materials and Methods: The research design was descriptive. From the statistical population of male high school students at district 14 of Tehran in academic year of 2019-2020, a total of 281 students were selected using convenience sampling method. Data were collected using Family Assessment Device, UCLA Loneliness Scale-Version 3, Cell-phone Over-use Scale, and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. To analyze the data Pearson’, s correlation test and structural equation modeling were conducted. Results: The results showed that direct effect of family functioning (β, =0. 11, p<0. 001), self-esteem (β, =0. 27, p<0. 001), and loneliness (β, =0. 23, p<0. 001) on the smartphone addiction were significant. Also, the results showed that the mediating role of self-esteem (β, =-0. 11, p<0. 01) and loneliness (β, = 0. 04, p<0. 05) in the relationship between family functioning and smartphone addiction was significant. Conclusion: This study revealed that the adolescents who live in better family atmosphere have higher self-esteem and experience less loneliness, and are less likely to develop smartphone addiction. Overall, these findings have some important implications for the prevention and intervention of the adolescent Internet addiction.

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Background and Objectives: Advanced Sequencing batch reactors (SBR) are one of the most suitable modified activated sludge systems. Due to low cost, optimal efficiency, and easy operation, they are recognized as an effective biological treatment system. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the SBR biological process in the removal of organic matter and nutrients from Yazd city wastewater. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study examines the trend of organic matter and nutrients changes in the biological process of advanced SBR. In this study, the samples were taken from the input and output of the SBR process four times a month for 9 months in 2019. A total of 72 samples were taken. Then COD (chemical oxygen demand) and BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand) and nutrients (phosphate ( )), total phosphorus, ammonium ( ), nitrate ( ), and nitrite ( ) were measured. Finally, the results were analyzed by one-sample t-test at a significance level of 0. 05. Results: The concentration of COD and BOD5 in the effluent was 42 and 14 mg/L, respectively. The concentration of total phosphorus, phosphate, ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite in the effluent was also shown to be 2. 9, 2. 4, 6. 3, 9. 01, and 0. 92 mg/L, respectively. Conclusion: The results showed that the active sludge system in the Yazd wastewater treatment plant has a good and acceptable situation. This has caused a significant reduction in organic matter and nutrients. These results are in accordance with the standards of the Iranian Environment Organization in the reuse of wastewater.

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Background and Objectives: Adolescence is a critical period for the onset of addiction and psychological disorders. This study aimed to determine the path analysis model of tendency to addiction based on a sense of coherence with the mediation of emotion regulation difficulties in adolescents. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, the statistical population consisted of all male secondary school students studying in public schools in Ardabil city in the academic year of 2019-2020. From this community, a sample of 200 people was randomly selected by multistage random sampling method and answered the questionnaires of tendency to use drugs, emotion regulation difficulties, and a sense of coherence. The obtained data were analyzed using Pearson’, s correlation test and path analysis modeling. Results: The results showed that the tendency to addiction was negatively correlated with the total score of sense of cohesion (r=-0. 42, p<0. 001), components of perceptibility (r=-0. 41, p<0. 001), controllability (r=-0. 18, p<0. 05), and significance (r=-0. 38, p<0. 001), and positively correlated with the total score of difficulty in emotion regulation (r=0. 62, p<0. 001). Also difficulty in regulating emotion was negatively related to the total score of sense of cohesion (r=-0. 28, p<0. 001), perceptual components (r=-0. 26, p<0. 001), and significance (r=-0. 35, p<0. 001). Model fit indices also confirmed the effect of sense of cohesion on the tendency to addiction with mediation of difficulty in emotion regulation. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, in terms of application, it is recommended to hold educational workshops in the field of addiction and its side effects by teaching emotion management to adolescent students by school counselors and mental health planners.

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Background and Objectives: The effectiveness of the integration strategy in medical courses and academic performance is one of the most important issues. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the perspective of medical students to the program of integrating specific pathology and pharmacology courses and their academic performance in Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was performed in 2021. According to the census, all medical students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2017 (69 people) were studied in the physiopathology course. The data gathering tool was a five-point Likert scale. To measure performance, the GPA of physiopathology, and pathology, and pharmacology were examined. The analysis was performed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), independent t-test, and Pearson’, s and Spearman’, s correlation coefficient, and multiple linear regression. Results: The highest score was related to satisfaction (3. 72±, 0. 65). Teaching specific pathology (3. 75±, 1. 11) and pharmacology (3. 91±, 1. 09) by integration method had the highest scores. Repetition (2. 20±, 0. 99), contrast of courses (2. 88±, 0. 99), and overall evaluation (3. 49±, 0. 78) had the average scores in the integration method. Predictor variables in predicting physiopathology GPA were specific pathology GPA (B=0. 825) and pharmacology (B=0. 152), respectively, and Pathology and Pharmacology GPA predicted 79. 7% GPA of physiopathology course (p<0. 001). Conclusion: According to the average score of the students' views and their satisfaction with the presentation of specific pathology and pharmacology courses in the integration program and optimal performance, it is better to improve education and prevent inconsistency of the courses offered, efforts be made by course planners for better execution.

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Background and Objectives: Clinical education in therapeutic settings is presented in different forms, one of which is journal club meetings. The aim of this study was to investigate the satisfaction of medical students in the clinical department of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences from the educational activity of the Club Journal. Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2021. 157 medical students of three internships participated in the study by census. Data were collected using a researcher made questionnaire and were analyzed using independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance. Results: The mean score of students' satisfaction with the Journal Club sessions was relatively good in both male and female groups, as well as by type of ward and grade, but none of them had a significant relationship with satisfaction (p>0. 05). Satisfaction with regular meetings was significantly higher than irregular meetings (p<0. 001), and satisfaction in absentee meetings was more than face-to-face meetings (p=0. 027). The results also showed that there was a relative satisfaction with the way the sessions are held, but there was no satisfaction with the level of participation of students, especially trainees. Conclusion: Students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences were relatively satisfied with the meetings of the Journal Club. The highest level of satisfaction was related to the place, time, number of participants, order of meetings, level of articles, and the highest level of satisfaction was related to the level of students' participation in the topics, especially during the internship. It is suggested that special sessions be held for interns and trainees and the scientific level of the content be selected in accordance with each level with the participation of students.

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Toxoplasmosis is one of the significant zoonoses, and about one-third of the world population possess antiToxoplasma gondii antibody titers. From veterinary and public health perspective, the disease causes abortion in small ruminants and pregnant women, as well as brain complications in immunocompromised subjects. Although, a century has passed since the discovery of this interesting opportunistic protozoa, its pathogenic mechanisms and genotypes are still being explored. Current review deals with this opportunistic infection at a glance. There exists special interest in Toxoplasma infection researches in last two decades, with especial emphasis on the seroepidemiology in at-risk populations, genotyping in various samples, anti-Toxoplasma drug discovery, as well as vaccination approaches against toxoplasmosis. Current review highlights different aspects of Toxoplasma infection and implies the potential gaps and research fields for further exploration.

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Background and Objectives: The presence of impacted teeth is a common phenomenon and is considerably prevalent in different societies. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and position of impacted third molars in Rafsanjan, Iran in 20192020. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional retrospective study, 1200 panoramic radiographs were examined. The tooth position and angle of impaction was recorded and determined by two specialists. Independent t-test and chi-square test were used for statistical analysis. Results: C vertical position with 1382 teeth (63. 33%) and horizontal class II position in the mandible with 767 teeth (59. 54%) were the most common. A statistically significant relationship was observed between the position of the mandibular third molars and the presence of lesion (p=0. 001). Conclusion: This study showed a relatively high frequency of impacted teeth in patients in Rafsanjan city. Therefore, given the occurrence of common complications such as caries and periodontal diseases caused by impacted teeth, accurate screening, timely diagnosis, and proper treatment are recommended.

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COVID-19 first broke out on December 17, 2019 in Wuhan, China, and on March 11, 2020, was declared a worldwide epidemic, according to the World Health Organization. No specific date can be set for the post-corona era. To this end, it is necessary for people to trust their governments in the scientific results obtained in relation to effective vaccines. Given the many consequences of getting the COVID-19 vaccine in physical, social, economic, cultural, and psychological dimensions, it is necessary to take measures to make the public more aware of the benefits of the vaccine. Also, by holding workshops to introduce the benefits of vaccination for groups that oppose the vaccination process, a step can be taken to increase public awareness of the importance of vaccination. In order to investigate the role of the vaccine injection process in promoting mental health, it is suggested that some studies be conducted in this field in Iran.

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